separate typing_env_types and typing_env
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 module TUtils = Typing_utils
12 module Reason = Typing_reason
13 module Env = Typing_env
14 open Typing_defs
15 open Typing_env_types
17 let check_constraint env ck ty ~cstr_ty =
18 Typing_log.(log_with_level env "sub" 1 (fun () ->
19 log_types (Reason.to_pos (fst ty)) env
20 [Log_head ("Typing_generic_constraint.check_constraint",
21 [Log_type ("ty", ty);
22 Log_type ("cstr_ty", cstr_ty)])]));
23 let env, ety = Env.expand_type env ty in
24 let env, ecstr_ty = Env.expand_type env cstr_ty in
25 (* using unify error here since the error itself is (almost) always superseded
26 * by an Errors.try_ fallback using explain_constraint *)
27 match ck with
28 | Ast_defs.Constraint_as ->
29 (* If ty is a Tvar, we don't want to unify that Tvar with
30 * cstr_ty; we merely want the type itself to be added to
31 * cstr_ty's list of unresolved types. Thus we pass the
32 * expanded type. *)
33 TUtils.sub_type env ety cstr_ty Errors.unify_error
34 | Ast_defs.Constraint_eq ->
35 (* An equality constraint is the same as two commuting `as`
36 * constraints, i.e. X=Y is { X as Y, Y as X }. Thus, add
37 * add both expansions to the environment. We don't expand
38 * both sides of the equation simultaniously, to preserve an
39 * easier convergence indication. *)
40 let env = TUtils.sub_type env ecstr_ty ty Errors.unify_error in
41 TUtils.sub_type env ety cstr_ty Errors.unify_error
42 | Ast_defs.Constraint_super ->
43 (* If cstr_ty is a Tvar, we don't want to unify that Tvar with
44 * ty; we merely want the constraint itself to be added to the
45 * ty's list of unresolved types. Thus we pass the expanded
46 * constraint type. *)
47 TUtils.sub_type env ecstr_ty ty Errors.unify_error
49 let add_check_constraint_todo (env:env) ~use_pos (pos,name) ck cstr_ty ty =
50 Errors.try_
51 (fun () ->
52 check_constraint env ck ty ~cstr_ty)
53 (fun l ->
54 Errors.explain_constraint ~use_pos ~definition_pos:pos ~param_name:name l;
55 env
58 let add_check_where_constraint_todo ~in_class (env:env) ~use_pos ~definition_pos ck cstr_ty ty =
59 Errors.try_
60 (fun () ->
61 check_constraint env ck ty ~cstr_ty)
62 (fun l ->
63 Errors.explain_where_constraint ~in_class ~use_pos ~definition_pos l;
64 env
68 For where clauses containing type accesses, we can't just handle equality
69 constraints the normal way. Given two unresolved types(which are exactly the
70 type returned by generics when checking where constraints), unifying them will
71 only cause the types to grow. Thus (int) will unify with (string). But this is
72 unsound when it comes to generic type accesses, since type constants do not
73 follow variance rules. Thus, the reasonable thing to do is to check whether
74 all types within the unresolved types unify with each other.
76 For example, for the constraint:
77 function foo<T1 as Box, T2>(T1 $x) : T2 where T1::T = T2::T {
78 $x->set($y->get());
80 We should expect the where clause to actually check if T1 and T2
81 are equal, not unify them into the same type.
83 let handle_eq_tconst_constraint env ck ty cstr_ty =
84 (* First check that the bigger types work *)
85 let env = check_constraint env ck ty ~cstr_ty in
86 let env, ty = Env.expand_type env ty in
87 let env, cstr_ty = Env.expand_type env cstr_ty in
88 let rec flatten_unresolved_tys ty =
89 match ty with
90 | _, Tunion tyl ->
91 List.fold tyl ~init: []
92 ~f: (fun acc ty -> (flatten_unresolved_tys ty) @ acc)
93 | _ ->
94 [ty] in
95 let tyl =
96 (flatten_unresolved_tys) ty @ (flatten_unresolved_tys cstr_ty) in
97 match tyl with
98 (* If they are both unresolved and empty for some reason, it's fine *)
99 | [] -> env
100 | ty::tys ->
101 List.fold tys ~init: env
102 ~f: begin fun env ty_ ->
103 check_constraint env ck ty_ ~cstr_ty:ty
106 let add_check_tconst_where_constraint_todo
107 (env:env) ~use_pos ~definition_pos ck ty_from_env cstr_ty ty =
108 Errors.try_
109 (fun () ->
110 let env, ty = ty_from_env env ty in
111 let env, cstr_ty = ty_from_env env cstr_ty in
112 match ck with
113 | Ast_defs.Constraint_eq ->
114 handle_eq_tconst_constraint env ck ty cstr_ty
115 | _ ->
116 check_constraint env ck ty ~cstr_ty
118 (fun l ->
119 Errors.explain_tconst_where_constraint ~use_pos ~definition_pos l;