unnecessary messing with code
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / Script / char.dat
1 /*
3 * Iter Vehemens ad Necem (IVAN)
4 * Copyright (C) Timo Kiviluoto
5 * Released under the GNU General
6 * Public License
8 * See LICENSING which should be included
9 * along with this file for more details
14 * NOTICE!!!
16 * This file contains SPOILERS, which might ruin your IVAN experience
17 * totally. Also, editing anything can DESTROY GAME BALANCE or CAUSE
18 * OBSCURE BUGS if you don't know what you're doing. So from here on,
19 * proceed at your own risk!
22 /* Numerical character data loaded during game startup */
24 /* Default values: */
25 character
27 /* Obligatory: DefaultArmStrength */
28 /* Obligatory for humanoids: DefaultLegStrength */
29 /* Obligatory for humanoids: DefaultDexterity */
30 DefaultAgility = 0;
31 DefaultEndurance = 0;
32 DefaultPerception = 0;
33 DefaultIntelligence = 0;
34 DefaultWisdom = 0;
35 DefaultCharisma = 0;
36 DefaultMana = 0;
37 DefaultMoney = 0;
38 /* Obligatory: TotalSize */
39 CanRead = false;
41 CanBeGenerated = false;
42 CriticalModifier = 20;
43 StandVerb = "standing";
44 ForceCustomStandVerb = false;
45 CanOpen = true;
46 Frequency = 10000;
47 EnergyResistance = 0;
48 FireResistance = 0;
49 PoisonResistance = 0;
50 ElectricityResistance = 0;
51 AcidResistance = 0;
52 IsUnique = false;
54 /* Obligatory: TotalVolume */
55 IsNameable = true;
56 BaseEmitation = 0;
57 /* Obligatory: TorsoBitmapPos */
58 UsesLongArticle = false;
59 Adjective = "";
60 UsesLongAdjectiveArticle = false;
61 /* Obligatory: NameSingular */
62 /* NameSingular + "s" by default: NamePlural */
63 ArticleMode = 0;
64 IsAbstract = true; /* This is false by default and does not inherit! */
65 IsPolymorphable = true;
66 /* At least one of the following three is obligatory: */
67 BaseUnarmedStrength = 0;
68 BaseBiteStrength = 0; /* Defaults to BaseUnarmedStrength / 2 */
69 BaseKickStrength = 0; /* Defaults to BaseUnarmedStrength * 2 */
70 AttackStyle = USE_ARMS;
71 CanUseEquipment = false;
72 CanKick = false;
73 CanTalk = false;
74 ClassStates = 0;
75 CanBeWished = true;
76 CreateDivineConfigurations = false;
77 CreateGolemMaterialConfigurations = false;
78 AttributeBonus = 0;
79 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 0;
80 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 0;
81 PanicLevel = 33;
82 CanBeCloned = true;
83 DangerModifier = 100;
84 DefaultName = "";
85 HostileReplies == "@Dd grunts angrily.";
86 FriendlyReplies == "@Dd grunts happily.";
87 CanZap = false;
88 HasALeg = true;
89 DeathMessage = "@Dd is slain.";
90 IgnoreDanger = false;
91 HPRequirementForGeneration = 0;
92 DayRequirementForGeneration = 0;
93 IsExtraCoward = false;
94 SpillsBlood = true;
95 HasEyes = true;
96 HasHead = true;
97 CanThrow = false;
98 UsesNutrition = true;
99 AttackWisdomLimit = NO_LIMIT;
100 /* Obligatory: AttachedGod */
101 BodyPartsDisappearWhenSevered = false;
102 CanBeConfused = true;
103 CanApply = false;
104 WieldedPosition = 0, 0;
105 NaturalSparkleFlags = 0;
106 BiteCapturesBodyPart = true;
107 IsPlant = false;
108 MoveType = WALK;
109 DestroysWalls = false;
110 IsRooted = false;
111 BloodMaterial = BLOOD;
112 VomitMaterial = VOMIT;
113 HasSecondaryMaterial = false;
114 IsImmuneToLeprosy = true;
115 PolymorphIntelligenceRequirement = DEPENDS_ON_ATTRIBUTES;
116 AutomaticallySeen = false;
117 CanHear = true;
119 ConstantCommandFlags = 0;
120 WillCarryItems = false;
121 ForceVomitMessage = "You push your fingers down to your throat and vomit.";
122 SweatMaterial = SWEAT;
123 Sweats = true;
124 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = false;
125 AlwaysUseMaterialAttributes = false;
126 IsEnormous = false;
127 ScienceTalkAdjectiveAttribute :=
129 //142,
130 "", "applied", "recent", "dark", "linear",
131 "molecular", "theoretical", "classical", "the future of", "queer",
132 "multilinear", "fundamental", "mythical", "nuclear", "loop quantum",
133 "higher", "terrible", "mad", "tertiary", "the art of",
134 "elementary", "practical", "artificial", "existential", "quantum",
136 "modern", "ancient", "empirical", "statistical", "the axioms of",
137 "hypothetical", "organic", "dialectical", "black", "erotic",
138 "communal", "general", "special", "the theory of", "elliptical",
139 "heuristical", "urban", "spontaneous", "forbidden", "invisible",
140 "popular", "the current state of", "liberal", "nautical", "ceremonial",
142 "good", "bad", "environmental", "the code of", "compressed",
143 "explosive", "educational", "recreational", "democratic", "public",
144 "scientific", "social", "motorized", "genetic", "revolutionary",
145 "replaceable", "atomic", "advanced", "amphibious", "neolithic",
146 "jurassic", "synthetic", "integrated", "chaotic", "strategic",
148 "tropical", "corrupted", "diplomatic", "political", "experimental",
149 "happy", "the purpose of", "natural", "heroic", "hexagonal",
150 "wrong", "orthogonal", "paraller", "infinite", "the solvability of",
151 "mental", "orthodox", "the history of", "soft", "hard",
152 "illegitimate", "comical", "collective", "optical", "intellectual",
154 "the creative uses of", "global", "the origin of", "royal", "clinical",
155 "evolutionary", "alien", "the implementation of", "psychic", "plasma",
156 "commercial", "wicked", "hypnotic", "polymorphic", "controlled",
157 "doctrine:", "frictionless", "the conservation of", "ideal", "moral",
158 "retroviral", "orbital", "nonlinear", "the secrets of", "self-aware",
160 "sentient", "silksteel", "dead", "temporal", "transcendent",
161 "unified", "the threshold of", "finite", "postmodern", "selective",
162 "arctic", "the proofs of", "mortal", "teleological", "sick",
163 "the principle of", "kinetic";
165 ScienceTalkSubstantiveAttribute :=
167 //17,
168 "New Age", "military", "space", "neutronium", "punishment",
169 "last century", "mass", "horseback", "tachyon", "singularity",
170 "antimatter", "superstring", "nerd", "crystal", "free market",
171 "hybrid", "probability";
173 ScienceTalkPrefix :=
175 //51,
176 "", "", "", "", "",
177 "", "", "", "", "",
178 "macro", "nano", "neuro", "semi", "hemi",
179 "cryo", "eroto", "ethno", "hyper", "trans",
180 "bio", "beta", "gamma", "geo", "mega",
182 "radio", "cosmo", "post", "photo", "tele",
183 "meta", "neo", "para", "micro", "necro",
184 "super", "auto", "laser", "ego", "eco",
185 "gyro", "sub", "multi", "cyber", "xeno",
186 "aero", "pyro", "helio", "caco", "pseudo",
187 "thermo";
189 ScienceTalkName :=
191 //265,
192 "sanitation", "relativity", "physics", "mathematics", "philosophy",
193 "numerology", "slavery", "mechanics", "magicks", "architecture",
194 "archaeology", "logic", "fiction", "questions", "theology",
195 "alchemy", "valpurism", "analysis", "gastronomy", "oceanography",
196 "astronomy", "astrology", "anthropology", "ethics", "linguistics",
198 "psychology", "methods", "choreography", "music", "semiotics",
199 "culture", "forestry", "engineering", "journalism", "agriculture",
200 "ergonomics", "sagas", "pedagogy", "apiculture", "aquaculture",
201 "horticulture", "silviculture", "law", "dentistry", "surgery",
202 "rocketry", "fission", "pharmacy", "dogmatics", "cartography",
204 "gerontology", "formalism", "feminism", "communism", "flight",
205 "cricket", "rhetorics", "navigation", "sculpture", "literature",
206 "shamanism", "painting", "utilitarism", "grammar", "arithmetic",
207 "algebra", "marxism", "capitalism", "behaviorism", "causality",
208 "folklore", "legends", "animism", "spiritualism", "idolatry",
210 "constructions", "currency", "riding", "federalism", "monarchy",
211 "medicine", "tradition", "chivalry", "righteousness", "banking",
212 "gravity", "metallurgy", "magnetism", "nationalism", "industry",
213 "pollution", "espionage", "corporations", "particles", "transportation",
214 "refining", "combustion", "colonization", "steel", "materials",
216 "hallucinations", "armours", "trance", "afterlife", "paradigms",
217 "customer support", "virginity", "zoology", "witchcraft", "wine",
218 "claustrophobia", "eddies", "vegetables", "mobility", "eudaimoia",
219 "ablutophobia", "palindromes", "jokes", "materialism", "surfaces",
220 "acarophobia", "energy", "momentum", "mushrooms", "brains",
222 "selenophobia", "alloys", "equations", "bombs", "fashion",
223 "taurophobia", "naturism", "nirvana", "drugs", "everything",
224 "ranidaphobia", "horror", "sightseeing", "marriage", "mirages",
225 "phronemophobia", "cancer", "scrofula", "depression", "air power",
226 "phallophobia", "romance", "bondage", "interfaces", "software",
228 "pentheraphobia", "nations", "levitation", "tubes", "structures",
229 "peladophobia", "travel", "meditation", "systems", "algorithms",
230 "lachanophobia", "taxonomy", "taxidermy", "viruses", "bacteria",
231 "epistaxiophobia", "camping", "resistance", "chauvinism", "fruits",
232 "ephebiphobia", "simulation", "computers", "conductors", "fibers",
234 "coulrophobia", "defence", "broomsticks", "fusion", "power",
235 "arachnophobia", "balls", "diseases", "universes", "weapons",
236 "virtue", "immortality", "elevators", "marketing", "civilizations",
237 "dreams", "anatomy", "reproduction", "calligraphy", "chess",
238 "Go", "cooking", "altruism", "anomalities", "fishing",
240 "crime", "nonsense", "monsters", "thought control", "euthanasia",
241 "genocide", "cremation", "waste disposal", "breeding", "eugenics",
242 "minds", "lottery", "sterilization", "utopias", "perpetual motion",
243 "dynamics", "entropy", "skepticism", "hoaxes", "creationism",
244 "cold fusion", "execution", "warfare", "miracles", "the truth",
246 "herecy", "programming", "gaming", "spheres", "curves",
247 "shapes", "speciesism", "feudalism", "bananas", "poker",
248 "meteorology", "pornography", "waves", "anarchy", "torture",
249 "accidents", "activity", "theathre", "runes", "writing",
250 "masonry", "pottery", "religions", "burial", "working",
252 "!Sid Meier's games",
253 "!the Art of Computer Programming",
254 "!the Theory of Everything",
255 "!the greatness of IVAN",
256 "!free software ideology",
257 "lobotomy", "circle squaring", "angle trisection", "cosmetics", "love",
258 "autopsies", "Zen", "polyandry", "polygyny", "bubbles";
260 ScienceTalkPossibility = 0;
261 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkIntelligenceModifier */
262 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkWisdomModifier */
263 ScienceTalkCharismaModifier = 0;
264 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkIntelligenceRequirement */
265 /* Obligatory if ScienceTalkPossibility != 0: ScienceTalkWisdomRequirement */
266 ScienceTalkCharismaRequirement = 0;
267 IsExtraFragile = false;
268 AllowUnconsciousness = true;
269 CanChoke = true;
270 IsImmuneToStickiness = false;
271 RunDescriptionLineOne = ""; /* if empty, IVAN determines this itself */
272 RunDescriptionLineTwo = "";
273 VomittingIsUnhealthy = true;
274 AllowPlayerToChangeEquipment = true;
275 DefaultWillPower = 10;
276 TamingDifficulty = 0;
277 IsSadist = false;
278 IsMasochist = false;
279 IsCatacombCreature = false;
280 CreateUndeadConfigurations = false;
281 UndeadVersions = false;
282 UndeadAttributeModifier = 100;
283 UndeadVolumeModifier = 100;
284 UndeadCopyMaterials = true;
285 CanBeGeneratedOnlyInTheCatacombs = false;
286 IsAlcoholic = false;
287 IsImmuneToWhipOfThievery = false;
288 IsRangedAttacker = false;
289 WhatCategoryToThrow = NONE;
290 WhatWeaponConfigToThrow = NONE;
291 WhatThrowItemTypesToThrow = NONE;
292 AllowedDungeons == ALL_DUNGEONS; // example: AllowedDungeons := { UNDER_WATER_TUNNEL, MONDEDR; }
293 LevelTags := {} // {"*"}
297 Include "chars/humanoid.dat";
298 Include "chars/nonhumanoid.dat";
299 Include "chars/playerkind.dat";
300 Include "chars/petrus.dat";
301 Include "chars/denim.dat";
302 Include "chars/raven.dat";
303 Include "chars/vulcan.dat";
304 Include "chars/rogue.dat";
305 Include "chars/assassin.dat";
306 Include "chars/farmer.dat";
307 Include "chars/wisefarmer.dat";
308 Include "chars/bum.dat";
309 Include "chars/guard.dat";
310 Include "chars/shopkeeper.dat";
311 Include "chars/priest.dat";
312 Include "chars/morbe.dat";
313 Include "chars/oree.dat";
314 Include "chars/darkknight.dat";
315 Include "chars/ennerbeast.dat";
316 Include "chars/frog.dat";
317 Include "chars/billswill.dat";
318 Include "chars/skeleton.dat";
319 Include "chars/goblin.dat";
320 Include "chars/mommo.dat";
321 Include "chars/golem.dat";
322 Include "chars/canine.dat";
323 Include "chars/wolf.dat";
324 Include "chars/dog.dat";
325 Include "chars/spider.dat";
326 Include "chars/jackal.dat";
327 Include "chars/ass.dat";
328 Include "chars/communist.dat";
329 Include "chars/hunter.dat";
330 Include "chars/bear.dat";
331 Include "chars/dolphin.dat";
332 Include "chars/slave.dat";
333 Include "chars/petrusswife.dat";
334 Include "chars/housewife.dat";
335 Include "chars/femaleslave.dat";
336 Include "chars/librarian.dat";
337 Include "chars/zombie.dat";
338 Include "chars/imp.dat";
339 Include "chars/bat.dat";
340 Include "chars/fruitbat.dat";
341 Include "chars/mistress.dat";
342 Include "chars/werewolfhuman.dat";
343 Include "chars/werewolfwolf.dat";
344 Include "chars/kobold.dat";
345 Include "chars/kabouter.dat";
346 Include "chars/uldra.dat";
347 Include "chars/gibberling.dat";
348 Include "chars/largecat.dat";
349 Include "chars/largerat.dat";
350 Include "chars/angel.dat";
351 Include "chars/kamikazedwarf.dat";
352 Include "chars/axethrowerdwarf.dat";
353 Include "chars/mammoth.dat";
354 Include "chars/unicorn.dat";
355 Include "chars/genie.dat";
356 Include "chars/lion.dat";
357 Include "chars/carnivorousplant.dat";
358 Include "chars/buffalo.dat";
359 Include "chars/snake.dat";
360 Include "chars/orc.dat";
361 Include "chars/cossack.dat";
362 Include "chars/bananagrower.dat";
363 Include "chars/mangogrower.dat";
364 Include "chars/imperialist.dat";
365 Include "chars/smith.dat";
366 Include "chars/ostrich.dat";
367 Include "chars/elder.dat";
368 Include "chars/encourager.dat";
369 Include "chars/chameleon.dat";
370 Include "chars/floatingeye.dat";
371 Include "chars/eddy.dat";
372 Include "chars/mushroom.dat";
373 Include "chars/magicmushroom.dat";
374 Include "chars/darkmage.dat";
375 Include "chars/ghost.dat";
376 Include "chars/twoheadedmoose.dat";
377 Include "chars/magpie.dat";
378 Include "chars/skunk.dat";
379 Include "chars/invisiblestalker.dat";
380 Include "chars/largecreature.dat";
381 Include "chars/elpuri.dat";
382 Include "chars/genetrixvesana.dat";
383 Include "chars/genefourxvesana.dat";
384 Include "chars/menatrixfusanga.dat";
385 Include "chars/solicitus.dat";
386 Include "chars/hedgehog.dat";
387 Include "chars/anvitas.dat";
388 Include "chars/bunny.dat";
389 Include "chars/vladimir.dat";
390 Include "chars/haastseagle.dat";
391 Include "chars/hattifattener.dat";
392 Include "chars/necromancer.dat";
393 Include "chars/sumowrestler.dat";
394 Include "chars/tourist.dat";
395 Include "chars/blinkdog.dat";
396 Include "chars/veterankamikazedwarf.dat";
397 Include "chars/rookiekamikazedwarf.dat";
398 Include "chars/grenadierdwarf.dat";
399 Include "chars/archangel.dat";
400 Include "chars/insudo.dat";
401 Include "chars/tailor.dat";
402 Include "chars/mysticfrog.dat";
403 Include "chars/lobhse.dat";
404 Include "chars/siren.dat";
405 Include "chars/mindworm.dat";
406 Include "chars/punisher.dat";
407 Include "chars/mysteryman.dat";
408 Include "chars/reaper.dat";
409 Include "chars/bluedragon.dat";
410 Include "chars/reddragon.dat";
411 Include "chars/forestman.dat";
412 Include "chars/okapi.dat";
413 Include "chars/vampire.dat";
414 Include "chars/mouse.dat";
415 Include "chars/pig.dat";
416 Include "chars/ox.dat";
417 Include "chars/firefox.dat";
418 Include "chars/thunderbird.dat";
419 Include "chars/noxiousorchid.dat";
420 Include "chars/shaman.dat";
421 Include "chars/warlock.dat";
422 Include "chars/alchemist.dat";
423 Include "chars/doctor.dat";
424 Include "chars/regii.dat";
425 Include "chars/UTFAOfficial.dat";
426 Include "chars/exiledpriest.dat";