Remove Tarray from the typechecker
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / providers / shallow_classes_provider.mli
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 open Shallow_decl_defs
11 (** Return the shallow declaration of the class with the given name if it is
12 present in the cache. Otherwise, compute it, store it in the cache, and
13 return it.
15 Raises [Failure] if [shallow_class_decl] is not enabled. *)
16 val get : Provider_context.t -> string -> shallow_class option
18 val decl : Provider_context.t -> Nast.class_ -> shallow_class
20 val get_batch : Provider_context.t -> SSet.t -> shallow_class option SMap.t
22 val get_old_batch : Provider_context.t -> SSet.t -> shallow_class option SMap.t
24 val oldify_batch : Provider_context.t -> SSet.t -> unit
26 val remove_old_batch : Provider_context.t -> SSet.t -> unit
28 val remove_batch : Provider_context.t -> SSet.t -> unit
30 val local_changes_push_sharedmem_stack : unit -> unit
32 val local_changes_pop_sharedmem_stack : unit -> unit