usb screen: show logo at center of ui viewport and try to fit logo and title to the...
[kugel-rb.git] / manual / appendix / config_file_options.tex
1 % $Id$ %
2 \chapter{\label{ref:config_file_options}Config file options}
3 \begin{center}
4 % define a local version of endhead, as using the output distinction adds
5 % an unwanted newline. endhead breaks with htlatex so we need to remove it
6 % for the html output.
7 \ifpdfoutput{\newcommand{\localendhead}{\endhead}}%
8 {\newcommand{\localendhead}{}}
9 \rowcolors{1}{tblevenrowbgcolor}{tbloddrowbgcolor}
10 \begin{longtable}{@{}>{\raggedright}p{.35\textwidth}@{}>{\raggedright}p{.4\textwidth}@{}p{.25\textwidth}@{}}
11 \toprule
12 \rowcolor{white} \textbf{Setting} & \textbf{Allowed Values} & \textbf{Unit}\\
13 \midrule\localendhead % endhead breaks with htlatex
14 volume & \opt{masd}{-78 to +18}%
15 \opt{masf}{-100 -to +12}%
16 \opt{h100,h300}{-84 to 0}%
17 \opt{ipodnano}{-72 to +6}%
18 \opt{ipodnano2g}{-74 to +6}%
19 \opt{ipodvideo}{-57 to +6}%
20 \opt{x5}{-73 to +6}
21 \opt{e200,e200v2}{-74 to +6}
22 \opt{ipodcolor}{-74 to +6}%
23 & dB\\
24 \nopt{x5}{%
25 bass & \opt{masd}{-15 to +15}%
26 \opt{masf}{-12 to +12}%
27 \opt{h100,h300}{0 to +24}%
28 \opt{ipod}{-6 to +9}%
29 \opt{e200,e200v2}{-24 to +24}%
30 & dB\\
31 treble & \opt{masd}{-15 to +15}%
32 \opt{masf}{-12 to +12}%
33 \opt{h100,h300}{0 to +6}%
34 \opt{ipod}{-6 to +9}%
35 \opt{e200,e200v2}{-24 to +24}%
36 & dB\\
38 balance & -100 to +100 & \%\\
39 channels & stereo, mono, custom, mono left, mono right, karaoke
40 & N/A\\
41 stereo\_width & 0 to 250 & \%\\
42 shuffle & on, off & N/A\\
43 repeat & off, all, one, shuffle, ab
44 & N/A\\
45 play selected & on, off & N/A\\
46 party mode & on, off & N/A\\
47 scan min step & 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60
48 & seconds\\
49 seek acceleration & very fast, fast, normal, slow, very slow & N/A\\
50 antiskip & 5s, 15s, 30s, 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min & N/A\\
51 volume fade & on, off & N/A\\
52 sort case & on, off & N/A\\
53 show files & all, supported, music, playlists & N/A\\
54 show filename exts & off, on, unknown, view\_all & N/A\\
55 follow playlist & on, off & N/A\\
56 playlist viewer icons
57 & on, off & N/A\\
58 playlist viewer indices
59 & on, off & N/A\\
60 playlist viewer track display
61 & track name,full path
62 & N/A\\
63 recursive directory insert
64 & on, off, ask & N/A\\
65 scroll speed & 1 to 25 & Hz\\
66 scroll delay & 0 to 2500 & ms\\
67 scroll step & \fixme{devise a way to get ranges from config-*.h} & pixels\\
68 screen scroll step & \fixme{devise a way to get ranges from config-*.h} & pixels\\
69 Screen Scrolls Out Of View & on, off & N/A\\
70 bidir limit & 0 to 200 & \% screen\\
71 scroll paginated & on, off & N/A\\
72 hold\_lr\_for\_scroll\_in\_list & on, off & N/A\\
73 \opt{lcd_bitmap}{
74 show path in browser & off, current directory, full path & N/A\\
76 contrast & 0 to 63 & N/A\\
77 backlight timeout
78 & off, on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
79 45, 60, 90, 120 & seconds\\
80 backlight timeout plugged
81 & off, on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
82 45, 60, 90, 120 & seconds\\
83 backlight filters first keypress & on, off & N/A\\
84 backlight on button hold & normal, off, on & N/A\\
85 caption backlight & on, off & N/A\\
86 brightness & \fixme{devise a way to get ranges from config-*.h} & N/A\\
87 disk spindown & 3 to 254 & seconds\\
88 battery capacity & \fixme{devise a way to get ranges from config-*.h} & mAh\\
89 \opt{battery_types}{
90 battery type & alkaline, nimh & N/A\\
93 car adapter mode & on, off & N/A\\
95 \opt{accessory_supply}{
96 accessory power supply & on, off & N/A\\
98 \opt{usb_hid}{
99 usb hid & on, off & N/A\\
100 usb keypad mode
101 & multimedia, presentation, browser\opt{usb_hid_mouse}{, mouse}& N/A\\
103 idle poweroff & off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60
104 & minutes\\
105 max files in playlist & 1000 - 32000 & N/A\\
106 max files in dir & 50 - 10000 & N/A\\
107 lang & /path/filename.lng & N/A\\
108 wps & /path/filename.wps & N/A\\
109 autocreate bookmarks
110 & off, on & N/A\\
111 autoload bookmarks
112 & off, on & N/A\\
113 use most-recent-bookmarks
114 & off, on & N/A\\
115 pause on headphone unplug & off, pause, pause and resume & N/A\\
116 rewind duration on pause & 0 to 15 & seconds\\
117 disable autoresume if phones not present & off, on & N/A\\
118 Logging & off, on & N/A\\
119 talk dir & off, number, spell& N/A\\
120 talk dir clip & off, on & N/A\\
121 talk file & off, number, spell& N/A\\
122 talk file clip & off, on & N/A\\
123 talk filetype & off, on & N/A\\
124 talk menu & off, on & N/A\\
125 Announce Battery Level & off, on & N/A\\
126 sort files & alpha, oldest, newest, type & N/A\\
127 sort dirs & alpha, oldest, newest & N/A\\
128 sort interpret number & digits, numbers & N/A\\
129 tagcache\_autoupdate
130 & on, off & N/A\\
131 warn when erasing dynamic playlist
132 & on, off & N/A\\
133 cuesheet support
134 & on, off & N/A\\
135 folder navigation & off, on, random & N/A\\
136 gather runtime data & off, on & N/A\\
137 \opt{usb_charging}{
138 usb charging & on, off & N/A\\
140 skip length & outro, track, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 1min,
141 90s, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min & N/A\\
142 prevent track skip
143 & on, off & N/A\\
144 start in screen & previous, root, files, db, wps, menu,
145 \opt{recording}{recording, }
146 \opt{radio}{radio, }
147 bookmarks & N/A\\
148 playlist catalog directory & /path/to/dir & N/A\\
149 \opt{wheel_acceleration}{
150 list\_accel\_start\_delay & 0 to 10 & ms\\
151 list\_accel\_wait & 1 to 10 & seconds\\
154 \opt{swcodec}{
155 replaygain type
156 & track, album, track shuffle, off
157 & N/A\\
158 replaygain noclip
159 & on, off & N/A\\
160 replaygain preamp
161 & -120 to 120 & 0.1dB\\
163 crossfade & off, shuffle, track skip, always
164 & N/A\\
165 crossfade fade in delay
166 & 0 to 7 & seconds\\
167 crossfade fade out delay
168 & 0 to 7 & seconds\\
169 crossfade fade in duration
170 & 0 to 15 & seconds\\
171 crossfade fade out duration
172 & 0 to 15 & seconds\\
173 crossfade fade out mode
174 & crossfade, mix & N/A\\
176 crossfeed & on, off & N/A\\
177 crossfeed direct gain
178 & 0 to 60 & 0.1dB\\
179 crossfeed cross gain
180 & 30 to 120 & 0.1dB\\
181 crossfeed hf attenuation
182 & 60 to 240 & 0.1dB\\
183 crossfeed hf cutoff
184 & 500 to 2000 & Hz\\
186 eq enabled & on, off & N/A\\
187 eq precut & 0 to 240 & 0.1dB\\
188 eq band 0 cutoff & 0 to 32768 & Hz\\
189 eq band 1 cutoff & 0 to 32768 & Hz\\
190 eq band 2 cutoff & 0 to 32768 & Hz\\
191 eq band 3 cutoff & 0 to 32768 & Hz\\
192 eq band 4 cutoff & 0 to 32768 & Hz\\
193 eq band 0 q & 0 to 64 & N/A\\
194 eq band 1 q & 0 to 64 & N/A\\
195 eq band 2 q & 0 to 64 & N/A\\
196 eq band 3 q & 0 to 64 & N/A\\
197 eq band 4 q & 0 to 64 & N/A\\
198 eq band 0 gain & -240 to 240 & 0.1dB\\
199 eq band 1 gain & -240 to 240 & 0.1dB\\
200 eq band 2 gain & -240 to 240 & 0.1dB\\
201 eq band 3 gain & -240 to 240 & 0.1dB\\
202 eq band 4 gain & -240 to 240 & 0.1dB\\
204 dithering enabled & on, off & N/A\\
205 beep & off, weak, moderate, strong & N/A\\
206 keyclick & off, weak, moderate, strong & N/A\\
207 keyclick repeats & on, off & N/A\\
208 dircache & on, off & N/A\\
209 tagcache\_ram & on, off & N/A\\
212 \opt{masf}{
213 loudness & 0 to 17 & N/A\\
214 superbass & on, off & N/A\\
215 auto volume & off, 20ms, 2s, 4s, 8s
216 & seconds\\
217 mdb enable & on,off & N/A\\
218 mdb strength & 0 to 127 & dB\\
219 mdb harmonics & 0 to 100 & \%\\
220 mdb center & 20 to 300 & Hz\\
221 mdb shape & 50 to 300 & Hz\\
224 \opt{lcd_bitmap}{
225 peak meter release
226 & 1 to 126 & ?\\
227 peak meter hold
228 & off, 200ms, 300ms, 500ms, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
229 15, 20, 30, 1min & N/A \\
230 peak meter clip hold
231 & on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45,
232 60, 90, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 20min, 45min, 90min
233 & N/A \\
234 peak meter busy & on, off & N/A\\
235 peak meter dbfs & on, off & on:~dbfs, off:~linear\\
236 peak meter min & 0 to 89 (dB) or 0 to 100 (\%)
237 & dB or \%\\
238 peak meter max & 0 to 89 /(dB) or 0 to 100 (\%)
239 & dB or \%\\
240 statusbar & off, top, bottom & N/A\\
241 \opt{remote}{
242 remote statusbar & off, top, bottom & N/A\\
244 scrollbar & off, left, right & N/A\\
245 scrollbar width & 3 to LCD width / 10 (\fixme{devise a way
246 to get ranges from config-*.h})& pixels\\
247 volume display
248 & graphic, numeric & N/A\\
249 battery display
250 & graphic, numeric & N/A\\
251 font & /path/filename.fnt & N/A\\
252 kbd & /path/filename.kbd & N/A\\
253 \opt{lcd_invert}{
254 invert & on, off & N/A\\
256 \opt{lcd_flip}{
257 flip display & on, off & N/A\\
259 selector type & pointer, bar (inverse)
260 \opt{lcd_color}{, bar (color), bar (gradient)} & N/A\\
261 show icons & on, off & N/A\\
262 iconset & /path/filename.bmp & N/A\\
263 viewers iconset & /path/filename.bmp & N/A\\
266 \opt{swcodec}{% This doesn't depend on swcodec but using a \nopt here
267 % causes ondiosp not to build for mysterious reasons.
268 backdrop & /path/filename.bmp & N/A\\
271 \opt{lcd_color}{
272 foreground colour & 000000 to FFFFFF & RRGGBB\\
273 background colour & 000000 to FFFFFF & RRGGBB\\
274 line selector start colour & 000000 to FFFFFF & RRGGBB\\
275 line selector end colour & 000000 to FFFFFF & RRGGBB\\
276 line selector text colour & 000000 to FFFFFF & RRGGBB\\
277 filetype colours & /path/filename.colours & N/A\\
280 \opt{HAVE_REMOTE_LCD}{
281 rwps & /path/filename.rwps & N/A\\
282 remote contrast
283 & 5 to 63 & N/A\\
284 remote invert
285 & on, off & N/A\\
286 remote flip display
287 & on, off & N/A\\
288 remote backlight timeout
289 & off, on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25,
290 30, 45, 60, 90 & seconds\\
291 remote backlight timeout plugged
292 & off, on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25,
293 30, 45, 60, 90 & seconds\\
294 remote caption backlight
295 & on, off & N/A\\
296 remote scroll speed
297 & 0 to 15 & N/A\\
298 remote scroll step
299 & 1 to 160 & N/A\\
300 remote scroll delay
301 & 0 to 2500 & ms\\
302 remote bidir limit
303 & 0 to 200 & N/A\\
304 backlight filters first remote keypress
305 & on, off & N/A\\
306 remote iconset & /path/filename.bmp & N/A\\
307 remote viewers iconset & /path/filename.bmp & N/A\\
308 \opt{h100,h300}{
309 remote reduce ticking
310 & on, off & N/A\\
313 \opt{rtc}{
314 time format & 12hour, 24hour & N/A\\
316 \opt{recording}{
317 rec quality & 0 to 7 & 0: small size, 7: high quality\\
318 rec frequency
319 & 48, 44, 32, 24, 22, 16 & kHz\\
320 rec source & mic, line, spdif & N/A\\
321 rec channels & mono, stereo & N/A\\
322 rec mic gain & 0 to 15 & N/A\\
323 rec left gain & 0 to 15 & N/A\\
324 rec right gain
325 & 0 to 15 & N/A\\
326 editable recordings
327 & off,on & N/A\\
328 rec timesplit
329 & off, 0:05, 0:10, 0:15, 0:30, 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00,
330 8:00, 16:00, 24:00 & h:mm\\
331 pre-recording time
332 & off, 1 to 30 & seconds\\
333 rec directory & /path/to/dir & N/A\\
335 \opt{spdif_power}{
336 spdif enable & off, on & N/A\\
338 \opt{radio}{
339 force fm mono
340 & off, on & N/A\\
342 \opt{player}{
343 jump scroll
344 & 0 to 5 & N/A\\
345 jump scroll delay
346 & 0 to 250 & 0.01s\\
349 \bottomrule
350 \end{longtable}
351 \end{center}