[lilypond.git] / symbol.ini
1 # index TeXstring, xmin xmax ymin ymax
3 # be careful with editing this:
4 # the "index" entry is hardwired into lilypond.
6 table balls
7 1 \wholeball -5pt 5pt -1pt 1pt
8 2 \halfball -5pt 5pt -1pt 1pt
9 4 \quartball -5pt 5pt -1pt 1pt
10 end
12 table bars
13 empty \emptybar 0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt
14 | \maatstreep 0pt 1pt -8pt 8pt
15 || \finishbar 0pt 2pt -8pt 8pt
16 end
18 table rests
19 1 \wholerest -5pt 1pt -1pt 1pt
20 2 \halfrest -5pt 1pt -1pt 1pt
21 4 \cquartrest -5pt 2pt -5pt 5pt
22 8 \ceighthrest -5pt 1pt -1pt 1pt
23 16 \csixteenthrest -5pt 1pt -1pt 1pt
24 32 \cthirtysecondrest -1pt 1pt -1pt 1pt
25 end
27 table meters
28 C \fourfourmeter 0pt 10pt -5pt 5pt
29 C2 \allabreve 0pt 10pt -5pt 5pt
30 end
32 # dims ignored for this table
33 table param
34 meter \generalmeter{%}{%} -3pt 10pt -5pt 5pt
35 linestaf \linestafsym{%}{%} 0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt
36 end
38 table dots
39 1 \lsingledot 0pt 8pt -1pt 1pt
40 2 \ldoubledot 0pt 12pt -1pt 1pt
41 3 \ltripledot 0pt 16pt -1pt 1pt
42 end