data dirs renamed
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / Script / chars / axethrowerdwarf.dat
1 axethrowerdwarf /*this guy has been superseded by the rookie kamikaze dwarf */
3 DefaultArmStrength = 20;
4 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
5 DefaultDexterity = 20;
6 DefaultAgility = 10;
7 DefaultEndurance = 12;
8 DefaultPerception = 18;
9 DefaultIntelligence = 10;
10 DefaultWisdom = 5;
11 DefaultCharisma = 10;
12 DefaultMana = 10;
13 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 160;
14 TorsoBitmapPos = 48, 16;
15 ArmBitmapPos = 80, 0;
16 LegBitmapPos = 0, 208;
17 HairColor = rgb16(144, 72, 0);
18 BeltColor = rgb16(72, 56, 16);
19 TotalVolume = 50000;
20 TotalSize = 100;
21 CanRead = true;
22 NameSingular = "axethrower dwarf";
23 NamePlural = "axethrower dwarves";
24 CanBeGenerated = false; //FIXME: not used anymore
25 CreateDivineConfigurations = true;
26 IsAbstract = true;
27 /* Equipment initialization is overridden */
28 PanicLevel = 1;
29 Inventory == IRON meleeweapon(AXE) {Times = 6;}
30 FleshMaterial = DWARF_FLESH;
31 DeathMessage = "@Dd dies in agony.";
32 IgnoreDanger = true;
33 //HPRequirementForGeneration = 60;
34 //DayRequirementForGeneration = 6;
35 Frequency = 0; //300;
36 HostileReplies == "\"In the name of @Gd I will slash you to pieces!\"";
37 AttachedGod = NONE;
38 UndeadVersions = false;
39 WieldedPosition = -1, -2;
40 FriendlyReplies :=
42 "\"Would you like me to teach you the best way to slice tomatoes?\"",
43 "@Dd shouts: \"Death to disbelievers!\"",
44 "@Dd praises @Gd with numerous hymns. @Pp is obviously a very devoted follower.",
45 "\"One day, Holy War will break out, hopefully I will earn my backpack by then!\"";
47 IsRangedAttacker = true;
48 KnownCWeaponSkills == AXES;
49 CWeaponSkillHits == 100;
50 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 50;
51 UsesLongArticle = true;
52 WhatCategoryToThrow = WEAPON;
53 WhatWeaponConfigToThrow = AXE;
54 WhatThrowItemTypesToThrow = THROW_AXE;