Renamed button description layer to 'Text'.
[kugel-rb.git] / apps / plugins / doom / r_data.c
1 /* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
2 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 * PrBoom a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom
6 * based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine
7 * Copyright (C) 1999 by
8 * id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
9 * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by
10 * Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze
12 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
15 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 * GNU General Public License for more details.
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
25 * 02111-1307, USA.
28 * Preparation of data for rendering,
29 * generation of lookups, caching, retrieval by name.
31 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "doomstat.h"
34 #include "w_wad.h"
35 #include "r_main.h"
36 #include "r_sky.h"
37 #include "i_system.h"
38 #include "m_swap.h"
39 #include "p_tick.h"
40 //#include "lprintf.h" // jff 08/03/98 - declaration of lprintf
41 #include "rockmacros.h"
43 // Graphics.
44 // DOOM graphics for walls and sprites
45 // is stored in vertical runs of opaque pixels (posts).
46 // A column is composed of zero or more posts,
47 // a patch or sprite is composed of zero or more columns.
51 // Texture definition.
52 // Each texture is composed of one or more patches,
53 // with patches being lumps stored in the WAD.
54 // The lumps are referenced by number, and patched
55 // into the rectangular texture space using origin
56 // and possibly other attributes.
59 typedef struct
61 short originx;
62 short originy;
63 short patch;
64 short stepdir; // unused in Doom but might be used in Phase 2 Boom
65 short colormap; // unused in Doom but might be used in Phase 2 Boom
67 PACKEDATTR mappatch_t;
69 typedef struct
71 char name[8];
72 boolean masked;
73 short width;
74 short height;
75 char pad[4]; // unused in Doom but might be used in Boom Phase 2
76 short patchcount;
77 mappatch_t patches[1];
79 PACKEDATTR maptexture_t;
81 // A maptexturedef_t describes a rectangular texture, which is composed
82 // of one or more mappatch_t structures that arrange graphic patches.
84 // killough 4/17/98: make firstcolormaplump,lastcolormaplump external
85 int firstcolormaplump, lastcolormaplump; // killough 4/17/98
87 int firstflat, lastflat, numflats;
88 int firstspritelump, lastspritelump, numspritelumps;
89 int numtextures;
90 static texture_t **textures;
91 fixed_t *textureheight; //needed for texture pegging (and TFE fix - killough)
92 int *flattranslation; // for global animation
93 int *texturetranslation;
94 // needed for pre-rendering
95 fixed_t *spritewidth, *spriteoffset, *spritetopoffset;
99 // When a texture is first needed,
100 // it counts the number of composite columns
101 // required in the texture and allocates space
102 // for a column directory and any new columns.
103 // The directory will simply point inside other patches
104 // if there is only one patch in a given column,
105 // but any columns with multiple patches
106 // will have new column_ts generated.
110 // R_DrawColumnInCache
111 // Clip and draw a column
112 // from a patch into a cached post.
114 // Rewritten by Lee Killough for performance and to fix Medusa bug
117 void R_DrawColumnInCache(const column_t *patch, byte *cache,
118 int originy, int cacheheight, byte *marks)
120 while (patch->topdelta != 0xff)
122 int count = patch->length;
123 int position = originy + patch->topdelta;
125 if (position < 0)
127 count += position;
128 position = 0;
131 if (position + count > cacheheight)
132 count = cacheheight - position;
134 if (count > 0)
136 memcpy (cache + position, (byte *)patch + 3, count);
138 // killough 4/9/98: remember which cells in column have been drawn,
139 // so that column can later be converted into a series of posts, to
140 // fix the Medusa bug.
142 memset (marks + position, 0xff, count);
145 patch = (column_t *)((byte *) patch + patch->length + 4);
150 // R_GenerateComposite
151 // Using the texture definition,
152 // the composite texture is created from the patches,
153 // and each column is cached.
155 // Rewritten by Lee Killough for performance and to fix Medusa bug
157 void R_GenerateComposite(int texnum)
159 texture_t *texture = textures[texnum];
160 byte *block = Z_Malloc(texture->compositesize, PU_STATIC,
161 (void **)&texture->composite);
162 // Composite the columns together.
163 texpatch_t *patch = texture->patches;
164 short *collump = texture->columnlump;
165 unsigned *colofs = texture->columnofs; // killough 4/9/98: make 32-bit
166 int i = texture->patchcount;
167 // killough 4/9/98: marks to identify transparent regions in merged textures
168 byte *marks = calloc(texture->width, texture->height), *source;
170 for (; --i >=0; patch++)
172 const patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNum(patch->patch); // cph
173 int x1 = patch->originx, x2 = x1 + SHORT(realpatch->width);
174 const int *cofs = realpatch->columnofs-x1;
175 if (x1<0)
176 x1 = 0;
177 if (x2 > texture->width)
178 x2 = texture->width;
179 for (; x1<x2 ; x1++)
180 if (collump[x1] == -1) // Column has multiple patches?
181 // killough 1/25/98, 4/9/98: Fix medusa bug.
182 R_DrawColumnInCache((column_t*)((byte*)realpatch+LONG(cofs[x1])),
183 block+colofs[x1],patch->originy,texture->height,
184 marks + x1 * texture->height);
186 W_UnlockLumpNum(patch->patch); // cph - unlock the patch lump
189 // killough 4/9/98: Next, convert multipatched columns into true columns,
190 // to fix Medusa bug while still allowing for transparent regions.
192 source = malloc(texture->height); // temporary column
193 for (i=0; i < texture->width; i++)
194 if (collump[i] == -1) // process only multipatched columns
196 column_t *col = (column_t *)(block + colofs[i] - 3); // cached column
197 const byte *mark = marks + i * texture->height;
198 int j = 0;
200 // save column in temporary so we can shuffle it around
201 memcpy(source, (byte *) col + 3, texture->height);
203 for (;;) // reconstruct the column by scanning transparency marks
205 while (j < texture->height && !mark[j]) // skip transparent cells
206 j++;
207 if (j >= texture->height) // if at end of column
209 col->topdelta = -1; // end-of-column marker
210 break;
212 col->topdelta = j; // starting offset of post
213 for (col->length=0; j < texture->height && mark[j]; j++)
214 col->length++; // count opaque cells
215 // copy opaque cells from the temporary back into the column
216 memcpy((byte *) col + 3, source + col->topdelta, col->length);
217 col = (column_t *)((byte *) col + col->length + 4); // next post
220 free(source); // free temporary column
221 free(marks); // free transparency marks
223 // Now that the texture has been built in column cache,
224 // it is purgable from zone memory.
226 Z_ChangeTag(block, PU_CACHE);
230 // R_GenerateLookup
232 // Rewritten by Lee Killough for performance and to fix Medusa bug
235 static void R_GenerateLookup(int texnum, int *const errors)
237 texture_t *texture = textures[texnum];
239 // killough 4/9/98: make column offsets 32-bit;
240 // clean up malloc-ing to use sizeof
241 // CPhipps - moved allocing here
242 short *collump = texture->columnlump =
243 Z_Malloc(texture->width*sizeof(*texture->columnlump), PU_STATIC,0);
244 unsigned *colofs = texture->columnofs =
245 Z_Malloc(texture->width*sizeof(*texture->columnofs), PU_STATIC,0);
247 // killough 4/9/98: keep count of posts in addition to patches.
248 // Part of fix for medusa bug for multipatched 2s normals.
250 struct {
251 unsigned short patches, posts;
253 *count = calloc(sizeof *count, texture->width);
256 int i = texture->patchcount;
257 const texpatch_t *patch = texture->patches;
259 while (--i >= 0)
261 int pat = patch->patch;
262 const patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNum(pat);
263 int x1 = patch++->originx, x2 = x1 + SHORT(realpatch->width), x = x1;
264 const int *cofs = realpatch->columnofs-x1;
266 if (x2 > texture->width)
267 x2 = texture->width;
268 if (x1 < 0)
269 x = 0;
270 for ( ; x<x2 ; x++)
272 // killough 4/9/98: keep a count of the number of posts in column,
273 // to fix Medusa bug while allowing for transparent multipatches.
275 const column_t *col = (column_t*)((byte*)realpatch+LONG(cofs[x]));
276 for (;col->topdelta != 0xff; count[x].posts++)
277 col = (column_t *)((byte *) col + col->length + 4);
278 count[x].patches++;
279 collump[x] = pat;
280 colofs[x] = LONG(cofs[x])+3;
283 W_UnlockLumpNum(pat);
287 // Composited texture not created yet.
288 texture->composite = NULL;
290 // Now count the number of columns
291 // that are covered by more than one patch.
292 // Fill in the lump / offset, so columns
293 // with only a single patch are all done.
296 int x = texture->width;
297 int height = texture->height;
298 int csize = 0;
300 while (--x >= 0)
302 if (!count[x].patches) // killough 4/9/98
304 //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
305 printf("\nR_GenerateLookup: Column %d is without a patch in texture %s",
306 x, texture->name);
307 if (errors)
308 ++*errors;
309 else
310 I_Error("R_GenerateLookup: Failed");
312 if (count[x].patches > 1) // killough 4/9/98
314 // killough 1/25/98, 4/9/98:
316 // Fix Medusa bug, by adding room for column header
317 // and trailer bytes for each post in merged column.
318 // For now, just allocate conservatively 4 bytes
319 // per post per patch per column, since we don't
320 // yet know how many posts the merged column will
321 // require, and it's bounded above by this limit.
323 collump[x] = -1; // mark lump as multipatched
324 colofs[x] = csize + 3; // three header bytes in a column
325 csize += 4*count[x].posts+1; // 1 stop byte plus 4 bytes per post
327 csize += height; // height bytes of texture data
329 texture->compositesize = csize;
331 free(count); // killough 4/9/98
335 // R_GetColumn
338 const byte *R_GetColumn(int tex, int col)
340 const texture_t *texture = textures[tex];
341 if (!texture->columnlump)
342 R_GenerateLookup(tex, NULL);
344 int lump = texture->columnlump[col &= texture->widthmask];
345 int ofs = texture->columnofs[col]; // cph - WARNING: must be after the above line
346 // cph - remember the last lump, so we can unlock it if no longer needed,
347 // or reuse it if possible to reduce lump locking/unlocking
348 static int lastlump = -1;
349 static const byte* lastlumpdata;
351 if ((lump<=0) && (lastlump<=0))
352 lump = lastlump; // cph - force equal
354 if (lump != lastlump)
356 // cph - must change the cached lump
357 if (lastlump>0)
358 W_UnlockLumpNum(lastlump);
360 if ((lastlump = lump) > 0)
361 lastlumpdata = W_CacheLumpNum(lump);
362 #ifdef RANGECHECK
364 else
365 lastlumpdata = NULL;
366 #endif
370 if (lump > 0)
371 return lastlumpdata + ofs;
373 if (!texture->composite)
374 R_GenerateComposite(tex);
376 return texture->composite + ofs;
381 // R_InitTextures
382 // Initializes the texture list
383 // with the textures from the world map.
386 void R_InitTextures (void)
388 maptexture_t *mtexture;
389 texture_t *texture;
390 mappatch_t *mpatch;
391 texpatch_t *patch;
392 int i, j;
393 int maptex_lump[2] = {-1, -1};
394 const int *maptex;
395 const int *maptex1, *maptex2;
396 char name[9];
397 int names_lump; // cph - new wad lump handling
398 const unsigned char *names; // cph -
399 const char *name_p;// const*'s
400 int *patchlookup;
401 int totalwidth;
402 int nummappatches;
403 int offset;
404 int maxoff, maxoff2;
405 int numtextures1, numtextures2;
406 const int *directory;
407 int errors = 0;
409 // Load the patch names from pnames.lmp.
410 name[8] = 0;
411 names = W_CacheLumpNum(names_lump = W_GetNumForName("PNAMES"));
412 nummappatches = (names[3]<<24)|(names[2]<<16)|(names[1]<<8)|names[0];
413 name_p = names+4;
414 patchlookup = malloc(nummappatches*sizeof(*patchlookup)); // killough
416 for (i=0 ; i<nummappatches ; i++)
418 strncpy (name,name_p+i*8, 8);
419 patchlookup[i] = W_CheckNumForName(name);
420 if (patchlookup[i] == -1)
422 // killough 4/17/98:
423 // Some wads use sprites as wall patches, so repeat check and
424 // look for sprites this time, but only if there were no wall
425 // patches found. This is the same as allowing for both, except
426 // that wall patches always win over sprites, even when they
427 // appear first in a wad. This is a kludgy solution to the wad
428 // lump namespace problem.
430 patchlookup[i] = (W_CheckNumForName)(name, ns_sprites);
432 if (patchlookup[i] == -1 && devparm)
433 //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
434 printf("\nWarning: patch %.8s, index %d does not exist",name,i);
437 W_UnlockLumpNum(names_lump); // cph - release the lump
439 // Load the map texture definitions from textures.lmp.
440 // The data is contained in one or two lumps,
441 // TEXTURE1 for shareware, plus TEXTURE2 for commercial.
443 maptex = maptex1 = W_CacheLumpNum(maptex_lump[0] = W_GetNumForName("TEXTURE1"));
444 numtextures1 = LONG(*maptex);
445 maxoff = W_LumpLength(maptex_lump[0]);
446 directory = maptex+1;
448 if (W_CheckNumForName("TEXTURE2") != -1)
450 maptex2 = W_CacheLumpNum(maptex_lump[1] = W_GetNumForName("TEXTURE2"));
451 numtextures2 = LONG(*maptex2);
452 maxoff2 = W_LumpLength(maptex_lump[1]);
454 else
456 maptex2 = NULL;
457 numtextures2 = 0;
458 maxoff2 = 0;
460 numtextures = numtextures1 + numtextures2;
462 // killough 4/9/98: make column offsets 32-bit;
463 // clean up malloc-ing to use sizeof
465 textures = Z_Malloc(numtextures*sizeof*textures, PU_STATIC, 0);
466 textureheight = Z_Malloc(numtextures*sizeof*textureheight, PU_STATIC, 0);
468 totalwidth = 0;
470 for (i=0 ; i<numtextures ; i++, directory++)
472 if (i == numtextures1)
474 // Start looking in second texture file.
475 maptex = maptex2;
476 maxoff = maxoff2;
477 directory = maptex+1;
480 offset = LONG(*directory);
482 if (offset > maxoff)
483 I_Error("R_InitTextures: Bad texture directory");
485 mtexture = (maptexture_t *) ( (byte *)maptex + offset);
487 texture = textures[i] =
488 Z_Malloc(sizeof(texture_t) +
489 sizeof(texpatch_t)*(SHORT(mtexture->patchcount)-1),
490 PU_STATIC, 0);
492 texture->width = SHORT(mtexture->width);
493 texture->height = SHORT(mtexture->height);
494 texture->patchcount = SHORT(mtexture->patchcount);
496 /* Mattias Engdegård emailed me of the following explenation of
497 * why memcpy doesnt work on some systems:
498 * "I suppose it is the mad unaligned allocation
499 * going on (and which gcc in some way manages to cope with
500 * through the __attribute__ ((packed))), and which it forgets
501 * when optimizing memcpy (to a single word move) since it appears
502 * to be aligned. Technically a gcc bug, but I can't blame it when
503 * it's stressed with that amount of
504 * non-standard nonsense."
505 * So in short the unaligned struct confuses gcc's optimizer so
506 * i took the memcpy out alltogether to avoid future problems-Jess
508 /* The above was #ifndef SPARC, but i got a mail from
509 * Putera Joseph F NPRI <PuteraJF@Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil> containing:
510 * I had to use the memcpy function on a sparc machine. The
511 * other one would give me a core dump.
512 * cph - I find it hard to believe that sparc memcpy is broken,
513 * but I don't believe the pointers to memcpy have to be aligned
514 * either. Use fast memcpy on other machines anyway.
517 proff - I took this out, because Oli Kraus ( told
518 me the memcpy produced a buserror. Since this function isn't time-
519 critical I'm using the for loop now.
522 #ifndef GCC
523 memcpy(texture->name, mtexture->name, sizeof(texture->name));
524 #else
527 unsigned int j;
528 for(j=0;j<sizeof(texture->name);j++)
529 texture->name[j]=mtexture->name[j];
531 /* #endif */
533 mpatch = mtexture->patches;
534 patch = texture->patches;
536 for (j=0 ; j<texture->patchcount ; j++, mpatch++, patch++)
538 patch->originx = SHORT(mpatch->originx);
539 patch->originy = SHORT(mpatch->originy);
540 patch->patch = patchlookup[SHORT(mpatch->patch)];
541 if (patch->patch == -1)
543 //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
544 printf("\nR_InitTextures: Missing patch %d in texture %s",
545 SHORT(mpatch->patch), texture->name); // killough 4/17/98
546 ++errors;
550 texture->columnofs = NULL;
551 texture->columnlump = NULL;
553 for (j=1; j*2 <= texture->width; j<<=1)
555 texture->widthmask = j-1;
556 textureheight[i] = texture->height<<FRACBITS;
558 totalwidth += texture->width;
561 free(patchlookup); // killough
563 for (i=0; i<2; i++) // cph - release the TEXTUREx lumps
564 if (maptex_lump[i] != -1)
565 W_UnlockLumpNum(maptex_lump[i]);
567 if (errors)
568 I_Error("R_InitTextures: %d errors", errors);
570 // Precalculate whatever possible.
571 if (devparm) // cph - If in development mode, generate now so all errors are found at once
572 for (i=0 ; i<numtextures ; i++)
573 R_GenerateLookup(i, &errors);
575 if (errors)
576 I_Error("R_InitTextures: %d errors", errors);
578 // Create translation table for global animation.
579 // killough 4/9/98: make column offsets 32-bit;
580 // clean up malloc-ing to use sizeof
582 texturetranslation =
583 Z_Malloc((numtextures+1)*sizeof*texturetranslation, PU_STATIC, 0);
585 for (i=0 ; i<numtextures ; i++)
586 texturetranslation[i] = i;
588 // killough 1/31/98: Initialize texture hash table
589 for (i = 0; i<numtextures; i++)
590 textures[i]->index = -1;
591 while (--i >= 0)
593 int j = W_LumpNameHash(textures[i]->name) % (unsigned) numtextures;
594 textures[i]->next = textures[j]->index; // Prepend to chain
595 textures[j]->index = i;
600 // R_InitFlats
602 void R_InitFlats(void)
604 int i;
606 firstflat = W_GetNumForName("F_START") + 1;
607 lastflat = W_GetNumForName("F_END") - 1;
608 numflats = lastflat - firstflat + 1;
610 // Create translation table for global animation.
611 // killough 4/9/98: make column offsets 32-bit;
612 // clean up malloc-ing to use sizeof
614 flattranslation =
615 Z_Malloc((numflats+1)*sizeof(*flattranslation), PU_STATIC, 0);
617 for (i=0 ; i<numflats ; i++)
618 flattranslation[i] = i;
622 // R_InitSpriteLumps
623 // Finds the width and hoffset of all sprites in the wad,
624 // so the sprite does not need to be cached completely
625 // just for having the header info ready during rendering.
627 void R_InitSpriteLumps(void)
629 int i;
630 const patch_t *patch;
632 firstspritelump = W_GetNumForName("S_START") + 1;
633 lastspritelump = W_GetNumForName("S_END") - 1;
634 numspritelumps = lastspritelump - firstspritelump + 1;
636 // killough 4/9/98: make columnd offsets 32-bit;
637 // clean up malloc-ing to use sizeof
639 spritewidth = Z_Malloc(numspritelumps*sizeof*spritewidth, PU_STATIC, 0);
640 spriteoffset = Z_Malloc(numspritelumps*sizeof*spriteoffset, PU_STATIC, 0);
641 spritetopoffset =
642 Z_Malloc(numspritelumps*sizeof*spritetopoffset, PU_STATIC, 0);
644 for (i=0 ; i< numspritelumps ; i++)
646 patch = W_CacheLumpNum(firstspritelump+i);
647 spritewidth[i] = SHORT(patch->width)<<FRACBITS;
648 spriteoffset[i] = SHORT(patch->leftoffset)<<FRACBITS;
649 spritetopoffset[i] = SHORT(patch->topoffset)<<FRACBITS;
650 W_UnlockLumpNum(firstspritelump+i);
655 // R_InitColormaps
657 // killough 3/20/98: rewritten to allow dynamic colormaps
658 // and to remove unnecessary 256-byte alignment
660 // killough 4/4/98: Add support for C_START/C_END markers
663 void R_InitColormaps(void)
665 int i;
666 firstcolormaplump = W_GetNumForName("C_START");
667 lastcolormaplump = W_GetNumForName("C_END");
668 numcolormaps = lastcolormaplump - firstcolormaplump;
669 colormaps = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*colormaps) * numcolormaps, PU_STATIC, 0);
670 colormaps[0] = (lighttable_t *)W_CacheLumpName("COLORMAP");
671 for (i=1; i<numcolormaps; i++)
672 colormaps[i] = (lighttable_t *)W_CacheLumpNum(i+firstcolormaplump);
673 // cph - always lock
676 // killough 4/4/98: get colormap number from name
677 // killough 4/11/98: changed to return -1 for illegal names
678 // killough 4/17/98: changed to use ns_colormaps tag
680 int R_ColormapNumForName(const char *name)
682 register int i = 0;
683 if (strncasecmp(name,"COLORMAP",8)) // COLORMAP predefined to return 0
684 if ((i = (W_CheckNumForName)(name, ns_colormaps)) != -1)
685 i -= firstcolormaplump;
686 return i;
690 // R_InitTranMap
692 // Initialize translucency filter map
694 // By Lee Killough 2/21/98
697 int tran_filter_pct = 66; // filter percent
699 #define TSC 12 /* number of fixed point digits in filter percent */
701 void R_InitTranMap(int progress)
703 struct _cache {
704 unsigned char pct;
705 unsigned char playpal[256];
707 cache;
708 int lump = W_CheckNumForName("TRANMAP");
710 // If a tranlucency filter map lump is present, use it
711 if (lump != -1) // Set a pointer to the translucency filter maps.
712 main_tranmap = W_CacheLumpNum(lump); // killough 4/11/98
713 else
714 { // Compose a default transparent filter map based on PLAYPAL.
715 const byte *playpal = W_CacheLumpName("PLAYPAL");
716 byte *my_tranmap;
718 int cachefd = open(GAMEBASE"tranmap.dat", O_RDWR);
720 main_tranmap = my_tranmap = Z_Malloc(256*256, PU_STATIC, 0); // killough 4/11/98
722 // Use cached translucency filter if it's available
724 if ((cachefd<0) ? cachefd = open(GAMEBASE"tranmap.dat",O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) , 1 :
725 read(cachefd, &cache, sizeof(cache)) != sizeof(cache) ||
726 cache.pct != tran_filter_pct ||
727 memcmp(cache.playpal, playpal, sizeof cache.playpal) ||
728 read(cachefd, my_tranmap, 256*256) != 256*256 ) // killough 4/11/98
731 long *stackdeath=malloc(256*7*sizeof(long)); // This was a bunch of static varibles, way too big for rockbox
732 long *pal[3], *tot, *pal_w1[3];
733 pal[0]=&stackdeath[0];
734 pal[1]=&stackdeath[256];
735 pal[2]=&stackdeath[256*2];
736 tot=&stackdeath[256*3];
737 pal_w1[0]=&stackdeath[256*4];
738 pal_w1[1]=&stackdeath[256*5];
739 pal_w1[2]=&stackdeath[256*6];
740 long w1 = ((unsigned long) tran_filter_pct<<TSC)/100;
741 long w2 = (1l<<TSC)-w1;
743 if (progress)
744 printf("Please wait: Tranmap build");
745 // First, convert playpal into long int type, and transpose array,
746 // for fast inner-loop calculations. Precompute tot array.
749 register int i = 255;
750 register const unsigned char *p = playpal+255*3;
753 register long t,d;
754 pal_w1[0][i] = (pal[0][i] = t = p[0]) * w1;
755 d = t*t;
756 pal_w1[1][i] = (pal[1][i] = t = p[1]) * w1;
757 d += t*t;
758 pal_w1[2][i] = (pal[2][i] = t = p[2]) * w1;
759 d += t*t;
760 p -= 3;
761 tot[i] = d << (TSC-1);
763 while (--i>=0);
766 // Next, compute all entries using minimum arithmetic.
769 int i,j;
770 byte *tp = my_tranmap;
771 for (i=0;i<256;i++)
773 long r1 = pal[0][i] * w2;
774 long g1 = pal[1][i] * w2;
775 long b1 = pal[2][i] * w2;
776 if (!(i & 31) && progress)
777 //jff 8/3/98 use logical output routine
778 printf(" Computing: %d", 256/32-i/32);
779 for (j=0;j<256;j++,tp++)
781 register int color = 255;
782 register long err;
783 long r = pal_w1[0][j] + r1;
784 long g = pal_w1[1][j] + g1;
785 long b = pal_w1[2][j] + b1;
786 long best = LONG_MAX;
788 if ((err = tot[color] - pal[0][color]*r
789 - pal[1][color]*g - pal[2][color]*b) < best)
790 best = err, *tp = color;
791 while (--color >= 0)
797 free(stackdeath); // Free this beast
799 if (cachefd) // write out the cached translucency map
801 cache.pct = tran_filter_pct;
802 memcpy(cache.playpal, playpal, 256);
803 lseek(cachefd, 0, SEEK_SET);
804 write(cachefd, &cache, sizeof cache);
805 write(cachefd,main_tranmap, 256*256);
806 // CPhipps - leave close for a few lines...
811 if (cachefd) // killough 11/98: fix filehandle leak
812 close(cachefd);
814 W_UnlockLumpName("PLAYPAL");
819 // R_InitData
820 // Locates all the lumps
821 // that will be used by all views
822 // Must be called after W_Init.
824 void R_InitData (void)
826 R_InitTextures ();
827 printf ("\nInitTextures");
828 R_InitFlats ();
829 printf ("\nInitFlats");
830 R_InitSpriteLumps ();
831 printf ("\nInitSprites");
832 if (general_translucency) // killough 3/1/98
833 R_InitTranMap(1);
834 R_InitColormaps ();
835 printf ("\nInitColormaps");
839 // R_FlatNumForName
840 // Retrieval, get a flat number for a flat name.
842 // killough 4/17/98: changed to use ns_flats namespace
845 int R_FlatNumForName(const char *name) // killough -- const added
847 int i = (W_CheckNumForName)(name, ns_flats);
848 if (i == -1)
849 I_Error("R_FlatNumForName: %s not found", name);
850 return i - firstflat;
854 // R_CheckTextureNumForName
855 // Check whether texture is available.
856 // Filter out NoTexture indicator.
858 // Rewritten by Lee Killough to use hash table for fast lookup. Considerably
859 // reduces the time needed to start new levels. See w_wad.c for comments on
860 // the hashing algorithm, which is also used for lump searches.
862 // killough 1/21/98, 1/31/98
865 int R_CheckTextureNumForName(const char *name)
867 int i = 0;
868 if (*name != '-') // "NoTexture" marker.
870 i = textures[W_LumpNameHash(name) % (unsigned) numtextures]->index;
871 while (i >= 0 && strncasecmp(textures[i]->name,name,8))
872 i = textures[i]->next;
874 return i;
878 // R_TextureNumForName
879 // Calls R_CheckTextureNumForName,
880 // aborts with error message.
883 int R_TextureNumForName(const char *name) // const added -- killough
885 int i = R_CheckTextureNumForName(name);
886 if (i == -1)
887 I_Error("R_TextureNumForName: %s not found", name);
888 return i;
892 // R_PrecacheLevel
893 // Preloads all relevant graphics for the level.
895 // Totally rewritten by Lee Killough to use less memory,
896 // to avoid using alloca(), and to improve performance.
897 // cph - new wad lump handling, calls cache functions but acquires no locks
899 // Structures from p_spec.c
900 // Used to fully cache animations in the level -> avoids stalls on Hard Drive Systems
901 typedef struct
903 boolean istexture;
904 int picnum;
905 int basepic;
906 int numpics;
907 int speed;
909 } anim_t;
910 extern anim_t* anims;
911 extern anim_t* lastanim;
913 anim_t * isAnim(int flatnum, boolean texcheck)
915 anim_t *checkf;
916 for(checkf=anims; checkf<lastanim; checkf++)
918 if((flatnum>=checkf->basepic || flatnum<=checkf->numpics)&&checkf->istexture==texcheck)
919 return checkf;
921 return 0;
924 void R_PrecacheLevel(void)
926 register int i, j;
927 register byte *hitlist;
928 anim_t *cacheanim;
930 if (demoplayback)
931 return;
934 size_t size = numflats > numsprites ? numflats : numsprites;
935 hitlist = malloc((size_t)numtextures > size ? (unsigned)numtextures : size);
937 // Precache flats.
939 memset(hitlist, 0, numflats);
941 for (i = numsectors; --i >= 0; )
942 hitlist[sectors[i].floorpic] = hitlist[sectors[i].ceilingpic] = 1;
944 // If flat is an animation, load those too
945 // Definately not the most efficient, but better then stalls in game
946 for(i=0; i<numflats; i++)
947 if(hitlist[i])
948 if((cacheanim=isAnim(i,0)))
949 for(j=0; j<cacheanim->numpics; j++)
950 hitlist[cacheanim->basepic+j]=1;
952 for (i = numflats; --i >= 0; )
953 if (hitlist[i])
954 (W_CacheLumpNum)(firstflat + i, 0);
956 // Precache textures.
958 memset(hitlist, 0, numtextures);
960 for (i = numsides; --i >= 0;)
961 hitlist[sides[i].bottomtexture] =
962 hitlist[sides[i].toptexture] =
963 hitlist[sides[i].midtexture] = 1;
965 // If texture is an animation, load those too
966 // Definately not the most efficient, but better then stalls in game
967 for(i=0; i<numsides; i++)
968 if(hitlist[i])
969 if((cacheanim=isAnim(i,1)))
970 for(j=0; j<cacheanim->numpics; j++)
971 hitlist[cacheanim->basepic+j]=1;
973 // Sky texture is always present.
974 // Note that F_SKY1 is the name used to
975 // indicate a sky floor/ceiling as a flat,
976 // while the sky texture is stored like
977 // a wall texture, with an episode dependend
978 // name.
980 hitlist[skytexture] = 1;
982 for (i = numtextures; --i >= 0; )
983 if (hitlist[i])
985 texture_t *texture = textures[i];
986 int j = texture->patchcount;
987 while (--j >= 0)
988 (W_CacheLumpNum)(texture->patches[j].patch, 0);
991 // Precache sprites.
992 memset(hitlist, 0, numsprites);
995 thinker_t *th;
996 for (th = ; th != &thinkercap ; th=th->next)
997 if (th->function == P_MobjThinker)
998 hitlist[((mobj_t *)th)->sprite] = 1;
1001 for (i=numsprites; --i >= 0;)
1002 if (hitlist[i])
1004 int j = sprites[i].numframes;
1005 while (--j >= 0)
1007 short *sflump = sprites[i].spriteframes[j].lump;
1008 int k = 7;
1010 (W_CacheLumpNum)(firstspritelump + sflump[k], 0);
1011 while (--k >= 0);
1014 free(hitlist);
1017 // Proff - Added for OpenGL
1018 void R_SetPatchNum(patchnum_t *patchnum, const char *name)
1020 patch_t *patch;
1022 patch = (patch_t *) W_CacheLumpName(name);
1023 patchnum->width = patch->width;
1024 patchnum->height = patch->height;
1025 patchnum->leftoffset = patch->leftoffset;
1026 patchnum->topoffset = patch->topoffset;
1027 patchnum->lumpnum = W_GetNumForName(name);
1028 W_UnlockLumpName(name);