1 # Classic statusbar adapted to skin engine
3 # Bar at the top.. very easy to change to the bottom
6 %wd # not sure if this is needed for sbs files?
7 %xl|B|battery.bmp|0|0|10|
8 %xl|V|volume.bmp|0|0|10|
9 %xl|S|status.bmp|0|0|12|
13 %?bl<%xdBa|%xdBa|%xdBb|%xdBc|%xdBd|%xdBe|%xdBf|%xdBg|%xdBh|%xdBi|%xdBj>
20 %?mv<%pv|%?pv<%xdVa|%xdVb|%xdVc|%xdVd|%xdVe|%xdVf|%xdVg|%xdVh|%xdVi|%xdVj>>
22 # Icons, all in the same bmp strip, so need to use multiple viewports
25 %?mp<%xdSc|%xdSb|%xdSd|%xdSe|%xdSf>
29 %?mm<|%xdSi|%xdSj|%xdSk|%xdSl>
37 # Clock on RTC able targets, and disk access
38 %V|-36|0|-|8|0|-|-| # align on the right with room for 6 SYSFONT digits
39 %?ca<%?St|time format|<%cH|%cI>:%cM|--:-->%?lh<*|>