copied alot of new replies from community fork
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / gibberling.dat
1 gibberling
3 DefaultArmStrength = 7;
4 DefaultLegStrength = 7;
5 DefaultDexterity = 5;
6 DefaultAgility = 15;
7 DefaultEndurance = 10;
8 DefaultPerception = 15;
9 DefaultIntelligence = 4;
10 DefaultWisdom = 4;
11 DefaultCharisma = 5;
12 DefaultMana = 0;
13 SkinColor = rgb16(100, 100, 200);
14 HairColor = rgb16(50, 20, 80);
15 ClothColor = rgb16(111, 74, 37);
16 EyeColor = rgb16(50, 0, 0);
17 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 96;
18 TorsoBitmapPos = 48, 144;
19 ArmBitmapPos = 80, 144;
20 LegBitmapPos = 16, 128;
21 TotalVolume = 30000;
22 TotalSize = 90;
23 NameSingular = "gibberling";
24 CanBeGenerated = true;
26 CanUseEquipment = false;
27 CanTalk = false;
28 KnownCWeaponSkills == UNARMED;
29 CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
30 PanicLevel = 85;
31 BaseUnarmedStrength = 300;
32 FleshMaterial = GIBBERLING_FLESH;
33 AttachedGod = SILVA;
34 WillCarryItems = false;
35 IsExtraFragile = true;
37 HostileReplies :=
39 /* Gibberlings insult you in gibberish! */
40 "\"Poshyel k chyertu!\"", /* russian */
41 "\"Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.\"", /* latin */
42 "\"Vouz avez plein de merde.\"", /* french */
43 "\"Zhebni, debile.\"", /* czech */
44 "\"Vaffanculo!\"", /* italian */
45 "\"Hisap telur!\"", /* malay */
46 "\"Elif air ab tizak!\"", /* arabic */
47 "\"Gellbourria salak!\"", /* turkish */
48 "\"Hum kah chan!\"", /* cantonese */
49 "\"Du Hurensohn!\"", /* german */
50 "\"Baka yaro!\"", /* japanese */
51 "\"Preklet kurac!\"", /* slovenian */
52 "\"Cachu bant ti cachu mes!\"", /* welsh */
53 "\"Lofasz a segedben!\"", /* hungarian */
54 "\"Yumago!\"", /* korean */
55 "\"Jebiesz jeze!\"", /* polish*/
56 "@Dd sneers at you. \"Mishugena.\"", /* yiddish */
57 "\"Lech zayen para.\"", /* hebrew */
58 "\"Dra at skogen.\"", /* swedish */
59 "\"Pinche idiota!\"", /* spanish */
60 "\"Tha sou skiso to mouni!\"", /* greek */
61 "\"Kurav tu ando mul!\""; /* romanian */
63 FriendlyReplies :=
65 /* Famous literature, distorted into gibberish. */
66 "\"Who would fard that dream? Ay, and there's tural shocks that dreams momething afterprises the sleep; no more!\"", /* Hamlet */
67 "\"Buzzing a buzzing-noise, put lived unders, and he got of all he tree, and buzzing. If there's a buzzing.\"", /* Winnie the Pooh */
68 "\"Shoot at tin the backyard, but sin cribs, do somethingbirds. That tin to enjoy. That's a sing, and I asked Miss Maudie.\"", /* To Kill a Mockingbird */
69 "\"The heart. The most be seen or touched, things in they are felt with the heart.\"", /* The Little Prince */
70 "\"Fear is the its past not fear has gone that brings to see inner me. And then my fear. Fear is there will turn the inner me.\"", /* Dune */
71 "\"You want you remember and you? Yes. You forever, he said. You want to forget.\"", /* The Road */
72 "\"Candles exploding, burn live, the same are mad to talk, mad to like stars.\"", /* On The Road */
73 "\"Did seraphs, exhibit number for a princedom by the was and gentlemen initial girl-child. She tongue tip of my loin!\"", /* Lolita */
74 "\"That sometimes you realize truth arrives on you can't even now, I wonder how much of my life is convinced.\"", /* The Book Thief */
75 "\"Minitrue, which mainment, education and Minipax, the Miniluv and order. The Miniplenty.\"", /* 1984 */
76 "\"But I wasn't me thing deaf; it was people that first started acting like I remembered one that first started acting.\"", /* One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest */
77 "\"And better to commit a hasty action which nobody feels but yourself, than to all consequences with yourself.\"", /* Jane Eyre */
78 "@Dd gibbers.";