moved almost all hardcoded constants to "define.dat"
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / src / game / iconf.h
1 /*
3 * Iter Vehemens ad Necem (IVAN)
4 * Copyright (C) Timo Kiviluoto
5 * Released under the GNU General
6 * Public License
8 * See LICENSING which should be included
9 * along with this file for more details
12 #ifndef __ICONF_H__
13 #define __ICONF_H__
15 #include "ivancommon.h"
17 #include "config.h"
18 #include "v2.h"
21 class ivanconfig {
22 public:
23 static cfestring &GetDefaultName () { return DefaultName.Value; }
24 static cfestring &GetDefaultPetName () { return DefaultPetName.Value; }
25 static sLong GetAutoSaveInterval () { return AutoSaveInterval.Value; }
26 static sLong GetContrast () { return Contrast.Value; }
27 static truth GetWarnAboutDanger () { return WarnAboutDanger.Value; }
28 static truth GetAutoDropLeftOvers () { return AutoDropLeftOvers.Value; }
29 static truth GetAutoDropBottles () { return AutoDropBottles.Value; }
30 static truth GetAutoDropCans () { return AutoDropCans.Value; }
31 static truth GetLookZoom () { return LookZoom.Value; }
32 static truth GetUseAlternativeKeys () { return UseAlternativeKeys.Value; }
33 static truth GetBeNice () { return BeNice.Value; }
34 static truth GetFullScreenMode () { return FullScreenMode.Value; }
35 static sLong GetDoubleResModifier () { return DoubleResModifier.Value; }
36 static void SwitchModeHandler ();
37 static truth GetKickDownDoors () { return KickDownDoors.Value; }
38 static truth GetAutoCenterMap () { return AutoCenterMap.Value; }
39 static truth GetAutoCenterMapOnLook () { return AutoCenterMapOnLook.Value; }
40 static truth GetPlaySounds () { return PlaySounds.Value; }
41 static sLong GetSoundVolume () { return SoundVolume.Value; }
42 static truth GetConfirmCorpses () { return ConfirmCorpses.Value; }
43 static int GetGoingDelay () { return GoingDelay.Value; }
44 static truth GetStopOnCorpses () { return StopOnCorpses.Value; }
45 static truth GetStopOnSeenItems () { return StopOnSeenItems.Value; }
46 static truth GetStopOnSeenDoors () { return StopOnSeenDoors.Value; }
47 static truth GetConfirmScrollReading () { return ConfirmScrollReading.Value; }
48 static truth GetUseMaximumCompression () { return UseMaximumCompression.Value; }
49 static truth GetShowFullItemDesc () { return ShowFullItemDesc.Value; }
50 static sLong ApplyContrastTo (sLong);
51 static void Save () { configsystem::Save(); }
52 static void Load () { configsystem::Load(); }
53 static void CalculateContrastLuminance ();
54 static col24 GetContrastLuminance () { return ContrastLuminance; }
55 static void Initialize ();
56 static void Show ();
58 static festring GetMyDir ();
60 private:
61 static v2 GetQuestionPos ();
62 static void AutoSaveIntervalDisplayer (const numberoption *, festring &);
63 static void ContrastDisplayer (const numberoption *, festring &);
64 static truth DefaultNameChangeInterface (stringoption *);
65 static truth DefaultPetNameChangeInterface (stringoption *);
66 static truth AutoSaveIntervalChangeInterface (numberoption *);
67 static truth ContrastChangeInterface (numberoption *);
68 static void AutoSaveIntervalChanger (numberoption *, sLong);
69 static void ContrastChanger (numberoption *, sLong);
70 static void FullScreenModeChanger (truthoption *, truth);
71 static void FastListChanger (truthoption *, truth);
72 static void ContrastHandler (sLong);
73 static void BackGroundDrawer ();
75 static void ResModDisp (const numberoption *O, festring &Entry);
76 static truth ResModChangeIntf (numberoption *O);
77 static void ResModChanger (numberoption *O, sLong What);
78 static void ResModHandler (sLong Value);
80 static void SoundVolumeDisplayer (const numberoption *, festring &);
81 static truth SoundVolumeChangeInterface (numberoption *);
82 static void SoundVolumeChanger (numberoption *, sLong);
83 static void SoundVolumeHandler (sLong);
85 static void GoingDelayDisplayer (const numberoption *O, festring &Entry);
86 static truth GoingDelayChangeInterface (numberoption *O);
87 static void GoingDelayChanger (numberoption *O, sLong What);
89 private:
90 static stringoption DefaultName;
91 static stringoption DefaultPetName;
92 static numberoption AutoSaveInterval;
93 static scrollbaroption Contrast;
94 static truthoption WarnAboutDanger;
95 static truthoption AutoDropLeftOvers;
96 static truthoption AutoDropBottles;
97 static truthoption AutoDropCans;
98 static truthoption LookZoom;
99 static truthoption UseAlternativeKeys;
100 static truthoption BeNice;
101 static truthoption FullScreenMode;
102 /*k8*/
103 static scrollbaroption DoubleResModifier;
104 static truthoption KickDownDoors;
105 static truthoption AutoCenterMap;
106 static truthoption AutoCenterMapOnLook;
107 static truthoption FastListMode;
108 static truthoption PlaySounds;
109 static scrollbaroption SoundVolume;
110 static truthoption ConfirmCorpses;
111 static numberoption GoingDelay;
112 static truthoption StopOnCorpses;
113 static truthoption StopOnSeenItems;
114 static truthoption StopOnSeenDoors;
115 static truthoption ConfirmScrollReading;
116 static truthoption UseMaximumCompression;
117 static col24 ContrastLuminance;
118 static truthoption ShowFullItemDesc;
122 inline sLong ivanconfig::ApplyContrastTo (sLong L) {
123 sLong C = Contrast.Value;
124 if (C == 100) return L;
125 return MakeRGB24(41*GetRed24(L)*C>>12, 41*GetGreen24(L)*C>>12, 41*GetBlue24(L)*C>>12);
129 #endif