3 subtitle
= "Make life very difficult for lilypond"
4 copyright
= "public domain"
6 footer
="This file tests as much features of lily as possible."
14 This file tests as much features of lily as possible. If there are any
15 basic faults in lily, this file will not run correctly.
25 * drum, jazz, pop notation
30 praeludiumRight = \notes {
34 % 13 -- how to type -- where to split -- this more neatly?
36 \context Voice = I \relative c'' { \stemUp r4 dis4 e4. e8 ~ |
37 \shiftOn e4-.-^^\f [d8 fis8] \shiftOff gis4 ~ [gis8 fis16 e ] |
38 fis4 ~ [fis8 e16 dis] e4 r8 e8 }
39 \context Voice = III \relative c'' { \stemUp \shiftOn r4 bis cis \shiftOff cis |
40 a' ~ [a16 gis a b] \shiftOn dis,4 cis ~ |
41 [cis8 dis16 ais] bis4 cis r8 b }
42 \context Voice = IV \relative c'' {
46 \context Voice = II \relative c' { \stemDown
49 r4 fis \shiftOff gis gis |
56 praeludiumLeft = \notes \relative c {
62 \context Voice = two { r4 }
63 \context Voice = one { \stemUp s4 dis' cis cis ~ |
67 a \translator Staff = treble \stemDown \shiftOn d
71 \translator Staff = bass
75 \context Voice = one { \stemUp bis2 }
76 \context Voice = three {
77 \property Voice.DynamicLineSpanner \override #'direction = #-1
78 \stemUp \shiftOn r4 gis ~ [gis8
81 gis] ~ \stemDown \shiftOff gis4 |
86 \context Voice = four { \stemDown \shiftOn s4 fis4 e}
87 \context Voice = two { \stemDown s4 dis4 cis4 }
95 fugaIIRight = \notes \relative c'' {
96 \key e \major % E-major
102 \context Voice = VA { \stemUp [b8 fis8] b4 }
103 \context Voice = VB { \stemDown fis2 }
106 \context Staff \notes\relative c''<
117 \context Voice=three {
122 \context Voice=four {
131 \context Voice = one { dis2 dis4 |
134 \context Voice = three { \stemUp \shiftOn [b8 fis] b2 ~ |
137 \context Voice = two { \stemDown fis2. ~ |
144 gracetest = \notes \grace { [c16 ( cis dis] }
146 fugaIILeft = \notes {
152 \context Voice = one { \stemDown
154 \relative b, < )b2 dis fis a b cis dis> \stemUp ais4 |
156 \context Voice = two { \stemDown s2 e4 |
159 \stemBoth cis2 [e16( fis a \clef "treble" b] |
164 fugaIIPedal = \notes \relative c {
168 \repeat "volta" 2 { dis4.-\ltoe } \alternative { e8-\rtoe cis4 } |
169 b4.-\lheel [cis8-\ltoe dis8-\rtoe e8-\rheel] |
170 fis4.-\rtoe [e8-\rheel dis8-\rtoe cis8-\ltoe] |
171 dis4-\rtoe e4-\rheel e,4-\ltoe |
175 % these should be two separate scores...
177 \context Score \notes <
178 \context PianoStaff <
179 \context Staff = treble {
180 \property Staff.instrument = #"right"
181 \property Staff.instr = #"rt"
182 \property PianoStaff.instrument = #"hands"
183 \property PianoStaff.instr = #"hs"
186 \property Score.midiInstrument = "church organ"
188 \times 4/3 { c4 c4 c4 } \mark "B"
190 \context Staff = bass {
191 \property Staff.instrument = #"left"
192 \property Staff.instr = #"lt"
193 \praeludiumLeft r1 \fugaIILeft }
195 \context Staff = pedal \relative c <
197 \property Staff.instrument = #"bass"
198 \property Staff.instr = #"bs"
205 r4 fis,4-\ltoe e4.-\lheel e'8-\rheel |
206 % tie accs: 2nd should get no acc
208 fis8-\rtoe fis4-\rtoe [e8-\ltoe a-\rtoe] |
209 dis,4-\ltoe gis-\rtoe [cis,8-\ltoe
211 b!-\lheel ais-\rtoe g-\ltoe ~ ] |
213 % tie should generate acc.
220 \fugaIIPedal \bar "|." }
228 \OrchestralScoreContext
230 \translator { \PianoStaffContext
231 \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
233 \translator { \StaffContext
234 \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"