finished adding content from CLIVAN; not tested yet
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / Script / char_11.dat
1 /* CLIVAN */
2 solicitus
4 DefaultArmStrength = 100;
5 DefaultAgility = 2;
6 DefaultEndurance = 100;
7 DefaultPerception = 100;
8 DefaultIntelligence = 100;
9 DefaultWisdom = 100;
10 DefaultCharisma = 50;
11 DefaultMana = 100;
12 TotalVolume = 100000;
13 TorsoBitmapPos = 288, 64;
14 TotalSize = 500;
15 Adjective = "toppled";
16 NameSingular = "god";
17 PostFix = "of stress and hopeless situations";
18 DefaultName = "Solicitus";
19 AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
20 BaseBiteStrength = 1000;
21 SkinColor = rgb16(230, 140, 100); /* face color */
22 TorsoMainColor = rgb16(20, 20, 160); /* his shirt */
23 TorsoSpecialColor = rgb16(180, 180, 180); /* his eyes */
24 KnownCWeaponSkills == BITE;
25 CWeaponSkillHits == 100;
26 PanicLevel = 25;
27 IsNameable = false;
28 IsUnique = true;
29 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
30 DeathMessage = "@Dd is raised to purgatory in a fiery explosion by the grace of Legifer.";
31 BaseEmitation = rgb24(125, 125, 168); /*rgb24(0, 150, 200);*/
32 BloodMaterial = SICK_BLOOD;
33 FleshMaterial = ANGEL_FLESH;
34 AttachedGod = SCABIES;
35 CanOpen = true;
36 /* Replies overridden */
37 ClassStates = INFRA_VISION;
38 HasALeg = false;
39 SpillsBlood = false;
40 Sweats = true;
41 StandVerb = "seated";
42 IsRooted = true;
43 AllowUnconsciousness = false;
44 BiteCapturesBodyPart = false;
45 AutomaticallySeen = true;
46 IsImmuneToStickiness = true;
47 IsPolymorphable = false;
48 CanBeGenerated = false;
49 CanBeCloned = false;
50 CanBeConfused = false;
51 DestroysWalls = true;
52 Sex = MALE;
53 IsEnormous = false;
57 insudo
59 DefaultArmStrength = 35;
60 DefaultLegStrength = 35;
61 DefaultDexterity = 35;
62 DefaultAgility = 35;
63 DefaultEndurance = 35;
64 DefaultPerception = 45;
65 DefaultIntelligence = 35;
66 DefaultWisdom = 45;
67 DefaultCharisma = 60;
68 DefaultMana = 45;
69 IsAbstract = false;
71 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
72 IsUnique = true;
73 IsNameable = false;
74 CanBeCloned = false;
75 IsPolymorphable = false;
76 CanBeConfused = false;
77 FireResistance = 40;
78 ElectricityResistance = 40;
79 EnergyResistance = 40;
80 NameSingular = "archangel";
81 BodyArmor = ANGEL_HAIR bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 4; }
82 Cloak = ANGEL_HAIR cloak { Enchantment = 4; }
83 Belt = ANGEL_HAIR belt { Enchantment = 4; }
84 RightGauntlet = ANGEL_HAIR gauntlet(GAUNTLET_OF_DEXTERITY) { Enchantment = 4; }
85 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = true;
86 ScienceTalkPossibility = 100;
87 ScienceTalkIntelligenceModifier = 50;
88 ScienceTalkWisdomModifier = 250;
89 ScienceTalkIntelligenceRequirement = 20;
90 ScienceTalkWisdomRequirement = 40;
91 AllowUnconsciousness = false;
92 CanChoke = false;
93 DisplacePriority = 10;
94 AllowPlayerToChangeEquipment = false;
95 DefaultName = "Insudo";
96 Sex = MALE;
97 CreateDivineConfigurations = false;
98 HostileReplies == "\"With the power of Eptyron, I shall slay thee, sinner!\"";
99 FriendlyReplies == "\"Solicitus be with you, mortal.\"";
100 DeathMessage = "@Dd leaves this mortal plane behind.";
101 StandVerb = "flying";
102 AttachedGod = NONE;
103 PostFix = "of Solicitus";
107 Extend guard
109 Config SENTINEL;
111 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
112 AttributeBonus = 50;
113 Helmet = ILLITHIUM helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 2; }
114 BodyArmor = ILLITHIUM bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
115 RightWielded = ILLITHIUM ILLITHIUM meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD) { Enchantment = 2; }
116 LeftWielded = ILLITHIUM shield { Enchantment = 2; }
117 RightGauntlet = ILLITHIUM gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
118 RightBoot = ILLITHIUM boot { Enchantment = 2; }
119 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION);
120 LeftRing = ring(RING_OF_INVISIBILITY);
121 Adjective = "divine";
122 NameSingular = "sentinel";
123 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 500, 500; }
124 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 50;
125 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 50;
126 PanicLevel = 5;
127 TotalVolume = 90000;
128 ClothColor = rgb16(200, 200, 240);
129 NaturalSparkleFlags = CLOTH_COLOR;
130 FriendlyReplies =
133 "@Dd boasts. \"I am here to watch over Solicitus, that he be safe from harm, and the world be safe from him!\"",
134 "@Dd warns: \"Pay no attention to the counsels of Solicitus! They will only lead you to disaster.\"",
135 "@Dd sighs: \"You know, watching over a toppled-god all these years has been tedious. How I long for adventure!\"",
136 "@Dd explains: \"Solicitus is not a political prisoner, he's a danger to the world! Legifer has deemed it just.\"",
137 "@Dd explains: \"Insudo keeps watch over Eptyron, it must not be allowed to fall into the hands of mortals.\"",
138 "\"He's not a god, he's a very naughty boy!\"";
144 Extend priest
146 Config SOLICITU;
148 DefaultArmStrength = 15;
149 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
150 DefaultDexterity = 10;
151 DefaultAgility = 10;
152 DefaultEndurance = 15;
153 DefaultPerception = 24;
154 DefaultIntelligence = 15;
155 DefaultWisdom = 25;
156 DefaultCharisma = 20;
157 DefaultMana = 20;
158 CapColor = rgb16(180, 0, 80);
159 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 128;
160 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 16;
161 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 16;
162 LegBitmapPos = 0, 32;
163 TotalVolume = 100000;
164 TotalSize = 180;
165 AttachedGod = LORICATUS;
166 PostFix = "of Solicitus";
167 Helmet = TIN helmet { Enchantment = 2; }
168 BodyArmor = COPPER bodyarmor(CHAIN_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
169 Cloak = LEATHER cloak { Enchantment = 1; }
170 Belt = LEATHER belt { Enchantment = 1; }
171 RightWielded = CITRINE meleeweapon(AXE) { Enchantment = 2; }
172 RightGauntlet = LEATHER gauntlet { Enchantment = 1; }
173 RightBoot = LEATHER boot { Enchantment = 1; }
174 KnownCWeaponSkills == AXES;
175 CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
176 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
177 FriendlyReplies =
180 "@Dd explains: \"Solicitus, the toppled-god of Stress and Hopeless Situations was once an illustrious member of the blessed Pantheon. Alas, he wrote his Celestial Monograph on athiesm and the other gods cast him out.\"",
181 "\"If you devote yourself to my god Solicitus, he might just give you a copy of his Monograph! Neat huh? You should probably draw some liquid fear from the fountain first though.\"",
182 "\"I don't bother with fancy clothes, seeing as Insudo uses me for target practice...\"",
183 "\"Becoming Solicitus' Champion is not as complicated as it seems. You just have to ask him. I wouldn't exactly jump at the chance though, in fact I'd rather swallow a dead dark frog.\"",
184 "\"I agree, being a devout priest of a toppled-god who is himself an atheist, is a dubious vocation. But hey, at least I'm unique in this world!\"";
189 morbe /* high priestess of scabies */
191 CanRead = true;
192 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
193 MoveType = WALK|SWIM;
194 Inventory == potion { Times = 2; SecondaryMaterial = ANTIDOTE_LIQUID; }
195 DefaultArmStrength = 20;
196 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
197 DefaultDexterity = 40;
198 DefaultAgility = 40;
199 DefaultEndurance = 10;
200 DefaultPerception = 30;
201 DefaultIntelligence = 30;
202 DefaultWisdom = 45;
203 DefaultCharisma = 40;
204 DefaultMana = 40;
205 TotalVolume = 45000;
206 TotalSize = 180;
207 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 256;
208 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 160;
209 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 208;
210 LegBitmapPos = 16, 160;
211 SkinColor = rgb16(160, 200, 160);
212 HairColor = rgb16(160, 48, 48);
213 ClothColor = rgb16(160, 60, 160);
214 EyeColor = rgb16(180, 0, 160);
215 BaseEmitation = rgb16(125, 160, 125);
216 AttachedGod = SCABIES;
217 NameSingular = "high priestess";
218 PostFix = "of Scabies";
219 Sex = FEMALE;
220 Cloak = HESSIAN_CLOTH cloak;
221 RightWielded = RUBY daggerofvenom { Enchantment = 4; }
222 KnownCWeaponSkills == SMALL_SWORDS;
223 CWeaponSkillHits == 500;
224 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
225 /* Replies overridden */
226 AutomaticallySeen = true;
227 IsNameable = false;
228 IsUnique = true;
229 IsPolymorphable = false;
230 Amulet = amulet(AMULET_OF_VANITY);
231 BodyArmor = RUBY bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 4; }
232 Cloak = DAEMON_FLESH cloak(CLOAK_OF_ELECTRICITY_RESISTANCE) { Enchantment = 4; }
233 Belt = ELPURI_FLESH belt { Enchantment = 4; }
234 RightGauntlet = DRAGON_HIDE gauntlet(GAUNTLET_OF_STRENGTH) { Enchantment = 4; }
235 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_FIRE_RESISTANCE);
237 RightBoot = SPIDER_SILK boot(BOOT_OF_AGILITY) { Enchantment = 4; }
238 PanicLevel = 0;
239 CanBeCloned = false;
240 DefaultName = "Morbe";
241 DeathMessage = "The high priestess vanishes from the bowels of Valpurus.";
242 BodyPartsDisappearWhenSevered = true;
243 CanBeConfused = false;
244 EnergyResistance = 50;
245 IsImmuneToLeprosy = true;
246 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = true;
247 AllowUnconsciousness = false;
248 DisplacePriority = 10;
249 UndeadVersions = false;
250 IsImmuneToWhipOfThievery = true;
251 IsExtraFragile = true;