Rip out legacy reactivity from the typechecker and HackC
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_prelude
11 open Aast
12 open Nast_check_env
13 module SN = Naming_special_names
15 class virtual iter =
16 object (self)
17 inherit [_] Aast.iter as super
19 (* Entry point *)
20 method go (ctx : Provider_context.t) (program : Nast.program) =
21 self#on_list (fun () -> self#go_def ctx) () program
23 method go_def ctx x = self#on_def (def_env ctx x) x
25 method! on_fun_ env x = super#on_fun_ (fun_env env x) x
27 method! on_method_ env x = super#on_method_ (method_env env x) x
29 method! on_class_ env x = super#on_class_ (class_env env x) x
31 method! on_Try env b cl fb =
32 self#on_block { env with is_finally = true } fb;
33 super#on_Try env b cl fb
35 method! on_Do env = super#on_Do { env with control_context = LoopContext }
37 method! on_While env =
38 super#on_While { env with control_context = LoopContext }
40 method! on_For env = super#on_For { env with control_context = LoopContext }
42 method! on_Foreach env =
43 super#on_Foreach { env with control_context = LoopContext }
45 method! on_Switch env =
46 super#on_Switch { env with control_context = SwitchContext }
48 method! on_Efun env =
49 super#on_Efun { env with is_finally = false; control_context = Toplevel }
51 method! on_Lfun env =
52 super#on_Lfun { env with is_finally = false; control_context = Toplevel }
54 method! on_Obj_get env =
55 super#on_Obj_get { env with array_append_allowed = false }
57 method! on_Array_get env =
58 super#on_Array_get { env with array_append_allowed = false }
60 method! on_Binop env op e1 e2 =
61 match op with
62 | Ast_defs.Eq None ->
63 self#on_expr { env with array_append_allowed = true } e1;
64 self#on_expr env e2
65 | _ -> super#on_Binop env op e1 e2
67 method! on_func_body env fb =
68 match fb.fb_ast with
69 | [(_, If (((_, Id (_, _)) as id), then_stmt, else_stmt))] ->
70 super#on_expr env id;
71 self#on_block env then_stmt;
72 self#on_block env else_stmt
73 | _ -> super#on_func_body env fb
75 method! on_expr env e =
76 match e with
77 | (_, Call (e1, ta, el, unpacked_element)) ->
78 self#on_Call env e1 ta el unpacked_element
79 | (_, Binop (Ast_defs.Eq None, e1, rhs)) ->
80 self#on_Binop env (Ast_defs.Eq None) e1 rhs
81 | _ -> super#on_expr env e
82 end
84 class virtual ['state] iter_with_state =
85 object (self)
86 inherit [_] Aast.iter as super
88 (* Entry point *)
89 method go
90 (state : 'state) (ctx : Provider_context.t) (program : Nast.program) =
91 self#on_list (fun () -> self#go_def state ctx) () program
93 method go_def state ctx x = self#on_def (def_env ctx x, state) x
95 method! on_fun_ (env, state) x = super#on_fun_ (fun_env env x, state) x
96 end
98 class type handler =
99 object
100 method at_fun_ : env -> Nast.fun_ -> unit
102 method at_class_ : env -> Nast.class_ -> unit
104 method at_method_ : env -> Nast.method_ -> unit
106 method at_record_def : env -> Nast.record_def -> unit
108 method at_expr : env -> Nast.expr -> unit
110 method at_stmt : env -> Nast.stmt -> unit
112 method at_hint : env -> hint -> unit
114 method at_contexts : env -> contexts -> unit
116 method at_typedef : env -> Nast.typedef -> unit
118 method at_gconst : env -> Nast.gconst -> unit
121 class virtual handler_base : handler =
122 object
123 method at_fun_ _ _ = ()
125 method at_class_ _ _ = ()
127 method at_method_ _ _ = ()
129 method at_record_def _ _ = ()
131 method at_expr _ _ = ()
133 method at_stmt _ _ = ()
135 method at_hint _ _ = ()
137 method at_contexts _ _ = ()
139 method at_typedef _ _ = ()
141 method at_gconst _ _ = ()
144 let iter_with (handlers : handler list) : iter =
145 object
146 inherit iter as super
148 method! on_fun_ env x =
149 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_fun_ env x);
150 super#on_fun_ env x
152 method! on_class_ env x =
153 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_class_ env x);
154 super#on_class_ env x
156 method! on_method_ env x =
157 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_method_ env x);
158 super#on_method_ env x
160 method! on_record_def env x =
161 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_record_def env x);
162 super#on_record_def env x
164 method! on_expr env x =
165 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_expr env x);
166 super#on_expr env x
168 method! on_stmt env x =
169 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_stmt env x);
170 super#on_stmt env x
172 method! on_hint env h =
173 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_hint env h);
174 super#on_hint env h
176 method! on_contexts env cl =
177 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_contexts env cl);
178 super#on_contexts env cl
180 method! on_typedef env t =
181 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_typedef env t);
182 super#on_typedef env t
184 method! on_gconst env gconst =
185 List.iter handlers (fun v -> v#at_gconst env gconst);
186 super#on_gconst env gconst