bug22696: lift's ensure-condition macro not defaulting to using `condition` for the...
[lift.git] / dev / utilities.lisp
1 (in-package #:lift)
3 (defvar *lift-debug-output* *debug-io*
4 "Messages from LIFT will be sent to this stream. It can set to nil or
5 to an output stream. It defaults to *debug-io*.")
7 (defvar *test-print-testsuite-names* t
8 "If true, LIFT will print the name of each test suite to *debug-io* before it begins to run the suite. See also: *test-print-test-case-names*.")
10 (defvar *test-print-test-case-names* nil
11 "If true, LIFT will print the name of each test-case before it runs. See also: *test-print-testsuite-names*.")
14 ;; stolen from metatilities
15 (defun form-symbol-in-package (package &rest names)
16 "Finds or interns a symbol in package whose name is formed by concatenating the pretty printed representation of the names together."
17 (with-standard-io-syntax
18 (let ((*package* package))
19 (intern (format nil "~{~a~}" names)
20 package))))
22 (defun form-symbol (&rest names)
23 "Finds or interns a symbol in the current package whose name is formed by concatenating the pretty printed representation of the names together."
24 (apply #'form-symbol-in-package *package* names))
26 (defun form-keyword (&rest names)
27 "Finds or interns a symbol in the current package whose name is formed by concatenating the pretty printed representation of the names together."
28 (apply #'form-symbol-in-package
29 (load-time-value (find-package :keyword)) names))
31 ;; borrowed from asdf
32 (defun pathname-sans-name+type (pathname)
33 "Returns a new pathname with same HOST, DEVICE, DIRECTORY as PATHNAME,
34 and NIL NAME and TYPE components"
35 (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :defaults pathname))
37 (defun pathname-has-device-p (pathname)
38 (and (or (stringp pathname) (pathnamep pathname))
39 (not (member (pathname-device pathname) '(nil :unspecific)))))
41 (defun pathname-has-host-p (pathname)
42 (and (or (stringp pathname) (pathnamep pathname))
43 (not (member (pathname-host pathname) '(nil :unspecific)))))
45 (defun relative-pathname (relative-to pathname &key name type)
46 (let ((directory (pathname-directory pathname)))
47 (when (eq (car directory) :absolute)
48 (setf directory (copy-list directory)
49 (car directory) :relative))
50 (merge-pathnames
51 (make-pathname :name (or name (pathname-name pathname))
52 :type (or type (pathname-type pathname))
53 :directory directory
55 relative-to)))
57 (defun directory-pathname-p (p)
58 (flet ((component-present-p (value)
59 (and value (not (eql value :unspecific)))))
60 (and
61 (not (component-present-p (pathname-name p)))
62 (not (component-present-p (pathname-type p)))
63 p)))
65 (defun directory-p (name)
66 (let ((truename (probe-file name)))
67 (and truename (directory-pathname-p name))))
69 (defun containing-pathname (pathspec)
70 "Return the containing pathname of the thing to which
71 pathspac points. For example:
73 > \(containing-directory \"/foo/bar/bis.temp\"\)
74 \"/foo/bar/\"
75 > \(containing-directory \"/foo/bar/\"\)
76 \"/foo/\"
78 (make-pathname
79 :directory `(,@(butlast (pathname-directory pathspec)
80 (if (directory-pathname-p pathspec) 1 0)))
81 :name nil
82 :type nil
83 :defaults pathspec))
85 ;; FIXME -- abstract and merge with unique-directory
86 (defun unique-filename (pathname &optional (max-count 10000))
87 (let ((date-part (date-stamp)))
88 (loop repeat max-count
89 for index from 1
90 for name =
91 (merge-pathnames
92 (make-pathname
93 :name (format nil "~a-~a-~d"
94 (pathname-name pathname)
95 date-part index))
96 pathname) do
97 (unless (probe-file name)
98 (return-from unique-filename name)))
99 (error "Unable to find unique pathname for ~a; there are already ~:d similar files" pathname max-count)))
101 ;; FIXME -- abstract and merge with unique-filename
102 (defun unique-directory (pathname)
103 (setf pathname (merge-pathnames pathname))
104 (let* ((date-part (date-stamp))
105 (last-directory (first (last (pathname-directory pathname))))
106 (base-pathname (containing-pathname pathname))
107 (base-name (pathname-name last-directory))
108 (base-type (pathname-type last-directory)))
109 (or (loop repeat 10000
110 for index from 1
111 for name =
112 (merge-pathnames
113 (make-pathname
114 :name nil
115 :type nil
116 :directory `(:relative
117 ,(format nil "~@[~a-~]~a-~d~@[.~a~]"
118 base-name date-part index base-type)))
119 base-pathname) do
120 (unless (probe-file name)
121 (return name)))
122 (error "Unable to find unique pathname for ~a" pathname))))
124 (defun date-stamp (&key (datetime (get-universal-time)) (include-time? nil)
125 (include-date? t)
126 (time-delimiter #\-) (date-delimiter #\-) (date-time-separator #\T))
127 (multiple-value-bind
128 (second minute hour day month year day-of-the-week)
129 (decode-universal-time datetime)
130 (declare (ignore day-of-the-week))
131 (let ((date-part (format nil "~d~@[~c~]~2,'0d~@[~c~]~2,'0d"
132 year date-delimiter month date-delimiter day))
133 (time-part (and include-time?
134 (format nil "~2,'0d~@[~c~]~2,'0d~@[~c~]~2,'0d"
135 hour time-delimiter minute
136 time-delimiter second))))
137 (format nil "~@[~a~]~@[~c~]~@[~a~]"
138 (and include-date? date-part)
139 (and include-date? include-time? date-time-separator)
140 (and include-time? time-part)))))
142 #-allegro
143 (defun format-test-time-for-log (test-time)
144 (multiple-value-bind (ut fsecs)
145 (truncate test-time 1000)
146 (date-stamp :datetime ut :include-date? nil :include-time? t :time-delimiter #\:)))
148 #+allegro
149 (defun format-test-time-for-log (test-time)
150 (multiple-value-bind (ut fsecs)
151 (truncate test-time 1000)
152 (with-output-to-string (out)
153 (let* ((time
154 (excl:locale-print-time ut :fmt "%T" :stream nil)
155 #+no
156 (excl:locale-print-time ut :fmt "%Y-%m-%dT%T" :stream nil)))
157 (format out "~a.~3,'0d" time fsecs)))))
159 #+(or)
160 (date-stamp :include-time? t)
162 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 ;;; shared stuff
164 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 (defgeneric get-class (thing &key error?)
167 (:documentation "Returns the class of thing or nil if the class cannot be found. Thing can be a class, an object representing a class or a symbol naming a class. Get-class is like find-class only not as particular.")
168 (:method ((thing symbol) &key error?)
169 (find-class thing error?))
170 (:method ((thing standard-object) &key error?)
171 (declare (ignore error?))
172 (class-of thing))
173 (:method ((thing t) &key error?)
174 (declare (ignore error?))
175 (class-of thing))
176 (:method ((thing class) &key error?)
177 (declare (ignore error?))
178 thing))
180 (defun direct-subclasses (thing)
181 "Returns the immediate subclasses of thing. Thing can be a class, object or symbol naming a class."
182 (class-direct-subclasses (get-class thing)))
184 (defun map-subclasses (class fn &key proper?)
185 "Applies fn to each subclass of class. If proper? is true, then
186 the class itself is not included in the mapping. Proper? defaults to nil."
187 (let ((mapped (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
188 (labels ((mapped-p (class)
189 (gethash class mapped))
190 (do-it (class root)
191 (unless (mapped-p class)
192 (setf (gethash class mapped) t)
193 (unless (and proper? root)
194 (funcall fn class))
195 (mapc (lambda (class)
196 (do-it class nil))
197 (direct-subclasses class)))))
198 (do-it (get-class class) t))))
200 (defun subclasses (class &key (proper? t))
201 "Returns all of the subclasses of the class including the class itself."
202 (let ((result nil))
203 (map-subclasses class (lambda (class)
204 (push class result))
205 :proper? proper?)
206 (nreverse result)))
208 (defun superclasses (thing &key (proper? t))
209 "Returns a list of superclasses of thing. Thing can be a class,
210 object or symbol naming a class. The list of classes returned is
211 'proper'; it does not include the class itself."
212 (let ((result (class-precedence-list (get-class thing))))
213 (if proper? (rest result) result)))
215 (defun class-slot-names (thing)
216 (declare (ignorable thing))
217 #+allegro
218 (let ((class (get-class thing)))
219 (if class
220 (mapcar 'mop:slot-definition-name
221 (mop:class-slots (finalize-class-if-necessary class)))
222 (progn
223 (warn "class for ~a not found)" thing)
224 nil))))
226 (defun finalize-class-if-necessary (thing)
227 "Finalizes thing if necessary. Thing can be a class, object or
228 symbol naming a class. Returns the class of thing."
229 (declare (ignorable thing))
230 #+allegro
231 (let ((class (get-class thing)))
232 (unless (mop:class-finalized-p class)
233 (mop:finalize-inheritance class))
234 (values class)))
236 (declaim (inline length-1-list-p))
237 (defun length-1-list-p (x)
238 "Is x a list of length 1?"
239 (and (consp x) (null (cdr x))))
241 (defun parse-brief-slot (slot)
242 (let* ((slot-spec
243 (typecase slot
244 (symbol (list slot))
245 (list slot)
246 (t (error "Slot-spec must be a symbol or a list. `~s` is not."
247 slot)))))
248 (unless (null (cddr slot-spec))
249 (error "Slot-spec must be a symbol or a list of length one or two. `~s` has too many elements." slot))
250 `(,(first slot-spec)
251 :initarg ,(form-keyword (first slot-spec))
252 :initform ,(when (second slot-spec) `,(second slot-spec)))))
254 (defun convert-clauses-into-lists (clauses-and-options clauses-to-convert)
255 ;; This is useful (for me at least!) for writing macros
256 (let ((parsed-clauses nil))
257 (do* ((clauses clauses-and-options (rest clauses))
258 (clause (first clauses) (first clauses)))
259 ((null clauses))
260 (if (and (keywordp clause)
261 (or (null clauses-to-convert) (member clause clauses-to-convert))
262 (not (length-1-list-p clauses)))
263 (progn
264 (setf clauses (rest clauses))
265 (push (list clause (first clauses)) parsed-clauses))
266 (push clause parsed-clauses)))
267 (nreverse parsed-clauses)))
269 (defun remove-leading-quote (list)
270 "Removes the first quote from a list if one is there."
271 (if (and (consp list) (eql (first list) 'quote))
272 (first (rest list))
273 list))
275 (defun cleanup-parsed-parameter (parameter)
276 (if (length-1-list-p parameter)
277 (first parameter)
278 parameter))
280 (defun ensure-string (it)
281 (etypecase it
282 (string it)
283 (symbol (symbol-name it))))
285 (defun ensure-function (thing)
286 (typecase thing
287 (function thing)
288 (symbol (symbol-function thing))))
290 (defun ensure-list (thing)
291 (if (listp thing) thing (list thing)))
293 ;;;;
295 (defun version-numbers (version &optional padded)
296 "Returns a list of the version numbers in a #\. delimited string of
297 integers. E.g. (version-numbers \"2.2.1\") ==> (2 2 1). If the optional
298 `padded` parameter is included, the length of the returned list will be
299 right-padded with zeros so that it is of length padded (the list won't
300 be truncated if padded is smaller than the number of version digits in
301 the string."
302 (let ((result (mapcar 'safe-parse-integer (split version '(#\.)))))
303 (if padded
304 (pad-version result padded)
305 result)))
307 (defun canonical-versions-numbers (v-1 v-2)
308 (let* ((v-1s (version-numbers v-1))
309 (v-2s (version-numbers v-2))
310 (max (max (length v-1s) (length v-2s))))
311 (values (pad-version v-1s max) (pad-version v-2s max))))
313 (defun version= (v-1 v-2)
314 (multiple-value-bind (v-1s v-2s)
315 (canonical-versions-numbers v-1 v-2)
316 (every (lambda (v1 v2) (= v1 v2))
317 v-1s v-2s)))
319 (defun version< (v-1 v-2)
320 (multiple-value-bind (v-1s v-2s)
321 (canonical-versions-numbers v-1 v-2)
322 (loop for last1 = nil then v1
323 for last2 = nil then v2
324 for v1 in v-1s
325 for v2 in v-2s
326 when (or (and (null last1) (> v1 v2))
327 (and (not (null last1))
328 (= last1 last2)
329 (> v1 v2))) do
330 (return-from version< nil)
331 when (< v1 v2) do
332 (return-from version< t)
333 finally
334 ;; everything equal
335 (when (and (not (null last1)) (= last1 last2))
336 (return-from version< nil)))
339 (defun pad-version (v size)
340 (assert (<= (length v) size))
341 (append v (make-list (- size (length v)) :initial-element 0)))
343 (defun version<= (v-1 v-2)
344 (or (version< v-1 v-2)
345 (version= v-1 v-2)))
347 (defun version> (v-1 v-2)
348 (not (version<= v-1 v-2)))
350 (defun version>= (v-1 v-2)
351 (not (version< v-1 v-2)))
353 (defun safe-parse-integer (string)
354 (parse-integer string :junk-allowed t))
356 (defun split (string &optional (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
357 (flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
358 (nreverse
359 (let ((list nil) (start 0) (words 0) end)
360 (loop
361 (setf end (position-if #'is-ws string :start start))
362 (push (subseq string start end) list)
363 (incf words)
364 (unless end (return list))
365 (setf start (1+ end)))))))
367 ;;; whitespace-p
369 (defparameter +whitespace-characters+
370 (list #\Space #\Newline #\Tab #\Page #\Null #\Linefeed)
371 "A list of characters that should be treated as whitespace. See,
372 for example, [whitespacep][].")
374 (defun whitespacep (char)
375 "Returns true if `char` is an element of [+whitespace-characters+][]
376 and nil otherwise."
377 (not (null (find char +whitespace-characters+ :test #'char=))))
379 (defun string-trim-if (predicate string &key (start 0) (end (length string)))
380 (let ((end (1- end)))
381 (loop for ch across string
382 while (funcall predicate ch) do (incf start))
383 (when (< start end)
384 (loop for ch = (aref string end)
385 while (funcall predicate ch) do (decf end)))
386 (subseq string start (1+ end))))
388 (defun strip-whitespace (string &key (start 0) (end (length string)))
389 (string-trim-if
390 #'whitespacep string :start start :end end))
392 (defun lisp-version-string ()
393 ;; shared with many other projects... sigh
394 #+cmu (substitute #\- #\/
395 (substitute #\_ #\Space
396 (lisp-implementation-version)))
397 #+scl (lisp-implementation-version)
398 #+sbcl (lisp-implementation-version)
399 #+ecl (reduce (lambda (x str) (substitute #\_ str x))
400 '(#\Space #\: #\( #\))
401 :initial-value (lisp-implementation-version))
402 #+gcl (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version))) (subseq s 4))
403 #+openmcl (format nil "~d.~d~@[-~d~]"
404 ccl::*openmcl-major-version*
405 ccl::*openmcl-minor-version*
406 #+ppc64-target 64
407 #-ppc64-target nil)
408 #+lispworks (format nil "~A~@[~A~]"
409 (lisp-implementation-version)
410 (when (member :lispworks-64bit *features*) "-64bit"))
411 #+allegro (format nil
412 "~A~A~A~A"
413 excl::*common-lisp-version-number*
414 ; ANSI vs MoDeRn
415 ;; thanks to Robert Goldman and Charley Cox for
416 ;; an improvement to my hack
417 (if (eq excl:*current-case-mode*
418 :case-sensitive-lower) "M" "A")
419 ;; Note if not using International ACL
420 ;; see http://www.franz.com/support/documentation/8.1/doc/operators/excl/ics-target-case.htm
421 (excl:ics-target-case
422 (:-ics "8")
423 (:+ics ""))
424 (if (member :64bit *features*) "-64bit" ""))
425 #+clisp (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
426 (subseq s 0 (position #\space s)))
427 #+armedbear (lisp-implementation-version)
428 #+cormanlisp (lisp-implementation-version)
429 #+digitool (subseq (lisp-implementation-version) 8))
431 (defun print-lift-message (message &rest args)
432 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
433 (apply #'format *lift-debug-output* message args)
434 (force-output *lift-debug-output*))
436 (defun %start-test-case (name result)
437 (when (and *test-print-test-case-names*
438 (eq (test-mode result) :multiple))
439 (if (eq *test-print-test-case-names* :brief)
440 (print-lift-message ".")
441 (print-lift-message "~& run: ~a" name))))
443 (defun %start-test-suite (name result)
444 (when (and *test-print-testsuite-names*
445 (eq (test-mode result) :multiple))
446 (if (eq *test-print-testsuite-names* :brief)
447 (print-lift-message "*")
448 (print-lift-message "~&Start: ~a" name))))
450 (defun safe-find-symbol (symbol package)
451 (and (find-package package)
452 (find-symbol (etypecase symbol
453 (string symbol)
454 (symbol (symbol-name symbol))) package)))
456 (defun symbol-apply (symbol package &rest args)
457 (let* ((symbol (safe-find-symbol symbol package))
458 (function (and symbol (symbol-function symbol))))
459 (when function
460 (apply function args))))
462 (defun form-groups (list size)
463 (let ((result nil)
464 (count 0)
465 (sub-result nil))
466 (flet ((add-one ()
467 (push (nreverse sub-result) result)
468 (setf sub-result nil count 0)))
469 (loop for a in list do
470 (when (= count size) (add-one))
471 (push a sub-result)
472 (incf count))
473 (when (= count size) (add-one))
474 (values (nreverse result) (nreverse sub-result)))))
476 (defun test-function-name (test-function)
477 (cond ((eq test-function #'eq)
478 "eq")
479 ((eq test-function #'eql)
480 "eql")
481 ((eq test-function #'equal)
482 "equal")
483 ((eq test-function #'equalp)
484 "equalp")
485 ((eq test-function #'=)
486 "=")
488 (princ-to-string test-function))))
490 (defun hostname ()
491 (or *hostname*
492 (setf *hostname*
493 (multiple-value-bind (r _ code)
494 (or (symbol-apply (symbol-name '#:run-shell-command)
495 :trivial-shell "hostname -s")
496 (symbol-apply (symbol-name '#:command-output)
497 :excl.osi "hostname -s"))
498 (declare (ignore _))
499 (if (/= code 0) "unknown" (first r))))))
501 (defun dotted-pair-p (putative-pair)
502 "Returns true if and only if `putative-pair` is a dotted-list. I.e.,
503 if `putative-pair` is a cons cell with a non-nil cdr."
504 (and (consp putative-pair)
505 (cdr putative-pair)
506 (not (consp (cdr putative-pair)))))
508 (defun make-printable (thing)
509 (cond ((dotted-pair-p thing)
510 (cons (make-printable (car thing))
511 (make-printable (cdr thing))))
512 ((keywordp thing)
513 thing)
514 ((symbolp thing)
515 (encode-symbol thing))
516 ((listp thing)
517 (mapcar #'make-printable thing))
518 ((typep thing 'standard-object)
519 (format nil "~a" thing))
521 thing)))