Rip out legacy reactivity from the typechecker and HackC
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / decl / constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php.exp
1 [("\\E",
2 (Shallow_decl_defs.Class
3 { Shallow_decl_defs.sc_mode = Mstrict; sc_final = false;
4 sc_is_xhp = false; sc_has_xhp_keyword = false; sc_kind = Cnormal;
5 sc_name = ([3:7-8], "\\E");
6 sc_tparams =
7 [{ Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
8 tp_name = ([3:9-11], "Ta"); tp_tparams = []; tp_constraints = [];
9 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
10 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
11 tp_name = ([3:13-15], "Tb"); tp_tparams = []; tp_constraints = [];
12 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] }
14 sc_where_constraints = []; sc_extends = []; sc_uses = [];
15 sc_xhp_attr_uses = []; sc_req_extends = []; sc_req_implements = [];
16 sc_implements = []; sc_implements_dynamic = false; sc_consts = [];
17 sc_typeconsts = []; sc_props = []; sc_sprops = [];
18 sc_constructor = None; sc_static_methods = []; sc_methods = [];
19 sc_user_attributes = []; sc_enum_type = None }));
20 ("\\I",
21 (Shallow_decl_defs.Class
22 { Shallow_decl_defs.sc_mode = Mstrict; sc_final = false;
23 sc_is_xhp = false; sc_has_xhp_keyword = false; sc_kind = Cinterface;
24 sc_name = ([5:11-12], "\\I");
25 sc_tparams =
26 [{ Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
27 tp_name = ([6:3-5], "Ta"); tp_tparams = [];
28 tp_constraints =
29 [(Constraint_as,
30 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 6, characters 9-16),
31 (Tprim Tarraykey)))
33 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
34 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
35 tp_name = ([7:3-5], "Tb"); tp_tparams = [];
36 tp_constraints =
37 [(Constraint_as,
38 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 7, characters 9-10),
39 (Tgeneric ("Ta", []))))
41 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
42 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
43 tp_name = ([8:3-5], "Tc"); tp_tparams = [];
44 tp_constraints =
45 [(Constraint_as,
46 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 8, characters 9-10),
47 (Tgeneric ("Td", []))))
49 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
50 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
51 tp_name = ([9:3-5], "Td"); tp_tparams = [];
52 tp_constraints =
53 [(Constraint_as,
54 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 9, characters 9-17),
55 (Tapply (([9:9-10], "\\E"),
56 [(Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 9, characters 11-12),
57 (Tgeneric ("Ta", [])));
58 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 9, characters 15-16),
59 (Tgeneric ("Tf", [])))
61 ))))
63 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
64 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
65 tp_name = ([10:3-5], "Tf"); tp_tparams = []; tp_constraints = [];
66 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
67 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
68 tp_name = ([11:3-7], "Tarr"); tp_tparams = [];
69 tp_constraints =
70 [(Constraint_as,
71 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 11, characters 11-20),
72 (Tvarray
73 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 11, characters 18-19),
74 (Tgeneric ("Ta", []))))))
76 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
77 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
78 tp_name = ([12:3-8], "Tlike"); tp_tparams = [];
79 tp_constraints =
80 [(Constraint_as,
81 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 12, characters 12-14),
82 (Tlike
83 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 12, characters 13-14),
84 (Tgeneric ("Ta", []))))))
86 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
87 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
88 tp_name = ([13:3-7], "Topt"); tp_tparams = [];
89 tp_constraints =
90 [(Constraint_as,
91 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 13, characters 11-13),
92 (Toption
93 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 13, characters 12-13),
94 (Tgeneric ("Ta", []))))))
96 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
97 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
98 tp_name = ([14:3-7], "Tfun"); tp_tparams = [];
99 tp_constraints =
100 [(Constraint_as,
101 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 14, characters 11-28),
102 (Tfun
103 { ft_arity = (Fstandard ()); ft_tparams = [];
104 ft_where_constraints = [];
105 ft_params =
106 [{ fp_pos = [14:21-23]; fp_name = None;
107 fp_type =
108 { et_enforced = false;
109 et_type =
110 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 14, characters 21-22),
111 (Tgeneric ("Ta", [])))
113 fp_flags =
114 (make_fp_flags ~accept_disposable:false
115 ~has_default:false ~mode:Typing_defs_core.FPnormal
116 ~ifc_external:false ~ifc_can_call:false
117 ~is_atom:false ~readonly:false
118 ~const_function:false);
121 ft_implicit_params =
122 { capability = (CapDefaults [14:11-29]) };
123 ft_ret =
124 { et_enforced = false;
125 et_type =
126 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 14, characters 26-27),
127 (Tgeneric ("Tb", [])))
129 ft_flags =
130 (make_ft_flags FSync ~return_disposable:false
131 ~returns_readonly:false ~readonly_this:false
132 ~is_const:false);
133 ft_ifc_decl = FDPolicied {PUBLIC} })))
135 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
136 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
137 tp_name = ([15:3-9], "Tshape"); tp_tparams = [];
138 tp_constraints =
139 [(Constraint_as,
140 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 15, characters 13-28),
141 (Tshape (Typing_defs_core.Closed_shape,
142 { (Typing_defs_core.TSFlit_str ([15:19-22], "a")) ->
143 { sft_optional = false;
144 sft_ty =
145 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 15, characters 26-27),
146 (Tgeneric ("Ta", [])))
148 ))))
150 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
151 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
152 tp_name = ([16:3-8], "Tdarr"); tp_tparams = [];
153 tp_constraints =
154 [(Constraint_as,
155 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 16, characters 12-25),
156 (Tdarray (
157 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 16, characters 19-20),
158 (Tgeneric ("Ta", []))),
159 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 16, characters 23-24),
160 (Tgeneric ("Tb", [])))
161 ))))
163 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
164 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
165 tp_name = ([17:3-8], "Tvarr"); tp_tparams = [];
166 tp_constraints =
167 [(Constraint_as,
168 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 17, characters 12-21),
169 (Tvarray
170 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 17, characters 19-20),
171 (Tgeneric ("Ta", []))))))
173 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
174 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
175 tp_name = ([18:3-9], "Tvdarr"); tp_tparams = [];
176 tp_constraints =
177 [(Constraint_as,
178 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 18, characters 13-36),
179 (Tvarray_or_darray
180 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 18, characters 30-31),
181 (Tgeneric ("Ta", []))),
182 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 18, characters 34-35),
183 (Tgeneric ("Tb", []))))))
185 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] };
186 { Typing_defs_core.tp_variance = Invariant;
187 tp_name = ([19:3-9], "Ttuple"); tp_tparams = [];
188 tp_constraints =
189 [(Constraint_as,
190 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 19, characters 13-20),
191 (Ttuple
192 [(Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 19, characters 14-15),
193 (Tgeneric ("Ta", [])));
194 (Rhint (root|constraints_mentioning_tparams_in_same_list.php line 19, characters 18-19),
195 (Tgeneric ("Tb", [])))
196 ])))
198 tp_reified = Erased; tp_user_attributes = [] }
200 sc_where_constraints = []; sc_extends = []; sc_uses = [];
201 sc_xhp_attr_uses = []; sc_req_extends = []; sc_req_implements = [];
202 sc_implements = []; sc_implements_dynamic = false; sc_consts = [];
203 sc_typeconsts = []; sc_props = []; sc_sprops = [];
204 sc_constructor = None; sc_static_methods = []; sc_methods = [];
205 sc_user_attributes = []; sc_enum_type = None }))
208 They matched!