12 Weapon Strength Base Values:
25 iron sword 2800 to 3199
60 billswill 251 to 349 -> 100
61 player & can 151 to 249 -> 100
62 all melee figthers 51 to 149 -> 51 to 100
63 player & other than can -49 to 49 -> 0 to 49
67 billswill 90 to 139 -> 90 to 100
68 player 20 to 69 -> 20 to 69
69 others 10 to 59 -> 10 to 59
73 billswill vs. anything -198 to 60 -> 0 to 60
74 player can vs. anything -169 to 79 -> 0 to 79
75 player melee vs. anything -167 to 130 -> 0 to 100
76 others vs. anything -157 to 140 -> 0 to 100
77 player iron sword vs. anything -117 to 180 -> 0 to 100
81 billswill vs. 3 0 to 498
83 billswill vs. 1 0 to 298
88 billswill vs. anything 0 to 12
89 player melee vs. anything 0 to 8
90 others vs. anything 0 to 8
91 player iron sword vs. anything 0 to 4
92 player other vs. anything 0