Bookmark.c cleanup, still no functional changes... yet
[kugel-rb.git] / manual / rockbox_interface / browsing_and_playing.tex
1 % $Id$ %
2 \chapter{Browsing and playing}
3 \section{\label{ref:file_browser}File Browser}
4 \screenshot{rockbox_interface/images/ss-file-browser}{The file browser}{}
5 Rockbox lets you browse your music in either of two ways. The
6 \setting{File Browser} lets you navigate through the files and directories on
7 your \dap, entering directories and executing the default action on each file.
8 To help differentiate files, each file format is displayed with an icon.
10 The \setting{Database Browser}, on the other hand, allows you to navigate
11 through the music on your player using categories like album, artist, genre,
12 etc.
14 You can select whether to browse using the \setting{File Browser} or the
15 \setting{Database Browser} by selecting either \setting{Files} or
16 \setting{Database} in the \setting{Main Menu}.
17 If you choose the \setting{File Browser}, the \setting{Show Files} setting
18 lets you select what types of files you wish to view. See
19 \reference{ref:ShowFiles} for more information on the \setting{Show Files}
20 setting.
22 \note{The \setting{File Browser} allows you to manipulate your files in ways
23 that are not available within the \setting{Database Browser}. Read more about
24 \setting{Database} in \reference{ref:database}. The remainder of this section
25 deals with the \setting{File Browser}.}
27 \opt{ondio}{
28 Unlike the Archos Firmware, Rockbox provides multivolume support for the
29 MultiMediaCard, this means the \dap{} can access both data volumes (internal
30 memory and the MMC), thus being able to for instance, build playlists with
31 files from both volumes.
32 In the \setting{File Browser} a new directory will appear as soon as the device
33 has read the content after inserting the card. This new directory's name is
34 generated as \fname{<MMC1>}, and will behave exactly as any other directory
35 on the \dap{}.
38 \opt{h10,h10_5gb}{\note{
39 If your \dap{} is a MTP model, the Music directory where all your music is stored
40 may be hidden in the \setting{File Browser}. This may be fixed by either
41 either changing its properties (on a computer) to not hidden, or by changing
42 the \setting{Show Files} setting to all.
45 \subsection{\label{ref:controls}File Browser Controls}
46 \begin{table}
47 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
48 \ActionStdPrev{}/\ActionStdNext{}
49 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdPrev{}/\ActionRCStdNext{}}
50 & Go to previous/next item in list. If you are on the first/last
51 entry, the cursor will wrap to the last/first entry.\\
55 \ButtonOn+\ButtonUp{}/ \ButtonDown
57 \opt{IRIVER_RC_H100_PAD}{\ButtonRCSource{}/ \ButtonRCBitrate}
59 & Move one page up/down in the list.\\
61 \opt{IRIVER_H10_PAD}
63 \ButtonRew{}/ \ButtonFF
64 & Move one page up/down in the list.\\
67 \ActionTreeParentDirectory
68 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCTreeParentDirectory}
69 & Go to the parent directory.\\
71 \ActionTreeEnter
72 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCTreeEnter}
73 & Execute the default action on the selected file or enter a
74 directory.\\
76 \ActionTreeWps
77 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCTreeWps}
78 & If there is an audio file playing, return to the
79 \setting{While Playing Screen} (WPS) without stopping playback.\\
81 \nopt{player,c200}%
83 \ActionTreeStop
84 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCTreeStop}
85 & Stop audio playback.\\%
88 \ActionStdContext{}
89 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdContext}
90 & Enter the \setting{Context Menu}.\\
92 \ActionStdMenu{}
93 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdMenu}
94 & Enter the \setting{Main Menu}.\\
96 \opt{quickscreen}{
97 \ActionStdQuickScreen
98 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdQuickScreen}
99 & Switch to the \setting{Quick Screen}
100 (see \reference{ref:QuickScreen}). \\
102 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
103 \ButtonFThree & Switch to the \setting{Quick Screen}.\\
107 \opt{SANSA_E200_PAD}{
108 \ActionStdRec & Switch to the \setting{Recording Screen}.\\
111 \opt{hotkey}{
112 \ActionTreeHotkey & Activate the \setting{Hotkey} function
113 (see \reference{ref:Hotkeys}).\\
116 \end{btnmap}
117 \end{table}
119 \opt{RECORDER_PAD}{
120 The functions of the F keys are also summarised on the button bar at the
121 bottom of the screen.
124 \subsection{\label{ref:Contextmenu}\label{ref:PartIISectionFM}Context Menu}
125 \screenshot{rockbox_interface/images/ss-context-menu}{The Context Menu}{}
127 The \setting{Context Menu} allows you to perform certain operations on files or
128 directories. To access the \setting{Context Menu}, position the selector over a file
129 or directory and access the context menu with \ActionStdContext{}.\\
131 \note{The \setting{Context Menu} is a context sensitive menu. If the
132 \setting{Context Menu} is invoked on a file, it will display options available
133 for files. If the \setting{Context Menu} is invoked on a directory,
134 it will display options for directories.\\}
136 \opt{hotkey}{
137 Some of these options can be set to the \setting{Hotkey} (see \reference{ref:Hotkeys})
138 for that context by pressing \ActionWpsHotkey.\\
141 The \setting{Context Menu} contains the following options (unless otherwise noted,
142 each option pertains both to files and directories):
144 \begin{description}
145 \item [Playlist.]
146 Enters the \setting{Playlist Submenu} (see \reference{ref:playlist_submenu}).
147 \item [Playlist Catalog.]
148 Enters the \setting{Playlist Catalog Submenu} (see
149 \reference{ref:playlist_catalog}).
150 \item [Rename.]
151 This function lets the user modify the name of a file or directory.
152 \item [Cut.]
153 Copies the name of the currently selected file or directory to the clipboard
154 and marks it to be `cut'.
155 \item [Copy.]
156 Copies the name of the currently selected file or directory to the clipboard
157 and marks it to be `copied'.
158 \item [Paste.]
159 Only visible if a file or directory name is on the clipboard. When selected
160 it will move or copy the clipboard to the current directory.
161 \item [Delete.]
162 Deletes the currently selected file. This option applies only to files, and
163 not to directories. Rockbox will ask for confirmation before deleting a file.
164 Press \ActionYesNoAccept{}
165 to confirm deletion or any other key to cancel. \opt{hotkey}{\setting{Hotkey}able.}
166 \item [Delete Directory.]
167 Deletes the currently selected directory and all of the files and subdirectories
168 it may contain. Deleted directories cannot be recovered. Use this feature with
169 caution! \opt{hotkey}{\setting{Hotkey}able.}
170 \opt{lcd_non-mono}{
171 \item [Set As Backdrop.]
172 Set the selected \fname{bmp} file as background image. The bitmaps need to meet the
173 conditions explained in \reference{ref:LoadingBackdrops}.
175 \item [Open with.]
176 Runs a viewer plugin on the file. Normally, when a file is selected in Rockbox,
177 Rockbox automatically detects the file type and runs the appropriate plugin.
178 The \setting{Open With} function can be used to override the default action and
179 select a viewer by hand.
180 For example, this function can be used to view a text file
181 even if the file has a non-standard extension (i.e., the file has an extension
182 of something other than \fname{.txt}). See \reference{ref:Viewersplugins}
183 for more details on viewers. \opt{hotkey}{\setting{Hotkey}able.}
184 \item [Create Directory.]
185 Create a new directory in the current directory on the disk.
186 \item [Properties.]
187 Shows properties such as size and the time and date of the last modification
188 for the selected file. If used on a directory, the number of files and
189 subdirectories will be shown, as well as the total size.
190 \opt{recording}{
191 \item [Set As Recording Directory.]
192 Save recordings in the selected directory.
194 \item [Add to Shortcuts.]
195 Adds a link to the selected item in the \fname{} file.
196 If the file does not already exist it will be created in the root directory.
197 Note that if you create a shortcut to a file, Rockbox will not open it upon
198 selecting, but simply bring you to it's location in the \setting{File Browser}.
199 \end{description}
201 \subsection{\label{sec:virtual_keyboard}Virtual Keyboard}
202 \screenshot{rockbox_interface/images/ss-virtual-keyboard}{The virtual keyboard}{}
203 This is the virtual keyboard that is used when entering text in Rockbox, for
204 example when renaming a file or creating a new directory.
205 \nopt{player}{The virtual keyboard can be easily changed by making a text file
206 with the required layout. More information on how to achieve this can be found
207 on the Rockbox website at \wikilink{LoadableKeyboardLayouts}.}
209 \opt{morse_input}{
210 Also you can switch to Morse code input mode by changing the
211 \setting{Use Morse Code Input} setting%
214 { or by pressing \ActionKbdMorseInput{} in the virtual keyboard}%
220 \begin{table}
221 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
222 \ActionKbdLeft{} / \ActionKbdRight{} / \ActionKbdUp{} / \ActionKbdDown
224 & \ActionRCKbdLeft{} / \ActionRCKbdRight{} / \ActionRCKbdUp{} / \ActionRCKbdDown}
225 & Move the cursor on the virtual keyboard. \\
227 \ActionKbdPageFlip
228 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdPageFlip}
229 & Flip to the next page of characters (if there is more than one). \\
231 \ActionKbdCursorLeft{} / \ActionKbdCursorRight
232 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdCursorLeft{} / \ActionRCKbdCursorRight}
233 & Move the line cursor within the text line. \\
235 \ActionKbdSelect
236 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdSelect}
237 & Insert the selected keyboard letter at the current line cursor position. \\
239 \ActionKbdBackSpace
240 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdBackSpace}
241 & Delete the character before the line cursor. \\
243 \ActionKbdDone
244 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdDone}
245 & Exit the virtual keyboard and saves any changes. \\
247 \ActionKbdAbort
248 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdAbort}
249 & Exit the virtual keyboard without saving any changes. \\
251 \opt{morse_input}{
253 ,MROBE100_PAD,SANSA_E200_PAD}{
254 \ActionKbdMorseInput
255 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdMorseInput}
256 & Toggle keyboard input mode and Morse code input mode. \\
259 \ActionKbdMorseSelect
260 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdMorseSelect}
261 & Tap to select a character in Morse code input mode. \\
264 \end{btnmap}
265 \end{table}
268 \textbf{Picker area}
269 \begin{table}
270 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
271 \ActionKbdLeft{} / \ActionKbdRight
273 & Move the cursor on the virtual keyboard.
274 If you move out of the picker area, you get the previous/next page of
275 characters (if there is more than one). \\
277 \ActionKbdUp{} / \ActionKbdDown
279 & Move the cursor on the virtual keyboard.
280 If you move out of the picker area you get to the line edit mode. \\
282 \ActionKbdSelect
284 & Insert the selected keyboard letter at the current line cursor position. \\
286 \ActionKbdDone
288 & Exit the virtual keyboard and save any changes. \\
290 \ActionKbdAbort
292 & Exit the virtual keyboard without saving any changes. \\
294 \opt{morse_input}{
296 \ActionKbdMorseInput
298 & Toggle keyboard input mode and Morse code input mode. \\
301 \ActionKbdMorseSelect
302 \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCKbdMorseSelect}
303 & Tap to select a character in Morse code input mode. \\
306 \end{btnmap}
307 \end{table}
309 \textbf{Line edit mode}
310 \begin{table}
311 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
312 \ActionKbdLeft{} / \ActionKbdRight
314 & Move the line cursor within the text line. \\
316 \ActionKbdSelect
318 & Delete the character before the line cursor. \\
320 \ActionKbdUp{} / \ActionKbdDown
322 & Return to the picker area. \\
324 \end{btnmap}
325 \end{table}
327 \opt{player}{
328 The current text line to be entered or edited is always listed on the first
329 line of the display. The second line of the display can contain the character
330 selection bar, as in the screenshot above.
331 \begin{table}
332 \begin{btnmap}{}{}
333 \ButtonOn & Toggle picker- and line edit mode. \\
334 \ButtonLeft{} / \ButtonRight
335 & Move back and forth in the selected line (picker of input line). \\
336 \ButtonPlay
337 & Pick character in character bar, or act as backspace in the text line. \\
338 Long \ButtonPlay & Accept \\
339 \ButtonStop & Cancel \\
340 \ButtonMenu & Flip picker lines. \\
341 \end{btnmap}
342 \end{table}
345 \input{rockbox_interface/tagcache.tex}
346 \input{rockbox_interface/wps.tex}
348 %Include playlist section
349 \input{working_with_playlists/main.tex}
350 \input{rockbox_interface/hotkeys.tex}