Remove push/pop_local_changes from FileProvider trait
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / rupro /
1 // Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
2 // This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
3 // LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
5 use hackrs::decl_parser::DeclParser;
6 use hackrs::folded_decl_provider::FoldedDeclProvider;
7 use hackrs_test_utils::serde_store::{Compression, StoreOpts};
8 use hackrs_test_utils::store::{make_shallow_decl_store, populate_shallow_decl_store};
9 use indicatif::ParallelProgressIterator;
10 use jwalk::WalkDir;
11 use ocamlrep_ocamlpool::{ocaml_ffi_with_arena, Bump};
12 use oxidized_by_ref::{decl_defs::DeclClassType, parser_options::ParserOptions};
13 use pos::{Prefix, RelativePath, RelativePathCtx, ToOxidized, TypeName};
14 use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
15 use std::cmp;
16 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
17 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
18 use std::sync::Arc;
19 use ty::decl::{folded::FoldedClass, shallow};
20 use ty::reason::BReason;
22 fn find_hack_files(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> impl Iterator<Item = PathBuf> {
23     WalkDir::new(path)
24         .into_iter()
25         .filter_map(|e| e.ok())
26         .filter(|e| !e.file_type().is_dir())
27         .map(|e| e.path())
28         .filter(|path| find_utils::is_hack(path))
31 ocaml_ffi_with_arena! {
32     fn fold_classes_in_files_ffi<'a>(
33         arena: &'a Bump,
34         root: &'a Path,
35         opts: &'a ParserOptions<'a>,
36         files: &'a [oxidized_by_ref::relative_path::RelativePath<'a>],
37     ) -> Result<BTreeMap<RelativePath, Vec<DeclClassType<'a>>>, String> {
38         let files: Vec<RelativePath> = files.iter().map(Into::into).collect();
39         let path_ctx = Arc::new(RelativePathCtx {
40             root: root.into(),
41             ..Default::default()
42         });
43         let file_provider: Arc<dyn file_provider::FileProvider> =
44             Arc::new(file_provider::PlainFileProvider::with_no_cache(path_ctx));
45         let decl_parser = DeclParser::with_options(file_provider, opts);
46         let shallow_decl_store = make_shallow_decl_store(StoreOpts::Unserialized);
48         let reverse_files = files.iter().copied().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>();
49         for path in &reverse_files {
50             let mut decls = decl_parser.parse(*path).unwrap();
51             decls.reverse(); // To match OCaml behavior for name collisions
52             shallow_decl_store.add_decls(decls).unwrap();
53         };
55         let folded_decl_provider =
56             hackrs_test_utils::decl_provider::make_folded_decl_provider(
57                 StoreOpts::Unserialized,
58                 None,
59                 shallow_decl_store,
60                 decl_parser.clone(),
61             );
63         files.into_iter().map(|filename| {
64             let classes: Vec<TypeName> = decl_parser
65                 .parse(filename)
66                 .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to parse {:?}: {:?}", filename, e))?
67                 .into_iter()
68                 .filter_map(|decl: ty::decl::shallow::Decl<BReason>| match decl {
69                     shallow::Decl::Class(name, _) => Some(name),
70                     _ => None,
71                 })
72                 .collect();
73             // Declare the classes in the reverse of their order in the file, to
74             // match the OCaml behavior. This should only matter when emitting
75             // errors for cyclic definitions.
76             for &name in classes.iter().rev() {
77                 folded_decl_provider.get_class(name.into(), name)
78                     .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to fold class {}: {:?}", name, e))?;
79             }
80             Ok((filename, classes.into_iter().map(|name| {
81                 Ok(folded_decl_provider
82                     .get_class(name.into(), name)
83                     .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to fold class {}: {:?}", name, e))?
84                     .ok_or_else(|| format!("Decl not found: class {}", name))?
85                     .to_oxidized(arena))
86             }).collect::<Result<_, String>>()?))
87         })
88         .collect()
89     }
91     fn show_decl_class_type_ffi<'a>(arena: &'a Bump, decl: &'a DeclClassType<'a>) -> String {
92         let decl = <FoldedClass<BReason>>::from(decl);
93         format!("{:#?}", decl)
94     }
96     // Due to memory constraints when folding over a large directory, it may be necessary to
97     // fold over www in parts. This is achieved by finding the shallow decls of all of the files
98     // in the directory but then only folding over a portion of the classes in those files
99     // num_partitions controls the numbers of partitions (>= 1) the classes are divided into
100     // and partition_index controls which partition is being folded
101     // Returns a SMap from class_name to folded_decl
102     fn partition_and_fold_dir_ffi<'a>(
103         arena: &'a Bump,
104         www_root: &'a Path,
105         opts: &'a ParserOptions<'a>,
106         num_partitions: &'a usize,
107         partition_index: &'a usize,
108     ) -> BTreeMap<String, DeclClassType<'a>> {
109         // Collect hhi files
110         let hhi_root = tempdir::TempDir::new("rupro_decl_repo_hhi").unwrap();
111         hhi::write_hhi_files(hhi_root.path()).unwrap();
112         let hhi_root_path: PathBuf = hhi_root.path().into();
113         let mut filenames: Vec<RelativePath> = find_hack_files(&hhi_root_path)
114             .map(|path| RelativePath::new(Prefix::Hhi, path.strip_prefix(&hhi_root_path).unwrap()))
115             .collect();
116         // Collect www files
117         filenames.extend(
118             find_hack_files(&www_root).map(|path| match path.strip_prefix(&www_root) {
119                 Ok(suffix) => RelativePath::new(Prefix::Root, suffix),
120                 Err(..) => RelativePath::new(Prefix::Dummy, &path),
121             }),
122         );
124         let path_ctx = Arc::new(RelativePathCtx {
125             root: www_root.into(),
126             hhi: hhi_root_path,
127             ..Default::default()
128         });
130         // Parse and gather shallow decls
131         let file_provider: Arc<dyn file_provider::FileProvider> =
132             Arc::new(file_provider::PlainFileProvider::with_no_cache(path_ctx));
133         let decl_parser: DeclParser<BReason> = DeclParser::with_options(file_provider, opts);
134         let shallow_decl_store = make_shallow_decl_store(StoreOpts::Serialized(Compression::default()));
135         let mut classes =
136             populate_shallow_decl_store(&shallow_decl_store, decl_parser.clone(), &filenames);
137         classes.sort();
138         let folded_decl_provider = hackrs_test_utils::decl_provider::make_folded_decl_provider(
139             StoreOpts::Serialized(Compression::default()),
140             None,
141             shallow_decl_store,
142             decl_parser,
143         );
145         let len = classes.len();
146         // Add 1 to size to ensure that we only have num_partitions
147         let size_of_slices = (len / num_partitions) + 1;
148         // Account for edge case where partition_index * size goes out of bounds of the array
149         let start_index = cmp::min(len, partition_index * size_of_slices);
150         // end_index is exclusive, so no need to say len - 1
151         let end_index = cmp::min((partition_index + 1) * size_of_slices, len);
152         // If start_index = end_index, this will be empty vec
153         let s: Vec<(String, Arc<FoldedClass<BReason>>)> = (&classes[start_index..end_index])
154             .into_par_iter()
155             .progress_count(len.try_into().unwrap())
156             .map(|class| {
157                 let folded_decl = folded_decl_provider
158                     .get_class((*class).into(), *class)
159                     .expect("failed to fold class")
160                     .expect("failed to look up class");
161                 (class.as_str().into(), folded_decl)
162             })
163             .collect();
164         s.into_iter()
165             .map(|(name, fc)| (name, fc.to_oxidized(arena)))
166             .collect()
167     }
169     fn decls_equal_ffi<'a>(arena: &'a Bump, ocaml_decl: &'a DeclClassType<'a>, rust_decl: &'a DeclClassType<'a>) -> bool {
170         let ocaml_decl = <FoldedClass<BReason>>::from(ocaml_decl);
171         let rust_decl = <FoldedClass<BReason>>::from(rust_decl);
172         ocaml_decl == rust_decl
173     }