1 % The volta texts should read: 1-4 and 5
7 I want to write some music that has the structure:
10 \repeat 4 { Chorus [first-ending] verse }
15 \repeat 4 { Chorus \alternative{{first-ending}{}} verse}
16 \alternative{{}{fifth-ending}}
21 And the (logically correct but ugly)
24 \alternative {{first-ending verse}{fifth ending}}
27 is very ugly, because the volta bracket keeps going for so
35 \context Staff \notes\relative c''{
37 % coda-klugde: let volta span only one bar
38 \property Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 1)
39 \repeat "volta" 5 { d d d d }
40 \alternative { { e e e e f f f f }
43 \context Lyrics \lyrics{
47 { chorus1 one verse1 }
48 { chorus1 two verse1 }
49 { chorus1 three verse }
50 { chorus1 four verse }