bug22696: lift's ensure-condition macro not defaulting to using `condition` for the...
[lift.git] / dev / reports.lisp
1 (in-package #:lift)
3 ;; dribble
4 ;; full output for all tests on separate pages per suite? whatever.
5 ;; test environment
7 #|
8 For *standard-input*: an input stream
10 For *error-output*, *standard-output*, and *trace-output*: an output stream.
12 For *debug-io*, *query-io*: a bidirectional stream.
17 (start-report-output result stream format)
18 (summarize-test-result result stream format)
19 (summarize-test-environment result stream format)
20 (when (or (failures result) (errors result)
21 (expected-failures result) (expected-errors result)
22 (skipped-test-cases result))
23 (summarize-test-problems result stream format))
24 (summarize-tests-run result stream format)
25 (end-report-output result stream format)
26 (generate-detailed-reports result stream format))
28 lift::(progn
29 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* :style-sheet) "test-style.css")
30 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* :title) "lubm-50")
31 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* :unique-name) t)
32 (test-result-report *test-result* #p "/fi/internal/people/gwking/agraph/testing/report/2008-08-21-lubm-50-prolog" :html))
34 lift::(progn
35 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* :style-sheet)
36 "test-style.css")
37 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* :title)
38 "Ugh")
39 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* :if-exists)
40 :error)
41 (test-result-report *test-result* #p"report-20080813a.sav" :save))
43 (run-tests :suite '(lift-test test-cursors))
45 (run-tests :suite 'lift-test-ensure)
47 (test-result-property *test-result* :title)
51 (defvar *log-header-hooks* nil)
52 (defvar *log-footer-hooks* nil)
53 (defvar *log-detail-hooks* nil)
55 (defvar *report-hooks* nil)
57 (defun report-hooks-for (mode)
58 (cdr (assoc mode *report-hooks*)))
60 (defun (setf report-hooks-for) (value mode)
61 (setf *report-hooks* (remove mode *report-hooks* :key 'car))
62 (push (cons mode value) *report-hooks*)
63 value)
65 (defun add-report-hook-for (mode hook)
66 (setf (report-hooks-for mode) (push hook (report-hooks-for mode))))
68 (defgeneric start-report-output (result stream format)
71 (defgeneric summarize-test-result (result stream format)
74 (defgeneric summarize-test-environment (result stream format)
77 (defgeneric summarize-test-problems (result stream format)
80 (defgeneric summarize-test-problems-of-type
81 (format problems stream id heading name kind)
84 (defgeneric write-log-test
85 (format suite-name test-case-name data &key stream)
88 (defgeneric generate-detailed-reports (result stream format)
91 (defgeneric summarize-tests-run (result stream format)
94 (defgeneric end-report-output (result stream format)
97 (defgeneric html-header (stream title style-sheet)
100 ;; when it doubt, add a special
101 (defvar *report-environment* nil
102 "Used internally by LIFT reports.")
104 (defun make-report-environment ()
105 nil)
107 ;; env variables need to be part saved in result
109 (defgeneric test-result-report (result output format
110 &key package &allow-other-keys)
113 (defmethod test-result-report (result output format
114 &rest args
115 &key (package *package*) &allow-other-keys)
116 (declare (ignore args))
117 (let ((*report-environment* (make-report-environment))
118 (*package* (or (find-package package) *package*)))
119 (cond ((or (stringp output)
120 (pathnamep output))
121 (with-open-file (stream
122 output
123 :direction :output
124 :if-does-not-exist :create
125 :if-exists (or (test-result-property
126 result :if-exists)
127 :error))
128 (%test-result-report-stream result stream format)))
129 ((streamp output)
130 (%test-result-report-stream result output format))
131 ((eq output t)
132 (%test-result-report-stream result *standard-output* format))
134 (error "Don't know how to send a report to ~s" output)))))
136 (defun %test-result-report-stream (result stream format)
137 (start-report-output result stream format)
138 (summarize-test-result result stream format)
139 (summarize-test-environment result stream format)
140 (summarize-test-problems result stream format)
141 (summarize-tests-run result stream format)
142 (end-report-output result stream format)
143 (generate-detailed-reports result stream format))
145 (defmethod start-report-output (result stream format)
146 (declare (ignore result stream format))
149 (defmethod summarize-test-result (result stream format)
150 (declare (ignore format))
151 (format stream"~&Test results for: ~a~%"
152 (results-for result))
153 (let ((complete-success? (and (null (errors result))
154 (null (failures result)))))
155 (cond (complete-success?
156 (format stream"~&~A Successful test~:P~%"
157 (length (tests-run result))))
159 (format stream "~&~A Test~:P~[~:;, ~:*~A Failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Error~:P~].~%"
160 (length (tests-run result))
161 (length (failures result))
162 (length (errors result)))))))
164 (defmethod summarize-test-environment (result stream format)
165 (format stream "~&Lisp: ~a (~a)"
166 (lisp-version-string) (lisp-implementation-version))
167 (format stream "~&On : ~a ~a ~a"
168 (machine-type) (machine-version) (machine-instance))
169 (terpri stream)
170 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
171 (loop for hook in (report-hooks-for :summarize-environment) do
172 (funcall hook result format)))
173 (terpri stream)
176 (defmethod summarize-test-problems (result stream format)
177 (declare (ignore result stream format))
180 (defmethod generate-detailed-reports (result stream format)
181 (declare (ignore result stream format))
184 (defmethod summarize-tests-run (result stream format)
185 (declare (ignore result stream format)))
187 (defmethod end-report-output (result stream format)
188 (declare (ignore result stream format))
191 #+(or)
192 (defun summarize-test-environment (result stream format)
193 (loop for symbol in (sort `((*lift-dribble-pathname*)
194 (*lift-debug-output* interpret-lift-stream)
195 (*lift-standard-output* interpret-lift-stream)
196 (*test-break-on-errors?*)
197 (*test-do-children?*)
198 (*lift-equality-test*)
199 (*test-print-length*)
200 (*test-print-level*)
201 (*lift-if-dribble-exists*))
202 'string-lessp :key 'first) do
204 (print)))
207 ;; some cruft stolen from cl-markdown
208 (defvar *html-meta*
209 '((name (:author :description :copyright :keywords :date))
210 (http-equiv (:refresh :expires))))
212 (defmethod start-report-output (result stream (format (eql :html)))
213 (html-header
214 stream
215 (test-result-property result :title)
216 (test-result-property result :style-sheet)))
218 (defmethod html-header (stream title style-sheet)
219 (format stream "~&<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"
220 \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">")
221 (format stream "~&<html>~&<head>")
222 (when title
223 (format stream "~&<title>~a</title>" title))
224 (when style-sheet
225 (unless (search ".css" style-sheet)
226 (setf style-sheet (concatenate 'string style-sheet ".css")))
227 (format stream "~&<link type='text/css' href='~a' rel='stylesheet' />"
228 style-sheet))
229 (format stream "~&</head>~&<body>"))
231 (defmethod summarize-test-result (result stream (format (eql :html)))
232 (format stream "~&<div id=\"summary\">")
233 (format stream "~&<h1>Test results for: ")
234 (cond ((ignore-errors (probe-file (results-for result)))
235 (let ((config-html (merge-pathnames "config.html" stream)))
236 (save-configuration-file result config-html)
237 (format stream "<a href=\"config.html\">~a</a>"
238 (results-for result))))
240 (format stream "~a" (results-for result))))
241 (format stream "</h1>~%")
242 (let ((complete-success? (and (null (errors result))
243 (null (failures result)))))
244 (cond (complete-success?
245 (format stream "~&<h2>~A Successful test~:P</h2>~%"
246 (length (tests-run result))))
248 (format stream "~&<h2>~:d test~:p"
249 (length (tests-run result)))
250 (format stream "~[~:;, ~:*<a href=\"#failures\">~:d failure~:P</a>~]"
251 (length (failures result)))
252 (format stream "~[~:;, ~:*<a href=\"#errors\">~:d error~:P</a>~]"
253 (length (errors result)))
254 (format stream "</h2>")))
256 (when (or (expected-errors result) (expected-failures result)
257 (skipped-test-cases result) (skipped-testsuites result))
258 (format stream "~&<h3>")
259 (let ((first? t))
260 (loop for (fn div title) in `((expected-errors "expected-errors" "Expected error")
261 (expected-failures "expected-failures" "Expected failure")
262 (skipped-test-cases "skipped-test-cases" "Skipped test cases")
263 (skipped-testsuites "skipped-testsuites" "Skipped testsuites")) do
264 (let ((count (length (funcall fn result))))
265 (when (plusp count)
266 (unless first? (format stream ", "))
267 (setf first? nil)
268 (format stream "<a href=\"#~a\">~a~p: ~:*~:d</a>" div title count)))))
269 (format stream "</h3>~%"))
271 (when (and (slot-boundp result 'end-time-universal)
272 (numberp (end-time-universal result))
273 (numberp (start-time-universal result)))
274 (format stream "~&<h3>Testing took: ~:d seconds</h3>"
275 (- (end-time-universal result)
276 (start-time-universal result)))))
277 (format stream "~&</div>"))
279 (defmethod summarize-test-environment (result stream (format (eql :html)))
280 (declare (ignore result))
281 (format stream "~&<div id=\"environment\">")
282 (call-next-method)
283 (format stream "~&</div>"))
285 (defmethod summarize-tests-run (result stream (format (eql :html)))
286 (flet ((doit (stream)
287 (format stream "~&<div id=\"results\">")
288 (format stream "~&<h2>Tests Run:</h2>")
289 (format stream "<div>(list of test suite and their test cases. Each test case shows its start-time, name, time taken (in seconds), conses used and any additional information).</div>")
290 (report-tests-by-suite format (tests-run result) stream nil)
291 (format stream "~&</div>")))
292 (cond ((or (failures result) (errors result)
293 (expected-failures result) (expected-errors result))
294 ;; print separately
295 (with-open-file (new-stream (merge-pathnames "summary.html" stream)
296 :direction :output
297 :if-does-not-exist :create
298 :if-exists :supersede)
299 (html-header
300 new-stream
301 "test summary"
302 (test-result-property result :style-sheet))
303 (format new-stream "~&<br><br><h1>Test Summary</h1>~%")
304 (format new-stream "~&<a href=\"~a\">Back</a>"
305 (namestring (make-pathname :name (pathname-name stream)
306 :type (pathname-type stream))))
307 (doit new-stream)
308 (html-footer new-stream))
309 (format stream
310 "~&<h2><a href=\"summary.html\">Test result summary</a></h2>~%")
311 (when (errors result)
312 (build-issues-report result :errors stream))
313 (when (failures result)
314 (build-issues-report result :failures stream))
315 (when (expected-failures result)
316 (build-issues-report result :expected-failures stream))
317 (when (expected-errors result)
318 (build-issues-report result :expected-errors stream))
319 (when (skipped-test-cases result)
320 (build-issues-report result :skipped-testsuites stream)))
322 (doit stream)))))
324 (defmethod summarize-test-problems (result stream (format (eql :html)))
325 (let ((done-header? nil))
326 (flet ((output-header ()
327 (unless done-header?
328 (format stream "~&<div id=\"problem-summary\">")
329 (format stream "~&<h2>Problem Summary:</h2>"))
330 (setf done-header? t)))
331 (loop for (fn id heading name kind) in
332 `((configuration-failures "configuration-failure-summary"
333 "Configuration Failures" "configuration-failures" :config-failures)
334 (errors "error-summary" "Errors" "errors" :errors)
335 (testsuite-failures "failure-summary" "Failures" "failures" :failures)
336 (expected-failures "expected-failure-summary" "Expected Failures" "expected-failures"
337 :expected-failures)
338 (expected-errors "expected-failure-summary"
339 "Expected Errors" "expected-errors"
340 :expected-errors)
341 (skipped-test-cases "skipped-cases-summary"
342 "Skipped test cases" "skipped-tests"
343 :skipped-test-cases)
344 (skipped-testsuites "skipped-suites-summary"
345 "Skipped testsuites" "skipped-tests"
346 :skipped-test-suites))
348 (let ((problems (funcall fn result)))
349 (when problems
350 (output-header)
351 (summarize-test-problems-of-type
352 format problems stream id heading name kind)))))
353 (when done-header?
354 (format stream "~&</div>"))))
356 (defmethod problem-summarization ((problem testsuite-problem-mixin))
357 `(,(testsuite problem) ,(test-method problem) (:problem ,problem)))
359 (defmethod problem-summarization ((problem test-configuration-problem-mixin))
360 `(:configuration :configuration (:problem ,problem)))
362 (defmethod summarize-test-problems-of-type
363 (format problems stream id heading name kind)
364 (when problems
365 (format stream "~&<div id=\"~a\">" id)
366 (format stream "~&<a name=\"~a\"></a><h3>~a</h3>" name heading)
367 (report-tests-by-suite
368 format (mapcar #'problem-summarization problems) stream kind)
369 (format stream "~&</div>")))
371 (defun report-tests-by-suite (format tests stream kind)
372 (let ((current-suite nil))
373 (loop for rest = (sort (copy-list tests)
374 'string-lessp :key 'first) then (rest rest)
375 while rest
376 for (suite test-name datum) = (first rest) do
377 (unless (eq current-suite suite)
378 (report-test-suite-by-suite format stream rest current-suite suite kind)
379 (setf current-suite suite))
380 (report-test-case-by-suite format stream suite test-name datum kind))
381 (finish-report-tests-by-suite format stream current-suite)))
383 (defmethod report-test-suite-by-suite
384 (format stream remaining current-suite suite kind)
385 (declare (ignore format stream remaining current-suite suite kind))
388 (defmethod report-test-case-by-suite (format stream suite test-name datum kind)
389 (declare (ignore format stream suite test-name datum kind))
392 (defmethod finish-report-tests-by-suite (format stream current-suite)
393 (declare (ignore format stream current-suite))
396 (defmethod report-test-suite-by-suite
397 :around ((format (eql :html)) stream remaining current-suite suite kind)
398 (declare (ignore remaining suite kind))
399 (finish-report-tests-by-suite format stream current-suite)
400 (call-next-method)
401 (format stream "</div>"))
403 (defmethod report-test-suite-by-suite
404 ((format (eql :html)) stream remaining current-suite (suite (eql :configuration)) kind)
405 (declare (ignore remaining current-suite kind))
406 (format stream "~&<div class=\"testsuite\">"))
408 (defmethod report-test-suite-by-suite
409 ((format (eql :html)) stream remaining current-suite suite kind)
410 (declare (ignore current-suite kind))
411 (format stream "~&<div class=\"testsuite\">")
412 (let* ((this-suite-end (or
413 (position-if
414 (lambda (datum)
415 (not (eq suite (first datum))))
416 remaining)
417 (length remaining)))
418 (error-count (count-if
419 (lambda (datum)
420 (and (getf (third datum) :problem)
421 (typep (getf (third datum) :problem)
422 'test-error)))
423 remaining
424 :end this-suite-end))
425 (failure-count (count-if
426 (lambda (datum)
427 (and (getf (third datum) :problem)
428 (typep (getf (third datum) :problem)
429 'test-failure)))
430 remaining
431 :end this-suite-end))
432 (extra-class (cond ((and (= error-count 0) (= failure-count 0))
433 'testsuite-all-passed)
434 ((> error-count 0)
435 'testsuite-some-errors)
437 'testsuite-some-failures))))
438 (format stream "~&<div class=\"testsuite-title\"><table class=\"~a\"><tr><td>~a</td>" extra-class suite)
439 (format stream "<td class=\"testsuite-test-count\">~:d test~:p</td>"
440 (test-case-count suite))
441 (format stream "<td class=\"testsuite-summary\">")
442 (cond ((and (= error-count 0) (= failure-count 0))
443 (format stream "all passed"))
445 (format stream "~[~:;~:*~:d failure~:p~]"
446 failure-count)
447 (when (and (> error-count 0) (> failure-count 0))
448 (format stream ", "))
449 (format stream "~[~:;~:*~a error~:p~]"
450 error-count)))
451 (format stream "</td></tr></table>")))
453 (defmethod report-test-case-by-suite
454 ((format (eql :html)) stream suite test-name datum kind)
455 (format stream "~&<div class=\"test-case\">")
456 (let ((problem (getf datum :problem))
457 (start (getf datum :start-time)))
458 (when start
459 (format stream "<span class=\"start-time\">~a</span>"
460 (format-test-time-for-log start)))
461 (cond ((typep problem 'test-failure)
462 (format stream "~&<span class=\"test-name\"><a href=\"~a\" title=\"details\">~a</a></span>~@[, <span>~a</span>~]"
463 (details-link suite test-name)
464 test-name (extra-info kind suite test-name))
465 (format stream
466 "~&<span class=\"test-failure\">failure</span>" ))
467 ((typep problem 'test-error)
468 (format stream "~&<span class=\"test-name\"><a href=\"~a\" title=\"details\">~a [during ~a]</a></span>~@[, <span>~a</span>~]"
469 (details-link suite test-name)
470 test-name
471 (test-step problem) (extra-info kind suite test-name))
472 (format stream "~&<span class=\"test-error\">error</span>"))
474 (format stream "~&<span class=\"test-name\">~a</span>~@[, <span>~a</span>~]"
475 test-name (extra-info kind suite test-name))
476 (let ((seconds (getf datum :seconds))
477 (conses (getf datum :conses)))
478 (when seconds
479 (format stream "<span class=\"test-time\">~,3f</span>"
480 seconds))
481 (when conses
482 (format stream "<span class=\"test-space\">~:d</span>"
483 conses)))))
484 (format stream "~&</div>")))
486 (defmethod report-test-case-by-suite
487 ((format (eql :html)) stream (suite (eql :configuration)) test-name datum kind)
488 (declare (ignore test-name kind))
489 (format stream "~&<div class=\"test-case\">")
490 (let ((problem (getf datum :problem)))
491 (format stream "~&<span class=\"test-name\">~a</span>: ~a~%"
492 (test-problem-kind problem)
493 (test-problem-message problem))
494 (format stream "~&</div>")))
496 (defmethod finish-report-tests-by-suite
497 ((format (eql :html)) stream current-suite)
498 (when current-suite
499 (format stream "</div>")))
501 (defun get-details-links-table ()
502 (let ((hash (getf *report-environment* :details-links)))
503 (or hash
504 (setf (getf *report-environment* :details-links)
505 (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))))
507 #+(or)
508 (get-details-links-table)
510 (defun details-link (suite name)
511 (let* ((hash (get-details-links-table)))
512 (or (gethash (cons suite name) hash)
513 (progn
514 (incf (getf *report-environment* :details-links-count 0))
515 (setf (gethash (cons suite name) hash)
516 (make-pathname
517 :name (format nil "details-~a"
518 (getf *report-environment* :details-links-count))
519 :type "html"))))))
521 (defmethod end-report-output (result stream (format (eql :html)))
522 (let ((style-sheet (test-result-property result :style-sheet)))
523 (when style-sheet
524 (ignore-errors
525 (copy-file (asdf:system-relative-pathname
526 'lift "resources/test-style.css")
527 (make-pathname
528 :name (pathname-name style-sheet)
529 :type (pathname-type style-sheet)
530 :defaults (pathname stream))
531 :if-exists :supersede))))
532 (html-footer stream))
534 (defun html-footer (stream)
535 (format stream "<div id=\"footer\">")
536 (format stream "~&generated on ~a"
537 #+allegro
538 (excl:locale-print-time
539 (get-universal-time)
540 :fmt "%B %d, %Y %T GMT%z" :stream nil)
541 #-allegro
542 (get-universal-time))
543 (format stream "</div>")
544 (format stream "~&</body></html>"))
546 (defmethod generate-detailed-reports (result stream (format (eql :html)))
547 (loop for (suite-name test-name datum) in (tests-run result)
548 when (getf datum :problem) do
549 (let ((output-pathname (merge-pathnames
550 (details-link suite-name test-name)
551 stream)))
552 (ensure-directories-exist output-pathname)
553 (let ((*print-right-margin* 64)
554 (problem (getf datum :problem))
555 (source-file (gethash test-name (test-case-source-file suite-name)))
556 (start-time (getf datum :start-time)))
557 (with-open-file (out output-pathname
558 :direction :output
559 :if-does-not-exist :create
560 :if-exists :supersede)
561 (html-header
562 out
563 (format nil "Test ~a details | ~a"
564 test-name (test-result-property result :title))
565 (test-result-property result :style-sheet))
566 (format out "~&<h2>Suite ~a, case ~a details</h2>"
567 suite-name test-name)
568 (format out "~&<a href=\"~a\">Back</a>"
569 (namestring (make-pathname :name (pathname-name stream)
570 :type (pathname-type stream))))
571 (format out "~&<p>Problem occurred during ~a.</p>"
572 (test-step problem))
573 (format out "<pre>")
574 (when source-file
575 (format out "~&Source file: ~a" source-file))
576 (when start-time
577 (format out "~&Start time: ~a"
578 (format-test-time-for-log start-time)))
579 (format out "~&<pre>")
580 (format out "~&<p>Reproduce using: <pre>")
581 (format out "~& (lift:run-test :suite '~a :name '~a" suite-name test-name)
582 (when (testsuite-initargs problem)
583 (format out "~& :testsuite-initargs '~s"
584 (testsuite-initargs problem)))
585 (format out ")")
586 (format out "~& (lift:run-tests :suite '~a" suite-name)
587 (when (testsuite-initargs problem)
588 (format out "~& :testsuite-initargs '~s"
589 (testsuite-initargs problem)))
590 (format out ")")
591 (format out "~&</pre>")
592 (format out "~&<pre>")
593 (format out "~a"
594 (wrap-encode-pre
595 (with-output-to-string (s)
596 (print-test-problem "" problem s t))
597 :width (test-result-property
598 *test-result* :print-width 60)))
599 (format out "~&</pre>")
600 (when (and (typep problem 'test-error-mixin)
601 (backtrace problem))
602 (format out "~&~%<h2>Backtrace</h2>~%~%")
603 (format out "~&<pre><code>~%")
604 (format out "~a"
605 (wrap-encode-pre
606 (with-output-to-string (s)
607 (print (backtrace problem) s))
608 :width (test-result-property
609 *test-result* :print-width 60)))
610 (format out "~&</pre></code>~%"))
611 (html-footer out))))))
613 #+(or)
614 (defmethod summarize-test-environment (result stream format)
615 (loop for symbol in (sort `((*lift-dribble-pathname*)
616 (*lift-debug-output* interpret-lift-stream)
617 (*lift-standard-output* interpret-lift-stream)
618 (*test-break-on-errors?*)
619 (*test-do-children?*)
620 (*lift-equality-test*)
621 (*test-print-length*)
622 (*test-print-level*)
623 (*lift-if-dribble-exists*))
624 'string-lessp :key 'first) do
626 (print)))
628 (defun wrap-encode-pre (string &key (width 80))
629 ;; Copied from CL-Markdown
630 ;; Copied from HTML-Encode
631 ;;?? this is very consy
632 ;;?? crappy name
633 (declare (simple-string string))
634 (let ((output (make-array (truncate (length string) 2/3)
635 :element-type 'character
636 :adjustable t
637 :fill-pointer 0))
638 (column 0))
639 (with-output-to-string (out output)
640 (loop for char across string
641 do (case char
642 ((#\&) (incf column) (write-string "&amp;" out))
643 ((#\<) (incf column) (write-string "&lt;" out))
644 ((#\>) (incf column) (write-string "&gt;" out))
645 ((#\Tab #\Space #\Return #\Newline)
646 (cond ((or (>= column width)
647 (char= char #\Return)
648 (char= char #\Newline))
649 (setf column 0)
650 (terpri out))
651 ((char= char #\Space)
652 (incf column)
653 (write-char char out))
654 ((char= char #\Tab)
655 (incf column 4)
656 (write-string " " out))))
657 (t (incf column) (write-char char out)))))
658 (coerce output 'simple-string)))
660 ;;;;;
662 (defmethod summarize-test-result (result stream (format (eql :describe)))
663 (describe result stream))
665 (defmethod summarize-tests-run (result stream (format (eql :detail)))
666 (format stream "~&## Tests Run:")
667 (let ((tests (tests-run result))
668 (current-suite nil))
669 (loop for rest = tests then (rest rest)
670 while rest
671 for (suite test-name datum) = (first rest) do
672 (unless (eq current-suite suite)
673 (when current-suite
674 (format stream "~%~%"))
675 (setf current-suite suite)
676 (let* ((this-suite-end (or
677 (position-if
678 (lambda (datum)
679 (not (eq current-suite (first datum))))
680 rest)
681 (length rest)))
682 (error-count (count-if
683 (lambda (datum)
684 (and (getf (third datum) :problem)
685 (typep (getf (third datum) :problem)
686 'test-error)))
687 rest
688 :end this-suite-end))
689 (failure-count (count-if
690 (lambda (datum)
691 (and (getf (third datum) :problem)
692 (typep (getf (third datum) :problem)
693 'test-failure)))
694 rest
695 :end this-suite-end))
696 #+(or)
697 (extra-class (cond ((and (= error-count 0) (= failure-count 0))
698 'testsuite-all-passed)
699 ((> error-count 0)
700 'testsuite-some-errors)
702 'testsuite-some-failures))))
703 (format stream "~%### ~a, ~d tests ~&"
704 suite (test-case-count current-suite))
705 (cond ((and (= error-count 0) (= failure-count 0))
706 (format stream "all passed"))
708 (format stream "~[~:;~:*~:d failure~:p~]"
709 failure-count)
710 (when (and (> error-count 0) (> failure-count 0))
711 (format stream ", "))
712 (format stream "~[~:;~:*~a error~:p~]"
713 error-count)))))
714 (let ((problem (getf datum :problem)))
715 (cond ((typep problem 'test-failure)
716 (format stream "~&failure" ))
717 ((typep problem 'test-error)
718 (format stream "~&error"))
720 (format stream "~&~a" test-name)
721 (let ((seconds (getf datum :seconds))
722 (conses (getf datum :conses)))
723 (when seconds
724 (format stream "~15,3f" seconds))
725 (when conses
726 (format stream "~15:d" conses)))))))))
729 ;;;;;
731 (defmethod summarize-test-result (result stream (format (eql :save)))
732 (flet ((add-property (name)
733 (when (slot-boundp result name)
734 (format stream "~&\(~s ~a\)"
735 (intern (symbol-name name) :keyword)
736 (slot-value result name)))))
737 (format stream "\(~%")
738 (add-property 'results-for)
739 (format stream "~&\(:date-time ~a\)" (get-universal-time))
740 (add-property 'real-start-time-universal)
741 (add-property 'start-time-universal)
742 (add-property 'end-time-universal)
743 (add-property 'real-end-time-universal)
744 (format stream "~&\(:tests-run ")
745 (loop for (suite name data) in
746 (copy-list (tests-run result)) do
747 (write-log-test format suite name data :stream stream))
748 (format stream "~&\)")
749 (format stream "~&\)")))
751 #+(or)
752 (progn
753 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* :if-exists) :supersede)
754 (test-result-report *test-result* #p"/tmp/report.save" :save))
756 (defun ensure-symbol (thing)
757 (etypecase thing
758 (symbol thing)
759 (string (intern thing))))
761 ;;;;
763 (defun write-log-header (stream result args)
764 (append-to-report (out stream)
765 (format out "~&\(")
766 (out :results-for (results-for result))
767 (out :arguments (make-printable args))
768 (out :features (copy-list *features*))
769 (out :datetime (get-universal-time))
770 (loop for hook in *log-header-hooks* do
771 (funcall hook out result))
772 (format out "~&\)~%")))
774 (defun write-log-footer (stream result)
775 (append-to-report (out stream)
776 (format out "~&\(")
777 (out :test-case-count (length (tests-run result)))
778 (out :test-suite-count (length (suites-run result)))
779 (out :failure-count (length (failures result)))
780 (out :error-count (length (errors result)))
781 (out :expected-failure-count (length (expected-failures result)))
782 (out :expected-error-count (length (expected-errors result)))
783 (out :skipped-testsuites-count (length (skipped-testsuites result)))
784 (out :skipped-test-cases-count (length (skipped-test-cases result)))
785 (out :start-time-universal (start-time-universal result))
786 (when (slot-boundp result 'end-time-universal)
787 (out :end-time-universal (end-time-universal result)))
788 (out :errors (collect-testsuite-summary-for-log result :errors))
789 (out :failures (collect-testsuite-summary-for-log result :failures))
790 (out :expected-errors
791 (collect-testsuite-summary-for-log result :expected-errors))
792 (out :expected-failures
793 (collect-testsuite-summary-for-log result :expected-failures))
794 (out :skipped-testsuites
795 (collect-testsuite-summary-for-log result :skipped-testsuites))
796 (out :skipped-test-cases
797 (collect-testsuite-summary-for-log result :skipped-test-cases))
798 (loop for hook in *log-footer-hooks* do
799 (funcall hook out result))
800 (format out "~&\)~%")))
802 (defmethod write-log-test :around
803 (format suite-name test-case-name data &key stream)
804 (append-to-report (out stream)
805 (call-next-method format suite-name test-case-name data :stream out)))
807 (defmethod write-log-test (format suite-name test-case-name data
808 &key (stream *standard-output*))
809 (write-log-test-start format suite-name test-case-name data
810 :stream stream)
811 (write-log-test-end format suite-name test-case-name
812 :stream stream))
814 (defmethod write-log-test-start
815 ((format (eql :save)) suite-name test-case-name
816 &key (stream *standard-output*))
817 (when stream
818 (append-to-report (out-stream stream)
819 (format out-stream "~&\(~%")
820 (out :suite (encode-symbol suite-name))
821 (out :name (encode-symbol test-case-name))
822 (out :start-time (get-test-real-time)))))
824 (defmethod write-log-test-end
825 ((format (eql :save)) suite-name test-case-name data
826 &key (stream *standard-output*))
827 (declare (ignore suite-name test-case-name))
828 (when stream
829 (append-to-report (out-stream stream)
830 (labels ((write-datum (name &key (source data))
831 (let* ((key (form-keyword name))
832 (value (getf source key)))
833 (out key value))))
834 (write-datum 'end-time)
835 (write-datum 'result)
836 (write-datum 'seconds)
837 (write-datum 'conses)
838 (let ((properties (getf data :properties)))
839 (loop for key in properties by #'cddr
840 for value in (rest properties) by #'cddr do
841 (out key value)))
842 (cond ((getf data :problem)
843 (let ((problem (getf data :problem)))
844 (out :problem-kind (test-problem-kind problem))
845 (out :problem-step (test-step problem))
846 (out :problem-condition
847 (let ((*print-readably* nil))
848 (format nil "~s" (test-condition problem))))
849 (out :problem-condition-description
850 (format nil "~a" (test-condition problem)))
851 (when (slot-exists-p problem 'backtrace)
852 (out :problem-backtrace (backtrace problem)))))
854 (out :result t)))
855 (loop for hook in *log-detail-hooks* do
856 (funcall hook out-stream data))
857 (format out-stream "\)~%")))))
859 ;;;;
861 (defun encode-symbol (symbol)
862 (cons (symbol-name symbol)
863 (package-name (symbol-package symbol))))
865 (defmethod brief-problem-output ((glitch testsuite-problem-mixin))
866 (if (test-method glitch)
867 (list (encode-symbol (testsuite glitch))
868 (encode-symbol (test-method glitch)))
869 (encode-symbol (testsuite glitch))))
871 (defmethod brief-problem-output ((glitch test-configuration-problem-mixin))
872 (test-problem-message glitch))
874 (defun collect-testsuite-summary-for-log (result kind)
875 (let ((list (slot-value result (intern (symbol-name kind)
876 (find-package :lift)))))
877 (mapcar #'brief-problem-output list)))
879 #+(or)
880 (collect-testsuite-summary-for-log lift:*test-result* :skipped-testsuites)
882 ;;;;;
884 #+allegro
885 (defun with-profile-report-fn
886 (name style fn body &key
887 (log-name *log-path*)
888 (count-calls-p *count-calls-p*)
889 (timeout nil)
890 (destination nil destination-supplied?))
891 (assert (member style '(nil :time :space :count-only)))
892 (when style
893 (cancel-current-profile :force? t))
894 (let* ((seconds 0.0) (conses 0)
895 error
896 results
897 report-string
898 (profile-fn (make-profiled-function fn)))
899 (unwind-protect
900 (multiple-value-bind (result measures errorp)
901 (while-measuring (t measure-seconds measure-space)
902 (handler-bind
903 ((timeout-error (lambda (_) (declare (ignore _))))
904 (error (lambda (c) (error c))))
905 (with-timeout (timeout)
906 (funcall profile-fn style count-calls-p))))
907 (setf seconds (first measures) conses (second measures)
908 results result error errorp))
909 ;; cleanup / ensure we get report
910 (when (and style (> (current-profile-sample-count) 0))
911 (generate-profile-log-entry log-name name seconds conses results error)
912 (let ((pathname (if destination-supplied?
913 destination
914 (unique-filename
915 (merge-pathnames
916 (make-pathname
917 :type "prof"
918 :name (format nil "~a-~a-" name style))
919 log-name)))))
920 (setf report-string
921 (write-profile-report pathname name style body
922 seconds conses error count-calls-p)))))
923 (values results report-string)))
925 (defun write-profile-report (pathname name style body seconds conses
926 error count-calls-p)
927 (format t "~&Profiling output being sent to ~a" pathname)
928 (let (report-string
929 (output-stream (cond ((null pathname)
930 (make-string-output-stream))
931 ((eq pathname t)
932 *standard-output*)
934 (open pathname
935 :direction :output
936 :if-does-not-exist :create
937 :if-exists :append)))))
938 (unwind-protect
939 (progn
940 (format output-stream "~&Profile data for ~a" name)
941 (format output-stream "~&Date: ~a" (date-stamp :include-time? t))
942 (summarize-test-environment nil output-stream nil)
943 (format output-stream "~& Total time: ~,2F; Total space: ~:d \(~:*~d\)"
944 seconds conses)
945 (format output-stream "~%~%")
946 (when error
947 (format output-stream "~&Error occurred during profiling: ~a~%~%" error))
948 (let ((*standard-output* output-stream))
949 (when *current-test*
950 (write-profile-information *current-test*)))
951 (when body
952 (format output-stream "~&Profiling: ~%")
953 (let ((*print-length* 10)
954 (*print-level* 10))
955 (dolist (form body)
956 (pprint form output-stream)))
957 (format output-stream "~%~%"))
958 (when (or (eq :time style)
959 (eq :space style))
960 (show-flat-profile output-stream)
961 (show-call-graph output-stream)
962 (when count-calls-p
963 (show-call-counts output-stream)))
964 #+allegro
965 (when *functions-to-profile*
966 (loop for thing in *functions-to-profile* do
967 (let ((*standard-output* output-stream)
968 (*print-readably* nil))
969 (handler-case
970 (cond ((thing-names-generic-function-p thing)
971 (format output-stream "~%~%Disassemble generic-function ~s:~%"
972 thing)
973 (prof:disassemble-profile thing)
974 (mapc
975 (lambda (m)
976 (format t "~2%~a~%"
977 (make-string 60 :initial-element #\-))
978 (format t "~&Method: ~a~2%" m)
979 (prof:disassemble-profile (clos:method-function m)))
980 (clos:generic-function-methods
981 (symbol-function thing))))
983 (format output-stream "~%~%Disassemble function ~s:~%"
984 thing)
985 (prof:disassemble-profile thing)))
986 (error (c)
987 (format
988 output-stream "~2%Error ~a while trying to disassemble-profile ~s~2%"
989 c thing)))))))
990 (cond ((null pathname)
991 (setf report-string (get-output-stream-string output-stream)))
992 ((not (eq pathname t))
993 (when output-stream (close output-stream)))))
994 report-string))
996 ;; stolen from cl-markdown and modified
997 (defun thing-names-generic-function-p (thing)
998 (and (symbolp thing)
999 (fboundp thing)
1000 (typep (symbol-function thing) 'standard-generic-function)))
1002 (defmethod save-configuration-file ((result test-result) destination)
1003 (with-open-file (stream destination
1004 :direction :output
1005 :if-exists :supersede
1006 :if-does-not-exist :create)
1007 (html-header
1008 stream
1009 "test configuration file"
1010 (test-result-property result :style-sheet))
1011 (format stream "~&<h1>Test configuration</h1>~%")
1012 (format stream "~&<pre>~%")
1013 (save-configuration-file (results-for result) stream)
1014 (format stream "~&</pre>~%")
1015 (html-footer stream)))
1017 (defmethod save-configuration-file ((pathname t) stream)
1018 (with-open-file (*current-configuration-stream* pathname
1019 :direction :input
1020 :if-does-not-exist :error)
1021 (let ((form nil))
1022 (loop while (not (eq (setf form (read *current-configuration-stream*
1023 nil :eof nil)) :eof))
1025 ;; special handling for include
1026 (cond ((and (consp form) (eql (first form) :include))
1027 (destructuring-bind (name &rest args)
1028 form
1029 (declare (ignore name))
1030 (format stream "~&~%;; begin - include ~a~%"
1031 (first args))
1032 (save-configuration-file
1033 (merge-pathnames (ensure-string (first args))
1034 *current-configuration-stream*)
1035 stream)
1036 (format stream "~&;; end - include ~a~%~%"
1037 (first args))))
1039 (print form stream)))))))
1041 (defmethod extra-info (kind suite name)
1042 (declare (ignore kind suite name))
1043 nil)
1045 (defmethod extra-info ((kind (eql :expected-errors)) suite name)
1046 (test-case-option suite name :expected-error))
1048 (defmethod extra-info ((kind (eql :expected-failures)) suite name)
1049 (test-case-option suite name :expected-failure))
1051 (defun build-issues-report (result kind stream)
1052 (format stream
1053 "~&<h2><a href=\"~a.html\">Test ~a summary</a></h2>~%"
1054 kind kind)
1055 (with-open-file (out (merge-pathnames (format nil "~a.html" kind)
1056 stream)
1057 :direction :output
1058 :if-exists :supersede
1059 :if-does-not-exist :create)
1060 (html-header
1061 out
1062 (format nil "~a summary" kind)
1063 (test-result-property result :style-sheet))
1064 (format out "~&<h1>~a summary</h1>~%" kind)
1065 (loop for (string . issues) in (build-issues-list result kind) do
1066 (format out "~%~%<h2>~a</h2>~%~%" string)
1067 (format out "~&<ul>~%")
1068 (loop for issue in issues do
1069 (destructuring-bind (_1 suite name _2) issue
1070 (declare (ignore _1 _2))
1071 (format out "~&<li><span>~a</span> <a href=\"~a\"><span>~a</span></a>~@[, <span>~a</span>~]</li>~&"
1072 suite (details-link suite name) name
1073 (extra-info kind suite name))))
1074 (format out "~&</ul>~%"))
1075 (html-footer out)))
1077 (defun test-case-skipped-p (result suite-name case-name)
1078 (or (find suite-name (skipped-testsuites result))
1079 (find-if (lambda (couplet)
1080 (and (eq (first couplet) suite-name)
1081 (eq (second couplet) case-name)))
1082 (skipped-test-cases result))))
1084 ;;;; brief
1086 (defmethod start-report-output (result stream (format (eql :brief)))
1087 (format stream "~&Test ~a"
1088 (or (test-result-property result :title) "report")))
1090 (defmethod summarize-test-result (result stream (format (eql :brief)))
1091 (format stream"~&Test results for: ~a~%"
1092 (results-for result)))
1094 (defmethod summarize-test-environment (result stream (format (eql :brief)))
1095 (format stream "~&Lisp: ~a" (lisp-version-string))
1096 (format stream ", Machine: ~a ~a ~a, Date: ~a"
1097 (machine-type) (machine-version) (machine-instance)
1098 (date-stamp :include-time? t))
1099 (let ((complete-success? (and (null (errors result))
1100 (null (failures result)))))
1101 (cond (complete-success?
1102 (format stream"~&~A Successful test~:P"
1103 (length (tests-run result))))
1105 (format stream "~&~A Test~:P~[~:;, ~:*~A Failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Error~:P~]"
1106 (length (tests-run result))
1107 (length (failures result))
1108 (length (errors result)))))
1109 (when (expected-errors result)
1110 (format stream ", ~a expected error~:p" (length (expected-errors result))))
1111 (when (expected-failures result)
1112 (format stream ", ~a expected failure~:p"
1113 (length (expected-failures result))))
1114 (when (skipped-test-cases result)
1115 (format stream ", ~a skipped case~:p"
1116 (length (skipped-test-cases result))))))
1118 (defmethod summarize-test-problems (result stream (format (eql :brief)))
1119 (loop for (tag cases) in
1120 `((:skipped ,(skipped-test-cases result))
1121 (:expected-failures ,(expected-failures result))
1122 (:expected-errors ,(expected-errors result))
1123 (:failures ,(failures result))
1124 (:errors ,(errors result))) do
1125 (when cases
1126 (format stream "~&~a~%" tag)
1127 (report-tests-by-suite
1128 format
1129 (mapcar #'problem-summarization cases)
1130 stream tag))))
1132 (defmethod report-test-suite-by-suite
1133 ((format (eql :brief)) stream remaining current-suite suite kind)
1134 (declare (ignore stream remaining current-suite suite kind))
1137 (defmethod report-test-case-by-suite
1138 ((format (eql :brief)) stream suite test-name datum kind)
1139 (declare (ignore datum kind))
1140 (format stream "~& :suite ' ~a :name ' ~a~%" suite test-name))
1142 (defmethod report-test-case-by-suite
1143 ((format (eql :brief)) stream (suite (eql :configuration)) test-name datum kind)
1144 (declare (ignore test-name kind))
1145 (let ((problem (getf datum :problem)))
1146 (format stream "~& ~20a: ~a~%"
1147 (test-problem-kind problem)
1148 (test-problem-message problem))))
1150 (defmethod finish-report-tests-by-suite
1151 ((format (eql :brief)) stream current-suite)
1152 (declare (ignore stream current-suite))
1157 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem t) (style (eql :brief)))
1158 ".")
1160 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-problem-mixin) (style (eql :brief)))
1161 "P")
1163 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-failure-mixin) (style (eql :brief)))
1164 "F")
1166 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-error-mixin) (style (eql :brief)))
1167 "E")
1169 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem testsuite-serious-condition) (style (eql :brief)))
1170 "X")
1172 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-serious-condition) (style (eql :brief)))
1173 "x")
1175 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-expected-failure) (style (eql :brief)))
1176 "f")
1178 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-expected-error) (style (eql :brief)))
1179 "e")
1183 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem t) (style t))
1184 "Pass")
1186 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-problem-mixin) (style t))
1187 "Problem")
1189 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-failure-mixin) (style t))
1190 "Fail")
1192 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-error-mixin) (style t))
1193 "Error")
1195 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem testsuite-serious-condition) (style t))
1196 "Serious error in test suite")
1198 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-serious-condition) (style t))
1199 "Serious error in test")
1201 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-expected-failure) (style t))
1202 "Expected failure")
1204 (defmethod result-summary-tag ((problem test-expected-error) (style t))
1205 "Expected error")