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[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / Doc / Obsolete / Items.txt
1 Item chart for RL5 by Fatal Error Productions 2001:
3 item                            default material        size    armor value     chance  volume          weigth  speed   fm      ws      dam     offerv
4 banana                          bananapeal, -flesh      20      -               50      30,150          195     72      25      221     0-1     1
5 holy banana of Liukas Vipro     bananapeal, -flesh      30      -               1       40,300          380     51      35      365     0-1     40
6 lamp                            glass                   30      -               10      850             2125    22      30      1383    0-1     1
7 can                             iron, school food       10      -               100     50,600          1300    28      20      1612    0-2     1/2
8 lump                            school food             10      -               0       600             900     33      10      212     0-1     1/2
9 sword                           iron, iron, -           150     -               0       2500,100,0      20800   7       100     14422   5-9     1/5
10 two-handed sword                iron, iron, -           175     -               3       5500,250,0      46000   5       125     23979   8-16    1/5
11 curved two-handed sword         iron, iron, -           175     -               1       5500,250,0      46000   5       150     26268   9-17    1/4
12 Valpuri's Justifier             valpurium, valpurium, - 200     -               0       6500,300,0      20400   7       400     57131   20-35   1/4
13 axe                             iron, wood, -           125     -               25      450,900,0       4050    16      150     7794    1-3     1/2
14 pick-axe                        iron, wood, -           150     -               10      1000,1050,0     8525    11      150     11308   1-2     1/2
15 spear                           iron, wood, -           200     -               25      150,1500,0      1950    23      200     6245    0-1     1
16 plate mail                      iron                    75      50              3       4000            32000   6       15      6928    2-5     1/2
17 chain mail                      iron                    75      70              10      2000            16000   8       15      4899    1-4     1/2
18 Maakotka shirt                  cloth                   60      20              0       1000            100     100     15      150     0-1     N/A
19 corpse                          -                       -       -               0       -               -       -       20      -       -       1/100
20 potion                          glass, omle urine       30      -               10      50,1500         1625    25      40      1396    0-1     1/10
21 banana peals                    banana peal             20      -               25      30              16      250     20      40      0-1     0
22 broken bottle                   glass                   10      -               25      50              125     89      60      474     0-1     0
23 scroll of create monster        parchment               30      -               25      200             120     91      30      232     0-1     5
24 scroll of teleport              parchment               30      -               25      200             120     91      30      232     0-1     5
25 head                            flesh                   -       -               0       1500            1800    24      10      520     0-1     1/10
26 head of Elpuri                  elpuri's flesh          60      -               0       100000          240000  2       10      8485    0-2     N/A
27 nut                             flesh                   -       -               0       -               -       -       10      -       -       10
28 left nut of Perttu              human flesh             10      -               0       150             180     75      10      164             N/A
29 bone                            bone                    50      -               50      2000            4000    16      50      2236            1/10
30 poleaxe                         iron, wood, -           225     -               15      1500,3000,0     13500   9       100     11619           1/4
31 spikedmace                      iron, wood, -           150     -               5       5000,3000,0     41500   5       75      17642           1/8
32 H'taed Foneer Cse-ulb           mirthril, iron, -       200     -               0       15000,8000,1000 140500  3       100     53009           1/4
33 loaf                            pork                    40      -               200     2000            2400    20      15      735             1/8
35 Speed = 1000 * sqrt(1 / Weight)
36 Weaponstrength = sqrt(Form Modifier * Material Strength * Weight);
37 Damage = (5 * Weaponstrength) / 100