lol; whips ARE breakable now
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / vampire.dat
1 vampire
3 DefaultArmStrength = 20;
4 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
5 DefaultDexterity = 35;
6 DefaultAgility = 35;
7 DefaultEndurance = 20;
8 DefaultPerception = 24;
9 DefaultIntelligence = 10;
10 DefaultWisdom = 10;
11 DefaultCharisma = 10;
12 DefaultMana = 0;
13 TotalVolume = 60000;
14 EyeColor = rgb16(180, 0, 0);
15 HairColor = rgb16(5, 5, 5);
16 ClothColor = rgb16(75, 95, 75);
17 SkinColor = rgb16(208, 164, 0);
18 BeltColor = rgb16(15, 15, 15);
19 BootColor = rgb16(5, 5, 5);
20 TorsoSpecialColor = rgb16(187, 7, 7);
21 ArmSpecialColor = rgb16(187, 7, 7);
22 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 720;
23 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 720;
24 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 720;
25 LegBitmapPos = 0, 720;
26 TotalSize = 160;
27 NameSingular = "vampire";
28 AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
29 KnownCWeaponSkills == BITE;
30 CWeaponSkillHits == 80;
31 Sex = MALE;
32 BaseBiteStrength = 800;
33 CanBeWished = false;
35 PanicLevel = 0;
36 FleshMaterial = VAMPIRE_FLESH;
37 AttachedGod = MORTIFER;
38 WillCarryItems = true;
39 UndeadVersions = false;
40 CanUseEquipment = false;
41 HostileReplies :=
43 "\"Don't try to run. I will find you. I will always find you.\"",
44 "\"I will suck you dry!\"",
45 "\"This is my hunting ground that you dare to prowl!\"",
46 "@Dd hisses: \"There is no place to run.\"";
48 FriendlyReplies :=
50 "\"What's that smell? The sweet blood! Oh, it sings to me! It's enough to make a man sick.\"",
51 "\"Blessed be blood!\"",
52 "\"Blood makes us human, makes us more than human, makes us human no more.\"",
53 "\"Vampires have a sense of smell ten times more acute than humans. And you blame us for being repulsed by garlic?\"",
54 "\"Of course I die when you stake me in the heart and cut off my head. Everything dies when you stake it in the heart and cut off its head!\"",
55 "\"Shall we prowl the night, master?\"",
56 "\"Good feedings to you!\"",
57 "\"I hate silver! It's so cold and gloomy. I much prefer wearing gold.\"",
58 "\"I loathe the sun. All the sparkling drives me crazy.\"",
59 "\"No, I can't cross running water. But can you?\"";