implement custom config dialog
[hs-pgms.git] / src / UI.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 module UI (
4 mainUI,
5 ) where
7 import Mine
8 import Paths_mine
10 import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as G
11 -- import qualified System.Glib as G
12 import System.Glib.Attributes (AttrOp (..))
13 import Control.Monad
14 import Control.Monad.Prompt
15 import Data.Maybe
16 import Data.IORef
17 import Data.Array
18 import System.Random
19 import System.Directory
21 mainUI :: [Strategy] -> IO ()
22 mainUI strats = do
23 G.unsafeInitGUIForThreadedRTS
24 mkMainWindow strats
25 G.mainGUI
27 data Globals = Globals {
28 gBoard :: G.DrawingArea,
29 gStatusbar :: G.Statusbar,
30 gState :: IORef State
33 data State = State {
34 sConfig :: Config,
35 sStrategy :: Strategy,
36 sBoard :: Maybe Board,
37 sStop :: Maybe (IO ()),
38 sPreviousConfigItem :: Maybe G.RadioMenuItem
41 initState strats = State {
42 sConfig = beginner,
43 sStrategy = head strats,
44 sBoard = Nothing,
45 sStop = Nothing,
46 sPreviousConfigItem = Nothing
49 findFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
50 findFile name = do
51 let scan :: [IO FilePath] -> IO FilePath
52 scan [] = error $ "Couldn't find file '" ++ name ++ "'"
53 scan (c:cs) = do
54 f <- c
55 b <- doesFileExist f
56 if b then return f else scan cs
57 scan [getDataFileName name,
58 return $ "data/" ++ name,
59 return $ "../data/" ++ name,
60 return $ name]
62 mkMainWindow :: [Strategy] -> IO ()
63 mkMainWindow strats = do
64 win <- G.windowNew
65 win `G.set` [G.windowTitle := "Haskell PGMS"]
66 win `G.onDestroy` G.mainQuit
68 vbox <- G.vBoxNew False 0
69 win `G.containerAdd` vbox
71 menubar <- G.menuBarNew
72 vbox `G.containerAdd` menubar
74 board <- G.drawingAreaNew
75 vbox `G.containerAdd` board
77 statusbar <- G.statusbarNew
78 vbox `G.containerAdd` statusbar
80 state <- newIORef (initState strats)
82 let globals = Globals { gBoard = board,
83 gStatusbar = statusbar,
84 gState = state }
86 configureBoard globals
88 runItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Run!"
89 menubar `G.menuShellAppend` runItem
90 runItem `G.onActivateLeaf` runGame globals
92 difficultyItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Difficulty"
93 menubar `G.menuShellAppend` difficultyItem
94 difficultyMenu <- G.menuNew
95 difficultyItem `G.menuItemSetSubmenu` difficultyMenu
96 Just prev <- foldM (\prev (name, cfg) -> do
97 item <- maybe G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabel
98 G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget
99 prev name
100 item `G.onActivateLeaf` selectConfig item cfg globals
101 difficultyMenu `G.menuShellAppend` item
102 return (Just item)
103 ) Nothing configs
104 G.separatorMenuItemNew >>= G.menuShellAppend difficultyMenu
105 customItem <- G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget prev "Custom..."
106 customItem `G.onActivateLeaf` customConfig customItem globals
107 difficultyMenu `G.menuShellAppend` customItem
109 strategyItem <- G.menuItemNewWithLabel "Strategy"
110 menubar `G.menuShellAppend` strategyItem
111 strategyMenu <- G.menuNew
112 strategyItem `G.menuItemSetSubmenu` strategyMenu
113 foldM (\prev strat -> do
114 item <- maybe G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabel
115 G.radioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget
116 prev (sName strat)
117 strategyMenu `G.menuShellAppend` item
118 item `G.onActivateLeaf` selectStrategy globals strat
119 return (Just item)
120 ) Nothing strats
122 G.widgetShowAll win
124 selectStrategy :: Globals -> Strategy -> IO ()
125 selectStrategy g strat = do
126 s <- readIORef (gState g)
127 writeIORef (gState g) s { sStrategy = strat }
128 reset g
129 G.widgetQueueDraw (gBoard g)
131 reset :: Globals -> IO ()
132 reset g = do
133 s <- readIORef (gState g)
134 writeIORef (gState g) s { sBoard = Nothing, sStop = Nothing }
135 maybe (return ()) id (sStop s)
137 configureBoard :: Globals -> IO ()
138 configureBoard g = do
139 let area = gBoard g
141 iconFile <- findFile "icons.png"
142 icons <- G.pixbufNewFromFile iconFile
143 iconSize <- G.pixbufGetWidth icons
144 G.widgetSetSizeRequest area (30 * iconSize) (16 * iconSize)
146 area `G.onExpose` \_ -> do
147 s <- readIORef (gState g)
148 let board = maybe empty id (sBoard s)
149 makeArray = listArray (Pos 1 1, cSize (sConfig s)) . repeat
150 empty = Board {
151 bConfig = sConfig s,
152 bMines = makeArray False,
153 bView = makeArray Hidden,
154 bTodo = 0 }
155 drawBoard iconSize icons area (sConfig s) board
156 return True
157 return ()
159 drawBoard :: Int -> G.Pixbuf -> G.DrawingArea -> Config -> Board -> IO ()
160 drawBoard iconSize icons area cfg board = do
161 let Pos sx sy = cSize cfg
162 ox = (30 - sx - 2) * iconSize `div` 2
163 oy = (16 - sy - 2) * iconSize `div` 2
164 draw <- G.widgetGetDrawWindow area
165 gc <- G.gcNewWithValues draw G.newGCValues
166 let drawCell (Pos x y) n = G.drawPixbuf draw gc icons
167 0 (n * iconSize) (ox + x*iconSize) (oy + y*iconSize)
168 iconSize iconSize G.RgbDitherNone 0 0
169 forM_ (assocs (bView board)) $ \(p, cell) -> case cell of
170 Exposed n -> drawCell p n
171 Hidden -> drawCell p (9 + fromEnum (bMines board ! p))
172 Marked -> drawCell p (11 + fromEnum (bMines board ! p))
173 Exploded -> drawCell p 13
175 runGame :: Globals -> IO ()
176 runGame g = do
177 s <- readIORef (gState g)
178 maybe runGame' (\_ -> return False) (sStop s)
179 return ()
180 where
181 runGame' :: IO Bool
182 runGame' = do
183 gen1 <- newStdGen
184 gen2 <- newStdGen
185 s <- readIORef (gState g)
186 runPromptC finish handle (playGameP (sConfig s) gen1
187 (sRun (sStrategy s) (sConfig s) gen2))
189 handle :: Play a -> (a -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
190 handle (Start b) c = do
191 msg "Start!"
192 cont c ()
193 setBoard b
194 handle (Update p b) c = do
195 cont c ()
196 setBoard b
197 handle (Trace s b) c = do
198 cont c ()
199 msg $ "Trace: " ++ s
200 setBoard b
202 finish :: (Result String, Board) -> IO Bool
203 finish (Won, b) = do
204 msg "Won!"
205 setBoard b
206 finish (Lost, b) = do
207 msg "Lost!"
208 setBoard b
209 finish (Unfinished s, b) = do
210 msg ("Unfinished: " ++ s)
211 setBoard b
213 cont :: (a -> IO Bool) -> a -> IO ()
214 cont c r = do
215 hdl <- flip G.timeoutAdd 120 $ do
216 modifyIORef (gState g) (\s -> s { sStop = Nothing })
218 modifyIORef (gState g) (\s -> s { sStop = Just (G.timeoutRemove hdl) })
220 setBoard :: Board -> IO Bool
221 setBoard b = do
222 modifyIORef (gState g) (\s -> s { sBoard = Just b })
223 G.widgetQueueDraw (gBoard g)
224 return False
226 msg :: String -> IO G.MessageId
227 msg s = do
228 G.statusbarPush (gStatusbar g) 1 s
230 configs :: [(String, Config)]
231 configs = [("Beginner", beginner),
232 ("Intermediate", intermediate),
233 ("Expert", expert)]
235 selectConfig :: G.RadioMenuItem -> Config -> Globals -> IO ()
236 selectConfig item cfg g = do
237 active <- G.checkMenuItemGetActive item
238 if not active then do
239 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sPreviousConfigItem = Just item }
240 else do
241 s <- readIORef (gState g)
242 when (sConfig s /= cfg) $ do
243 writeIORef (gState g) s { sConfig = cfg }
244 reset g
245 G.widgetQueueDraw (gBoard g)
246 modifyIORef (gState g) $ \s -> s { sPreviousConfigItem = Nothing }
248 customConfig :: G.RadioMenuItem -> Globals -> IO ()
249 customConfig item g = do
250 active <- G.checkMenuItemGetActive item
251 when active $ customConfig' item g
253 customConfig' :: G.RadioMenuItem -> Globals -> IO ()
254 customConfig' item g = do
255 s <- readIORef (gState g)
256 let Config { cSize = Pos sx sy, cMines = m } = sConfig s
258 dia <- G.dialogNew
259 G.dialogAddButton dia G.stockCancel G.ResponseCancel
260 okButton <- G.dialogAddButton dia G.stockOk G.ResponseOk
261 G.dialogSetDefaultResponse dia G.ResponseCancel
262 G.windowSetTitle dia "Custom config"
264 upper <- G.dialogGetUpper dia
265 table <- G.tableNew 2 3 False
266 upper `G.containerAdd` table
267 let fs = [("width", 2, sx, 30), ("height", 2, sy, 16), ("mines", 1, m, 99)]
268 fields <- forM (zip [0..] fs) $ \(c, (n, l, v, h)) -> do
269 label <- G.labelNew (Just n)
270 G.tableAttach table label 0 1 c (c+1) [G.Fill] [] 5 2
271 G.miscSetAlignment label 0 0.5
272 adj <- G.adjustmentNew (fromIntegral v) l h 1 10 10
273 button <- G.spinButtonNew adj 0.5 0
274 G.tableAttach table button 1 2 c (c+1) [G.Expand, G.Fill] [] 5 2
275 return button
277 G.widgetShowAll dia
278 res <- G.dialogRun dia
279 [width, height, mines] <- forM fields $ \f -> do
280 round `liftM` G.spinButtonGetValue f
281 let cfg' = Config { cSize = Pos width height,
282 cMines = min (width * height - 1) mines }
283 G.widgetDestroy dia
284 case res of
285 G.ResponseOk -> selectConfig item cfg' g
286 _ -> maybe (return ()) (`G.checkMenuItemSetActive` True)
287 (sPreviousConfigItem s)