Allow users to specify part of a mangled closure name
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / hhbc /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
9 open Core_kernel
11 module SN = Naming_special_names
13 let quote_string s = "\"" ^ Php_escaping.escape s ^ "\""
14 let quote_string_with_escape ?(f = Php_escaping.escape_char) s =
15 "\\\"" ^ Php_escaping.escape ~f s ^ "\\\""
16 let single_quote_string_with_escape ?(f = Php_escaping.escape_char) s =
17 "'" ^ Php_escaping.escape ~f s ^ "'"
18 let triple_quote_string s = "\"\"\"" ^ Php_escaping.escape s ^ "\"\"\""
20 let prefix_namespace n s = n ^ "\\" ^ s
21 let strip_global_ns s =
22 if String.length s > 0 || s.[0] = '\\'
23 then String_utils.lstrip s "\\"
24 else s
25 let strip_ns =
26 let rx = Str.regexp {|.*\\|} in
27 (* strip zero or more chars followed by a backslash *)
28 fun s -> Str.replace_first rx "" s
29 let has_ns =
30 let rx = Str.regexp {|.+\\.+|} in
31 fun s -> Str.string_match rx s 0
32 let strip_type_list =
33 let rx = Str.regexp {|<.*>|} in
34 fun s -> Str.global_replace rx "" s
36 let cmp ?(case_sensitive=true) ?(ignore_ns=false) s1 s2 =
37 let s1, s2 =
38 if case_sensitive then s1, s2 else
39 String.lowercase s1, String.lowercase s2
41 let s1, s2 =
42 if not ignore_ns then s1, s2 else
43 strip_ns s1, strip_ns s2
45 s1 = s2
47 let is_self s =
48 String.lowercase s = SN.Classes.cSelf
50 let is_parent s =
51 String.lowercase s = SN.Classes.cParent
53 let is_static s =
54 String.lowercase s = SN.Classes.cStatic
56 let is_class s =
57 String.lowercase s = SN.Members.mClass
59 let mangle_meth_caller mangled_cls_name f_name =
60 "\\MethCaller$" ^ mangled_cls_name ^ "::" ^ f_name
62 module Types = struct
63 let fix_casing s = match String.lowercase s with
64 | "vector" -> "Vector"
65 | "immvector" -> "ImmVector"
66 | "set" -> "Set"
67 | "immset" -> "ImmSet"
68 | "map" -> "Map"
69 | "immmap" -> "ImmMap"
70 | "pair" -> "Pair"
71 | _ -> s
72 end
74 (* Integers are represented as strings *)
75 module Integer = struct
76 (* Dont accidentally convert 0 to 0o *)
77 let to_decimal s = Int64.to_string @@ Int64.of_string @@
78 if String.length s > 1 && s.[0] = '0' then
79 match s.[1] with
80 (* Binary *)
81 | 'b' | 'B'
82 (* Hex *)
83 | 'x' | 'X' -> s
84 (* Octal *)
85 | _ -> "0o" ^ String_utils.lstrip s "0"
86 else s
88 (* In order for this to be true, every char has to be a number as well as
89 * if the first digit is a zero, then there cannot be more digits
90 * negative zero is dealt specially as it is not casted to zero
92 * E.g.:
93 * -1 -> true
94 * -0 -> false (special case)
95 * 08 -> false (octal)
96 * 0b1 -> false (binary)
98 **)
99 let is_decimal_int s = if s = "-0" then false else
100 let s = String_utils.lstrip s "-" in
101 String_utils.fold_left s
102 ~acc:true
103 ~f:(fun acc i -> String_utils.is_decimal_digit i && acc)
104 && (String.length s = 1 || (s.[0] <> '0'))
107 module Float = struct
108 let to_string f =
109 match Printf.sprintf "%0.17g" f with
110 | "nan" -> "NAN"
111 | "inf" -> "INF"
112 | "-inf" -> "-INF"
113 | s -> s
115 (* Unfortunately the g flag does not provide enough of a match with hhvm,
116 * hence we go for manual manipulation *)
117 let with_scientific_notation f =
118 if String.contains f 'E' || String.contains f 'e'
119 then Printf.sprintf "%0.1E" (float_of_string f)
120 else f
123 module Locals = struct
125 let strip_dollar s = String_utils.lstrip s "$"
129 module Classes = struct
131 let mangle_class prefix scope ix =
132 prefix ^ "$"
133 ^ scope
134 ^ (if ix = 1 then "" else "#" ^ string_of_int ix)
136 (* Anonymous classes have names of the form
137 * class@anonymous$ scope ix ; num
138 * where
139 * scope ::=
140 * <function-name>
141 * | <class-name> :: <method-name>
143 * ix ::=
144 * # <digits>
146 let mangle_anonymous_class scope ix =
147 mangle_class "class@anonymous" scope ix
149 let is_anonymous_class_name n =
150 String_utils.string_starts_with n "class@anonymous"
153 module Closures = struct
155 let is_closure_name s =
156 String_utils.string_starts_with s "Closure$"
157 (* Closure classes have names of the form
158 * Closure prefix $ scope ix ; num
159 * where
160 * prefix ::=
161 * $ <prefix-attribute>
163 * scope ::=
164 * <function-name>
165 * | <class-name> :: <method-name>
167 * ix ::=
168 * # <digits>
170 let unmangle_closure =
171 let strip_index s =
172 match String.lsplit2 s ~on:'#' with
173 | Some (prefix, _) -> prefix
174 | None -> s in
175 fun s ->
176 match String.split s ~on:'$' with
177 | ["Closure"; _prefix; scope] -> Some (strip_index scope)
178 | ["Closure"; scope] -> Some (strip_index scope)
179 | _ -> None
181 let mangle_closure scope ix name =
182 match name with
183 | Some s -> Classes.mangle_class ("Closure$" ^ s) scope ix
184 | None -> Classes.mangle_class "Closure" scope ix
187 (* XHP name mangling *)
188 module Xhp = struct
189 let is_xhp s = String.length s <> 0 && s.[0] = ':'
191 let strip_colon s = String_utils.lstrip s ":"
193 let clean s = if not (is_xhp s) then s else strip_colon s
195 let ignore_id s =
196 Classes.is_anonymous_class_name s || Closures.is_closure_name s
198 (* Mangle an unqualified ID *)
199 let mangle_id_worker =
200 let rx_colon = Str.regexp ":" in
201 let rx_dash = Str.regexp "-" in
202 fun s ->
203 if ignore_id s then s
204 else
205 let need_prefix = is_xhp s in
206 let s = if need_prefix then (strip_colon s) else s in
207 let s =
209 |> Str.global_replace rx_colon "__"
210 |> Str.global_replace rx_dash "_" in
211 if need_prefix then "xhp_" ^ s else s
213 let mangle_id s =
214 if ignore_id s then s else mangle_id_worker s
216 (* Mangle a possibly-qualified ID *)
217 let mangle =
218 let rx = Str.regexp "\\" in
219 fun s ->
220 if ignore_id s then s
221 else
222 match List.rev (Str.split_delim rx s) with
223 | [] -> ""
224 | id::rest ->
225 String.concat ~sep:"\\" (List.rev (mangle_id_worker id :: rest))
227 let unmangle_id_worker =
228 let rx_dunder = Str.regexp "__" in
229 let rx_under = Str.regexp "_" in
230 fun s ->
231 let has_prefix = String_utils.string_starts_with s "xhp_" in
232 let s = if has_prefix then String_utils.lstrip s "xhp_" else s in
233 let s =
235 |> Str.global_replace rx_dunder ":"
236 |>Str.global_replace rx_under "-" in
237 if has_prefix then ":" ^ s else s
239 let unmangle =
240 let rx = Str.regexp "\\" in
241 fun s ->
242 if ignore_id s then s
243 else
244 match List.rev (Str.split_delim rx s) with
245 | [] -> ""
246 | id::rest ->
247 String.concat ~sep:"\\" (List.rev (unmangle_id_worker id :: rest))
251 (* Reified param mangling *)
252 module Reified = struct
253 let mangle_reified_param ?(nodollar = false) s =
254 (if nodollar then "" else "$") ^ "__reified$" ^ s
256 let reified_prop_name = "86reified_prop"
258 let reified_init_method_name = "86reifiedinit"
260 let reified_init_method_param_name = "$__typestructures"
262 let reified_generics_local_name = "$0ReifiedGenerics"
264 let reified_generic_captured_name is_fun i =
265 let type_ = if is_fun then "function" else "class" in
266 Printf.sprintf "$__captured$reifiedgeneric$%s$%d" type_ i
268 let is_captured_generic id =
269 let prefix = "$__captured$reifiedgeneric$" in
270 let (>>=) = Option.(>>=) in
271 String.chop_prefix ~prefix id
272 >>= String.lsplit2 ~on:'$'
273 >>= (fun v -> try match v with
274 | ("function", i) -> Some (true, int_of_string i)
275 | ("class", i) -> Some (false, int_of_string i)
276 | _ -> None
277 with _ -> None