Added battery profile change to correct file, removed unused powermgmt-as3525.c
[kugel-rb.git] / manual / plugins / wormlet.tex
1 \subsection{Wormlet}
2 \screenshot{plugins/images/ss-wormlet}{Wormlet game}{img:wormlet}
3 Wormlet is a \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{multi{}-user }multi{}-worm game on a multi{}-threaded
4 multi{}-functional Rockbox console. You navigate a hungry little worm.
5 Help your worm to find food and to avoid poisoned argh{}-tiles. The
6 goal is to turn your tiny worm into a big worm for as long as possible.
9 For 2{}-player games a remote control is not necessary but recommended.
10 If you try to hold the \dap\ in the four hands of two players
11 you'll find out why. Games with three players are only
12 possible using a remote control.\\}
15 %The following table is only for the recorder version of the game, since the
16 %other versions do not support either multi player or different control modes.
17 %It is however prepared for the other targets should they ever support these
18 %features. Also some other parts of the text is "opted" out for these targets.
20 {\bfseries
21 Game controls:}
23 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
24 \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.8}
25 \begin{rbtabular}{\textwidth}{c X p{3cm} p{3cm} p{3cm}}%
26 {\textbf{Players} & \textbf{Modes} & \textbf{Player 1} & \textbf{Player 2}
27 & \textbf{Player 3}}{}{}
29 0 & Out of control & \multicolumn{3}{p{9cm}}{With no player taking part in the
30 game all worms are out of control and steered by artificial stupidity.}\\
32 \multirow{2}{*}{1} & 2 key control & on \dap\ \ButtonLeft: turn left
33 \ButtonRight: turn right & {}- & {}-\\
34 & 4 key control & on \dap\ \ButtonLeft: turn left
36 {\ButtonUp}\opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu}: turn up
37 \ButtonRight: turn right
39 {\ButtonDown}\opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonPlay}: turn down & {}- & {}- \\
41 \multirow{2}{*}{2} & Remote control & on \dap\ \ButtonLeft: turn left
42 \ButtonRight: turn right & on remote control VOL DOWN:
43 turn left VOL UP: turn right & {}- \\
44 & No remote control & on \dap\ \ButtonLeft: turn left
45 \ButtonRight: turn right & on \dap\ \ButtonFTwo: turn
46 left \ButtonFThree: turn right & {}- \\
47 3 & Remote control & on \dap\ \ButtonLeft: turn left \ButtonRight: turn right
48 & on remote control VOL DOWN: turn left VOL UP: turn
49 right & on \dap\ \ButtonFTwo: turn left \ButtonFThree:
50 turn right \\
51 \end{rbtabular}
52 \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.0}
55 \nopt{RECORDER_PAD}{
56 \begin{table}
57 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
61 {\ButtonLeft}
62 \opt{COWON_D2_PAD}{\TouchMidLeft}
64 & Turn left\\
68 {\ButtonRight}
69 \opt{COWON_D2_PAD}{\TouchMidRight}
71 & Turn right\\
75 \opt{IPOD_3G_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu}
76 \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonScrollUp}
77 \opt{COWON_D2_PAD}{\TouchTopMiddle}
79 & Turn Up\\
82 ,GIGABEAT_S_PAD,MROBE100_PAD}{\ButtonDown}
83 \opt{IPOD_3G_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonPlay}
84 \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}{\ButtonScrollDown}
85 \opt{COWON_D2_PAD}{\TouchBottomMiddle}
87 & Turn Down\\
88 \end{btnmap}
89 \end{table}
92 \subsubsection{The game}
93 Use the control keys of your worm to navigate around obstacles and find
94 food. Worms do not stop moving except when dead. Dead worms are no fun.
95 Be careful as your worm will try to eat anything that you steer it
96 across. It won't distinguish whether it is edible or not.
98 \begin{description}
99 \item[Food.]
100 The small square hollow pieces are food. Move the worm over a food tile
101 to eat it. After eating the worm grows. Each time a piece of food has
102 been eaten a new piece of food will pop up somewhere. Unfortunately for
103 each new piece of food that appears two new ``argh'' pieces will
104 appear, too.
105 \item[Argh.]
106 An ``argh'' is a black square poisoned piece {}- slightly bigger than
107 food {}- that makes a worm say ``Argh!'' when
108 run into. A worm that eats an ``argh'' is dead. Thus eating an
109 ``argh'' must be avoided under any circumstances. ``Arghs'' have the
110 annoying tendency to accumulate.
111 \item[Worms.]
112 Thou shall not eat worms. Neither other worms nor thyself. Eating worms
113 is blasphemous cannibalism, not healthy and causes instant
114 death. And it doesn't help anyway: the other worm
115 isn't hurt by the bite. It will go on creeping happily
116 and eat all the food you left on the table.
117 \item[Walls.]
118 Don't crash into the walls. Walls are not edible.
119 Crashing a worm against a wall causes it a headache it
120 doesn't survive.
121 \item[Game over.]
122 The game is over when all worms are dead. The longest worm wins the
123 game.
124 \item [Pause the game.]
125 Press
126 \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{\ButtonPlay}%
127 \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu}%
130 \opt{COWON_D2_PAD}{\TouchCenter}
131 to pause the game. Press it again to resume the game.
133 \item[Stop the game.]
134 There are two ways to stop a running game.
136 \begin{itemize}
137 \item If you want to quit Wormlet entirely simply hit
139 \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonSelect}%
140 \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD}{\ButtonPower}%
141 \opt{SANSA_FUZE_PAD}{Long \ButtonHome}
142 \opt{GIGABEAT_S_PAD}{\ButtonBack}.
143 The game will stop immediately and you will return to the game menu.
144 \item If you want to stop the game and still see the screen hit
145 \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn}%
146 \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonOff+\ButtonMenu}%
147 \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonSelect+\ButtonPlay}%
148 \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD}{\ButtonRec}%
149 \opt{SANSA_FUZE_PAD}{\ButtonSelect+\ButtonUp}%
150 \opt{GIGABEAT_PAD}{\ButtonA}%
151 \opt{GIGABEAT_S_PAD}{\ButtonMenu}.
152 This freezes the game. If you hit
153 \opt{RECORDER_PAD,IRIVER_H100_PAD,IRIVER_H300_PAD}{\ButtonOn}%
154 \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonOff+\ButtonMenu}%
155 \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonSelect+\ButtonPlay}%
156 \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD}{\ButtonRec}%
157 \opt{SANSA_FUZE_PAD}{\ButtonSelect+\ButtonUp}%
158 \opt{GIGABEAT_PAD}{\ButtonA}%
159 \opt{GIGABEAT_S_PAD}{\ButtonMenu}
160 button again a new game starts with the same configuration. To return to the
161 games menu you can hit
163 \opt{IPOD_4G_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonSelect}%
164 \opt{IAUDIO_X5_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD,GIGABEAT_PAD}{\ButtonPower}%
165 \opt{SANSA_FUZE_PAD}{Long \ButtonHome}
166 \opt{GIGABEAT_S_PAD}{\ButtonBack}. A stopped game can not be resumed.
167 \end{itemize}
168 \end{description}
170 \subsubsection{The scoreboard}
171 On the right side of the game field is the score board. For each worm it
172 displays its status and its length. The top most entry displays the
173 state of worm 1, the second worm 2 and the third worm 3. When a worm
174 dies its entry on the score board turns black.
176 \begin{description}
177 \item[Len:]
178 Here the current length of the worm is displayed. When a worm is eating
179 food it grows by one pixel for each step it moves.
181 \item[Hungry:]
182 That's the normal state of a worm. Worms are always
183 hungry and want to eat. It is good to have a hungry
184 worm since it means that your worm is alive. But it is
185 better to get your worm growing.
187 \item[Growing:]
188 When a worm has eaten a piece of food it starts growing. For each step
189 it moves over food it can grow by one pixel. One piece of food lasts
190 for 7 steps. After your worm has moved 7 steps the food is used up. If
191 another piece of food is eaten while growing it will increase the size
192 of the worm for another 7 steps.
194 \item[Crashed:]
195 This indicates that a worm has crashed against a wall.
197 \item[Argh:]
198 If the score board entry displays ``Argh!'' it
199 means the worm is dead because it tried to eat an ``argh''. Until we
200 can make the worm say ``Argh!'' it is your job to say ``Argh!'' aloud.
202 \item[Wormed:]
203 The worm tried to eat another worm or even itself.
204 That's why it is dead now. Making traps for other players with a worm
205 is a good way to get them out of the game.
206 \end{description}
208 \subsubsection{Hints}
210 \begin{itemize}
212 \item Initially you will be busy with controlling your worm. Try to
213 avoid other worms and crawl far away from them. Wait until they curl up
214 themselves and collect the food afterwards. Don't worry if the other
215 worms grow longer than yours {}- you can catch up after they've died.
217 \item When you are more experienced watch the tactics of other worms.
218 Those worms controlled by artificial stupidity head straight for the
219 nearest piece of food. Let the other worm have its next piece of food
220 and head for the food it would probably want next. Try to put yourself
221 between the opponent and that food. From now on you can 'control' the
222 other worm by blocking it. You could trap it by making a 1 pixel wide
223 U{}-turn. You also could move from food to food and make sure you keep
224 between your opponent and the food. So you can always reach it before
225 your opponent.
227 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
228 \item While playing the game the \dap\ can still play music. For
229 single player game use any music you like. For berserk games with 2 players use
230 hard rock and for 3 player games use heavy metal or X{}-Phobie
231 (\url{}).
232 Play fair and don't kick your opponent in the toe or
233 poke him in the eye. That would be bad manners.
235 \end{itemize}