Improvements to the pitch screen UI (FS#10359 by David Johnston)
[kugel-rb.git] / manual / rockbox_interface / wps.tex
1 % $Id$ %
2 \section{\label{ref:WPS}While Playing Screen}
3 The While Playing Screen (WPS) displays various pieces of information about the
4 currently playing audio file.
6 \opt{lcd_bitmap}{%
7 The appearance of the WPS can be configured using WPS configuration files.
8 The items shown depend on your configuration -- all item can be turned on
9 or off independently. Refer to \reference{ref:wps_tags} for details on how
10 to change the display of the WPS.
11 \begin{itemize}
12 \nopt{ondio}{
13 \item Status bar: The Status bar shows Battery level, charger status,
14 volume, play mode, repeat mode, shuffle mode\opt{rtc}{ and clock}.
15 In contrast to all other items, the status bar is always at the top of
16 the screen.
18 \opt{ondio}{
19 \item Status bar: The Status bar shows Battery level, USB power mode, key
20 lock status, memory access indicator. In contrast to all other items, the
21 status bar is always at the top of the screen.
23 \item (Scrolling) path and filename of the current song.
24 \item The ID3 track name.
25 \item The ID3 album name.
26 \item The ID3 artist name.
27 \item Bit rate. VBR files display average bitrate and ``(avg)''
28 \item Elapsed and total time.
29 \item A slidebar progress meter representing where in the song you are.
30 \item Peak meter.
31 \end{itemize}
33 \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio}{
34 \note{
35 \begin{itemize}
36 \item The number of lines shown depends on the size of the font used.
37 \item The peak meter is only visible if you turn off the status bar or if
38 using a small font that gives 8 or more display lines.
39 \end{itemize}
43 \opt{player}{
44 \note{
45 \begin{itemize}
46 \item Playlist index/Playlist size: Artist {}- Title.
47 \item Current{}-time Progress{}-indicator Left.
48 \end{itemize}
52 See \reference{ref:ConfiguringtheWPS} for details of customising
53 your WPS (While Playing Screen).
56 \subsection{\label{ref:WPS_Key_Controls}WPS Key Controls}
58 \begin{table}
59 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
60 \ActionWpsVolUp{} / \ActionWpsVolDown
61 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsVolUp{} / \ActionRCWpsVolDown}
62 & Volume up/down.\\
64 \ActionWpsSkipPrev
65 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSkipPrev}
66 & Go to beginning of track, or if pressed while in the
67 first seconds of a track, go to previous track.\\
69 \ActionWpsSeekBack
70 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSeekBack}
71 & Rewind in track.\\
73 \ActionWpsSkipNext
74 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSkipNext}
75 & Go to next track.\\
77 \ActionWpsSeekFwd
78 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsSeekFwd}
79 & Fast forward in track.\\
81 \ActionWpsPlay
82 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsPlay}
83 & Toggle play/pause.\\
85 \ActionWpsStop
86 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsStop}
87 & Stop playback.\\
89 \ActionWpsBrowse
90 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsBrowse}
91 & Return to the \setting{File Browser}.\\
93 \ActionWpsContext
94 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsContext}
95 & Enter \setting{WPS Context Menu}.\\
97 \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionWpsContext{} twice}%
98 \nopt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ActionWpsMenu}%
99 & Enter \setting{Main Menu}%
100 \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{ via the \setting{WPS Context Menu}}.\\%
102 \opt{quickscreen}{%
103 \ActionWpsQuickScreen
104 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsQuickScreen}
105 & Switches to the \setting{Quick Screen}.
106 (see \reference{ref:QuickScreen}) \\}%
108 % software hold targets (currently Archos only)
109 \nopt{hold_button}{%
110 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{\ButtonFOne+\ButtonDown}
111 \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonStop}
112 \opt{ONDIO_PAD}{\ButtonMenu+\ButtonDown}
113 & Key lock on/off.\\
115 %These actions need definitions for the other targets
116 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{%
117 \ButtonFThree & Toggles Display quick screen.\\%
118 \ButtonFOne+\ButtonPlay & Mute on/off.\\%
120 \opt{PLAYER_PAD}{%
121 \ButtonMenu+\ButtonPlay & Mute on/off.\\%
125 \ActionWpsPitchScreen
126 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsPitchScreen}
127 & Show \setting{Pitch Screen}
128 (see \reference{sec:pitchscreen}).\\}%
132 \ActionWpsIdThreeScreen
133 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCWpsIdThreeScreen}
134 & Enter \setting{ID3 Viewer}.\\%
138 \ActionWpsAbSetBNextDir{} or }%
139 % not all targets have the above action defined but the one below works on all
140 Short \ActionWpsSkipNext{} + Long \ActionWpsSkipNext
143 \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{\ActionRCWpsAbSetBNextDir{} or}
144 Short \ActionRCWpsSkipNext{} + Long \ActionRCWpsSkipNext}
145 & Skip to the next directory.\\
149 \ActionWpsAbSetAPrevDir{} or }%
150 Short \ActionWpsSkipPrev{} + Long \ActionWpsSkipPrev
153 \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{\ActionRCWpsAbSetAPrevDir{} or}
154 Short \ActionRCWpsSkipNext{} + Long \ActionRCWpsSkipNext}
155 & Skip to the previous directory.\\
158 \ActionStdRec
160 & Switches to the Recording screen \\
162 \end{btnmap}
163 \end{table}
166 \opt{lcd_bitmap}{
167 \subsection{\label{ref:peak_meter}Peak Meter}
168 The peak meter can be displayed on the While Playing Screen and consists of
169 several indicators.
170 \opt{recording}{
171 For a picture of the peak meter, please see the While
172 Recording Screen in \reference{ref:while_recording_screen}.
175 \begin{description}
176 \item [The bar:]
177 This is the wide horizontal bar. It represents the current volume value.
178 \item [The peak indicator:]
179 This is a little vertical line at the right end of the bar. It indicates
180 the peak volume value that occurred recently.
181 \item [The clip indicator:]
182 This is a little black block that is displayed at the very right of the
183 scale when an overflow occurs. It usually does not show up during normal
184 playback unless you play an audio file that is distorted heavily.
185 \opt{recording}{
186 If you encounter clipping while recording, your recording will sound distorted.
187 You should lower the gain.
189 \note{Note that the clip detection is not very precise.
190 Clipping might occur without being indicated.}
191 \item [The scale:]
192 Between the indicators of the right and left channel there are little dots.
193 These dots represent important volume values. In linear mode each dot is a
194 10\% mark. In dbfs mode the dots represent the following values (from right
195 to left): 0db, {}-3db, {}-6db, {}-9db, {}-12db, {}-18db, {}-24db, {}-30db,
196 {}-40db, {}-50db, {}-60db.
197 \end{description}
199 \subsection{\label{sec:contextmenu}The WPS Context Menu}
200 Like the context menu for the \setting{File Browser}, the \setting{WPS Context Menu}
201 allows you quick access to some often used functions:
203 \subsubsection{Playlist}
204 The \setting{Playlist} submenu allows you to view, save, search and
205 reshuffle the current playlist. To change settings for the
206 \setting{Playlist Viewer} press \ActionStdMenu{} while viewing the playlist
207 to bring up the \setting{Playlist Viewer Menu}.
209 \subsubsection{Playlist Viewer Menu}
210 \begin{description}
211 \item[Show Icons.] This toggles display of the icon for the currently
212 selected playlist entry and the icon for moving a playlist entry
213 \item[Show Indicies.] This toggles display of the line numbering for
214 the playlist
215 \item[Track Display.] This toggles between filename only and full path
216 for playlist entries
217 \item[Save Current Playlist.] Allows the current playlist to be saved as
218 a \fname{.m3u8} playlist file
219 \end{description}
222 \subsubsection{Playlist catalog}
223 \begin{description}
224 \item [View catalog.] This lists all playlists that are part of the
225 Playlist catalog. You can load a new playlist directly from this list.
226 \item [Add to playlist.] Adds the currently playing file to a playlist.
227 Select the playlist you want the file to be added to and it will get
228 appended to that playlist.
229 \item [Add to new playlist.] Similar to the previous entry this will
230 add the currently playing track to a playlist. You need to enter a name
231 for the new playlist first.
232 \end{description}
234 \subsubsection{Sound Settings}
235 This is a shortcut to the \setting{Sound Settings Menu}, where you can configure volume,
236 bass, treble, and other settings affecting the sound of your music.
237 See \reference{ref:configure_rockbox_sound} for more information.
239 \subsubsection{Playback Settings}
240 This is a shortcut to the \setting{Playback Settings Menu}, where you can configure shuffle,
241 repeat, party mode, study mode and other settings affecting the playback of your music.
243 \subsubsection{Rating}
244 The menu entry is only shown if \setting{Gather Runtime Information} is
245 enabled. It allows the asignment of a personal rating value (0 -- 10)
246 to a track which can be displayed in the WPS and used in the Database
247 browser. Press \ButtonRight{} to increment the value. The value wraps at 10.
249 \subsubsection{Bookmarks}
250 This allows you to create a bookmark in the currently-playing track.
252 \subsubsection{\label{ref:trackinfoviewer}Show Track Info}
253 \screenshot{rockbox_interface/images/ss-id3-viewer}{The track info viewer}{}
254 This screen is accessible from the WPS screen, and provides a detailed view of
255 all the identity information about the current track. This info is known as
256 meta data and is stored in audio file formats to keep information on artist,
257 album etc. To access this screen, %
259 press \ActionWpsIdThreeScreen. }%
260 \opt{ONDIO_PAD,IPOD_4G_PAD,IPOD_3G_PAD,IAUDIO_X5_PAD}{press \ActionWpsContext{}
261 to access the \setting{WPS Context Menu} and select
262 \setting{Show Track Info}. }%
263 \opt{RECORDER_PAD,PLAYER_PAD,ONDIO_PAD}{Use \ButtonLeft\ and \ButtonRight\
264 to move through the information.}%
266 \subsubsection{Open With...}
267 This \setting{Open With} function is the same as the \setting{Open With}
268 function in the file browser's \setting{Context Menu}.
270 \subsubsection{Delete}
271 Delete the currently playing file.
273 \nopt{player}{
274 \subsubsection{\label{sec:pitchscreen}Pitch}
276 The \setting{Pitch Screen} allows you to change the rate of playback
277 (i.e. the playback speed and at the same time the pitch) of your
278 \dap. The rate value can be adjusted between 50\% and 200\%. 50\%
279 means half the normal playback speed and a pitch that is an octave
280 lower than the normal pitch. 200\% means double playback speed and a
281 pitch that is an octave higher than the normal pitch.
283 The rate can be changed in two modes: procentual and semitone.
284 Initially, procentual mode is active.
286 \opt{swcodec}{
287 If you've enabled the \setting{Timestretch} option in
288 \setting{Sound Settings} and have since rebooted, you can also use
289 timestretch mode. This allows you to change the playback speed
290 without affecting the pitch, and vice versa.
292 In timestretch mode there are separate displays for pitch and
293 speed, and each can be altered independently. Due to the
294 limitations of the algorithm, speed is limited to be between 35\%
295 and 250\% of the current pitch value. Pitch must maintain the
296 same ratio as well as remain between 50\% and 200\%.
299 The value of the \opt{swcodec}{rate, pitch and speed}\nopt{swcodec}{rate}
300 is not persisted, i.e. after the \dap\ is turned on it will
301 always be set to 100\%.
303 \opt{masf}{
304 \begin{table}
305 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
306 \ActionPsToggleMode
307 & Toggle pitch changing mode \\
309 \ActionPsIncSmall{} / \ActionPsDecSmall
310 & Increase / Decrease pitch by 0.1\% (in procentual mode) or by 0.1
311 semitone (in semitone mode)\\
313 \ActionPsIncBig{} / \ActionPsDecBig
314 & Increase / Decrease pitch by 1\% (in procentual mode) or a semitone
315 (in semitone mode)\\
317 \ActionPsNudgeLeft{} / \ActionPsNudgeRight
318 & Temporarily change pitch by 2\% (beatmatch) \\
320 \ActionPsReset
321 & Reset rate to 100\% \\
323 \ActionPsExit
324 & Leave the Pitch Screen \\
326 \end{btnmap}
327 \end{table}
329 \warn{Changing the pitch can cause audible 'Artifacts' or 'Dropouts'.}
332 \opt{swcodec}{
333 \begin{table}
334 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
335 \ActionPsToggleMode
336 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCPsToggleMode}
337 & Toggle pitch changing mode (cycles through all available modes)\\
339 \ActionPsIncSmall{} / \ActionPsDecSmall
340 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCPsIncSmall{} / \ActionRCPsDecSmall}
341 & Increase / Decrease pitch by 0.1\% (in procentual mode) or 0.1
342 semitone (in semitone mode)\\
344 \ActionPsIncBig{} / \ActionPsDecBig
345 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCPsIncBig{} / \ActionRCPsDecBig}
346 & Increase / Decrease pitch by 1\% (in procentual mode) or a semitone
347 (in semitone mode)\\
349 \ActionPsNudgeLeft{} / \ActionPsNudgeRight
350 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCPsNudgeLeft{} / \ActionPsNudgeRight}
351 & Temporarily change pitch by 2\% (beatmatch), or modify speed (in timestretch mode) \\
353 \ActionPsReset
354 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCPsReset}
355 & Reset pitch and speed to 100\% \\
357 \ActionPsExit
358 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCPsExit}
359 & Leave the Pitch Screen \\
361 \end{btnmap}
362 \end{table}
367 %********************QUICKSCREENS***********************************************
368 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
369 \section{\label{ref:QuickScreens}Quick Screens}
370 \screenshot{rockbox_interface/images/ss-quick-screen-112x64x1.png}{The F2 quick screen}{}
371 \screenshot{rockbox_interface/images/ss-quick-screen2-112x64x1.png}{The F3 quick screen}{}
372 Rockbox handles function buttons in a different way to the Archos software.
373 \ButtonFOne\ is always bound to the menu function, while \ButtonFTwo\ and
374 \ButtonFThree\ enable two quick screens.
376 \ButtonFTwo\ displays some browse and play settings which are likely to be
377 changed frequently. This settings are Shuffle mode, Repeat mode and the Show
378 files options
380 Shuffle mode plays each track in the currently playing list in a random order
381 rather than in the order shown in the browser.
383 Repeat mode repeats either a single track (One) or the entire playlist (All).
385 Show files determines what type files can be seen in the browser. This can be
386 just MP3 files and directories (Music), Playlists, MP3 files and directories
387 (Playlists), any files that Rockbox supports (Supported) or all files on the
388 disk (All).
390 See \reference{ref:PlaybackOptions} for more information about these
391 settings.
393 \begin{table}
394 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
395 \ButtonLeft & Controls Shuffle mode setting \\
396 \ButtonRight & Controls Repeat mode setting \\
397 \ButtonDown & Controls Show file setting \\
398 \end{btnmap}
399 \end{table}
401 \ButtonFThree\ controls frequently used display options.
403 Scroll bar turns the display of the Scroll bar on the left of the screen on
404 or off.
406 Status bar turns the status display at the top of the screen on or off.
407 Upside down inverts the screen so that the top of the display appears nearest
408 to the buttons. This is sometimes useful when storing the \dap\ in a pocket.
409 Key assignments swap over with the display orientation where it is logical
410 for them to do so.
412 See \reference{ref:Displayoptions} for more information about these
413 settings.
415 \begin{table}
416 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
417 \ButtonLeft & Controls scroll bar display \\
418 \ButtonRight & Controls status bar display \\
419 \ButtonDown & Controls upside down screen setting \\
420 \end{btnmap}
421 \end{table}