fixed bug with gwterrain ordering
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / item.dat
1 /*
3 * Iter Vehemens ad Necem (IVAN)
4 * Copyright (C) Timo Kiviluoto
5 * Released under the GNU General
6 * Public License
8 * See LICENSING which should be included
9 * along with this file for more details
14 * NOTICE!!!
16 * This file contains SPOILERS, which might ruin your IVAN experience
17 * totally. Also, editing anything can DESTROY GAME BALANCE or CAUSE
18 * OBSCURE BUGS if you don't know what you're doing. So from here on,
19 * proceed at your own risk!
22 /* Numerical item data loaded during game startup */
24 /* Default values: */
25 item
27 Possibility = 0;
28 IsDestroyable = true;
29 CanBeWished = true;
30 IsMaterialChangeable = true;
31 WeaponCategory = UNCATEGORIZED;
32 IsPolymorphSpawnable = true;
33 IsAutoInitializable = true;
34 Category = MISC;
35 EnergyResistance = 0;
36 FireResistance = 0;
37 PoisonResistance = 0;
38 ElectricityResistance = 0;
39 AcidResistance = 0;
40 StrengthModifier = 0;
41 /* Obligatory: FormModifier */
42 /* Obligatory: DefaultSize */
43 DefaultMainVolume = 0;
44 DefaultSecondaryVolume = 0;
45 /* Obligatory: BitmapPos */
46 Price = 0;
47 BaseEmitation = 0;
48 UsesLongArticle = false;
49 Adjective = "";
50 UsesLongAdjectiveArticle = false;
51 /* Obligatory: NameSingular */
52 /* NameSingular + "s" by default: NamePlural */
53 PostFix = "";
54 ArticleMode = 0;
55 /* Obligatory: MainMaterialConfig */
56 /* Obligatory: SecondaryMaterialConfig */
57 /* Obligatory if multiple material configurations defined: MaterialConfigChances */
58 IsAbstract = true; /* This is false by default and does not inherit! */
59 IsPolymorphable = true;
60 OKVisualEffects = NONE;
61 CanBeGeneratedInContainer = true;
62 /* Obligatory: Roundness */
63 GearStates = 0;
64 IsTwoHanded = false;
65 CreateDivineConfigurations = false;
66 ForcedVisualEffects = NONE;
67 CanBeCloned = true;
68 CanBeBroken = false;
69 MinCharges = 0;
70 MaxCharges = 0;
71 CanBePiled = true;
72 StorageVolume = 0;
73 MaxGeneratedContainedItems = 0;
74 AffectsArmStrength = false;
75 AffectsLegStrength = false;
76 AffectsDexterity = false;
77 AffectsAgility = false;
78 AffectsEndurance = false;
79 AffectsPerception = false;
80 AffectsIntelligence = false;
81 AffectsWisdom = false;
82 AffectsWillPower = false;
83 AffectsCharisma = false;
84 AffectsMana = false;
85 BaseEnchantment = 0;
86 PriceIsProportionalToEnchantment = false;
87 CanBeUsedBySmith = false;
88 AffectsCarryingCapacity = false;
89 HandleInPairs = false;
90 CanBeEnchanted = false;
91 /* Obligatory if wand: BeamColor */
92 /* Obligatory if wand: BeamEffect */
93 BeamStyle = PARTICLE_BEAM;
94 WearWisdomLimit = NO_LIMIT;
95 AttachedGod = NONE;
96 /* Obligatory: AttachedGod */
97 WieldedBitmapPos = 176, 0;
98 IsQuestItem = false;
99 IsGoodWithPlants = true;
100 CreateLockConfigurations = false; /* Can't be overridden by Configs */
101 CanBePickedUp = true;
102 /* Obligatory if helmet: CoverPercentile */
103 /* Obligatory for respective armor:
104 TorsoArmorBitmapPos
105 ArmArmorBitmapPos
106 LegArmorBitmapPos
107 HelmetBitmapPos
108 CloakBitmapPos
109 BeltBitmapPos
110 GauntletBitmapPos
111 BootBitmapPos */
112 HasSecondaryMaterial = false;
113 AllowEquip = true;
114 /* Obligatory if scroll: ReadDifficulty */
115 IsValuable = true;
116 EnchantmentMinusChance = 0;
117 EnchantmentPlusChance = 0;
118 TeleportPriority = 100;
119 HasNormalPictureDirection = true;
120 DamageFlags = BLUNT;
121 IsKamikazeWeapon = false;
122 FlexibilityIsEssential = false;
123 IsSadistWeapon = false;
124 IsThrowingWeapon = false;
126 CanFlame = false;
127 AllowedDungeons == ALL_DUNGEONS; // example: AllowedDungeons := { UNDER_WATER_TUNNEL, MONDEDR; }
128 LevelTags := {} // {"*"}