Consider accidentals in optical spacing correction.
[lilypond.git] / input / regression /
2 \version "2.12.0"
3 \header {
4 texidoc = "For juxtaposed chords with the same direction, a
5 slight optical correction is used. It is constant, and works only if
6 two chords have no common head-positions range."
9 \layout { ragged-right = ##t}
11 \relative c'' {
12 \override Score.PaperColumn #'layer = #1
13 \override Score.PaperColumn #'stencil = #ly:paper-column::print
15 \stemDown
16 \time 12/4
17 f8[
18 e f e] f[ d f d] f[ c f c] f[ b, f' b,] f'[ a, f' a,]