separate typing_env_types and typing_env
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Typing_defs
12 open Typing_env_types
14 module Cls = Decl_provider.Class
15 module MakeType = Typing_make_type
16 module Env = Typing_env
18 let wrap_like ty =
19 let r = Typing_reason.Renforceable (Typing_reason.to_pos (fst ty)) in
20 r ty
22 let rec pessimize_type env ?(trust_awaitable=false) (ty: decl ty) =
23 if not (TypecheckerOptions.pessimize_types (Env.get_tcopt env)) then ty else
24 match ty with
25 | _, Terr
26 | _, Tany _
27 | _, Tnonnull
28 | _, Tprim _
29 | _, Tdynamic
30 | _, Tmixed
31 | _, Tnothing ->
33 | _, Tthis ->
34 wrap_like ty
35 | r, Tarray (ty1, ty2) ->
36 let ty1 = ~f:(pessimize_wrap env) ty1 in
37 let ty2 = ~f:(pessimize_wrap env) ty2 in
38 r, Tarray (ty1, ty2)
39 | r, Tdarray (tk, tv) ->
40 r, Tdarray (pessimize_wrap env tk, pessimize_wrap env tv)
41 | r, Tvarray tv ->
42 r, Tvarray (pessimize_wrap env tv)
43 | r, Tvarray_or_darray tv ->
44 r, Tvarray_or_darray (pessimize_wrap env tv)
45 | _, Tgeneric x ->
46 if Env.get_reified env x = Aast.Reified
47 then
48 if Env.get_enforceable env x
49 then ty
50 else wrap_like ty
51 else
53 | r, Toption ty ->
54 r, Toption (pessimize_type env ty)
55 | _, Tlike ty ->
56 pessimize_wrap env ty
57 | r, Tfun ft ->
58 wrap_like (r, Tfun (pessimize_fun_type env ft))
59 | r, Tapply ((p, x), argl) when Env.is_typedef x || Env.is_enum env x ->
60 (* Enums don't have type arguments so the next line is a no-op for them *)
61 let argl = ~f:(pessimize_wrap env) argl in
62 wrap_like (r, Tapply ((p, x), argl))
63 | r, Tapply ((p, cid), targs) when cid = Naming_special_names.Classes.cAwaitable ->
64 let f =
65 if trust_awaitable
66 then pessimize_type env ~trust_awaitable:false
67 else pessimize_wrap env in
68 r, Tapply ((p, cid), ~f targs)
69 | r, Tapply ((p, cid), targs) ->
70 let targs = match Env.get_class env cid with
71 | Some cls ->
72 pessimize_targs env targs (Cls.tparams cls)
73 | None ->
74 targs in
75 r, Tapply ((p, cid), targs)
76 | r, Ttuple tyl ->
77 let tyl = ~f:(pessimize_wrap env) tyl in
78 wrap_like (r, Ttuple tyl)
79 | _, Taccess _ ->
80 wrap_like ty
81 | r, Tshape (shape_kind, fields_map) ->
82 let fields_map = (fun shape_field_ty ->
83 let { sft_ty; _ } = shape_field_ty in
84 let sft_ty = pessimize_wrap env sft_ty in
85 { shape_field_ty with sft_ty }
86 ) fields_map in
87 wrap_like (r, Tshape (shape_kind, fields_map))
89 and pessimize_targs env targs tparams =
90 if not (TypecheckerOptions.pessimize_types (Env.get_tcopt env)) then targs else
91 let open List in
92 let new_targs = map2 targs tparams ~f:(fun targ tparam ->
93 (* Trust reified type arguments *)
94 if tparam.tp_reified = Aast.Reified
95 then targ
96 else pessimize_wrap env targ
97 ) in
98 match new_targs with
99 | Or_unequal_lengths.Ok new_targs ->
100 new_targs
101 | Or_unequal_lengths.Unequal_lengths ->
102 targs
104 and pessimize_wrap env ty =
105 let ty = pessimize_type env ty in
106 match ty with
107 | _, Terr
108 | _, Tany _ -> ty (* like Tany is useless *)
109 | _, Tlike _ -> ty
110 | _, Tgeneric x when Env.get_reified env x <> Aast.Reified -> ty
111 | _, Tapply ((_, x), []) when x = Naming_special_names.Typehints.wildcard -> ty
112 | _ -> wrap_like ty
114 (* For erased generics with constraints, add super dynamic and make the as constraints like types *)
115 and pessimize_tparam_constraints env (t: decl tparam) =
116 if not (TypecheckerOptions.pessimize_types (Env.get_tcopt env)) then t else
117 match t.tp_reified with
118 | Aast.Reified -> t
119 | _ ->
120 let tp_constraints = t.tp_constraints ~f:(fun (ck, cstr_ty) ->
121 match ck with
122 | Ast_defs.Constraint_as | Ast_defs.Constraint_eq ->
123 ck, pessimize_wrap env cstr_ty
124 | _ ->
125 ck, cstr_ty
126 ) in
127 let dyn = MakeType.dynamic (Reason.Renforceable (fst t.tp_name)) in
128 let tp_constraints =
129 (Ast_defs.Constraint_super, dyn) :: tp_constraints in
130 { t with tp_constraints }
132 and pessimize_fun_type env (ft: decl fun_type) =
133 (* TODO: It may be necessary to pessimize ft_arity and ft_where_constraints *)
134 let {
135 ft_params;
136 ft_ret;
137 ft_fun_kind;
138 ft_tparams;
140 } = ft in
141 (* The runtime will enforce the inner type of an Awaitable in the return of an
142 * async function *)
143 let trust_awaitable = match ft_fun_kind with
144 | Ast_defs.FAsync | Ast_defs.FAsyncGenerator -> true
145 | _ -> false in
146 let ft_ret_type = pessimize_type env ~trust_awaitable ft_ret.et_type in
147 let ft_params = ft_params ~f:(fun param ->
148 let ty = pessimize_type env param.fp_type.et_type in
149 { param with fp_type = { param.fp_type with et_type = ty } }
150 ) in
151 let ft_tparams = Tuple.T2.map_fst ft_tparams
152 ~f:( ~f:(pessimize_tparam_constraints env)) in
153 { ft with
154 ft_params;
155 ft_ret = { ft_ret with et_type = ft_ret_type };
156 ft_tparams;
159 let rec is_enforceable (env: env) (ty: decl ty) =
160 match snd ty with
161 | Tthis -> false
162 | Tapply ((_, name), _) when Env.is_enum env name -> false
163 | Tapply ((_, name), _) when Env.is_typedef name ->
164 begin match Env.get_typedef env name with
165 | Some { td_vis = Aast.Transparent; td_tparams; td_type; _ } ->
166 (* So that the check does not collide with reified generics *)
167 let env = Env.add_generic_parameters env td_tparams in
168 is_enforceable env td_type
169 | _ -> false end
170 | Tapply ((_, name), tyl) ->
171 begin match Env.get_class env name with
172 | Some tc ->
173 let tparams = Cls.tparams tc in
174 begin match tyl with
175 | [] -> true
176 | targs ->
177 let open List.Or_unequal_lengths in
178 begin match List.fold2 ~init:true targs tparams ~f:(fun acc targ tparam ->
179 match targ with
180 | _, Tdynamic (* We accept the inner type being dynamic regardless of reification *)
181 | _, Tlike _ ->
183 | _ ->
184 match tparam.tp_reified with
185 | Aast.Erased -> false
186 | Aast.SoftReified -> false
187 | Aast.Reified -> is_enforceable env targ && acc
188 ) with
189 | Ok new_acc -> new_acc
190 | Unequal_lengths -> true
193 | None -> true
195 | Tgeneric name ->
196 begin match Env.get_reified env name, Env.get_enforceable env name with
197 | Aast.Erased, _ -> false
198 | Aast.SoftReified, _ -> false
199 | Aast.Reified, false -> false
200 | Aast.Reified, true ->
201 true
203 | Taccess _ -> false
204 | Tlike _ -> false
205 | Tarray (None, None) -> true
206 | Tarray _ -> false
207 | Tprim prim ->
208 begin match prim with
209 | Aast.Tvoid
210 | Aast.Tnoreturn -> false
211 | _ -> true
213 | Tany _ -> true
214 | Terr -> true
215 | Tnonnull -> true
216 | Tdynamic -> true
217 | Tfun _ -> false
218 | Ttuple _ -> false
219 | Tshape _ -> false
220 | Tmixed -> true
221 | Tnothing -> true
222 | Tdarray _ -> false
223 | Tvarray _ -> false
224 (* With no parameters, we enforce varray_or_darray just like array *)
225 | Tvarray_or_darray (_, Tany _) -> true
226 | Tvarray_or_darray _ -> false
227 | Toption ty ->
228 is_enforceable env ty
230 let is_enforced env ty =
231 let enforceable = is_enforceable env ty in
232 let is_hhi =
233 fst ty |>
234 Reason.to_pos |>
235 Pos.filename |>
236 Relative_path.prefix |>
237 (=) Relative_path.Hhi in
238 enforceable && not is_hhi
240 let pessimize_type_simple env (ty: decl ty) =
241 if not env.pessimize then ty else
242 match ty with
243 | _, Tprim (Aast.Tvoid | Aast.Tnoreturn) -> ty
244 | _ -> wrap_like ty
246 let compute_enforced_and_pessimize_ty_simple env (ty: decl ty) =
247 let et_enforced = is_enforced env ty in
248 let et_type =
249 if not et_enforced
250 then pessimize_type_simple env ty
251 else ty in
252 { et_type; et_enforced }
254 let compute_enforced_and_pessimize_fun_type_simple env (ft: decl fun_type) =
255 let { ft_params; ft_ret = { et_type; _ }; _ } = ft in
256 let ft_ret = compute_enforced_and_pessimize_ty_simple env et_type in
257 let ft_params = ~f:(fun fp ->
258 let { fp_type = { et_type; _ }; _ } = fp in
259 let fp_type = compute_enforced_and_pessimize_ty_simple env et_type in
260 { fp with fp_type }
261 ) ft_params in
262 { ft with ft_params; ft_ret }