copied alot of new replies from community fork
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / guard.dat
1 guard
3 DefaultArmStrength = 25;
4 DefaultLegStrength = 25;
5 DefaultDexterity = 15;
6 DefaultAgility = 15;
7 DefaultEndurance = 20;
8 DefaultPerception = 25;
9 DefaultIntelligence = 10;
10 DefaultWisdom = 10;
11 DefaultCharisma = 15;
12 DefaultMana = 10;
13 HairColor = rgb16(140, 60, 60); /* horns */
14 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 112;
15 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 128;
16 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 80;
17 LegBitmapPos = 0, 64;
18 TotalVolume = 70000;
19 TotalSize = 180;
20 NameSingular = "guard";
21 KnownCWeaponSkills = { 2, LARGE_SWORDS, SHIELDS; }
22 IsAbstract = true;
23 HostileReplies == "\"A fair trial? Hah! Prepare to be executed!\"";
24 AttachedGod = LEGIFER;
25 IsSadist = true;
26 IsAlcoholic = true;
30 Helmet = IRON helmet(FULL_HELMET);
31 BodyArmor = IRON bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
32 RightWielded = IRON meleeweapon(MACE);
33 LeftWielded = IRON shield;
34 Adjective = "dwarven";
35 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 100, 100; }
36 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
37 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
38 PanicLevel = 25;
39 ClothColor = rgb16(80, 80, 80);
40 FriendlyReplies == "\"Don't you dare take anything from the vault\"";
43 Config ELITE;
45 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING; /* this will prevent the trick with Lyre of Charm in temple */
46 AttributeBonus = 40;
47 Helmet = MITHRIL helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 2; }
48 BodyArmor = MITHRIL bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
49 RightWielded = MITHRIL MITHRIL meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD) { Enchantment = 2; }
50 LeftWielded = MITHRIL shield { Enchantment = 2; }
51 RightGauntlet = MITHRIL gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
52 RightBoot = MITHRIL boot { Enchantment = 2; }
53 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION);
54 LeftRing = ring(RING_OF_INVISIBILITY);
55 UsesLongAdjectiveArticle = true;
56 Adjective = "elite";
57 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 500, 500; }
58 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 50;
59 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 50;
60 PanicLevel = 10;
61 TotalVolume = 80000;
62 ClothColor = rgb16(220, 220, 220);
63 NaturalSparkleFlags = CLOTH_COLOR;
64 FriendlyReplies :=
66 "@Dd sounds annoyed. \"Why do I have to work with these amateurs? They can't beat a rookie dark knight properly!\"",
67 "\"Don't believe Haedlac if he boasts with that enner beast. In reality he fled immediately and the monster stepped on a land mine while chasing him.\"",
68 "@Dd shouts excited: \"Attnam victoor!\"",
69 "\"We are the Imperial Guard. Bow.\"",
70 "\"If you even touch the shadow of our magnificent high priest, I'll squash you.\"";
74 Config ENQUIOX;
76 AttributeBonus = 45;
77 TorsoBitmapPos = 48, 16;
78 ArmBitmapPos = 80, 0;
79 LegBitmapPos = 0, 208;
80 HairColor = rgb16(144, 72, 0);
81 TotalVolume = 120000;
82 Helmet = SAPPHIRE helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 3; }
83 Amulet = amulet(AMULET_OF_ESP);
84 BodyArmor = SAPPHIRE bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 3; }
85 Cloak = FABRIC cloak(CLOAK_OF_FIRE_RESISTANCE) { Enchantment = 6; }
86 RightWielded = smite;
87 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_TELEPORT_CONTROL);
88 LeftRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION);
89 RightGauntlet = NYMPH_HAIR gauntlet(GAUNTLET_OF_STRENGTH) { Enchantment = 3; }
90 RightBoot = MITHRIL boot(BOOT_OF_STRENGTH) { Enchantment = 3; }
91 Adjective = "master";
92 KnownCWeaponSkills = { 2, LARGE_SWORDS, SHIELDS; }
93 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 2000, 2000; }
94 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
95 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
96 PanicLevel = 5;
97 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
98 IsUnique = true;
99 DefaultName = "Enquiox";
100 IsNameable = false;
101 CanBeCloned = false;
102 IsPolymorphable = false;
103 ClothColor = rgb16(144, 144, 200);
104 CanBeConfused = false;
105 NaturalSparkleFlags = CLOTH_COLOR;
106 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = true;
107 FriendlyReplies == "\"Don't you dare take anything from the vault\"";
108 AllowUnconsciousness = false;
109 DisplacePriority = 4;
110 UndeadVersions = false;
113 Config EUNUCH;
115 Helmet = STEEL helmet(FULL_HELMET);
116 BodyArmor = STEEL bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
117 RightWielded = STEEL STEEL meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD);
118 LeftWielded = STEEL shield;
119 UsesLongAdjectiveArticle = true;
120 Adjective = "eunuch";
121 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 200, 200; }
122 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
123 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
124 PanicLevel = 20;
125 ClothColor = rgb16(110, 110, 110);
126 FriendlyReplies :=
128 "@Dd states in a very serious tone: \"My job is vital for the safety of the nation. No one knows what Petrus would do if something happened to his most dear lovers, or one of them escaped.\"",
129 "\"Don't you dare to touch any of the ladies!\"",
130 "\"And everyone said I didn't have the balls to achieve a high status in the guard! Hah!\"",
131 "@Dd seems very proud. \"I'm not just a guard, but also the lead singer in the Cathedral's choir. My mezzo-soprano voice is famous Attnam-wide.\"";
135 Config FOREST_SHOP;
137 AttributeBonus = 30;
138 Helmet = STEEL helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 1; }
139 BodyArmor = STEEL bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 1; }
140 RightWielded = STEEL meleeweapon(HALBERD) { Enchantment = 2; }
141 LeftWielded = STEEL shield { Enchantment = 2; }
142 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION) { Chance = 50; }
143 Adjective = "shop";
144 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 500, 500; }
145 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 500;
146 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 500;
147 PanicLevel = 15;
148 ClothColor = rgb16(100, 100, 100);
149 FriendlyReplies :=
151 "@Dd says gravely: \"You don't have a life. Get it as a shop guard.\"",
152 "@Dd seems very suspicious. \"Don't even think of stealing anything.\"",
153 "\"Yes, this is a dangerous place to work, but our boss pays us well.\"",
154 "\"The troops of the UTFA can barely wield a sword. But we are trained by the laws of the forest, so don't do any rash moves here.\"",
155 "\"Grah! All I can think about right now is getting back into the dungeon.\"";
159 Config MASTER;
161 AttributeBonus = 60;
162 TotalVolume = 120000;
163 Helmet = helmet(HELM_OF_PERCEPTION) { Enchantment = 3; }
164 Amulet = amulet(AMULET_OF_ESP);
165 BodyArmor = ILLITHIUM bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 3; }
167 // RightWielded = VALPURIUM VALPURIUM meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD) { Enchantment = 3; }
168 //!!! RightWielded = VALPURIUM VALPURIUM meleeweapon(KNIGHT_SWORD) { Enchantment = 3; }
169 RightWielded = VALPURIUM VALPURIUM meleeweapon(KNIGHT_SWORD) { Enchantment = 3; }
170 LeftWielded = VALPURIUM shield { Enchantment = 3; }
171 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_TELEPORT_CONTROL);
172 LeftRing = ring(RING_OF_INVISIBILITY);
173 RightGauntlet = ANGEL_HAIR gauntlet(GAUNTLET_OF_STRENGTH) { Enchantment = 3; }
174 RightBoot = SAPPHIRE boot(BOOT_OF_STRENGTH) { Enchantment = 3; }
175 Adjective = "master";
176 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 2000, 2000; }
177 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
178 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
179 PanicLevel = 5;
180 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
181 IsUnique = true;
182 DefaultName = "Sir Haedlac Galladon VII";
183 IsNameable = false;
184 CanBeCloned = false;
185 IsPolymorphable = false;
186 ClothColor = rgb16(144, 144, 200);
187 CanBeConfused = false;
188 NaturalSparkleFlags = CLOTH_COLOR;
189 Inventory == key(HEXAGONAL_LOCK);
190 FriendlyReplies :=
192 "\"And this medal I got after killing my first enner beast using ingenious tactical maneuvers...\"",
193 "\"My grand-grand-father, Sir Haedlac Galladon IV, once told me that when the young Petrus lead the Revolution, his beard was only one feet long. Not that I would believe such urban legends.\"",
194 "\"In addition to all my other responsibilities, I am the head of the Attnamese Bureau of Investigation. By the way, you love mangos and hate bananas.\"",
195 "\"See the amulet? Don't think badly of the Government.\"",
196 "\"The house of Galladon has served Petrus ever since he took over.\"";
198 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = true;
199 AllowUnconsciousness = false;
200 DisplacePriority = 4;
201 UndeadVersions = false;
206 DefaultArmStrength = 20;
207 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
208 DefaultDexterity = 25;
209 DefaultAgility = 30;
210 DefaultEndurance = 15;
211 DefaultPerception = 25;
212 DefaultIntelligence = 15;
213 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 464;
214 TorsoBitmapPos = 48, 224;
215 ArmBitmapPos = 80, 64;
216 LegBitmapPos = 16, 160;
217 //!ClothColor = rgb16(50, 50, 50);
218 BodyArmor = HARDENED_LEATHER bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
219 Cloak = HARDENED_LEATHER cloak;
220 RightWielded = IRON IRON meleeweapon(DAGGER);
221 LeftWielded = STEEL maingauche;
222 Adjective = "mondedr";
223 KnownCWeaponSkills = { 2, SMALL_SWORDS, SHIELDS; }
224 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 500, 500; }
225 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
226 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
227 PanicLevel = 25;
228 AttachedGod = CLEPTIA;
229 ClothColor = rgb16(80, 80, 80);
230 FriendlyReplies :=
232 "\"Even us guards are allowed to steal from our enemies.\"",
233 "\"They say Mondedr is not invisible, but hard to find.\"",
234 "\"I heard that a long time ago Petrus tried to search for Mondedr but Raven added legs to it so Petrus could give up searching.\"",
238 Config PATROL;
240 Helmet = helmet(HELM_OF_PERCEPTION) { Enchantment = 2; }
241 BodyArmor = IRON bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
242 RightWielded = IRON IRON meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD);
243 LeftWielded = IRON shield;
244 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION);
245 Adjective = "patrol";
246 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
247 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 200, 200; }
248 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 100;
249 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 100;
250 PanicLevel = 20;
251 ClothColor = rgb16(220, 220, 220);
252 FriendlyReplies :=
254 "@Dd shudders in the freezing air. \"Boy this rusty plate mail is cold in winter!\"",
255 "@Dd sighs: \"Why didn't I choose an office career... An inquisitor, for instance.\"",
256 "@Dd seems very suspicious. \"Do you have the papers?\"",
257 "\"Decent people have nothing to hide so they don't mind me investigating their homes every now and then.\"",
258 "\"Again I'm all white! The master guard doesn't like me bringing snow in the barracks...\"";
260 Inventory == lantern;
263 Config ROOKIE;
265 AttributeBonus = -20;
266 Helmet = BRONZE helmet(FULL_HELMET);
267 BodyArmor = BRONZE bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
268 RightWielded = BRONZE BRONZE meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD);
269 LeftWielded = BRONZE shield;
270 Adjective = "rookie";
271 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 20, 20; }
272 PanicLevel = 50;
273 ClothColor = rgb16(130, 80, 30);
274 FriendlyReplies :=
276 "@Dd says sadly: \"Back then I used to love bananas. One day the master guard slipped on a peel I'd dropped. Guess where I got transferred?\"",
277 "\"Lions killed a couple of banana growers again. Hope they're now satisfied and don't attack us.\"",
278 "\"This place's as hot as the elemental plane of fire! I want back home.\"",
279 "\"New Attnam, shit, I'm still only in New Attnam. Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the dungeon.\"";
281 AutomaticallySeen = true;
282 DisplacePriority = -5;
285 Config SENTINEL;
287 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
288 AttributeBonus = 50;
289 Helmet = ILLITHIUM helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 2; }
290 BodyArmor = ILLITHIUM bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
291 RightWielded = ILLITHIUM ILLITHIUM meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD) { Enchantment = 2; }
292 LeftWielded = ILLITHIUM shield { Enchantment = 2; }
293 RightGauntlet = ILLITHIUM gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
294 RightBoot = ILLITHIUM boot { Enchantment = 2; }
295 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION);
296 LeftRing = ring(RING_OF_INVISIBILITY);
297 Adjective = "divine";
298 NameSingular = "sentinel";
299 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 500, 500; }
300 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 50;
301 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 50;
302 PanicLevel = 5;
303 TotalVolume = 90000;
304 ClothColor = rgb16(200, 200, 240);
305 NaturalSparkleFlags = CLOTH_COLOR;
306 FriendlyReplies :=
308 "@Dd boasts. \"I am here to watch over Solicitus, that he be safe from harm, and the world be safe from him!\"",
309 "@Dd warns: \"Pay no attention to the counsels of Solicitus! They will only lead you to disaster.\"",
310 "@Dd sighs: \"You know, watching over a toppled-god all these years has been tedious. How I long for adventure!\"",
311 "@Dd explains: \"Solicitus is not a political prisoner, he's a danger to the world! Legifer has deemed it just.\"",
312 "@Dd explains: \"Insudo keeps watch over Eptyron, it must not be allowed to fall into the hands of mortals.\"",
313 "\"He's not a god, he's a very naughty boy!\"";
317 Config SHOP;
319 AttributeBonus = 30;
320 Helmet = STEEL helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 1; }
321 BodyArmor = STEEL bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 1; }
322 // CLIVAN; old -- RightWielded = STEEL STEEL meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD) { Enchantment = 2; }
323 RightWielded = STEEL meleeweapon(HALBERD) { Enchantment = 2; }
324 LeftWielded = STEEL shield { Enchantment = 2; }
325 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION) { Chance = 50; }
326 Adjective = "shop";
327 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 500, 500; }
328 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 500;
329 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 500;
330 PanicLevel = 15;
331 ClothColor = rgb16(100, 100, 100);
332 FriendlyReplies :=
334 "@Dd says gravely: \"You don't have a life. Get it as a shop guard.\"",
335 "@Dd seems very suspicious. \"Don't even think of stealing anything.\"",
336 "\"Yes, this is a dangerous place to work, but our boss pays us well.\"",
337 "\"Attnam's guards can barely wield a sword. But we are trained by the laws of the dungeon, so don't do any rash moves here.\"",
338 "\"When I was here, I wanted to be there, when I was there all I could think of was getting back into the dungeon.\"";
342 Config VETERAN;
344 Helmet = IRON helmet(FULL_HELMET);
345 BodyArmor = IRON bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
346 RightWielded = IRON IRON meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD);
347 LeftWielded = IRON shield;
348 Adjective = "veteran";
349 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 100, 100; }
350 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
351 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
352 PanicLevel = 25;
353 ClothColor = rgb16(80, 80, 80);
354 FriendlyReplies :=
356 "@Dd says gravely: \"You don't have a life. Get it in the army.\"",
357 "\"Don't even think of breaking rules.\"",
358 "\"The high priest is my idol. I would want a sword as big as his!\"",
359 "@Dd sighs. \"Fighting bears bores me. Why can't an amazon army attack us for a change?\"";
363 Config HONOR;
365 Helmet = SILVER helmet(FULL_HELMET);
366 BodyArmor = SILVER bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
367 Cloak = FABRIC cloak;
368 RightWielded = SILVER meleeweapon(HALBERD);
369 LeftWielded = 0;
370 RightGauntlet = SILVER gauntlet;
371 RightBoot = SILVER boot;
372 UsesLongAdjectiveArticle = true;
373 KnownCWeaponSkills == POLE_ARMS;
374 Adjective = "honor";
375 CWeaponSkillHits == 100;
376 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
377 PanicLevel = 25;
378 ClothColor = rgb16(220, 220, 220);
379 FriendlyReplies =
382 "@Dd looks bored.",
383 "\"This is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier! His name was Lamusius! Oops.\"",
384 "\"Not that I think about it, I was reassigned as an honor guard after that huge screw-up. I wonder if... Nah, it's probably just a coincidence.\"";
388 Config EMISSARY;
390 AttributeBonus = 30;
391 DefaultIntelligence = 20;
392 DefaultWisdom = 20;
393 EyeColor = rgb16(0, 153, 255);
394 SkinColor = rgb16(230, 140, 100);
395 ClothColor = rgb16(128, 128, 128);
396 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 368;
397 Helmet = 0;
398 BodyArmor = STEEL bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
399 RightWielded = OCTIRON OCTIRON meleeweapon(BASTARD_SWORD) { Enchantment = 2; }
400 LeftWielded = EBONY_WOOD shield { Enchantment = 2; }
401 RightGauntlet = STEEL gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
402 RightBoot = STEEL boot { Enchantment = 2; }
403 DefaultName = "Sir Lancelyn";
404 NameSingular = "emissary";
405 PostFix = "of Aslona";
406 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 500, 500; }
407 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
408 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
409 PanicLevel = 50;
410 CanBeGenerated = false;
411 IsNameable = false;
412 IsUnique = true;
413 CanBeCloned = false;
414 IsPolymorphable = false;
415 UndeadVersions = false;
416 TamingDifficulty = 25;
417 AttachedGod = CRUENTUS;
418 FriendlyReplies =
421 "\"I shouldn't be saying this so openly, but Aslona is in dire straits and *needs* any help it can get.\"",
422 "\"I've heard other emissaries were sent from Aslona even to goblin lands to negotiate assistance.\"",
423 "\"After the old king was assassinated and the Rebellion started, Aslona lost much of its former power.\"",
424 "\"I will see the Rebellion crushed and every last rebel executed for their crimes!\"",
425 "\"My king is young and inexperienced; his army just barely holds the rebels back. My only hope is I can return to him successful.\"",
426 "\"Bandits are roving free through the forests of Aslona; you can never be sure which town supports the king and which the Rebellion. What happened to my country?\"",
427 "\"My father was a trusted general of the old king, and the first one to meet with the rebel army on a battlefield after the regicide. Alas, he was betrayed by his slave-soldiers and murdered along with all of his loyal knights.\"",
428 "\"I see a representative of the orcish freeholds arrived. Don't trust him! Those orcish vultures would love to feast on the carcass of Aslona, but I won't let that happen.\"",
429 "\"I hope the negotiations over in goblin lands go well. As I heard, my king offers to free all goblin slaves in Aslona in exchange for military assistance against the orcish freeholds.\"",
430 "\"I don't understand why the high priest tolerates that filthy orc here! No orc can be trusted, they are all raiders and murderers with no honor.\"",
431 "\"The orcish freeholds have set their sights on aslonian wealth long ago and were a bother on the borders since then. Right now, I don't know whether we are strong enough to fend them off by ourselves.\"";
433 HostileReplies =
436 "\"Die, you treacherous bastard!\"",
437 "\"What are you doing? I have a diplomatic immunity!\"",
438 "\"Low-blooded scum! You dare to attack a knight of Aslona?\"";
442 Config TRAINEE;
444 AttributeBonus = -20;
445 Helmet = BIRCH_WOOD helmet(FULL_HELMET);
446 BodyArmor = BIRCH_WOOD bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
447 RightWielded = BIRCH_WOOD BIRCH_WOOD meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD);
448 LeftWielded = BIRCH_WOOD shield;
449 Adjective = "trainee";
450 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 20, 20; }
451 PanicLevel = 50;
452 ClothColor = rgb16(130, 80, 30);
453 FriendlyReplies =
456 "\"Why do we have to practise with these training swords? I want a real blade!\"",
457 "\"One day, I will be in the personal guard of the high priest himself!\"",
458 "\"Being a guard is a dream job. You get vodka, you get responsibility, you get merits. And sometimes, you get to fight amazons.\"",
459 "\"I hope someone will attack soon, so that I can save many people and prove myself a hero!\"",
460 "\"What is the moral difference between a civilian and a citizen? A citizen accepts personal responsibility for killing the high priest's enemies. A civilian does not. I am proud to call myself a citizen.\"";
462 HostileReplies == "\"I'm ready! I will fight you! I will kill you!\"";
463 DeathMessage = "@Dd dies screaming: \"Please, no! I don't want to die!\"";
466 Config TOMB_ENTRY;
468 AttributeBonus = 20;
469 Helmet = IRON helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 2; }
470 BodyArmor = IRON bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
471 RightWielded = IRON IRON meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD) { Enchantment = 2; }
472 LeftWielded = IRON shield;
473 Adjective = "tomb";
474 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 100, 100; }
475 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
476 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 10;
477 PanicLevel = 25;
478 ClothColor = rgb16(64, 0, 128);
479 UndeadVersions = false;
480 FriendlyReplies =
483 "@Dd says helplessly: \"I know, right? Purple. It had to be Infuscor's favourite color.\"",
484 "\"Don't even think of disturbing the Tomb.\"",
485 "\"They say Xinroch's restless soul dwells below. I heard it guards a portal to another dimension. I wouldn't be caught dead going through there.\"",
486 "\"Souls for Infuscor!\"",
487 "\"Our lord Xinroch was the greatest and most powerful grand master dark knight to ever live, and the third to bear that title.\"",
488 "\"Xinroch was highly successful in all his campaigns, and it was during his life that the Unholy Order of the Dark Knights truly flourished.\"",
489 "\"This Tomb was erected on the battlefield where Xinroch was slain, replacing the old temple ravaged and desecrated during the last battle.\"",
490 "\"Today, the dark knights have splintered into two distinct branches, the Unholy Order of Infuscor and the Dark Knights of Cruentus, plus a handful of fringe cults.\"",
491 "@Dd mutters. \"Hundreds of years guarding this Tomb. I wish those necromancers would get on with it!\"";
497 AttributeBonus = 50;
498 TotalVolume = 120000;
499 Helmet = GOLD helmet(FULL_HELMET) { Enchantment = 2; }
500 Amulet = amulet(AMULET_OF_LIFE_SAVING);
501 BodyArmor = ARCANITE bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
503 RightWielded = ILLITHIUM OCTIRON meleeweapon(LONG_SWORD) { Enchantment = 2; }
504 LeftWielded = OCTIRON shield { Enchantment = 2; }
505 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_FIRE_RESISTANCE);
507 RightGauntlet = OMMEL_HAIR gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
508 RightBoot = ILLITHIUM boot { Enchantment = 2; }
509 DefaultName = "High Lady Kauhistuttava";
510 Adjective = "master tomb";
511 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 2000, 2000; }
512 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
513 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
514 PanicLevel = 5;
515 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
516 Sex = FEMALE;
517 IsUnique = true;
518 IsNameable = false;
519 CanBeCloned = false;
520 IsPolymorphable = false;
521 ClothColor = rgb16(130, 0, 0);
522 CanBeConfused = false;
523 NaturalSparkleFlags = CLOTH_COLOR;
524 FriendlyReplies =
527 "\"An old temple of the Dark Gods once stood here, during Xinroch's leadership. Here he declared himself the grand master dark knight. Here he brought the forces of Infuscor and Cruentus together for the first time. Here he died.\"",
528 "\"This Tomb was erected on the battlefield where Xinroch was slain, replacing the old temple ravaged and desecrated during the last battle.\"",
529 "\"Xinroch's successor feared his former master so much he eventually resigned his title of the grand master dark knight and entered the Tomb, to remain enternally vigilant as a keeper of Xinroch's grave and prevent Xinroch's resurrection and terrible revenge.\"",
530 "\"We await the return of our lord Xinroch to lead the forces of Darkness into battle against the High Priest of Valpurus!\"",
531 "\"Since Xinroch was the grand master dark knight, all the masters of the Unholy Order of Infuscor have come here to kneel at the altar. The next master of the Unholy Order would be chosen by Infuscor herself.\"",
532 "\"All dark knights are still formally united under the leadership of a grand master dark knight, though how much do masters of each group heed the orders of their grand master depends entirely upon his or her power and authority.\"",
533 "\"The amulet? Heh, good insurance policies are hard to come by.\"",
534 "\"Some believe it is possible to bring our lord Xinroch back. Whether through high necromancy or some dark miracle, he might be able to lead his faithful again!\"",
535 "\"It was a great shame to the dark templars when several decades ago, an unknown necromancer managed to slip past their guards and animate the skeleton of Xinroch in a mockery of his once-living might. Whether the spell was cast with belief that it could truly bring Xinroch back, or with utmost disrespect for the dearly departed, the dark templars swore they will never allow another man or woman to enter their lord's resting place.\"",
536 "\"Be careful when entering the Tomb to pay homage. If you encounter the dark templars, they do not like disturbances!\"";
538 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = true;
539 AllowUnconsciousness = false;
540 DisplacePriority = 4;
541 UndeadVersions = false;