data dirs renamed
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / siren.dat
1 siren
3 DefaultArmStrength = 3;
4 DefaultLegStrength = 3;
5 DefaultDexterity = 15;
6 DefaultAgility = 20;
7 DefaultEndurance = 12;
8 DefaultPerception = 20;
9 DefaultIntelligence = 10;
10 DefaultWisdom = 15;
11 DefaultCharisma = 50;
12 DefaultMana = 5;
13 Sex = FEMALE;
14 SkinColor = rgb16(160, 100, 64);
15 HairColor = rgb16(80, 48, 32);
16 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 368;
17 TorsoBitmapPos = 48, 288;
18 ArmBitmapPos = 80, 240;
19 LegBitmapPos = 16, 240;
20 TotalVolume = 40000;
21 TotalSize = 170;
22 BaseUnarmedStrength = 200;
23 HostileReplies == "\"LAallaaalalaaa!\"";
24 CanRead = true;
25 NameSingular = "siren";
26 AttachedGod = DULCIS;
27 FriendlyReplies == "\"I'm singing in the rain... Oh wait...\"";
29 /* if somebody really wants to J_Kahvi has provided
30 detailed discussion of nipple and pubic hair
31 color in Doc/Data/Dialog.txt starting from
32 line 2552 to 2640 */
36 SkinColor = rgb16(255, 212, 192);
37 HairColor = rgb16(35, 35, 35);
38 TorsoMainColor = rgb16(30, 30, 30);
43 SkinColor = rgb16(254, 247, 183);
44 HairColor = rgb16(64, 48, 32);
45 TorsoMainColor = rgb16(50, 40, 28);
46 NameSingular = "test2";
49 Config DARK_SIREN;
51 SkinColor = rgb16(128, 80, 48);
52 HairColor = rgb16(80, 48, 32);
53 TorsoMainColor = rgb16(60, 30, 25);
56 Config GREEN_SIREN;
58 SkinColor = rgb16(180, 255, 150);
59 HairColor = rgb16(200, 48, 32);
60 TorsoMainColor = rgb16(180, 40, 25);
65 SkinColor = rgb16(254, 247, 208);
66 HairColor = rgb16(80, 48, 32);
67 TorsoMainColor = rgb16(70, 40, 25);
68 NameSingular = "test1";