Fix wordwrap. It wasn't matching Zend.
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / runtime / ext / ext_string.h
1 /*
2 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | HipHop for PHP |
4 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Facebook, Inc. ( |
6 | Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group |
7 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
8 | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, |
9 | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
10 | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
11 | |
12 | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
13 | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
14 | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
15 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
18 #ifndef incl_HPHP_EXT_STRING_H_
19 #define incl_HPHP_EXT_STRING_H_
21 #include "hphp/zend/zend-html.h"
22 #include "hphp/runtime/base/base-includes.h"
23 #include "hphp/runtime/base/zend-string.h"
24 #include "hphp/runtime/base/zend-printf.h"
25 #include "hphp/runtime/base/bstring.h"
26 #include <langinfo.h>
27 #include "hphp/runtime/ext/ext_class.h"
29 namespace HPHP {
30 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 // transformations and manipulations
33 String f_addcslashes(const String& str, const String& charlist);
34 String f_stripcslashes(const String& str);
35 String f_addslashes(const String& str);
36 String f_stripslashes(const String& str);
37 String f_bin2hex(const String& str);
38 Variant f_hex2bin(const String& str);
39 String f_nl2br(const String& str);
40 String f_quotemeta(const String& str);
41 String f_str_shuffle(const String& str);
42 String f_strrev(const String& str);
43 String f_strtolower(String str);
44 String f_strtoupper(String str);
45 String f_ucfirst(String str);
46 String f_lcfirst(String str);
47 String f_ucwords(String str);
48 String f_strip_tags(const String& str, const String& allowable_tags = "");
49 String f_trim(String str, const String& charlist = k_HPHP_TRIM_CHARLIST);
50 String f_ltrim(String str, const String& charlist = k_HPHP_TRIM_CHARLIST);
51 String f_rtrim(String str, const String& charlist = k_HPHP_TRIM_CHARLIST);
52 String f_chop(String str, const String& charlist = k_HPHP_TRIM_CHARLIST);
53 Variant f_explode(const String& delimiter, const String& str, int limit = 0x7FFFFFFF);
55 String f_implode(CVarRef arg1, CVarRef arg2 = null_variant);
57 String f_join(CVarRef glue, CVarRef pieces = null_variant);
58 Variant f_str_split(const String& str, int split_length = 1);
59 Variant f_chunk_split(const String& body, int chunklen = 76,
60 const String& end = "\r\n");
62 Variant f_strtok(const String& str, CVarRef token = null_variant);
64 Variant f_str_replace(CVarRef search, CVarRef replace, CVarRef subject,
65 VRefParam count = uninit_null());
66 Variant f_str_ireplace(CVarRef search, CVarRef replace, CVarRef subject,
67 VRefParam count = uninit_null());
68 Variant f_substr_replace(CVarRef str, CVarRef replacement, CVarRef start,
69 CVarRef length = 0x7FFFFFFF);
71 Variant f_substr(const String& str, int start, int length = 0x7FFFFFFF);
72 String f_str_pad(const String& input, int pad_length, const String& pad_string = " ",
73 int pad_type = k_STR_PAD_RIGHT);
74 String f_str_repeat(const String& input, int multiplier);
76 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
77 // encoding/decoding
79 String f_html_entity_decode(const String& str, int quote_style = k_ENT_COMPAT,
80 const String& charset = "ISO-8859-1");
81 String f_htmlentities(const String& str, int quote_style = k_ENT_COMPAT,
82 const String& charset = "ISO-8859-1",
83 bool double_encode = true);
84 String f_htmlspecialchars_decode(const String& str,
85 int quote_style = k_ENT_COMPAT);
86 String f_htmlspecialchars(const String& str, int quote_style = k_ENT_COMPAT,
87 const String& charset = "ISO-8859-1",
88 bool double_encode = true);
89 String f_fb_htmlspecialchars(const String& str, int quote_style = k_ENT_COMPAT,
90 const String& charset = "ISO-8859-1",
91 CArrRef extra = empty_array);
92 String f_quoted_printable_encode(const String& str);
93 String f_quoted_printable_decode(const String& str);
94 Variant f_convert_uudecode(const String& data);
95 Variant f_convert_uuencode(const String& data);
96 String f_str_rot13(const String& str);
97 int64_t f_crc32(const String& str);
98 String f_crypt(const String& str, const String& salt = "");
99 String f_md5(const String& str, bool raw_output = false);
100 String f_sha1(const String& str, bool raw_output = false);
101 Variant f_strtr(const String& str, CVarRef from, CVarRef to = null_variant);
103 String f_convert_cyr_string(const String& str, const String& from, const String& to);
105 Array f_get_html_translation_table(int table = 0,
106 int quote_style = k_ENT_COMPAT);
108 String f_hebrev(const String& hebrew_text, int max_chars_per_line = 0);
110 String f_hebrevc(const String& hebrew_text, int max_chars_per_line = 0);
112 Variant f_setlocale(int _argc, int category, CVarRef locale, CArrRef _argv = null_array);
113 Array f_localeconv();
115 String f_nl_langinfo(int item);
117 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118 // input/output
120 Variant f_printf(int _argc, const String& format, CArrRef _argv = null_array);
121 Variant f_vprintf(const String& format, CArrRef args);
122 Variant f_sprintf(int _argc, const String& format, CArrRef _argv = null_array);
123 Variant f_vsprintf(const String& format, CArrRef args);
125 Variant f_sscanf(int _argc, const String& str, const String& format, CArrRef _argv = null_array);
127 String f_chr(int64_t ascii);
128 int64_t f_ord(const String& str);
129 Variant f_money_format(const String& format, double number);
130 String f_number_format(double number, int decimals = 0, CVarRef dec_point = ".",
131 CVarRef thousands_sep = ",");
133 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
134 // analysis
136 int64_t f_strcmp(const String& str1, const String& str2);
137 Variant f_strncmp(const String& str1, const String& str2, int len);
138 int64_t f_strnatcmp(const String& str1, const String& str2);
139 int64_t f_strcasecmp(const String& str1, const String& str2);
140 Variant f_strncasecmp(const String& str1, const String& str2, int len);
141 int64_t f_strnatcasecmp(const String& str1, const String& str2);
142 int64_t f_strcoll(const String& str1, const String& str2);
144 Variant f_substr_compare(const String& main_str, const String& str, int offset,
145 int length = INT_MAX, bool case_insensitivity = false);
147 Variant f_strrchr(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle);
148 Variant f_strstr(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle, bool before_needle = false);
149 Variant f_stristr(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle);
150 Variant f_strpbrk(const String& haystack, const String& char_list);
152 Variant f_strchr(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle);
154 Variant f_strpos(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle, int offset = 0);
155 Variant f_stripos(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle, int offset = 0);
156 Variant f_strrpos(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle, int offset = 0);
157 Variant f_strripos(const String& haystack, CVarRef needle, int offset = 0);
159 Variant f_substr_count(const String& haystack, const String& needle, int offset = 0,
160 int length = 0x7FFFFFFF);
161 Variant f_strspn(const String& str1, const String& str2, int start = 0,
162 int length = 0x7FFFFFFF);
163 Variant f_strcspn(const String& str1, const String& str2, int start = 0,
164 int length = 0x7FFFFFFF);
166 Variant f_strlen(CVarRef vstr);
168 Variant f_count_chars(const String& str, int64_t mode = 0);
170 Variant f_str_word_count(const String& str, int64_t format = 0, const String& charlist = "");
172 int64_t f_levenshtein(const String& str1, const String& str2, int cost_ins = 1,
173 int cost_rep = 1, int cost_del = 1);
174 int64_t f_similar_text(const String& first, const String& second, VRefParam percent = uninit_null());
175 Variant f_soundex(const String& str);
176 Variant f_metaphone(const String& str, int phones = 0);
178 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
179 // special
181 void f_parse_str(const String& str, VRefParam arr = uninit_null());
183 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
186 #endif