Check argument to 'unset' in reactive mode
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / hhbc /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_core
12 module A = Ast
14 let labels_in_function_: (bool SMap.t) ref = ref SMap.empty
15 let function_has_goto_ = ref false
17 let get_labels_in_function () = !labels_in_function_
18 let get_function_has_goto () = !function_has_goto_
20 let set_labels_in_function s = labels_in_function_ := s
21 let set_function_has_goto f = function_has_goto_ := f
23 let rec collect_valid_target_labels_aux is_hh_file acc s =
24 match snd s with
25 | A.Declare (_, _, block)
26 | A.Block block ->
27 collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc block
28 (* can jump into the try block but not to finally *)
29 | A.Try (block, cl, _) ->
30 let acc = collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc block in
31 List.fold_left cl
32 ~init:acc
33 ~f:(fun acc (_, _, block) ->
34 collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc block)
35 | A.GotoLabel (_, s) ->
36 SSet.add s acc
37 | A.If (_, then_block, else_block) ->
38 let acc = collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc then_block in
39 collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc else_block
40 | A.Let _
41 | A.Unsafe
42 | A.Fallthrough
43 | A.Expr _
44 | A.Break _
45 | A.Continue _
46 | A.Throw _
47 | A.Return _
48 | A.Goto _
49 | A.Static_var _
50 | A.Global_var _
51 | A.Markup _
52 | A.Noop
53 | A.Foreach _
54 | A.Do _
55 | A.For _
56 | A.Def_inline _ -> acc
57 (* jump to while loops/switches/usings are disallowed in php files
58 and permitted in hh - assuming that they can only appear there
59 as a result of source to source transformation that has validated
60 correctness of the target *)
61 | A.While (_, block)
62 | A.Using { A.us_block = block; _ } ->
63 if is_hh_file
64 then collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc block
65 else acc
66 | A.Switch (_, cl) ->
67 if is_hh_file
68 then collect_valid_target_labels_for_switch_cases_aux is_hh_file acc cl
69 else acc
71 and collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc block =
72 List.fold_left block ~init:acc ~f:(collect_valid_target_labels_aux is_hh_file)
74 and collect_valid_target_labels_for_switch_cases_aux is_hh_file acc cl =
75 List.fold_left cl ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc s ->
76 match s with
77 | A.Default block
78 | A.Case (_, block) -> collect_valid_target_labels_for_block_aux is_hh_file acc block)
80 let rec collect_valid_target_labels_for_def_aux is_hh_file acc def =
81 match def with
82 | A.Stmt s -> collect_valid_target_labels_aux is_hh_file acc s
83 | A.Namespace (_, defs) -> collect_valid_target_labels_for_defs_aux is_hh_file acc defs
84 | _ -> acc
85 and collect_valid_target_labels_for_defs_aux is_hh_file acc defs =
86 List.fold_left defs ~init:acc ~f:(collect_valid_target_labels_for_def_aux is_hh_file)
88 let collect_valid_target_labels_for_stmt is_hh_file s =
89 if not (!function_has_goto_) then SSet.empty
90 else collect_valid_target_labels_aux is_hh_file SSet.empty s
92 let collect_valid_target_labels_for_defs is_hh_file defs =
93 if not (!function_has_goto_) then SSet.empty
94 else collect_valid_target_labels_for_defs_aux is_hh_file SSet.empty defs
96 let collect_valid_target_labels_for_switch_cases is_hh_file cl =
97 if not (!function_has_goto_) then SSet.empty
98 else collect_valid_target_labels_for_switch_cases_aux is_hh_file SSet.empty cl
100 type iterator = (*is mutable*) bool * Iterator.t
102 type loop_labels =
103 { label_break: Label.t
104 ; label_continue: Label.t
105 ; iterator: iterator option
108 type region =
109 | Loop of loop_labels * SSet.t
110 | Switch of (*end switch*) Label.t * SSet.t
111 | TryFinally of (*finally start*) Label.t * SSet.t
112 | Finally of SSet.t
113 | Function of SSet.t
114 | Using of (*finally start*) Label.t * SSet.t
116 type t = region list
118 let empty = []
120 type id_key = IdReturn | IdLabel of Label.t
121 module LabelIdMap: MyMap.S with type key = id_key = MyMap.Make(struct
122 type t = id_key
123 let compare =
124 end)
126 (* HHVM assigns ids to labels sequentially as break/continue to labels appear
127 in the source code. When emitter is done with scope that contains
128 break/continue - label ids associated with the scope are freed and can be reused.
129 One exception from the rule is return - it is treated as if it is jump to a label that
130 finishes the function so once id for return is assigned - it is never released.
131 Label ids are used in finally epilogue to determine how control flow got into
132 the finally body.
134 while (true) {
135 try {
136 if ($a) { continue; }
137 if ($b) { return 100; }
139 finally {
140 print "finally";
144 will be emitted roughly as:
146 While_Start:
147 CGetL $a
148 JmpZ L1
150 Int 0 ; push id of the target label "continue label for while loop"
151 SetL _1; save it in dedicated local
152 PopC
153 Jmp FinallyStart:
156 CGetL $b
157 JmpZ FinallyStart
158 Int 100 ; push return value
159 Int 1; push id of the 'return' label
160 SetL _1; save id in decicated local
161 PopC
162 SetL _2; save return value in dedicated local
163 PopC
164 Jmp FinallyStart
166 FinallyStart:
167 String "finally"
168 Print
169 PopC
170 IssetL _1; if check if state local is set
171 JmpZ FinallyEnd
172 CGetL _1; load state
173 Switch Unbounded 0 <Case0 Case1>
175 Case0:
176 UnsetL _1; new iteration - clean local for state id
177 Jmp FinallyEnd
178 Case1:
179 CGetL _2; load return value
180 RetC
182 FinallyEnd:
183 Jmp White_Start
185 let label_to_id = ref LabelIdMap.empty
187 let new_id k =
188 match LabelIdMap.get k !label_to_id with
189 | Some id -> id
190 | None ->
191 let rec aux n =
192 if LabelIdMap.exists (fun _ id -> n = id) !label_to_id then aux (n + 1)
193 else (label_to_id := LabelIdMap.add k n !label_to_id; n)
194 in aux 0
196 let reset () =
197 label_to_id := LabelIdMap.empty
199 let get_id_for_return () = new_id IdReturn
200 let get_id_for_label l = new_id (IdLabel l)
202 let release_id l =
203 label_to_id := LabelIdMap.remove (IdLabel l) !label_to_id
205 (* runs a given function and then released label ids that were possibly assigned
206 to labels at the head of the list *)
207 let run_and_release_ids _labels f s t =
208 let r = f t s in
209 begin match t with
210 | Loop ({ label_break; label_continue; _ }, _) ::_ ->
211 release_id label_break;
212 release_id label_continue;
213 | (Switch (l, _) | TryFinally (l, _) | Using (l, _)) :: _ ->
214 release_id l
215 | (Function _ | Finally _) :: _ -> ()
216 | [] -> failwith "impossible"
217 end;
218 (* CONSIDER: now HHVM does not release state ids for named labels
219 even after leaving the scope where labels are accessible
220 Do the same for now for compatibility reasons *)
221 (* SSet.iter (fun l -> release_id (Label.Named l)) labels; *)
224 let with_loop is_hh_file label_break label_continue iterator t s f =
225 let labels = collect_valid_target_labels_for_stmt is_hh_file s in
226 Loop ({ label_break; label_continue; iterator }, labels) :: t
227 |> run_and_release_ids labels f s
229 let with_switch is_hh_file end_label t cl f =
230 let labels = collect_valid_target_labels_for_switch_cases is_hh_file cl in
231 (* CONSIDER: now HHVM eagerly reserves state id for the switch end label
232 which does not seem to be necessary - do it for now for HHVM compatibility *)
233 let _ = get_id_for_label end_label in
234 Switch (end_label, labels) :: t
235 |> run_and_release_ids labels f ()
237 let with_try is_hh_file finally_label t s f =
238 let labels = collect_valid_target_labels_for_stmt is_hh_file s in
239 TryFinally (finally_label, labels) :: t
240 |> run_and_release_ids labels f s
242 let with_finally is_hh_file t s f =
243 let labels = collect_valid_target_labels_for_stmt is_hh_file s in
244 Finally labels :: t
245 |> run_and_release_ids labels f s
247 let with_function is_hh_file t s f =
248 let labels = collect_valid_target_labels_for_defs is_hh_file s in
249 Function labels :: t
250 |> run_and_release_ids labels f s
252 let with_using is_hh_file finally_label t s f =
253 let labels = collect_valid_target_labels_for_stmt is_hh_file s in
254 Using (finally_label, labels) :: t
255 |> run_and_release_ids labels f s
257 type resolved_try_finally =
258 { target_label: Label.t
259 ; finally_label: Label.t
260 ; adjusted_level: int
261 ; iterators_to_release: iterator list
264 type resolved_jump_target =
265 | NotFound
266 | ResolvedTryFinally of resolved_try_finally
267 | ResolvedRegular of Label.t * iterator list
269 let add_iterator it_opt iters =
270 Option.value_map it_opt ~default:iters ~f:(fun v -> v :: iters)
272 (* Tries to find a target label given a level and a jump kind (break or continue) *)
273 let get_target_for_level ~is_break level t =
274 (* skip_try_finally is true if we've already determined that we need to jump out of
275 finally and now we are looking for the actual target label (break label of the
276 while loop in the example below: )
278 while (1) {
279 try {
280 break;
282 finally {
287 let rec aux ~skip_try_finally n l iters =
288 match l with
289 | [] | Function _ :: _ ->
290 (* looked through the entires list of jump targets and still cannot find a
291 target for a requested level - bad luck *)
292 NotFound
293 | (Using (finally_label, _) | TryFinally (finally_label, _)) :: tl ->
294 if skip_try_finally then aux ~skip_try_finally n tl iters
295 else
296 (* we need to jump out of try body in try/finally - in order to do this
297 we should go through the finally block first.*)
298 (* try to final target label where we would've jumped if there were no finally blocks *)
299 let result = aux ~skip_try_finally:true n tl iters in
300 begin match result with
301 | NotFound -> NotFound
302 | ResolvedRegular (target_label, _) ->
303 ResolvedTryFinally
304 { target_label = target_label
305 ; finally_label
306 ; adjusted_level = n
307 ; iterators_to_release = iters }
308 | _ -> failwith "impossible: TryFinally should be skipped"
310 | Switch (end_label, _) :: _ when n = 1 -> ResolvedRegular (end_label, iters)
311 | Loop ({ label_break; label_continue; iterator }, _) :: _ when n = 1 ->
312 let label, iters =
313 if is_break then label_break, add_iterator iterator iters
314 else label_continue, iters
316 ResolvedRegular (label, iters)
317 | Loop ({ iterator; _ }, _) :: tl ->
318 aux ~skip_try_finally (n - 1) tl (add_iterator iterator iters)
319 | Switch _ :: tl ->
320 aux ~skip_try_finally (n - 1) tl iters
321 | Finally _ :: _ ->
322 (* jumps out of finally body are disallowed *)
323 NotFound
325 aux ~skip_try_finally:false level t []
327 let get_closest_enclosing_finally_label t =
328 let rec aux l iters =
329 match l with
330 | [] -> None
331 | (Using (l, _) | TryFinally (l, _)) :: _ -> Some (l, iters)
332 | Loop ({ iterator; _ }, _) :: tl -> aux tl (add_iterator iterator iters)
333 | _ :: tl -> aux tl iters
334 in aux t []
336 let collect_iterators t =
337 List.filter_map t ~f:(function | Loop ({ iterator; _ }, _) -> iterator | _ -> None)
339 type resolved_goto_finally = {
340 rgf_finally_start_label: Label.t;
341 rgf_iterators_to_release: iterator list
344 type resolved_goto_target =
345 | ResolvedGoto_label of iterator list
346 | ResolvedGoto_finally of resolved_goto_finally
347 | ResolvedGoto_goto_from_finally
348 | ResolvedGoto_goto_invalid_label
350 let find_goto_target t label =
351 let rec aux t iters =
352 match t with
353 | Loop ({ iterator; _ }, labels) :: tl ->
354 if SSet.mem label labels then ResolvedGoto_label iters
355 else aux tl (add_iterator iterator iters)
356 | Switch (_, labels) :: tl ->
357 if SSet.mem label labels then ResolvedGoto_label iters
358 else aux tl iters
359 | (Using (finally_start, labels) | TryFinally (finally_start, labels)) :: _ ->
360 if SSet.mem label labels then ResolvedGoto_label iters
361 else ResolvedGoto_finally {
362 rgf_finally_start_label = finally_start;
363 rgf_iterators_to_release = iters }
364 | Finally labels :: _ ->
365 if SSet.mem label labels then ResolvedGoto_label iters
366 else ResolvedGoto_goto_from_finally
367 | Function labels :: _ ->
368 if SSet.mem label labels then ResolvedGoto_label iters
369 else ResolvedGoto_goto_invalid_label
370 | [] -> failwith "impossible" in
371 aux t []