(test only) Alter printing of source file to remove quotes
[lift.git] / dev / lift.lisp
1 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Package: lift -*-
3 (in-package #:lift)
5 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem test-failure-mixin) result)
6 (setf (failures result) (append (failures result) (list problem))))
8 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem testsuite-failure) result)
9 (setf (failures result) (append (failures result) (list problem))))
11 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem test-expected-failure) result)
12 (setf (expected-failures result)
13 (append (expected-failures result) (list problem))))
15 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem test-error-mixin) result)
16 (setf (errors result) (append (errors result) (list problem))))
18 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem testsuite-error) result)
19 (setf (errors result) (append (errors result) (list problem))))
21 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem test-serious-condition) result)
22 (setf (errors result) (append (errors result) (list problem))))
24 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem testsuite-serious-condition) result)
25 (setf (errors result) (append (errors result) (list problem))))
27 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem test-expected-error) result)
28 (setf (expected-errors result)
29 (append (expected-errors result) (list problem))))
31 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem testcase-skipped) result)
32 (setf (skipped-test-cases result)
33 (append (skipped-test-cases result) (list problem))))
35 (defmethod accumulate-problem ((problem testsuite-skipped) result)
36 (setf (skipped-testsuites result)
37 (append (skipped-testsuites result) (list problem))))
40 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 ;;; test conditions
42 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 (defcondition (lift-compile-error :exportp nil) (error)
45 (msg)
46 "Compile error: '~S'" msg)
48 (defcondition testsuite-not-defined (lift-compile-error)
49 (testsuite-name)
50 "Test class ~A not defined before it was used."
51 testsuite-name)
53 (defcondition testsuite-ambiguous (lift-compile-error)
54 (testsuite-name possible-matches)
55 "There are several test suites named ~s: they are ~{~s~^, ~}"
56 testsuite-name possible-matches)
58 (defcondition test-case-not-defined (lift-compile-error)
59 (testsuite-name test-case-name)
60 "Testsuite ~s has no test-case named ~s."
61 testsuite-name test-case-name)
63 (defcondition test-case-ambiguous (lift-compile-error)
64 (testsuite-name test-case-name possible-matches)
65 "There are several test cases named ~s.~s: they are ~{~s~^, ~}"
66 testsuite-name test-case-name possible-matches)
68 (defcondition test-condition (warning)
69 ((message :initform ""))
70 "~%~A" message)
72 (defcondition (test-timeout-condition :slot-names (message)) (test-condition)
73 ((maximum-time :initform *test-maximum-time*))
74 "Test ran out of time (longer than ~S-second~:P)"
75 maximum-time)
77 (defcondition (ensure-failed-error :slot-names (message)) (test-condition)
78 ((assertion :initform ""))
79 "Ensure failed: ~S ~@[(~a)~]" assertion message)
81 (defcondition (ensure-null-failed-error :slot-names (message)) (ensure-failed-error)
82 ((value :initform "")
83 (assertion :initform ""))
84 "Ensure null failed: ~s evaluates to ~s ~@[(~a)~]"
85 assertion value message)
87 (defcondition ensure-expected-condition (test-condition)
88 ((expected-condition-type
89 :initform nil)
90 (the-condition
91 :initform nil))
92 "Expected ~S but got ~S~@[:~_ ~A~]"
93 expected-condition-type
94 (type-of the-condition)
95 (and (typep the-condition 'condition)
96 the-condition))
98 (defcondition ensure-expected-no-warning-condition (test-condition)
99 ((the-condition
100 :initform nil))
101 "Expected no warnings but got ~S"
102 the-condition)
104 (defcondition failed-comparison-condition (test-condition)
105 (first-value second-value test))
107 (defcondition (ensure-not-same :slot-names (first-value second-value test message))
108 (failed-comparison-condition)
110 "Ensure-same: ~S is not ~a to ~S~@[ (~a)~]"
111 first-value (test-function-name test)
112 second-value message)
114 (defcondition (ensure-same :slot-names (first-value second-value test message))
115 (failed-comparison-condition)
117 "Ensure-different: ~S is ~a to ~S~@[ (~a)~]"
118 first-value (test-function-name test) second-value message)
120 (defcondition ensure-cases-failure (test-condition)
121 ((total :initform 0)
122 (problems :initform nil)
123 (errors :initform nil))
124 (format
125 stream
126 "Ensure-cases: ~d case~:p with ~[~:;~:*~d error~:p; ~]~[~:;~:*~d failure~:p; ~]"
127 total (length errors) (length problems))
128 (when errors
129 (format stream "~&Errors: ~@< ~@;~{~% ~{~20s ~3,8@t~a~}~^, ~}~:>"
130 errors))
131 (when problems
132 (format stream "~&Failures: ~@< ~@;~{~% ~{~20s ~3,8@t~a~}~^, ~}~:>"
133 problems)))
135 (defcondition unexpected-success-failure (test-condition)
136 (expected expected-more)
137 "Test succeeded but we expected ~s (~s)"
138 expected expected-more)
140 (defun build-lift-error-message (context message &rest arguments)
141 (format nil "~A: ~A"
142 context
143 (apply #'format nil message arguments)))
145 (defun signal-lift-error (context message &rest arguments)
146 (let ((c (make-condition
147 'lift-compile-error
148 :msg (apply #'build-lift-error-message
149 context message arguments))))
150 (unless (signal c)
151 (error c))))
153 (defun report-lift-error (context message &rest arguments)
154 (format *debug-io* "~&~A."
155 (apply #'build-lift-error-message context message arguments))
156 (values))
158 (defun lift-report-condition (c)
159 (format *debug-io* "~&~A." c))
161 (defun %build-ensure-comparison
162 (form values guard-fn test test-specified-p report arguments
163 ignore-multiple-values?)
164 (setf test (remove-leading-quote test))
165 (when (and (consp test)
166 (eq (first test) 'function))
167 (setf test (second test)))
168 (let ((gblock (gensym "block-"))
169 (ga (gensym "a-"))
170 (gb (gensym "b-"))
171 (gtest (gensym "test-")))
172 `(block ,gblock
173 (flet ((,gtest (,ga ,gb)
174 (,@(cond (test-specified-p
175 (if (atom test)
176 (list test)
177 `(funcall ,test)))
179 `(funcall *lift-equality-test*)))
180 ,ga ,gb)))
181 (loop for value in (,(if ignore-multiple-values?
182 'list 'multiple-value-list) ,form)
183 for other-value in (,(if ignore-multiple-values?
184 'list 'multiple-value-list) ,values) do
185 (,guard-fn (,gtest value other-value)
186 (,(ecase guard-fn
187 (unless 'maybe-raise-not-same-condition)
188 (when 'maybe-raise-ensure-same-condition))
189 value other-value
190 ,(if test-specified-p (list 'quote test) '*lift-equality-test*)
191 ,report ,@arguments)
192 (return-from ,gblock nil))))
193 (values t))))
195 (defun maybe-raise-not-same-condition (value-1 value-2 test
196 report &rest arguments)
197 (let ((condition (make-condition 'ensure-not-same
198 :first-value value-1
199 :second-value value-2
200 :test test
201 :message (when report
202 (apply #'format nil
203 report arguments)))))
204 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
205 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
206 (warn condition))))
208 (defun maybe-raise-ensure-same-condition (value-1 value-2 test
209 report &rest arguments)
210 (let ((condition (make-condition 'ensure-same
211 :first-value value-1
212 :second-value value-2
213 :test test
214 :message (when report
215 (apply #'format nil
216 report arguments)))))
217 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
218 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
219 (warn condition))))
222 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
223 ;;; test-mixin
224 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 (defmethod testsuite-setup ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
227 (values))
229 (defmethod testsuite-setup :before ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
230 (push (type-of testsuite) (suites-run result))
231 (setf (current-step result) :testsuite-setup))
233 (defmethod testsuite-expects-error ((testsuite test-mixin))
234 nil)
236 (defmethod testsuite-expects-failure ((testsuite test-mixin))
237 nil)
239 (defmethod testsuite-teardown ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
240 ;; no-op
243 (defmethod testsuite-teardown :after
244 ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
245 (setf (current-step result) :testsuite-teardown
246 (real-end-time result) (get-test-real-time)
247 (real-end-time-universal result) (get-universal-time)))
249 ;;;;
251 (defun canonize-skip-tests (skip-tests)
252 (mapcar
253 (lambda (datum)
254 (cond ((or (atom datum)
255 (and (= (length datum) 1)
256 (setf datum (first datum)))
257 (and (= (length datum) 2) (null (second datum))
258 (setf datum (first datum))))
259 (cons (find-testsuite datum :errorp t) nil))
260 ((= (length datum) 2)
261 (cons (find-testsuite (first datum) :errorp t)
262 (or (and (keywordp (second datum)) (second datum))
263 (find-test-case (find-testsuite (first datum))
264 (second datum) :errorp t))))
266 (warn "Unable to interpret skip datum ~a. Ignoring."
267 datum))))
268 skip-tests))
270 (defun test-result-property (result property &optional default)
271 (getf (test-result-properties result) property default))
273 (defun (setf test-result-property) (value result property)
274 (setf (getf (test-result-properties result) property) value))
276 (defmethod write-profile-information ((suite t))
279 (defmethod equality-test ((suite test-mixin))
280 #'equal)
282 (defmethod setup-test :before ((test test-mixin))
283 (setf *test-scratchpad* nil))
285 (defmethod setup-test ((test test-mixin))
286 (values))
288 (defmethod setup-test ((test symbol))
289 (let ((*current-test* (make-testsuite test nil)))
290 (setup-test *current-test*)
291 *current-test*))
293 (defmethod test-case-teardown progn ((test test-mixin) (result test-result))
294 (values))
296 (defmethod test-case-teardown :around ((test test-mixin) (result test-result))
297 (setf (current-step result) :test-teardown)
298 (call-next-method))
300 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((testsuite test-mixin) &rest initargs
301 &key &allow-other-keys)
302 (when (null (testsuite-name testsuite))
303 (setf (slot-value testsuite 'name)
304 (symbol-name (type-of testsuite)))))
306 (defmethod print-object ((tc test-mixin) stream)
307 (print-unreadable-object (tc stream :identity t :type t)
308 (format stream "~a" (testsuite-name tc))))
310 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 ;;; macros
312 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 (defun initialize-current-definition ()
315 (setf *current-definition* nil))
317 (defun set-definition (name value)
318 (let ((current (assoc name *current-definition*)))
319 (if current
320 (setf (cdr current) value)
321 (push (cons name value) *current-definition*)))
323 (values value))
325 (defun def (name &optional (definition *current-definition*))
326 (when definition (cdr (assoc name definition))))
328 (defun (setf def) (value name)
329 (set-definition name value))
331 (defstruct (code-block (:type list) (:conc-name nil))
332 block-name (priority 0) filter code operate-when)
334 (defun add-code-block (name priority operate-when filter handler code)
335 (let ((current (assoc name *code-blocks*))
336 (value (make-code-block
337 :operate-when operate-when
338 :block-name name
339 :priority priority
340 :filter filter
341 :code code)))
342 (if current
343 (setf (cdr current) value)
344 (push (cons name value) *code-blocks*))
345 (eval
346 `(defmethod block-handler ((name (eql ',name)) value)
347 (declare (ignorable value))
348 ,@handler)))
349 (setf *code-blocks* (sort *code-blocks* #'<
350 :key (lambda (name.cb)
351 (priority (cdr name.cb))))))
353 (defmacro deftest (testsuite-name superclasses slots &rest
354 clauses-and-options)
355 "The `deftest` form is obsolete, see [deftestsuite][]."
357 (warn "Deftest is obsolete, use deftestsuite instead.")
358 `(deftestsuite ,testsuite-name ,superclasses ,slots ,@clauses-and-options))
360 (setf *code-blocks* nil)
362 (add-code-block
363 :setup 1 :methods
364 (lambda () t)
365 '((setf (def :setup) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
366 'build-setup-test-method)
368 (add-code-block
369 :teardown 100 :methods
370 (lambda () (or (def :teardown) (def :direct-slot-names)))
371 '((setf (def :teardown) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
372 'build-test-teardown-method)
374 (add-code-block
375 :function 0 :methods
376 (lambda () (def :functions))
377 '((push value (def :functions)))
378 'build-test-local-functions)
380 (add-code-block
381 :documentation 0 :class-def
382 nil
383 '((setf (def :documentation) (first value)))
384 nil)
386 (add-code-block
387 :export-p 0 :class-def
388 nil
389 '((setf (def :export-p) (first value)))
390 nil)
392 (add-code-block
393 :export-slots 0 :class-def
394 nil
395 '((setf (def :export-slots) (first value)))
396 nil)
398 (add-code-block
399 :run-setup 0 :class-def
400 nil
401 '((push (first value) (def :default-initargs))
402 (push :run-setup (def :default-initargs))
403 (setf (def :run-setup) (first value)))
404 'check-run-setup-value)
406 (defun %valid-run-setup-values ()
407 '(:once-per-session :once-per-suite
408 :once-per-test-case :never))
410 (defun check-run-setup-value ()
411 (when (def :run-setup)
412 (unless (member (def :run-setup) (%valid-run-setup-values))
413 (error "The :run-setup option must be one of ~{~a~^, ~}."
414 (%valid-run-setup-values)))))
416 (add-code-block
417 :equality-test 0 :methods
418 (lambda () (def :equality-test))
419 '((setf (def :equality-test) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
420 'build-test-equality-test)
422 (add-code-block
423 :expected-error 0 :methods
424 (lambda () (def :expected-error))
425 '((setf (def :expected-error) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
426 'build-testsuite-expected-error)
428 (add-code-block
429 :expected-failure 0 :methods
430 (lambda () (def :expected-failure))
431 '((setf (def :expected-failure) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
432 'build-testsuite-expected-failure)
434 (add-code-block
435 :log-file 0 :class-def
436 nil
437 '((push (first value) (def :default-initargs))
438 (push :log-file (def :default-initargs)))
439 nil)
441 (add-code-block
442 :dynamic-variables 0 :class-def
443 nil
444 '((setf (def :direct-dynamic-variables) value))
445 nil)
447 (add-code-block
448 :categories 0 :class-def
449 nil
450 '((push value (def :categories)))
451 nil)
453 (add-code-block
454 :default-initargs 1 :class-def
455 (lambda () (def :default-initargs))
456 '((dolist (x (reverse (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
457 (push x (def :default-initargs))))
458 nil)
460 (defmacro deftestsuite (testsuite-name superclasses slots &rest
461 clauses-and-options)
463 Creates a testsuite named `testsuite-name` and, optionally, the code required for test setup, test tear-down and the actual test-cases. A testsuite is a collection of test-cases and other testsuites.
465 Test suites can have multiple superclasses (just like the classes that they are). Usually, these will be other test classes and the class hierarchy becomes the test case hierarchy. If necessary, however, non-testsuite classes can also be used as superclasses.
467 Slots are specified as in defclass with the following additions:
469 * Initargs and accessors are automatically defined. If a slot is named`my-slot`, then the initarg will be `:my-slot` and the accessors will be `my-slot` and `(setf my-slot)`.
470 * If the second argument is not a CLOS slot option keyword, then it will be used as the `:initform` for the slot. I.e., if you have
472 (deftestsuite my-test ()
473 ((my-slot 23)))
475 then `my-slot` will be initialized to 23 during test setup.
477 Test options are one of :setup, :teardown, :test, :tests, :documentation, :export-p, :dynamic-variables, :export-slots, :function, :categories, :run-setup, or :equality-test.
479 * :categories - a list of symbols. Categories allow you to groups tests into clusters outside of the basic hierarchy. This provides finer grained control on selecting which tests to run. May be specified multiple times.
481 * :documentation - a string specifying any documentation for the test. Should only be specified once.
483 * :dynamic-variables - a list of atoms or pairs of the form (name value). These specify any special variables that should be bound in a let around the body of the test. The name should be symbol designating a special variable. The value (if supplied) will be bound to the variable. If the value is not supplied, the variable will be bound to nil. Should only be specified once.
485 * :equality-test - the name of the function to be used by default in calls to ensure-same and ensure-different. Should only be supplied once.
487 * :export-p - If true, the testsuite name will be exported from the current package. Should only be specified once.
489 * :export-slots - if true, any slots specified in the test suite will be exported from the current package. Should only be specified once.
491 * :function - creates a locally accessible function for this test suite. May be specified multiple times.
493 * :run-setup - specify when to run the setup code for this test suite. Allowed values are
495 * :once-per-test-case or t (the default)
496 * :once-per-session
497 * :once-per-suite
498 * :never or nil
500 :run-setup is handy when a testsuite has a time consuming setup phase that you do not want to repeat for every test.
502 * :setup - a list of forms to be evaluated before each test case is run. Should only be specified once.
504 * :teardown - a list of forms to be evaluated after each test case is run. Should only be specified once.
506 * :test - Define a single test case. Can be specified multiple times.
508 * :tests - Define multiple test cases for this test suite. Can be specified multiple times.
510 #+no-lift-tests
511 `(values)
512 #-no-lift-tests
513 (let ((test-list nil)
514 (options nil)
515 (return (gensym)))
516 ;; convert any clause like :setup foo into (:setup foo)
517 (setf clauses-and-options
518 (convert-clauses-into-lists clauses-and-options *deftest-clauses*))
519 (initialize-current-definition)
520 (setf (def :testsuite-name) testsuite-name)
521 (setf (def :superclasses) (mapcar (lambda (class) (find-testsuite class :errorp t))
522 superclasses))
523 (setf (def :deftestsuite) t)
524 ;; parse clauses into defs
525 (loop for clause in clauses-and-options do
526 (typecase clause
527 (symbol (pushnew clause options))
528 (cons (destructuring-bind (kind &rest spec) clause
529 (case kind
530 (:test (push (first spec) test-list))
531 (:tests
532 (loop for test in spec do
533 (push test test-list)))
534 (t (block-handler kind spec)))))
535 (t (error "When parsing ~S" clause))))
536 (let ((slot-names nil) (slot-specs nil))
537 (loop for slot in (if (listp slots) slots (list slots)) do
538 (push (if (consp slot) (first slot) slot) slot-names)
539 (push (parse-brief-slot slot) slot-specs))
540 (setf (def :slot-specs) (nreverse slot-specs)
541 (def :direct-slot-names) (nreverse slot-names)
542 (def :slots-parsed) t))
543 ;;?? issue 27: breaks 'encapsulation' of code-block mechanism
544 (setf (def :function-specs)
545 (loop for spec in (def :functions) collect
546 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body) (first spec)
547 (declare (ignore body))
548 `(,name ,arglist))))
549 ;;?? needed
550 (empty-test-tables testsuite-name)
551 (compute-superclass-inheritence)
552 (prog2
553 (setf *testsuite-test-count* 0)
554 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
555 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
556 (push ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*))
557 (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
558 (push ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*))
559 (eval-when (:execute)
560 (push ',return *test-is-being-executed?*))
561 ;; remove previous methods (do this _before_ we define the class)
562 (unless (or *test-is-being-compiled?*
563 *test-is-being-loaded?*)
564 (remove-previous-definitions ',(def :testsuite-name)))
565 ,(build-test-class)
566 (unwind-protect
567 (let ((*test-is-being-defined?* t))
568 (setf *last-test-case-name* nil)
569 (setf *last-testsuite-name* ',(def :testsuite-name)
570 (test-slots ',(def :testsuite-name))
571 ',(def :slot-names)
572 (testsuite-dynamic-variables ',(def :testsuite-name))
573 ',(def :dynamic-variables)
574 ;;?? issue 27: breaks 'encapsulation' of code-block
575 ;; mechanism
576 (testsuite-function-specs ',(def :testsuite-name))
577 ',(def :function-specs))
578 ,@(when (def :export-p)
579 `((export '(,(def :testsuite-name)))))
580 ,@(when (def :export-slots?)
581 `((export ',(def :direct-slot-names))))
582 ;; make a place to save test-case information
583 (empty-test-tables ',(def :testsuite-name))
584 ;; create methods
585 ;; setup :before
586 ,@(loop for (nil . block) in *code-blocks*
587 when (and block
588 (code block)
589 (eq (operate-when block) :methods)
590 (or (not (filter block))
591 (funcall (filter block)))) collect
592 (funcall (code block)))
593 ,@(when (def :dynamic-variables)
594 `((defmethod do-testing :around
595 ((suite ,(def :testsuite-name)) result fn)
596 (declare (ignore result fn)
597 (special
598 ,@(mapcar
599 #'car (def :dynamic-variables))))
600 (with-test-slots
601 (cond ((done-dynamics? suite)
602 (call-next-method))
604 (setf (slot-value suite 'done-dynamics?) t)
605 (let* (,@(def :dynamic-variables))
606 (declare (special
607 ,@(mapcar
608 #'car (def :dynamic-variables))))
609 (call-next-method))))))))
610 ;; tests
611 ,@(when test-list
612 `((let ((*test-evaluate-when-defined?* nil))
613 ,@(loop for test in (nreverse test-list) collect
614 `(addtest (,(def :testsuite-name))
615 ,@test))
616 (setf *testsuite-test-count* nil))))
617 ,(if (and test-list *test-evaluate-when-defined?*)
618 `(unless (or *test-is-being-compiled?*
619 *test-is-being-loaded?*)
620 (let ((*test-break-on-errors?* *test-break-on-errors?*))
621 (run-tests :suite ',testsuite-name)))
622 `(find-class ',testsuite-name)))
623 ;; cleanup
624 (setf *test-is-being-compiled?*
625 (remove ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*))
626 (setf *test-is-being-loaded?*
627 (remove ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*))
628 (setf *test-is-being-executed?*
629 (remove ',return *test-is-being-executed?*)))))))
631 (defun compute-superclass-inheritence ()
632 ;;?? issue 27: break encapsulation of code blocks
633 ;;?? we assume that we won't have too deep a hierarchy or too many
634 ;; dv's or functions so that having lots of duplicate names is OK
635 (let ((slots nil)
636 (inherited-dynamic-variables nil)
637 (dynamic-variables (%build-pairs (def :direct-dynamic-variables)))
638 (function-specs nil))
639 (dolist (super (def :superclasses))
640 (cond ((find-testsuite super)
641 (setf slots (append slots (test-slots super))
642 inherited-dynamic-variables
643 (append inherited-dynamic-variables
644 (testsuite-dynamic-variables super))
645 function-specs
646 (append function-specs
647 (testsuite-function-specs super))))
649 (error 'testsuite-not-defined :testsuite-name super))))
650 (loop for pair in inherited-dynamic-variables
651 unless (find (first pair) dynamic-variables :key #'first) collect
652 (progn (push pair dynamic-variables) pair))
653 (setf (def :slot-names)
654 (remove-duplicates (append (def :direct-slot-names) slots))
655 (def :dynamic-variables) (nreverse dynamic-variables)
656 (def :function-specs)
657 (remove-duplicates
658 (append (def :function-specs) function-specs)))
659 (setf (def :superclasses)
660 (loop for class in (def :superclasses)
661 unless (some (lambda (oter)
662 (and (not (eq class oter))
663 (member class (superclasses oter))))
664 (def :superclasses)) collect
665 class))))
667 (defun %build-pairs (putative-pairs)
668 (let ((result nil))
669 (dolist (putative-pair putative-pairs)
670 (if (atom putative-pair)
671 (push (list putative-pair nil) result)
672 (push putative-pair result)))
673 (nreverse result)))
675 (defmacro addtest (name &body test)
676 "Adds a single new test-case to the most recently defined testsuite."
677 #+no-lift-tests
678 `nil
679 #-no-lift-tests
680 (let ((body nil)
681 (return (gensym))
682 (options nil) (documentation nil)
683 (looks-like-suite-name (looks-like-suite-name-p name)))
684 (cond (looks-like-suite-name
685 ;; testsuite given
686 (setf (def :testsuite-name) (first name)
687 options (rest name)
688 name nil body test))
690 ;; the 'name' is really part of the test...
691 (setf body (cons name test))))
692 (unless (property-list-p options)
693 (signal-lift-error 'add-test "test-case options must be a property list and \"~s`\" is not" options))
694 (when (getf options :documentation)
695 (setf documentation (getf options :documentation))
696 (remf options :documentation))
697 (unless (def :testsuite-name)
698 (when *last-testsuite-name*
699 (setf (def :testsuite-name) *last-testsuite-name*)))
700 (unless (def :testsuite-name)
701 (signal-lift-error 'add-test +lift-no-current-test-class+))
702 (unless (or (def :deftestsuite)
703 (find-testsuite (def :testsuite-name)))
704 (signal-lift-error 'add-test +lift-test-class-not-found+
705 (def :testsuite-name)))
706 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
707 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
708 (push ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*))
709 (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
710 (push ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*))
711 (eval-when (:execute)
712 (push ',return *test-is-being-executed?*))
713 (unwind-protect
714 (let ((*test-is-being-defined?* t))
715 (muffle-redefinition-warnings
716 ,(build-test-test-method (def :testsuite-name) body options))
717 ,@(when documentation
718 `((setf (gethash
719 ',(def :test-case-name)
720 (test-case-documentation ',(def :testsuite-name)))
721 ,documentation)))
722 ,@(when *compile-file-pathname*
723 `((setf (gethash
724 ',(def :test-case-name)
725 (test-case-source-file ',(def :testsuite-name)))
726 ,(namestring *compile-file-pathname*))
727 #+allegro
728 (setf (gethash
729 ',(def :test-case-name)
730 (test-case-source-position ',(def :testsuite-name)))
731 ,(current-source-position))))
732 (setf *last-testsuite-name* ',(def :testsuite-name))
733 (if *test-evaluate-when-defined?*
734 (unless (or *test-is-being-compiled?*
735 *test-is-being-loaded?*)
736 (let ((*test-break-on-errors?* (testing-interactively-p)))
737 (run-test)))
738 (values)))
739 ;; cleanup
740 (setf *test-is-being-compiled?*
741 (remove ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*)
742 *test-is-being-loaded?*
743 (remove ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*)
744 *test-is-being-executed?*
745 (remove ',return *test-is-being-executed?*))))))
747 (defmacro addbenchmark ((suite-name &rest options) test-case-name &body body)
748 "Adds a single new test-benchmark to testsuite suite-name."
749 #+no-lift-tests
750 `nil
751 #-no-lift-tests
752 (let ((documentation nil))
753 (unless (property-list-p options)
754 (signal-lift-error
755 'addbenchmark
756 "benchmark options must be a property list and \"~s`\" is not" options))
757 (when (getf options :documentation)
758 (setf documentation (getf options :documentation))
759 (remf options :documentation))
760 (unless suite-name
761 (signal-lift-error 'addbenchmark +lift-no-current-test-class+))
762 (unless (find-testsuite suite-name)
763 (signal-lift-error
764 'addbenchmark +lift-test-class-not-found+ suite-name))
765 (setf (def :testsuite-name) suite-name
766 (def :test-case-name) test-case-name)
767 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
768 (let ((*test-is-being-defined?* t))
769 (muffle-redefinition-warnings
770 ,(build-benchmark-function
771 suite-name test-case-name body options))
772 ,@(when documentation
773 `((setf (gethash
774 ',(def :test-case-name)
775 (test-case-documentation ',(def :testsuite-name)))
776 ,documentation)))
777 (setf *last-testsuite-name* ',(def :testsuite-name))
778 ',(def :test-case-name)))))
780 (defun looks-like-suite-name-p (form)
781 (and (consp form)
782 (atom (first form))
783 (find-testsuite (first form))))
785 (defun property-list-p (form)
786 (and (listp form)
787 (block check-it
788 (let ((even? t))
789 (loop for x in form
790 for want-keyword? = t then (not want-keyword?) do
791 (when (and want-keyword? (not (keywordp x)))
792 (return-from check-it nil))
793 (setf even? (not even?)))
794 (return-from check-it even?)))))
797 (property-list-p '(:a :b))
798 (property-list-p '(:a 2 :b 3 :c 5 :d 8))
799 (property-list-p nil)
801 (property-list-p 3)
802 (property-list-p '(3))
803 (property-list-p '(3 :a))
804 (property-list-p '(:a 3 :b))
807 (defun remove-test (&key (test-case *last-test-case-name*)
808 (suite *last-testsuite-name*))
809 (assert suite nil "Test suite could not be determined.")
810 (assert test-case nil "Test-case could not be determined.")
811 (setf (testsuite-tests suite)
812 (remove test-case (testsuite-tests suite))))
814 (defun make-testsuite (suite-name args)
815 (let ((testsuite (find-testsuite suite-name :errorp t))
816 result)
817 (if testsuite
818 (setf result (apply #'make-instance testsuite args))
819 (error "Testsuite ~a not found." suite-name))
820 result))
822 (defun skip-test-case-p (result suite-name test-case-name)
823 (declare (ignore result))
824 (find-if (lambda (skip-datum)
825 (if (cdr skip-datum)
826 (and (eq suite-name (car skip-datum))
827 (eq test-case-name (cdr skip-datum)))
828 (subtypep suite-name (car skip-datum))))
829 *skip-tests*))
831 (defun skip-test-suite-children-p (result suite-name)
832 (declare (ignore result))
833 (find-if (lambda (skip-datum)
834 (and (subtypep suite-name (car skip-datum))
835 (null (cdr skip-datum))))
836 *skip-tests*))
838 (defmethod skip-test-case (result suite-name test-case-name)
839 (report-test-problem 'testcase-skipped result suite-name test-case-name nil))
841 (defmethod skip-testsuite (result suite-name)
842 (report-test-problem 'testsuite-skipped result suite-name nil nil))
844 (defun test-case-expects-error-p (suite-name test-case-name)
845 (or (testsuite-expects-error *current-test*)
846 (test-case-option suite-name test-case-name :expected-error)))
848 (defun test-case-expects-failure-p (suite-name test-case-name)
849 (or (testsuite-expects-failure *current-test*)
850 (test-case-option suite-name test-case-name :expected-failure)))
852 (defun test-case-expects-problem-p (suite-name test-case-name)
853 (test-case-option suite-name test-case-name :expected-problem))
855 (defun check-for-surprises (suite-name test-case-name)
856 (let* ((expected-failure-p (test-case-expects-failure-p
857 suite-name test-case-name))
858 (expected-error-p (test-case-expects-error-p
859 suite-name test-case-name))
860 (expected-problem-p (test-case-expects-problem-p
861 suite-name test-case-name))
862 (condition nil))
863 (cond
864 (expected-failure-p
865 (setf condition
866 (make-condition 'unexpected-success-failure
867 :expected :failure
868 :expected-more expected-failure-p)))
869 (expected-error-p
870 (setf condition
871 (make-condition 'unexpected-success-failure
872 :expected :error
873 :expected-more expected-error-p)))
874 (expected-problem-p
875 (setf condition
876 (make-condition 'unexpected-success-failure
877 :expected :problem
878 :expected-more expected-problem-p))))
879 (when condition
880 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
881 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
882 (warn condition)))))
884 (defun error-okay-p (suite-name test-case-name)
885 (or (test-case-expects-error-p suite-name test-case-name)
886 (test-case-expects-problem-p suite-name test-case-name)))
888 (defun failure-okay-p (suite-name test-case-name)
889 (or (test-case-expects-failure-p suite-name test-case-name)
890 (test-case-expects-problem-p suite-name test-case-name)))
892 (defun report-test-problem (problem-type result suite-name method condition
893 &rest args)
894 ;; ick
895 (let ((docs nil)
896 (option nil))
897 (declare (ignorable docs option))
898 (cond ((and (eq problem-type 'test-failure)
899 (not (typep condition 'unexpected-success-failure))
900 (test-case-expects-failure-p suite-name method))
901 (setf problem-type 'test-expected-failure
902 option :expected-failure))
903 ((and (eq problem-type 'test-error)
904 (test-case-expects-error-p suite-name method))
905 (setf problem-type 'test-expected-error
906 option :expected-error))
907 ((and (or (eq problem-type 'test-failure)
908 (eq problem-type 'test-error))
909 (test-case-expects-problem-p suite-name method))
910 (setf problem-type (or (and (eq problem-type 'test-failure)
911 'test-expected-failure)
912 (and (eq problem-type 'test-error)
913 'test-expected-error))
914 option :expected-problem)))
915 (let ((problem (apply #'make-instance problem-type
916 :testsuite suite-name
917 :test-method method
918 :test-condition condition
919 :test-step (current-step result)
920 :testsuite-initargs (testsuite-initargs result)
921 args)))
922 (when *current-test*
923 (setf (getf (test-data *current-test*) :problem) problem))
924 (accumulate-problem problem result)
925 (when (and *test-maximum-failure-count*
926 (numberp *test-maximum-failure-count*)
927 (>= (length (failures result)) *test-maximum-failure-count*))
928 (cancel-testing :failures))
929 (when (and *test-maximum-error-count*
930 (numberp *test-maximum-error-count*)
931 (>= (length (errors result)) *test-maximum-error-count*))
932 (cancel-testing :errors))
933 problem)))
935 (defun cancel-testing (why)
936 (declare (ignore why))
937 (flet ((do-it (name)
938 (let ((restart (find-restart name)))
939 (when restart (invoke-restart restart *test-result*)))))
940 (do-it 'cancel-testing-from-configuration)
941 (do-it 'cancel-testing)))
943 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
944 ;;; test-result and printing
945 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
947 (defun get-test-print-length ()
948 (let ((foo *test-print-length*))
949 (if (eq foo :follow-print) *print-length* foo)))
951 (defun get-test-print-level ()
952 (let ((foo *test-print-level*))
953 (if (eq foo :follow-print) *print-level* foo)))
955 (defun record-start-times (result suite)
956 (setf (current-step result) :start-test
957 (test-data suite)
958 `(:start-time ,(get-test-real-time)
959 :start-time-universal ,(get-universal-time))))
961 (defun record-end-times (result suite)
962 (setf (current-step result) :end-test
963 (getf (test-data suite) :end-time) (get-test-real-time)
964 (end-time result) (get-test-real-time)
965 (getf (test-data suite) :end-time-universal) (get-universal-time)
966 (end-time-universal result) (get-universal-time)))
968 (defmethod make-test-result (for test-mode &rest args)
969 (apply #'make-instance 'test-result
970 :results-for for
971 :test-mode test-mode
972 args))
974 (defun testing-interactively-p ()
975 (values nil))
977 (defmethod print-object ((tr test-result) stream)
978 (let ((complete-success? (and (null (errors tr))
979 (null (failures tr))
980 (null (expected-failures tr))
981 (null (expected-errors tr)))))
982 (let* ((*print-level* (get-test-print-level))
983 (*print-length* (get-test-print-length))
984 (non-failure-failures
985 (count-if
986 (lambda (failure)
987 (member (class-of (test-condition failure))
988 (subclasses 'unexpected-success-failure :proper? nil)))
989 (expected-failures tr)))
990 (expected-failures (- (length (expected-failures tr))
991 non-failure-failures)))
992 (print-unreadable-object (tr stream)
993 (cond ((and (null (tests-run tr)) complete-success?)
994 (format stream "~A: no tests run" (results-for tr)))
995 ((eq (test-mode tr) :single)
996 (cond ((test-interactive? tr)
997 ;; interactive
998 (cond (complete-success?
999 (format stream "Test passed"))
1000 ((errors tr)
1001 (format stream "Error during testing"))
1002 ((expected-errors tr)
1003 (format stream "Expected error during testing"))
1004 ((failures tr)
1005 (format stream "Test failed"))
1006 ((plusp non-failure-failures)
1007 (format stream "Test succeeded unexpectedly"))
1009 (format stream "Test failed expectedly"))))
1011 ;; from run-test
1012 (format stream "~A.~A ~A"
1013 (results-for tr)
1014 (second (first (tests-run tr)))
1015 (cond (complete-success?
1016 "passed")
1017 ((errors tr)
1018 "Error")
1020 "failed")))
1021 (when (or (expected-errors tr) (expected-failures tr))
1022 (format stream "(~[~:;, ~:*~A expected failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A succeeded unexpectedly~]~[~:;, ~:*~A expected error~:P~])"
1023 expected-failures non-failure-failures
1024 (expected-errors tr))))))
1026 ;; multiple tests run
1027 (format stream "Results for ~A " (results-for tr))
1028 (if complete-success?
1029 (format stream "[~A Successful test~:P]"
1030 (length (tests-run tr)))
1031 (format stream "~A Test~:P~[~:;, ~:*~A Failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Error~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected error~:P~]"
1032 (length (tests-run tr))
1033 (length (failures tr))
1034 (length (errors tr))
1035 (length (expected-failures tr))
1036 (length (expected-errors tr))))))
1037 ;; note that suites with no tests think that they are completely
1038 ;; successful. Optimistic little buggers, huh?
1039 (when (and (not complete-success?) *test-describe-if-not-successful?*)
1040 (format stream "~%")
1041 (print-test-result-details stream tr t t))))))
1043 (defmethod describe-object ((result test-result) stream)
1044 (describe-test-result result stream))
1046 (defmethod describe-test-result (result stream
1047 &key
1048 (show-details-p *test-show-details-p*)
1049 (show-expected-p *test-show-expected-p*)
1050 (show-code-p *test-show-code-p*))
1051 (let* ((number-of-failures (length (failures result)))
1052 (number-of-errors (length (errors result)))
1053 (number-of-expected-errors (length (expected-errors result)))
1054 (non-failure-failures
1055 (count-if
1056 (lambda (failure)
1057 (member (class-of (test-condition failure))
1058 (subclasses 'unexpected-success-failure :proper? nil)))
1059 (expected-failures result)))
1060 (number-of-expected-failures (- (length (expected-failures result))
1061 non-failure-failures))
1062 (*print-level* (get-test-print-level))
1063 (*print-length* (get-test-print-length)))
1064 (unless *test-is-being-defined?*
1065 (print-test-summary result stream)
1066 (when (and show-details-p
1067 (or (plusp number-of-failures)
1068 (plusp number-of-expected-failures)
1069 (plusp number-of-errors)
1070 (plusp number-of-expected-errors)))
1071 (format stream "~%~%")
1072 (print-test-result-details
1073 stream result show-expected-p show-code-p)
1074 (print-test-summary result stream)))))
1076 (defun print-test-summary (result stream)
1077 (let* ((number-of-failures (length (failures result)))
1078 (number-of-errors (length (errors result)))
1079 (number-of-expected-errors (length (expected-errors result)))
1080 (non-failure-failures
1081 (count-if
1082 (lambda (failure)
1083 (member (class-of (test-condition failure))
1084 (subclasses 'unexpected-success-failure :proper? nil)))
1085 (expected-failures result)))
1086 (number-of-expected-failures (- (length (expected-failures result))
1087 non-failure-failures)))
1088 (format stream "~&Test Report for ~A: ~D test~:P run"
1089 (results-for result) (length (tests-run result)))
1090 (cond ((or (failures result) (errors result)
1091 (expected-failures result) (expected-errors result))
1092 (format stream "~[~:;, ~:*~A Error~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected error~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Successful Surprise~:P~]."
1093 number-of-errors
1094 number-of-failures
1095 number-of-expected-errors
1096 number-of-expected-failures
1097 non-failure-failures))
1098 ((or (expected-failures result) (expected-errors result))
1099 (format stream ", all passed *~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected error~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected failure~:P~])."
1100 number-of-expected-errors
1101 number-of-expected-failures))
1103 (format stream ", all passed!")))))
1105 (defun print-test-result-details (stream result show-expected-p show-code-p)
1106 (loop for report in (errors result) do
1107 (print-test-problem "ERROR :" report stream
1108 show-code-p))
1109 (loop for report in (failures result) do
1110 (print-test-problem "Failure:" report stream
1111 show-code-p))
1112 (when show-expected-p
1113 (loop for report in (expected-failures result) do
1114 (print-test-problem "Expected failure:" report stream
1115 show-code-p))
1116 (loop for report in (expected-errors result) do
1117 (print-test-problem "Expected Error :" report stream
1118 show-code-p))))
1120 (defmethod print-test-problem (prefix (report testsuite-problem-mixin) stream show-code-p)
1121 (handler-case
1122 (let* ((suite-name (testsuite report))
1123 (method (test-method report))
1124 (condition (test-condition report))
1125 (code (test-report-code suite-name method))
1126 (step (test-step report))
1127 (testsuite-name method)
1128 (*print-level* (get-test-print-level))
1129 (*print-length* (get-test-print-length)))
1130 (let ((*package* (symbol-package method))
1131 (doc-string (gethash testsuite-name
1132 (test-case-documentation suite-name)))
1133 (source-file (gethash testsuite-name
1134 (test-case-source-file suite-name))))
1135 (format stream "~&~A ~(~A : ~A~)" prefix suite-name testsuite-name)
1136 (if show-code-p
1137 (setf code (with-output-to-string (out)
1138 (pprint code out)))
1139 (setf code nil))
1140 (format stream "~&~< ~@;~
1141 ~@[Documentation: ~<~@;~a~:>~]~
1142 ~@[~&Source : ~<~@;~a~:>~]~
1143 ~@[~&Condition : ~<~@;~a~:>~]~
1144 ~@[~&During : ~a~]~
1145 ~@[~&Code : ~a~]~
1146 ~&~:>" `((,doc-string) (,source-file) (,condition) (,step) (,code)))))
1147 (error (c)
1148 (format stream "~&Error printing problem report: ~a" c))))
1150 (defmethod print-test-problem (prefix (report test-configuration-problem-mixin) stream show-code-p)
1151 (declare (ignore show-code-p))
1152 (format stream "~&~A ~a~%~%" prefix (test-problem-message report)))
1155 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1156 ;;; test-reports
1157 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1159 (defun test-report-code (suite-name test-case-name)
1160 (gethash test-case-name (test-name->code-table suite-name)))
1162 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1163 ;;; utilities
1164 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1166 (defun remove-test-methods (test-name)
1167 (prog1
1168 (length (testsuite-tests test-name))
1169 (setf (testsuite-tests test-name) nil)))
1171 (defun remove-previous-definitions (classname)
1172 "Remove the methods of this class and all its subclasses."
1173 (let ((classes-removed nil)
1174 (class (find-class classname nil))
1175 (removed-count 0))
1176 (when class
1177 (loop for subclass in (subclasses class :proper? nil) do
1178 (push subclass classes-removed)
1179 (incf removed-count
1180 (remove-test-methods (class-name subclass)))
1181 #+Ignore
1182 ;;?? causing more trouble than it solves...??
1183 (setf (find-class (class-name subclass)) nil))
1185 (unless (length-1-list-p classes-removed)
1186 (format *debug-io*
1187 "~&;;; Removed Test suite ~(~A~) and its subclasses (~{~<~s~>~^, ~})."
1188 classname (sort
1189 (delete classname
1190 (mapcar #'class-name classes-removed))
1191 #'string-lessp)))
1192 (unless (zerop removed-count)
1193 (format *debug-io*
1194 "~&;;; Removed ~D methods from test suite ~(~A~)~@[ and its subclasses~]."
1195 removed-count classname
1196 (not (length-1-list-p classes-removed)))))))
1198 (defun (setf test-environment-value) (value name)
1199 (setf (slot-value *current-test* name) value))
1201 (defun test-environment-value (name)
1202 (slot-value *current-test* name))
1204 (defun build-test-local-functions ()
1205 `(progn
1206 ,@(mapcar
1207 (lambda (function-spec)
1208 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body) (first function-spec)
1209 `(defmethod flet-test-function ((testsuite ,(def :testsuite-name))
1210 (function-name (eql ',name))
1211 &rest args)
1212 (with-test-slots
1213 ,(if arglist
1214 `(destructuring-bind ,arglist args
1215 ,@body)
1216 `(progn ,@body))))))
1217 (def :functions))))
1219 (defun build-test-equality-test ()
1220 (let ((test-name (def :testsuite-name))
1221 (equality-test (def :equality-test)))
1222 `(progn
1223 (defmethod equality-test ((testsuite ,test-name))
1224 ,equality-test))))
1226 (defun build-testsuite-expected-error ()
1227 (let ((test-name (def :testsuite-name))
1228 (expected-error (def :expected-error)))
1229 `(progn
1230 (defmethod testsuite-expects-error ((testsuite ,test-name))
1231 (with-test-slots
1232 ,expected-error)))))
1234 (defun build-testsuite-expected-failure ()
1235 (let ((test-name (def :testsuite-name))
1236 (expected-failure (def :expected-failure)))
1237 `(progn
1238 (defmethod testsuite-expects-failure ((testsuite ,test-name))
1239 (with-test-slots
1240 ,expected-failure)))))
1242 (defun build-test-teardown-method ()
1243 (let ((test-name (def :testsuite-name))
1244 (teardown (def :teardown)))
1245 (when teardown
1246 (unless (consp teardown)
1247 (setf teardown (list teardown)))
1248 (when (length-1-list-p teardown)
1249 (setf teardown (list teardown)))
1250 (when (symbolp (first teardown))
1251 (setf teardown (list teardown))))
1252 (let* ((teardown-code `(,@(when teardown
1253 `((with-test-slots ,@teardown)))))
1254 (test-code `(,@teardown-code)))
1255 `(progn
1256 ,@(when teardown-code
1257 `((defmethod test-case-teardown progn ((testsuite ,test-name)
1258 (result test-result))
1259 (when (run-teardown-p testsuite :test-case)
1260 ,@test-code))))
1261 ,@(when teardown-code
1262 `((defmethod testsuite-teardown ((testsuite ,test-name)
1263 (result test-result))
1264 (when (run-teardown-p testsuite :testsuite)
1265 ,@test-code))))))))
1267 (defun build-setup-test-method ()
1268 (let ((test-name (def :testsuite-name))
1269 (setup (def :setup)))
1270 ;;?? ewww, this smells bad
1271 (when setup
1272 (unless (consp setup)
1273 (setf setup (list setup)))
1274 (when (length-1-list-p setup)
1275 (setf setup (list setup)))
1276 (when (symbolp (first setup))
1277 (setf setup (list setup))))
1278 (if setup
1279 `(defmethod setup-test :after ((testsuite ,test-name))
1280 (with-test-slots
1281 ,@setup))
1282 ;; rather use remove-method
1283 `(defmethod setup-test :after ((testsuite ,test-name))
1284 ))))
1286 (defmethod setup-test :around ((test test-mixin))
1287 (when (run-setup-p test)
1288 (call-next-method)
1289 (setf (slot-value test 'done-setup?) t)))
1291 (defun run-setup-p (testsuite)
1292 (case (run-setup testsuite)
1293 (:once-per-session (error "not implemented"))
1294 (:once-per-suite (not (done-setup? testsuite)))
1295 ((:once-per-test-case t) t)
1296 ((:never nil) nil)
1297 (t (error "Don't know about ~s for run-setup" (run-setup testsuite)))))
1299 (defun run-teardown-p (testsuite when)
1300 (ecase when
1301 (:test-case
1302 (ecase (run-setup testsuite)
1303 (:once-per-session nil)
1304 (:once-per-suite nil)
1305 ((:once-per-test-case t) t)
1306 ((:never nil) nil)))
1307 (:testsuite
1308 (ecase (run-setup testsuite)
1309 (:once-per-session nil)
1310 (:once-per-suite t)
1311 ((:once-per-test-case t) nil)
1312 ((:never nil) nil)))))
1314 (defun current-source-position ()
1315 #+allegro
1316 (or (second comp::*compile-file-last-form-location*)
1317 (file-position comp::*compile-file-stream*))
1318 #-allegro
1321 #+allegro
1322 (defun test-is-being-redefined-p (test-suite-name test-case-name)
1323 (let* ((old-source (gethash test-case-name (test-case-source-file test-suite-name)))
1324 (old-position (gethash test-case-name (test-case-source-position test-suite-name)))
1325 (new-source (namestring *compile-file-pathname*))
1326 (new-position (current-source-position)))
1327 (and old-source
1328 old-position
1329 (or (not (string= old-source new-source))
1330 (not (= old-position new-position))))))
1332 (defun build-test-test-method (suite-name test-body options)
1333 (multiple-value-bind (test-case-name body name-supplied?)
1334 (parse-test-body test-body)
1335 (declare (ignorable name-supplied?))
1336 (unless (consp (first body))
1337 (setf body (list body)))
1338 (setf (def :test-case-name) test-case-name)
1339 `(progn
1340 #+allegro
1341 (when *test-is-being-compiled?*
1342 (when (test-is-being-redefined-p ',suite-name ',test-case-name)
1343 (let ((original-source
1344 (gethash ',test-case-name (test-case-source-file ',suite-name)))
1345 (new-source (namestring *compile-file-pathname*))
1346 (original-pos
1347 (gethash ',test-case-name (test-case-source-position ',suite-name)))
1348 (new-pos (current-source-position)))
1349 (if (string= original-source new-source)
1350 ;; we assume that the environment has already printed the file name
1351 (warn "Test ~a/~a is being redefined from position ~d to ~d"
1352 ',suite-name ',test-case-name original-pos new-pos)
1353 (warn "Test ~a/~a is being redefined from file ~a at position ~d to ~d"
1354 original-source original-pos new-pos))
1355 (when *break-on-redefinition*
1356 (break)))))
1357 (setf (gethash ',test-case-name (test-name->code-table ',suite-name)) ',body
1358 (gethash ',body (test-code->name-table ',suite-name)) ',test-case-name)
1359 #+(or mcl ccl)
1360 ,@(when name-supplied?
1361 `((ccl:record-source-file ',test-case-name 'test-case)))
1362 (unless (find ',test-case-name (testsuite-tests ',suite-name))
1363 (setf (testsuite-tests ',suite-name)
1364 (append (testsuite-tests ',suite-name) (list ',test-case-name))))
1365 (setf (gethash ',suite-name *test-case-options*) nil)
1366 (defmethod set-test-case-options
1367 ((suite-name (eql ',suite-name)) (test-case-name (eql ',test-case-name)))
1368 ,@(when options
1369 (build-test-case-options
1370 suite-name test-case-name options)))
1371 (setf (gethash ',test-case-name (test-name->methods ',suite-name))
1372 (lambda (testsuite)
1373 (declare (ignorable testsuite))
1374 ,@(when options
1375 `((set-test-case-options ',suite-name ',test-case-name)))
1376 (with-test-slots ,@body)))
1377 (setf *last-test-case-name* ',test-case-name)
1378 (when (and *test-print-when-defined?*
1379 (not (or *test-is-being-compiled?*
1381 (format *debug-io* "~&;Test Created: ~(~S.~S~)."
1382 ',suite-name ',test-case-name))
1383 *last-test-case-name*)))
1385 (defun parse-test-body (test-body)
1386 (let ((test-name nil)
1387 (body nil)
1388 (test-number (1+ (testsuite-test-count *last-testsuite-name*)))
1389 (name-supplied? nil))
1390 (setf test-name (first test-body))
1391 (cond ((symbolp test-name)
1392 (setf test-name
1393 (intern (format nil "~A" test-name))
1394 body (rest test-body)
1395 name-supplied? t))
1396 ((and (test-code->name-table *last-testsuite-name*)
1397 (setf test-name
1398 (gethash test-body
1399 (test-code->name-table *last-testsuite-name*))))
1400 (setf body test-body))
1402 (setf test-name
1403 (intern (format nil "TEST-~A"
1404 test-number))
1405 body test-body)))
1406 (values test-name body name-supplied?)))
1408 (defun build-benchmark-function (suite-name test-case-name body options)
1409 (let ((duration 2) style)
1410 (when (getf options :style)
1411 (setf style (getf options :style))
1412 (remf options :style))
1413 (when (getf options :duration 2)
1414 (setf duration (getf options :duration 2))
1415 (remf options :duration))
1416 `(progn
1417 #+(or mcl ccl)
1418 ,@(when name-supplied?
1419 `((ccl:record-source-file ',test-case-name 'test-case)))
1420 (unless (find ',test-case-name (testsuite-tests ',suite-name))
1421 (setf (testsuite-tests ',suite-name)
1422 (append (testsuite-tests ',suite-name) (list ',test-case-name))))
1423 ;;?? to defer until after compile...?
1424 ,@(when options
1425 `((defmethod set-test-case-options
1426 ((suite-name (eql ',suite-name))
1427 (test-case-name (eql ',test-case-name)))
1428 ,@(build-test-case-options
1429 suite-name test-case-name options))))
1430 (setf (gethash ',test-case-name (test-name->methods ',suite-name))
1431 (lambda (testsuite)
1432 (declare (ignorable testsuite))
1433 (with-test-slots
1434 (symbol-macrolet
1435 ((benchmark-count
1436 (getf (test-data *current-test*) :benchmark-count)))
1437 (declare (ignorable benchmark-count))
1438 ,@(when options
1439 `((set-test-case-options ',suite-name ',test-case-name)))
1440 ,@(ecase style
1441 (:repetition
1442 `((setf benchmark-count
1443 (while-counting-repetitions (,duration)
1444 ,@body))))
1445 (:events
1446 `((setf benchmark-count
1447 (while-counting-events (,duration)
1448 ,@body))))
1449 ((nil)
1450 `,body))))))
1451 (setf *last-test-case-name* ',test-case-name))))
1453 (defun build-test-class ()
1454 ;; for now, we don't generate code from :class-def code-blocks
1455 ;; they are executed only for effect.
1456 (loop for (nil . block) in *code-blocks*
1457 when (and block
1458 (code block)
1459 (eq (operate-when block) :class-def)
1460 (or (not (filter block))
1461 (funcall (filter block)))) collect
1462 (funcall (code block)))
1463 (unless (some (lambda (superclass)
1464 (testsuite-p superclass))
1465 (def :superclasses))
1466 (pushnew 'test-mixin (def :superclasses)))
1467 ;; build basic class and standard class
1468 `(defclass ,(def :testsuite-name) (,@(def :superclasses))
1469 ,(loop for name in (def :direct-slot-names) collect
1470 (let ((it (find name (def :slot-specs) :key #'car)))
1471 (assert it)
1472 it))
1473 ,@(when (def :documentation)
1474 `((:documentation ,(def :documentation))))
1475 (:default-initargs
1476 ,@(def :default-initargs)
1477 ,@(when *load-pathname*
1478 `(:test-source-file ,(namestring *compile-file-pathname*))))))
1480 (defun parse-test-slots (slot-specs)
1481 (loop for spec in slot-specs collect
1482 (let ((parsed-spec spec))
1483 (if (member :initform parsed-spec)
1484 (let ((pos (position :initform parsed-spec)))
1485 (append (subseq parsed-spec 0 pos)
1486 (subseq parsed-spec (+ pos 2))))
1487 parsed-spec))))
1489 ;; some handy properties
1490 (defclass-property test-slots)
1491 (defclass-property test-code->name-table)
1492 (defclass-property test-name->code-table)
1493 (defclass-property test-case-documentation)
1494 (defclass-property testsuite-tests)
1495 (defclass-property testsuite-dynamic-variables)
1496 (defclass-property test-name->methods)
1497 (defclass-property test-case-source-file)
1498 (defclass-property test-case-source-position)
1500 ;;?? issue 27: break encapsulation of code blocks
1501 (defclass-property testsuite-function-specs)
1503 (defun empty-test-tables (test-name)
1504 (when (find-class test-name nil)
1505 (setf (test-code->name-table test-name)
1506 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
1507 (test-name->code-table test-name)
1508 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
1509 (test-name->methods test-name)
1510 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
1511 (test-case-documentation test-name)
1512 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
1513 (test-case-source-file test-name)
1514 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
1515 (test-case-source-position test-name)
1516 (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
1518 (pushnew :timeout *deftest-clauses*)
1520 (add-code-block
1521 :timeout 1 :class-def
1522 (lambda () (def :timeout))
1523 '((setf (def :timeout) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
1524 (lambda ()
1525 (unless (some (lambda (super)
1526 (member (find-class 'process-test-mixin)
1527 (superclasses super)))
1528 (def :superclasses))
1529 (pushnew 'process-test-mixin (def :superclasses)))
1530 (push (def :timeout) (def :default-initargs))
1531 (push :maximum-time (def :default-initargs))
1532 nil))
1534 (defmethod do-test :around ((suite test-mixin) name result)
1535 (declare (ignore result))
1536 (if (profile suite)
1537 (with-profile-report ((format nil "~a-~a"
1538 (testsuite-name suite) name)
1539 (profile suite))
1540 (call-next-method))
1541 (call-next-method)))
1543 (defmethod do-test :around ((suite process-test-mixin) name result)
1544 (declare (ignore name))
1545 (handler-bind ((timeout-error
1546 (lambda (c)
1547 (let ((suite-name (class-name (class-of suite))))
1548 (report-test-problem
1549 'test-timeout-failure result suite-name (current-method suite)
1550 (make-instance 'test-timeout-condition
1551 :maximum-time (maximum-time suite))))
1552 (if (find-restart 'test-failed)
1553 (invoke-restart 'test-failed c)
1554 (error c)))))
1555 (with-timeout ((maximum-time suite))
1556 (call-next-method))
1559 (defmethod testsuite-log-data ((suite t))
1560 nil)
1562 (defmethod testsuite-log-data :around ((suite t))
1563 (multiple-value-bind (additional error?)
1564 (ignore-errors (call-next-method))
1565 (if error?
1566 `(:error "error occured gathering additional data")
1567 additional)))
1569 (defmethod test-case-teardown :around ((suite log-results-mixin) result)
1570 (declare (ignore result))
1571 (let ((problem (getf (test-data suite) :problem)))
1572 (unless (and problem (typep problem 'test-error-mixin))
1573 (generate-log-entry
1575 (getf (test-data suite) :seconds)
1576 (getf (test-data suite) :conses)
1577 :additional-data
1578 `(,@(testsuite-log-data suite))))))
1580 ;;?? might be "cleaner" with a macrolet (cf. lift-result)
1581 (defun lift-property (name)
1582 (when *current-test*
1583 (getf (getf (test-data *current-test*) :properties) name)))
1585 #+(or)
1586 (setf (getf (getf (third (first (tests-run *test-result*))) :properties) :foo)
1589 (defun (setf lift-property) (value name)
1590 (when *current-test*
1591 (setf (getf (getf (test-data *current-test*) :properties) name) value)))
1594 #+Later
1595 (defmacro with-test (&body forms)
1596 "Execute forms in the context of the current test class."
1597 (let* ((testsuite-name *last-testsuite-name*)
1598 (test-case (make-instance test-class)))
1599 `(eval-when (:execute)
1600 (prog2
1601 (setup-test ,test-case)
1602 (progn
1603 (with-test-slots ,@forms))
1604 (test-case-teardown ,test-case result)))))
1606 (defvar *test-case-options* (make-hash-table))
1608 (defun remove-test-case-options (suite-name)
1609 (remhash suite-name *test-case-options*))
1611 (defun test-case-option (suite-name case-name option-name)
1612 (let* ((suite-options (gethash suite-name *test-case-options*))
1613 (case-options (and suite-options
1614 (gethash case-name suite-options))))
1615 (getf (car case-options) option-name)))
1617 (defun (setf test-case-option) (value suite-name case-name option-name)
1618 (let ((suite-options (gethash suite-name *test-case-options*)))
1619 (unless suite-options
1620 (setf suite-options (setf (gethash suite-name *test-case-options*)
1621 (make-hash-table))))
1622 (multiple-value-bind (case-options found?)
1623 (gethash case-name suite-options)
1624 (unless found?
1625 (setf case-options
1626 (setf (gethash case-name suite-options) (cons nil nil))))
1627 (setf (getf (car case-options) option-name) value))))
1629 (defun build-test-case-options (suite-name case-name options)
1630 (loop for (k v) on options by #'cddr collect
1631 `(setf (test-case-option ',suite-name ',case-name ,k) ,v)))
1634 (test-case-option 'test-dependencies-helper 'test-c :depends-on)
1635 (setf (test-case-option 'test-dependencies-helper 'test-c :depends-on) :test-c)
1636 (remove-test-case-options 'test-dependencies-helper)