dead code - ClientDebug, DerverDebug
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server /
1 open Hh_prelude
2 open ServerCommandTypes
4 exception Remote_fatal_exception of Marshal_tools.remote_exception_data
6 exception Remote_nonfatal_exception of Marshal_tools.remote_exception_data
8 let rec wait_for_rpc_response stack fd state callback =
9 try%lwt
10 let%lwt message = Marshal_tools_lwt.from_fd_with_preamble fd in
11 match message with
12 | Response (r, tracker) -> Lwt.return (Ok (state, r, tracker))
13 | Push (ServerCommandTypes.FATAL_EXCEPTION remote_e_data) ->
14 Lwt.return (Error (state, stack, Remote_fatal_exception remote_e_data))
15 | Push (ServerCommandTypes.NONFATAL_EXCEPTION remote_e_data) ->
16 Lwt.return (Error (state, stack, Remote_nonfatal_exception remote_e_data))
17 | Push m ->
18 let state = callback state m in
19 let%lwt response = wait_for_rpc_response stack fd state callback in
20 Lwt.return response
21 | Hello ->
22 Lwt.return (Error (state, stack, Failure "unexpected second hello"))
23 | Ping ->
24 Lwt.return
25 (Error (state, stack, Failure "unexpected ping on persistent connection"))
26 | Monitor_failed_to_handoff ->
27 Lwt.return
28 (Error
29 ( state,
30 stack,
31 Failure
32 "unexpected monitor_failed_to_handoff on persistent connection"
34 with e -> Lwt.return (Error (state, stack, e))
36 (** Sends a message over the given `out_channel`, then listens for incoming
37 messages - either an exception which it raises, or a push which it dispatches
38 via the supplied callback, or a response which it returns.
40 Note: although this function returns a promise, it is not safe to call this
41 function multiple times in parallel, since they are writing to the same output
42 channel, and the server is not equipped to serve parallel requests anyways. *)
43 let rpc_persistent :
44 type a s.
45 Timeout.in_channel * Out_channel.t ->
46 s ->
47 (s -> push -> s) ->
48 desc:string ->
49 a t ->
50 (s * a * Connection_tracker.t, s * Utils.callstack * exn) result Lwt.t =
51 fun (_, oc) state callback ~desc cmd ->
52 let stack =
53 Caml.Printexc.get_callstack 100 |> Caml.Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string
55 let stack = Utils.Callstack stack in
56 try%lwt
57 let fd = Unix.descr_of_out_channel oc in
58 let oc = Lwt_io.of_unix_fd fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Output in
59 let metadata = { ServerCommandTypes.from = "HackIDE"; desc } in
60 let buffer = Marshal.to_string (Rpc (metadata, cmd)) [] in
61 let%lwt () = Lwt_io.write oc buffer in
62 let%lwt () = Lwt_io.flush oc in
63 let%lwt response =
64 wait_for_rpc_response
65 stack
66 (Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr fd)
67 state
68 callback
70 Lwt.return response
71 with e -> Lwt.return (Error (state, stack, e))
73 let send_connection_type oc t =
74 Marshal.to_channel oc t [];
75 Out_channel.flush oc