Remove use of uniqbuf in PictureFlow, preventing crash on 64-bit sim and freeing...
[kugel-rb.git] / manual / main_menu / recording_screen.tex
1 % $Id$ %
2 \section{\label{ref:Recording}Recording}
3 \subsection{\label{ref:while_recording_screen}While Recording Screen}
4 \screenshot{main_menu/images/ss-while-recording-screen}{The while recording
5 screen}{}
7 Selecting the \setting{Recording} option in the \setting{Main Menu} enters
8 the \setting{Recording Screen}, whilst pressing \ActionStdContext{} enters the
9 \setting{Recording Settings} (see \reference{ref:Recordingsettings}).
10 The \setting{Recording Screen}
11 shows the time elapsed and the size of the file being recorded. A peak meter
12 is present to allow you set gain correctly. There is also a volume setting,
13 this will only affect the output level of the \dap{} and does \emph{not}
14 affect the recorded sound. If enabled in the peak meter settings, a counter in
15 front of the peak meters shows the number of times the clip indicator was
16 activated during recording. The counter is reset to zero when starting a new
17 recording.\\*
19 \opt{recording_swcodec}{
20 \opt{disk_storage}{
21 \note{When you start a recording, the hard disk will spin up. This will cause
22 the peak meters to freeze in the process. This is expected behaviour, and
23 nothing to worry about. The recording continues during the spin up.\\*}}}
25 \opt{recording_hwcodec}{The frequency, channels and quality}
26 \opt{recording_swcodec}{The frequency and channels} settings are shown in the
27 status bar.\\*
29 The controls for this screen are:
30 \begin{table}
31 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
33 \ActionRecPrev{} / \ActionRecNext & Select setting.\\
35 \ActionRecSettingsDec{} / \ActionRecSettingsInc & Adjust selected setting.\\
37 \ActionRecPause & Start recording.\\
38 & While recording: pause recording (press again to
39 continue).\\
41 \ActionRecExit & Exit \setting{Recording Screen}.\\
42 & While recording: Stop recording.\\
46 \ActionRecNewfile & While recording: close the current file and open
47 a new one.\\
50 \ActionRecMenu & Open \setting{Recording Settings} (see
51 \reference{ref:Recordingsettings}).\\
53 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
54 \ActionRecFTwo & Quick menu for recording settings. A quick press will
55 leave the screen up (press \ActionRecFTwo{} again to exit), while holding
56 it will close the screen when you release it.\\
59 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
60 \ActionRecFThree & Quick menu for source setting.\\
61 & Quick/hold works as for \ActionRecFTwo.\\
62 & While recording: Start a new recording file.\\
64 \end{btnmap}
65 \end{table}