scripts: items, characters, materials, terrains, etc -- splitted to separate files
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / Script / chars / elpuri.dat
1 elpuri
3 DefaultArmStrength = 80;
4 DefaultAgility = 25;
5 DefaultEndurance = 20;
6 DefaultPerception = 42;
7 DefaultIntelligence = 45;
8 DefaultWisdom = 35;
9 DefaultCharisma = 2;
10 DefaultMana = 35;
11 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
12 IsNameable = false;
13 IsUnique = true;
14 TotalVolume = 1000000;
15 TorsoBitmapPos = 160, 64;
16 TotalSize = 250;
17 NameSingular = "Master Dark Frog";
18 IsPolymorphable = false;
19 CanBeGenerated = false;
20 Alias == "Elpuri";
21 CWeaponSkillHits == 1000;
22 PanicLevel = 0;
23 CanBeCloned = false;
24 DefaultName = "Elpuri";
25 HostileReplies == "@Dd roars horribly: \"DiE hUmAn!!\"";
26 BloodMaterial = DARK_FROG_BLOOD;
27 SkinColor = rgb16(60, 60, 60);
29 BaseBiteStrength = 1500;
30 FleshMaterial = ELPURI_FLESH;
31 DeathMessage = "@Dd groans horribly and drops @sp head.";
32 AttachedGod = SCABIES;
33 CanTalk = true;
34 CanBeConfused = false;
35 AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
36 KnownCWeaponSkills == BITE;
37 MoveType = WALK|SWIM;
38 DestroysWalls = true;
39 AllowUnconsciousness = false;