[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / hh_client.ml
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 (**
11 * Hack for HipHop: type checker's client code.
13 * This code gets called in various different ways:
14 * - from emacs, where the output is asynchronous
15 * - from vim, where vim is blocked until this code exits
16 * - from arc diff, our linter
17 * - from arc land, our commit hook
18 * - from check trunk, our irc bot which checks the state of trunk
19 * - manually, from the command line
21 * Usage: hh_client [OPTION]... [WWW DIRECTORY] [FILE]...
25 open Hh_prelude
27 let () = Random.self_init ()
29 let () =
30 (* no-op, needed at entry-point for Daemon hookup *)
31 Daemon.check_entry_point ();
33 (* Ignore SIGPIPE since we might get a server hangup and don't care (can
34 * detect and handle better than a signal). Ignore SIGUSR1 since we sometimes
35 * use that for the server to tell us when it's done initializing, but if we
36 * aren't explicitly listening we don't care. *)
37 Sys_utils.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore;
38 Sys_utils.set_signal
39 Sys.sigint
40 (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> raise Exit_status.(Exit_with Interrupted)));
41 let init_id = Random_id.short_string () in
42 let command = ClientArgs.parse_args ~init_id in
43 let command_name =
44 match command with
45 | ClientCommand.CCheck _ -> "Check"
46 | ClientCommand.CStart _ -> "Start"
47 | ClientCommand.CStop _ -> "Stop"
48 | ClientCommand.CRestart _ -> "Restart"
49 | ClientCommand.CLsp _ -> "Lsp"
50 | ClientCommand.CDebug _ -> "Debug"
51 | ClientCommand.CDownloadSavedState _ -> "DownloadSavedState"
52 | ClientCommand.CRage _ -> "Rage"
55 (* Set up logging. *)
56 let root = ClientArgs.root command in
57 HackEventLogger.client_init
58 ~init_id
59 (Option.value root ~default:Path.dummy_path);
60 Hh_logger.Level.set_min_level_file Hh_logger.Level.Info;
61 Hh_logger.Level.set_min_level_stderr Hh_logger.Level.Error;
62 Hh_logger.set_id (Printf.sprintf "%s#%s" command_name init_id);
63 begin
64 match root with
65 | None -> ()
66 | Some root ->
67 let client_log_fn = ServerFiles.client_log root in
68 (try
69 (* For irritating reasons T67177821 we might not have permissions
70 to write to the file. Pending a fix, let's only set up Hh_logger
71 to write to the file if we can indeed safely write to it. *)
72 Sys_utils.touch
73 (Sys_utils.Touch_existing_or_create_new
74 { mkdir_if_new = false; perm_if_new = 0o666 })
75 client_log_fn;
76 Hh_logger.set_log client_log_fn
77 with _ -> ())
78 end;
79 Hh_logger.log
80 "[hh_client] %s"
81 (String.concat ~sep:" " (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
83 try
84 let exit_status =
85 match command with
86 | ClientCommand.CCheck check_env ->
87 Lwt_main.run (ClientCheck.main check_env)
88 | ClientCommand.CStart env -> Lwt_main.run (ClientStart.main env)
89 | ClientCommand.CStop env -> Lwt_main.run (ClientStop.main env)
90 | ClientCommand.CRestart env -> Lwt_main.run (ClientRestart.main env)
91 | ClientCommand.CLsp env -> Lwt_main.run (ClientLsp.main env)
92 | ClientCommand.CDebug env -> Lwt_main.run (ClientDebug.main env)
93 | ClientCommand.CRage env -> Lwt_main.run (ClientRage.main env)
94 | ClientCommand.CDownloadSavedState env ->
95 Lwt_main.run (ClientDownloadSavedState.main env)
97 Exit_status.exit exit_status
98 with exn ->
99 let e = Exception.wrap exn in
100 (* We trust that if someone raised Exit_with then they had the decency to print
101 out a user-facing message; we will only print out a user-facing message here
102 for uncaught exceptions: lvl=Error gets sent to stderr, but lvl=Info doesn't. *)
103 let (es, lvl) =
104 match exn with
105 | Exit_status.Exit_with es -> (es, Hh_logger.Level.Info)
106 | _ -> (Exit_status.Uncaught_exception, Hh_logger.Level.Error)
108 Hh_logger.log
109 ~lvl
110 "hh_client bad exit: %s - %s\n%s"
111 (Exit_status.show es)
112 (Exception.get_ctor_string e)
113 (Exception.get_backtrace_string e |> Exception.clean_stack);
114 HackEventLogger.client_bad_exit ~command_name es e;
115 Exit_status.exit es