Theme Editor: Made auto-complete functional and enabled it by default. Added a small...
[kugel-rb.git] / utils / common /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # __________ __ ___.
3 # Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
4 # Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
5 # Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
6 # Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
7 # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
8 # $Id$
10 # Copyright (c) 2009 Dominik Riebeling
12 # All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License.
13 # See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement.
15 # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
16 # KIND, either express or implied.
19 # Automate building releases for deployment.
20 # Run from any folder to build
21 # - trunk
22 # - any tag (using the -t option)
23 # - any local folder (using the -p option)
24 # Will build a binary archive (tar.bz2 / zip) and source archive.
25 # The source archive won't be built for local builds. Trunk and
26 # tag builds will retrieve the sources directly from svn and build
27 # below the systems temporary folder.
29 # If the required Qt installation isn't in PATH use --qmake option.
30 # Tested on Linux and MinGW / W32
32 # requires python which package (
33 # requires pysvn package.
34 # requires upx.exe in PATH on Windows.
37 import re
38 import os
39 import sys
40 import tarfile
41 import zipfile
42 import shutil
43 import subprocess
44 import getopt
45 import time
46 import hashlib
47 import tempfile
49 # modules that are not part of python itself.
50 try:
51 import pysvn
52 except ImportError:
53 print "Fatal: This script requires the pysvn package to run."
54 print " See"
55 sys.exit(-5)
56 try:
57 import which
58 except ImportError:
59 print "Fatal: This script requires the which package to run."
60 print " See"
61 sys.exit(-5)
63 # == Global stuff ==
64 # Windows nees some special treatment. Differentiate between program name
65 # and executable filename.
66 program = ""
67 project = ""
68 environment = os.environ
69 progexe = ""
70 make = "make"
71 programfiles = []
73 svnserver = ""
74 # Paths and files to retrieve from svn when creating a tarball.
75 # This is a mixed list, holding both paths and filenames.
76 svnpaths = [ ]
77 # set this to true to run upx on the resulting binary, false to skip this step.
78 # only used on w32.
79 useupx = False
81 # OS X: files to copy into the bundle. Workaround for out-of-tree builds.
82 bundlecopy = { }
84 # == Functions ==
85 def usage(myself):
86 print "Usage: %s [options]" % myself
87 print " -q, --qmake=<qmake> path to qmake"
88 print " -p, --project=<pro> path to .pro file for building with local tree"
89 print " -t, --tag=<tag> use specified tag from svn"
90 print " -a, --add=<file> add file to build folder before building"
91 print " -s, --source-only only create source archive"
92 print " -b, --binary-only only create binary archive"
93 if sys.platform != "darwin":
94 print " -d, --dynamic link dynamically instead of static"
95 print " -k, --keep-temp keep temporary folder on build failure"
96 print " -h, --help this help"
97 print " If neither a project file nor tag is specified trunk will get downloaded"
98 print " from svn."
100 def getsources(svnsrv, filelist, dest):
101 '''Get the files listed in filelist from svnsrv and put it at dest.'''
102 client = pysvn.Client()
103 print "Checking out sources from %s, please wait." % svnsrv
105 for elem in filelist:
106 url = re.subn('/$', '', svnsrv + elem)[0]
107 destpath = re.subn('/$', '', dest + elem)[0]
108 # make sure the destination path does exist
109 d = os.path.dirname(destpath)
110 if not os.path.exists(d):
111 os.makedirs(d)
112 # get from svn
113 try:
114 client.export(url, destpath)
115 except:
116 print "SVN client error: %s" % sys.exc_value
117 print "URL: %s, destination: %s" % (url, destpath)
118 return -1
119 print "Checkout finished."
120 return 0
123 def gettrunkrev(svnsrv):
124 '''Get the revision of trunk for svnsrv'''
125 client = pysvn.Client()
126 entries = client.info2(svnsrv, recurse=False)
127 return entries[0][1].rev.number
130 def findversion(versionfile):
131 '''figure most recent program version from version.h,
132 returns version string.'''
133 h = open(versionfile, "r")
134 c =
135 h.close()
136 r = re.compile("#define +VERSION +\"(.[0-9\.a-z]+)\"")
137 m =, c)
138 s = re.compile("\$Revision: +([0-9]+)")
139 n =, c)
140 if n == None:
141 print "WARNING: Revision not found!"
142 return
145 def findqt():
146 '''Search for Qt4 installation. Return path to qmake.'''
147 print "Searching for Qt"
148 bins = ["qmake", "qmake-qt4"]
149 for binary in bins:
150 try:
151 q = which.which(binary)
152 if len(q) > 0:
153 result = checkqt(q)
154 if not result == "":
155 return result
156 except:
157 print sys.exc_value
159 return ""
162 def checkqt(qmakebin):
163 '''Check if given path to qmake exists and is a suitable version.'''
164 result = ""
165 # check if binary exists
166 if not os.path.exists(qmakebin):
167 print "Specified qmake path does not exist!"
168 return result
169 # check version
170 output = subprocess.Popen([qmakebin, "-version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
171 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
172 cmdout = output.communicate()
173 # don't check the qmake return code here, Qt3 doesn't return 0 on -version.
174 for ou in cmdout:
175 r = re.compile("Qt[^0-9]+([0-9\.]+[a-z]*)")
176 m =, ou)
177 if not m == None:
178 print "Qt found: %s" %
179 s = re.compile("4\..*")
180 n =,
181 if not n == None:
182 result = qmakebin
183 return result
186 def qmake(qmake="qmake", projfile=project, wd=".", static=True):
187 print "Running qmake in %s..." % wd
188 command = [qmake, "-config", "release", "-config", "noccache"]
189 if static == True:
190 command.append("-config")
191 command.append("static")
192 command.append(projfile)
193 output = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=wd, env=environment)
194 output.communicate()
195 if not output.returncode == 0:
196 print "qmake returned an error!"
197 return -1
198 return 0
201 def build(wd="."):
202 # make
203 print "Building ..."
204 output = subprocess.Popen([make], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=wd)
205 while True:
206 c = output.stdout.readline()
207 sys.stdout.write(".")
208 sys.stdout.flush()
209 if not output.poll() == None:
210 sys.stdout.write("\n")
211 sys.stdout.flush()
212 if not output.returncode == 0:
213 print "Build failed!"
214 return -1
215 break
216 if sys.platform != "darwin":
217 # strip. OS X handles this via macdeployqt.
218 print "Stripping binary."
219 output = subprocess.Popen(["strip", progexe], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=wd)
220 output.communicate()
221 if not output.returncode == 0:
222 print "Stripping failed!"
223 return -1
224 return 0
227 def upxfile(wd="."):
228 # run upx on binary
229 print "UPX'ing binary ..."
230 output = subprocess.Popen(["upx", progexe], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=wd)
231 output.communicate()
232 if not output.returncode == 0:
233 print "UPX'ing failed!"
234 return -1
235 return 0
238 def zipball(versionstring, buildfolder):
239 '''package created binary'''
240 print "Creating binary zipball."
241 archivebase = program + "-" + versionstring
242 outfolder = buildfolder + "/" + archivebase
243 archivename = archivebase + ".zip"
244 # create output folder
245 os.mkdir(outfolder)
246 # move program files to output folder
247 for f in programfiles:
248 shutil.copy(buildfolder + "/" + f, outfolder)
249 # create zipball from output folder
250 zf = zipfile.ZipFile(archivename, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
251 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outfolder):
252 for name in files:
253 physname = os.path.join(root, name)
254 filename = re.sub("^" + buildfolder, "", physname)
255 zf.write(physname, filename)
256 for name in dirs:
257 physname = os.path.join(root, name)
258 filename = re.sub("^" + buildfolder, "", physname)
259 zf.write(physname, filename)
260 zf.close()
261 # remove output folder
262 shutil.rmtree(outfolder)
263 return archivename
266 def tarball(versionstring, buildfolder):
267 '''package created binary'''
268 print "Creating binary tarball."
269 archivebase = program + "-" + versionstring
270 outfolder = buildfolder + "/" + archivebase
271 archivename = archivebase + ".tar.bz2"
272 # create output folder
273 os.mkdir(outfolder)
274 # move program files to output folder
275 for f in programfiles:
276 shutil.copy(buildfolder + "/" + f, outfolder)
277 # create tarball from output folder
278 tf =, mode='w:bz2')
279 tf.add(outfolder, archivebase)
280 tf.close()
281 # remove output folder
282 shutil.rmtree(outfolder)
283 return archivename
286 def macdeploy(versionstring, buildfolder):
287 '''package created binary to dmg'''
288 dmgfile = program + "-" + versionstring + ".dmg"
289 appbundle = buildfolder + "/" + progexe
291 # workaround to Qt issues when building out-of-tree. Copy files into bundle.
292 sourcebase = buildfolder + re.sub('[^/]$', '', project) + "/"
293 print sourcebase
294 for src in bundlecopy:
295 shutil.copy(sourcebase + src, appbundle + "/" + bundlecopy[src])
296 # end of Qt workaround
298 output = subprocess.Popen(["macdeployqt", progexe, "-dmg"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=buildfolder)
299 output.communicate()
300 if not output.returncode == 0:
301 print "macdeployqt failed!"
302 return -1
303 # copy dmg to output folder
304 shutil.copy(buildfolder + "/" + program + ".dmg", dmgfile)
305 return dmgfile
307 def filehashes(filename):
308 '''Calculate md5 and sha1 hashes for a given file.'''
309 if not os.path.exists(filename):
310 return ["", ""]
311 m = hashlib.md5()
312 s = hashlib.sha1()
313 f = open(filename, 'rb')
314 while True:
315 d =
316 if d == "":
317 break
318 m.update(d)
319 s.update(d)
320 return [m.hexdigest(), s.hexdigest()]
323 def filestats(filename):
324 if not os.path.exists(filename):
325 return
326 st = os.stat(filename)
327 print filename, "\n", "-" * len(filename)
328 print "Size: %i bytes" % st.st_size
329 h = filehashes(filename)
330 print "md5sum: %s" % h[0]
331 print "sha1sum: %s" % h[1]
332 print "-" * len(filename), "\n"
335 def tempclean(workfolder, nopro):
336 if nopro == True:
337 print "Cleaning up working folder %s" % workfolder
338 shutil.rmtree(workfolder)
339 else:
340 print "Project file specified or cleanup disabled!"
341 print "Temporary files kept at %s" % workfolder
344 def deploy():
345 startup = time.time()
347 try:
348 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "q:p:t:a:sbdkh",
349 ["qmake=", "project=", "tag=", "add=", "source-only", "binary-only", "dynamic", "keep-temp", "help"])
350 except getopt.GetoptError, err:
351 print str(err)
352 usage(sys.argv[0])
353 sys.exit(1)
354 qt = ""
355 proj = ""
356 svnbase = svnserver + "trunk/"
357 tag = ""
358 addfiles = []
359 cleanup = True
360 binary = True
361 source = True
362 keeptemp = False
363 if sys.platform != "darwin":
364 static = True
365 else:
366 static = False
367 for o, a in opts:
368 if o in ("-q", "--qmake"):
369 qt = a
370 if o in ("-p", "--project"):
371 proj = a
372 cleanup = False
373 if o in ("-t", "--tag"):
374 tag = a
375 svnbase = svnserver + "tags/" + tag + "/"
376 if o in ("-a", "--add"):
377 addfiles.append(a)
378 if o in ("-s", "--source-only"):
379 binary = False
380 if o in ("-b", "--binary-only"):
381 source = False
382 if o in ("-d", "--dynamic") and sys.platform != "darwin":
383 static = False
384 if o in ("-k", "--keep-temp"):
385 keeptemp = True
386 if o in ("-h", "--help"):
387 usage(sys.argv[0])
388 sys.exit(0)
390 if source == False and binary == False:
391 print "Building build neither source nor binary means nothing to do. Exiting."
392 sys.exit(1)
394 # search for qmake
395 if qt == "":
396 qm = findqt()
397 else:
398 qm = checkqt(qt)
399 if qm == "":
400 print "ERROR: No suitable Qt installation found."
401 sys.exit(1)
403 # create working folder. Use current directory if -p option used.
404 if proj == "":
405 w = tempfile.mkdtemp()
406 # make sure the path doesn't contain backslashes to prevent issues
407 # later when running on windows.
408 workfolder = re.sub(r'\\', '/', w)
409 if not tag == "":
410 sourcefolder = workfolder + "/" + tag + "/"
411 archivename = tag + "-src.tar.bz2"
412 # get numeric version part from tag
413 ver = "v" + re.sub('^[^\d]+', '', tag)
414 else:
415 trunk = gettrunkrev(svnbase)
416 sourcefolder = workfolder + "/" + program + "-r" + str(trunk) + "/"
417 archivename = program + "-r" + str(trunk) + "-src.tar.bz2"
418 ver = "r" + str(trunk)
419 os.mkdir(sourcefolder)
420 else:
421 workfolder = "."
422 sourcefolder = "."
423 archivename = ""
424 # check if project file explicitly given. If yes, don't get sources from svn
425 if proj == "":
426 proj = sourcefolder + project
427 # get sources and pack source tarball
428 if not getsources(svnbase, svnpaths, sourcefolder) == 0:
429 tempclean(workfolder, cleanup and not keeptemp)
430 sys.exit(1)
432 if source == True:
433 tf =, mode='w:bz2')
434 tf.add(sourcefolder, os.path.basename(re.subn('/$', '', sourcefolder)[0]))
435 tf.close()
436 if binary == False:
437 shutil.rmtree(workfolder)
438 sys.exit(0)
439 else:
440 # figure version from sources. Need to take path to project file into account.
441 versionfile = re.subn('[\w\.]+$', "version.h", proj)[0]
442 ver = findversion(versionfile)
444 # check project file
445 if not os.path.exists(proj):
446 print "ERROR: path to project file wrong."
447 sys.exit(1)
449 # copy specified (--add) files to working folder
450 for f in addfiles:
451 shutil.copy(f, sourcefolder)
452 buildstart = time.time()
453 header = "Building %s %s" % (program, ver)
454 print header
455 print len(header) * "="
457 # build it.
458 if not qmake(qm, proj, sourcefolder, static) == 0:
459 tempclean(workfolder, cleanup and not keeptemp)
460 sys.exit(1)
461 if not build(sourcefolder) == 0:
462 tempclean(workfolder, cleanup and not keeptemp)
463 sys.exit(1)
464 if sys.platform == "win32":
465 if useupx == True:
466 if not upxfile(sourcefolder) == 0:
467 tempclean(workfolder, cleanup and not keeptemp)
468 sys.exit(1)
469 archive = zipball(ver, sourcefolder)
470 elif sys.platform == "darwin":
471 archive = macdeploy(ver, sourcefolder)
472 else:
473 if os.uname()[4].endswith("64"):
474 ver += "-64bit"
475 archive = tarball(ver, sourcefolder)
477 # remove temporary files
478 tempclean(workfolder, cleanup)
480 # display summary
481 headline = "Build Summary for %s" % program
482 print "\n", headline, "\n", "=" * len(headline)
483 if not archivename == "":
484 filestats(archivename)
485 filestats(archive)
486 duration = time.time() - startup
487 building = time.time() - buildstart
488 durmins = (int)(duration / 60)
489 dursecs = (int)(duration % 60)
490 buildmins = (int)(building / 60)
491 buildsecs = (int)(building % 60)
492 print "Overall time %smin %ssec, building took %smin %ssec." % \
493 (durmins, dursecs, buildmins, buildsecs)
496 if __name__ == "__main__":
497 deploy()