No error on use of `unsafe_cast`
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / typecheck / deprecated_inst_meth.php.exp
1 File "deprecated_inst_meth.php", line 9, characters 10-29:
2 Invalid return type (Typing[4040])
3 File "deprecated_inst_meth.php", line 5, characters 19-21:
4 Too few arguments (required 1 but got 0)
5 File "deprecated_inst_meth.php", line 8, characters 19-37:
6 Because of this definition
7 File "deprecated_inst_meth.php", line 9, characters 24-28:
8 The method foo is deprecated: use bar() instead (Typing[4128])
9 File "deprecated_inst_meth.php", line 5, characters 19-21:
10 Definition is here