data dirs renamed
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / ostrich.dat
1 ostrich
3 DefaultArmStrength = 15;
4 DefaultAgility = 30;
5 DefaultEndurance = 10;
6 DefaultPerception = 15;
7 DefaultIntelligence = 5;
8 DefaultWisdom = 5;
9 DefaultCharisma = 7;
10 DefaultMana = 0;
11 TotalVolume = 120000;
12 TorsoBitmapPos = 64, 16;
13 HostileReplies == "@Dd cackles diabolically.";
14 FriendlyReplies == "@Dd cackles cheerfully. @Pp likes @sp life.";
15 TotalSize = 230;
16 SkinColor = rgb16(160, 140, 140);
17 TorsoMainColor = rgb16(48, 48, 48); /* the body feathers */
18 Adjective = "levitating";
19 NameSingular = "ostrich";
20 NamePlural = "ostriches";
21 AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
22 BaseBiteStrength = 200;
23 KnownCWeaponSkills == BITE;
24 CWeaponSkillHits == 20;
25 PanicLevel = 95;
26 FleshMaterial = OSTRICH_FLESH;
27 DeathMessage = "@Dd is squashed to a bloody mass of feathers.";
28 StandVerb = "floating";
29 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING; /* AI will go insane if it leaves New Attnam */
30 AttachedGod = SILVA;
31 ClassStates = LEVITATION;
32 AutomaticallySeen = true;