Rip out legacy reactivity from the typechecker and HackC
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / decl / return_disposable.php.exp
1 [("\\Bar",
2 (Shallow_decl_defs.Class
3 { Shallow_decl_defs.sc_mode = Mstrict; sc_final = true;
4 sc_is_xhp = false; sc_has_xhp_keyword = false; sc_kind = Cnormal;
5 sc_name = ([3:13-16], "\\Bar"); sc_tparams = [];
6 sc_where_constraints = []; sc_extends = []; sc_uses = [];
7 sc_xhp_attr_uses = []; sc_req_extends = []; sc_req_implements = [];
8 sc_implements =
9 [(Rhint (root|return_disposable.php line 3, characters 28-38),
10 (Tapply (([3:28-39], "\\IDisposable"), [])))];
11 sc_implements_dynamic = false; sc_consts = []; sc_typeconsts = [];
12 sc_props = []; sc_sprops = []; sc_constructor = None;
13 sc_static_methods = [];
14 sc_methods =
15 [{ Shallow_decl_defs.sm_name = ([4:19-28], "__dispose");
16 sm_type =
17 (Rwitness (root|return_disposable.php line 4, characters 19-27),
18 (Tfun
19 { ft_arity = (Fstandard ()); ft_tparams = [];
20 ft_where_constraints = []; ft_params = [];
21 ft_implicit_params = { capability = (CapDefaults [4:19-28]) };
22 ft_ret =
23 { et_enforced = false;
24 et_type =
25 (Rhint (root|return_disposable.php line 4, characters 32-35),
26 (Tprim Tvoid))
28 ft_flags =
29 (make_ft_flags FSync ~return_disposable:false
30 ~returns_readonly:false ~readonly_this:false
31 ~is_const:false);
32 ft_ifc_decl = FDPolicied {PUBLIC} }));
33 sm_visibility = Public; sm_deprecated = None; sm_flags = (empty) }
35 sc_user_attributes = []; sc_enum_type = None }));
36 ("\\gen",
37 (Shallow_decl_defs.Fun
38 { Typing_defs.fe_deprecated = None;
39 fe_type =
40 (Rwitness (root|return_disposable.php line 8, characters 16-18),
41 (Tfun
42 { ft_arity = (Fstandard ()); ft_tparams = [];
43 ft_where_constraints = []; ft_params = [];
44 ft_implicit_params = { capability = (CapDefaults [8:16-19]) };
45 ft_ret =
46 { et_enforced = false;
47 et_type =
48 (Rhint (root|return_disposable.php line 8, characters 23-36),
49 (Tapply (([8:23-32], "\\HH\\Awaitable"),
50 [(Rhint (root|return_disposable.php line 8, characters 33-35),
51 (Tapply (([8:33-36], "\\Bar"), [])))]
52 )))
54 ft_flags =
55 (make_ft_flags FAsync ~return_disposable:true
56 ~returns_readonly:false ~readonly_this:false ~is_const:false);
57 ft_ifc_decl = FDPolicied {PUBLIC} }));
58 fe_pos = [8:16-19]; fe_php_std_lib = false }))
61 They matched!