Remove Tarray from the typechecker
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_prelude
11 module P = Printf
12 module SyntaxError = Full_fidelity_syntax_error
13 module SourceText = Full_fidelity_source_text
14 module SyntaxTree =
15 Full_fidelity_syntax_tree.WithSyntax (Full_fidelity_positioned_syntax)
16 module Logger = HackcEventLogger
18 (*****************************************************************************)
19 (* Types, constants *)
20 (*****************************************************************************)
21 type mode =
22 | CLI
25 let is_mode_cli = function
26 | CLI -> true
27 | DAEMON -> false
29 let is_mode_daemon = function
30 | CLI -> false
31 | DAEMON -> true
33 type options = {
34 filename: string;
35 fallback: bool;
36 config_list: string list;
37 debug_time: bool;
38 output_file: string option;
39 config_file: string option;
40 mode: mode;
41 input_file_list: string option;
42 dump_symbol_refs: bool;
43 dump_config: bool;
44 extract_facts: bool;
45 log_stats: bool;
46 for_debugger_eval: bool;
47 (* below are used during Rust porting *)
48 disable_toplevel_elaboration: bool;
49 include_header: bool;
50 (* Experimental *)
51 dump_desugared_expression_trees: bool;
54 type message_handler = Hh_json.json -> string -> unit
56 type message_handlers = {
57 set_config: message_handler;
58 compile: message_handler;
59 facts: message_handler;
60 parse: message_handler;
61 error: message_handler;
64 (*****************************************************************************)
65 (* Debug info refs *)
66 (*****************************************************************************)
68 type debug_time = {
69 parsing_t: float ref;
70 codegen_t: float ref;
71 printing_t: float ref;
74 let new_debug_time () =
75 { parsing_t = ref 0.0; codegen_t = ref 0.0; printing_t = ref 0.0 }
77 (*****************************************************************************)
78 (* Helpers *)
79 (*****************************************************************************)
81 let die str =
82 prerr_endline str;
83 exit 2
85 let is_file_path_for_evaled_code s =
86 let s = Relative_path.to_absolute s in
87 String_utils.string_ends_with s ") : eval()'d code"
89 let print_compiler_version () =
90 Hh_json.(
91 let compiler_version_msg =
92 json_to_string
93 @@ JSON_Object
95 ("type", JSON_String "compiler_version");
96 ("version", JSON_String (Compiler_id.get_compiler_id ()));
99 P.printf "%s\n%!" compiler_version_msg)
101 let assert_regular_file filename =
103 (not (Sys.file_exists filename))
104 || Poly.((Unix.stat filename).Unix.st_kind <> Unix.S_REG)
105 then
106 raise (Arg.Bad (filename ^ " not a valid file"))
108 let parse_options () =
109 let fn_ref = ref None in
110 let want_version = ref false in
111 let fallback = ref false in
112 let debug_time = ref false in
113 let config_list = ref [] in
114 let mode = ref CLI in
115 let output_file = ref None in
116 let config_file = ref None in
117 let input_file_list = ref None in
118 let dump_symbol_refs = ref false in
119 let extract_facts = ref false in
120 let dump_config = ref false in
121 let log_stats = ref false in
122 let for_debugger_eval = ref false in
123 let disable_toplevel_elaboration = ref false in
124 let include_header = ref false in
125 let dump_desugared_expression_trees = ref false in
126 let usage =
127 P.sprintf "Usage: hh_single_compile (%s) filename\n" Sys.argv.(0)
129 let options =
131 ("--version", Arg.Set want_version, " print the version and do nothing");
132 ("--fallback", Arg.Set fallback, " Enables fallback compilation");
133 ( "--debug-time",
134 Arg.Set debug_time,
135 " Enables debugging logging for elapsed time" );
136 ("--facts", Arg.Set extract_facts, "Extract facts from the source code.");
137 ( "-v",
138 Arg.String (fun str -> config_list := str :: !config_list),
139 " Configuration: Server.Port=<value> "
140 ^ "\n"
141 ^ "\t\tAllows overriding config options passed on a file" );
142 ( "-c",
143 Arg.String
144 (fun str ->
145 assert_regular_file str;
146 config_file := Some str),
147 " Config file in JSON format" );
148 ( "-o",
149 Arg.String (fun str -> output_file := Some str),
150 " Output file. Creates it if necessary" );
151 ( "--daemon",
152 Arg.Unit (fun () -> mode := DAEMON),
153 " Run a daemon which processes Hack source from standard input" );
154 ( "--input-file-list",
155 Arg.String (fun str -> input_file_list := Some str),
156 " read a list of files (one per line) from the file `input-file-list'"
158 ( "--dump-symbol-refs",
159 Arg.Set dump_symbol_refs,
160 " Dump symbol ref sections of HHAS" );
161 ("--dump-config", Arg.Set dump_config, " Dump configuration settings");
162 ( "--enable-logging-stats",
163 Arg.Unit (fun () -> log_stats := true),
164 " Starts logging stats" );
165 ( "--stop-logging-stats",
166 Arg.Unit (fun () -> log_stats := false),
167 " Stop logging stats" );
168 ( "--for-debugger-eval",
169 Arg.Unit (fun () -> for_debugger_eval := true),
170 " Mutate the program as if we're in the debugger repl" );
171 ( "--disable-toplevel-elaboration",
172 Arg.Unit (fun () -> disable_toplevel_elaboration := true),
173 "Disable toplevel definition elaboration" );
174 ( "--include-header",
175 Arg.Unit (fun () -> include_header := true),
176 "Include JSON header" );
177 ( "--dump-desugared-expression-trees",
178 Arg.Unit (fun () -> dump_desugared_expression_trees := true),
179 "Print the source code with expression tree literals desugared. Best effort debugging tool."
183 let options = Arg.align ~limit:25 options in
184 Arg.parse options (fun fn -> fn_ref := Some fn) usage;
185 if !want_version then (
186 print_compiler_version ();
187 exit 0
189 if is_mode_daemon !mode then print_compiler_version ();
190 let needs_file = Option.is_none !input_file_list in
191 let fn =
192 if needs_file then
193 match !fn_ref with
194 | Some fn ->
195 if is_mode_cli !mode then
197 else
198 die usage
199 | None ->
200 if is_mode_cli !mode then
201 die usage
202 else
203 Caml.read_line ()
204 else
208 filename = fn;
209 fallback = !fallback;
210 config_list = !config_list;
211 debug_time = !debug_time;
212 output_file = !output_file;
213 config_file = !config_file;
214 mode = !mode;
215 input_file_list = !input_file_list;
216 dump_symbol_refs = !dump_symbol_refs;
217 dump_config = !dump_config;
218 log_stats = !log_stats;
219 extract_facts = !extract_facts;
220 for_debugger_eval = !for_debugger_eval;
221 disable_toplevel_elaboration = !disable_toplevel_elaboration;
222 include_header = !include_header;
223 dump_desugared_expression_trees = !dump_desugared_expression_trees;
226 let fail_daemon file error =
227 Hh_json.(
228 let file = Option.value ~default:"[unknown]" file in
229 let msg =
230 json_to_string
231 @@ JSON_Object
233 ("type", JSON_String "error");
234 ("file", JSON_String file);
235 ("error", JSON_String error);
238 P.printf "%s\n%!" msg;
239 die error)
241 let rec dispatch_loop handlers =
242 Hh_json.(
243 Access.(
244 let read_message () =
245 let line = Caml.read_line () in
246 let header = json_of_string line in
247 let file = get_field_opt (get_string "file") header in
248 let bytes = get_field (get_number_int "bytes") (fun _af -> 0) header in
249 let body = Bytes.create bytes in
251 Caml.really_input Caml.stdin body 0 bytes;
252 (header, Bytes.to_string body)
253 with exc ->
254 fail_daemon
255 file
256 ("Exception reading message body: " ^ Caml.Printexc.to_string exc)
258 let (header, body) = read_message () in
259 let msg_type =
260 get_field
261 (get_string "type")
262 (fun af ->
263 fail_daemon None ("Cannot determine type of message: " ^ af))
264 header
266 (match msg_type with
267 | "code" -> handlers.compile header body
268 | "error" -> handlers.error header body
269 | "config" -> handlers.set_config header body
270 | "facts" -> handlers.facts header body
271 | "parse" -> handlers.parse header body
272 | _ -> fail_daemon None ("Unhandled message type '" ^ msg_type ^ "'"));
273 dispatch_loop handlers))
275 let print_debug_time_info filename debug_time =
276 let stat = Caml.Gc.stat () in
277 P.eprintf "File %s:\n" (Relative_path.to_absolute filename);
278 P.eprintf "Parsing: %0.3f s\n" !(debug_time.parsing_t);
279 P.eprintf "Codegen: %0.3f s\n" !(debug_time.codegen_t);
280 P.eprintf "Printing: %0.3f s\n" !(debug_time.printing_t);
281 P.eprintf "MinorWords: %0.3f\n" stat.Caml.Gc.minor_words;
282 P.eprintf "PromotedWords: %0.3f\n" stat.Caml.Gc.promoted_words
284 let mode_to_string = function
285 | CLI -> "CLI"
286 | DAEMON -> "DAEMON"
288 let log_success compiler_options filename debug_time =
289 Logger.success
290 ~filename:(Relative_path.to_absolute filename)
291 ~parsing_t:!(debug_time.parsing_t)
292 ~codegen_t:!(debug_time.codegen_t)
293 ~printing_t:!(debug_time.printing_t)
294 ~mode:(mode_to_string compiler_options.mode)
296 let log_fail compiler_options filename exc ~stack =
298 ~filename:(Relative_path.to_absolute filename)
299 ~mode:(mode_to_string compiler_options.mode)
300 ~exc:(Caml.Printexc.to_string exc ^ "\n" ^ stack)
302 let print_output
303 (bytecode : string list)
304 (config : Compile_ffi.rust_output_config)
305 (file : Relative_path.t)
306 (debug_time : debug_time option)
307 (log_config_json : bool)
308 (config_jsons : string list)
309 (config_list : string list) =
310 let write =
311 match config.Compile_ffi.output_file with
312 | Some file -> Sys_utils.write_strings_to_file ~file
313 | None ->
314 fun c ->
315 List.iter ~f:(P.printf "%s") c;
316 P.printf "%!"
318 if config.Compile_ffi.include_header then (
319 let bytes =
320 List.fold ~f:(fun len s -> len + String.length s) ~init:0 bytecode
322 let abs_path = Relative_path.to_absolute file in
323 let msg =
324 Hh_json.
326 ("bytes", int_ bytes);
327 ("file", JSON_String abs_path);
328 ("type", JSON_String "success");
331 let msg =
333 log_config_json
334 || String.is_suffix
335 (Relative_path.to_absolute file)
336 "HACKC_LOG_OPTS.php"
337 then
338 ( "config_jsons",
339 Hh_json.JSON_Array
340 (
341 ~f:(fun x -> Hh_json.JSON_String x)
342 (config_jsons @ config_list)) )
343 :: msg
344 else
347 let msg =
348 match debug_time with
349 | Some debug_time ->
350 let json_microsec t =
351 Hh_json.int_ @@ int_of_float @@ (t *. 1000000.0)
353 ("parsing_time", json_microsec !(debug_time.parsing_t))
354 :: ("codegen_time", json_microsec !(debug_time.codegen_t))
355 :: ("printing_time", json_microsec !(debug_time.printing_t))
356 :: msg
357 | None -> msg
359 write Hh_json.[json_to_string @@ JSON_Object msg];
360 write ["\n"]
362 write bytecode
364 let do_compile_rust
365 ~is_systemlib
366 ~config_jsons
367 (compiler_options : options)
368 rust_output_config
369 filename
370 source_text =
371 (* dummy line to load Full_fidelity_ast *)
372 let _ = Full_fidelity_ast.make_env filename in
373 let env =
374 Compile_ffi.
376 re_filepath = filename;
377 re_config_jsons = List.rev config_jsons;
378 re_config_list = compiler_options.config_list;
379 re_flags =
380 ( ( if is_systemlib then
382 else
384 lor ( if is_file_path_for_evaled_code filename then
386 else
388 lor ( if compiler_options.for_debugger_eval then
390 else
392 lor ( if compiler_options.dump_symbol_refs then
394 else
397 if compiler_options.disable_toplevel_elaboration then
399 else
400 0 );
403 match Compile_ffi.rust_from_text_ffi env rust_output_config source_text with
404 | Ok () -> ()
405 | Error msg -> raise (Failure msg)
407 let extract_facts ~compiler_options ~config_jsons ~filename text =
408 let (co, log_config_json) =
409 Hhbc_options.apply_config_overrides_statelessly
410 compiler_options.config_list
411 config_jsons
414 Hhbc_options.(
415 Facts_parser.extract_as_json_string
416 ~php5_compat_mode:true
417 ~hhvm_compat_mode:true
418 ~disable_nontoplevel_declarations:
419 (phpism_disable_nontoplevel_declarations co)
420 ~disable_legacy_soft_typehints:(disable_legacy_soft_typehints co)
421 ~allow_new_attribute_syntax:(allow_new_attribute_syntax co)
422 ~disable_legacy_attribute_syntax:(disable_legacy_attribute_syntax co)
423 ~enable_xhp_class_modifier:(enable_xhp_class_modifier co)
424 ~disable_xhp_element_mangling:(disable_xhp_element_mangling co)
425 ~filename
426 ~text
427 |> Option.value ~default:"");
430 log_config_json )
432 let parse_hh_file ~config_jsons ~compiler_options filename body =
433 let (co, log_config_json) =
434 Hhbc_options.apply_config_overrides_statelessly
435 compiler_options.config_list
436 config_jsons
438 Hhbc_options.(
439 let file = Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy filename in
440 let source_text = SourceText.make file body in
441 let mode = Full_fidelity_parser.parse_mode source_text in
442 let env =
443 Full_fidelity_parser_env.make
444 ~codegen:true
445 ~php5_compat_mode:true
446 ~hhvm_compat_mode:true
447 ~disable_nontoplevel_declarations:
448 (phpism_disable_nontoplevel_declarations co)
449 ~disable_legacy_soft_typehints:(disable_legacy_soft_typehints co)
450 ~allow_new_attribute_syntax:(allow_new_attribute_syntax co)
451 ~disable_legacy_attribute_syntax:(disable_legacy_attribute_syntax co)
452 ~enable_xhp_class_modifier:(enable_xhp_class_modifier co)
453 ~disable_xhp_element_mangling:(disable_xhp_element_mangling co)
454 ~disallow_hash_comments:(disallow_hash_comments co)
455 ~disallow_fun_and_cls_meth_pseudo_funcs:
456 (disallow_fun_and_cls_meth_pseudo_funcs co)
457 ?mode
460 let syntax_tree = SyntaxTree.make ~env source_text in
461 let json = SyntaxTree.to_json syntax_tree in
462 ([Hh_json.json_to_string json], co, log_config_json))
464 (*****************************************************************************)
465 (* Main entry point *)
466 (*****************************************************************************)
468 let process_single_source_unit
469 ~is_systemlib
470 ~config_jsons
471 compiler_options
472 rust_output_config
473 handle_exception
474 filename
475 source_text =
477 if compiler_options.extract_facts then
478 let (output, _, log_config_json) =
479 extract_facts ~compiler_options ~config_jsons ~filename source_text
481 print_output
482 output
483 rust_output_config
484 filename
485 None
486 log_config_json
487 config_jsons
488 compiler_options.config_list
489 else
490 do_compile_rust
491 ~is_systemlib
492 ~config_jsons
493 compiler_options
494 rust_output_config
495 filename
496 (Full_fidelity_source_text.make filename source_text)
497 with exc ->
498 let stack = Caml.Printexc.get_backtrace () in
499 if compiler_options.log_stats then
500 log_fail compiler_options filename exc ~stack;
501 handle_exception filename exc
503 let desugar_and_print_expr_trees
504 ~config_jsons ~compiler_options (filename : string) : unit =
505 let rel_path = Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy filename in
506 let env =
507 Compile_ffi.
509 re_filepath = rel_path;
510 re_config_jsons = List.rev config_jsons;
511 re_config_list = compiler_options.config_list;
512 re_flags =
513 ( ( if is_file_path_for_evaled_code rel_path then
515 else
517 lor ( if compiler_options.for_debugger_eval then
519 else
521 lor ( if compiler_options.dump_symbol_refs then
523 else
526 if compiler_options.disable_toplevel_elaboration then
528 else
529 0 );
532 Compile_ffi.desugar_and_print_expr_trees env
534 let decl_and_run_mode compiler_options =
535 Hh_json.(
536 Access.(
537 (* list of pending config JSONs *)
538 let config_jsons = ref [] in
539 let add_config (config_json : string option) =
540 config_jsons := config_json :: !config_jsons
542 let pop_config () =
543 config_jsons :=
544 match !config_jsons with
545 | _ :: old_config_jsons -> old_config_jsons
546 | _ -> !config_jsons
548 let get_config_jsons () = List.filter_map ~f:(fun x -> x) !config_jsons in
549 let ini_config_json : string option =
551 ~f:(fun path -> (try path with _ -> ""))
552 compiler_options.config_file
554 add_config ini_config_json;
555 Ident.track_names := true;
557 match compiler_options.mode with
558 | DAEMON ->
559 let add_config_overrides header =
560 let config_overrides =
561 get_field
562 (get_obj "config_overrides")
563 (fun _af -> JSON_Object [])
564 header
565 |> Hh_json.json_to_string
567 add_config (Some config_overrides)
569 let get_filename_and_path (header : json) =
570 let filename =
571 get_field
572 (get_string "file")
573 (fun af ->
574 fail_daemon
575 None
576 ("Cannot determine file name of source unit: " ^ af))
577 header
579 (filename, Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy filename)
581 let body_or_file_contents (body : string) (filename : string) =
582 (* if body is empty - read file from disk *)
583 if String.length body = 0 then
584 filename
585 else
586 body
588 let handle_output
589 filename
590 output
591 hhbc_options
592 log_config_json
593 compiler_options
594 debug_time =
595 print_output
596 output
597 Compile_ffi.{ include_header = true; output_file = None }
598 filename
599 ( if Hhbc_options.log_extern_compiler_perf hhbc_options then
600 Some debug_time
601 else
602 None )
603 log_config_json
604 (get_config_jsons ())
605 compiler_options.config_list
607 let handle_exception filename exc =
608 let abs_path = Relative_path.to_absolute filename in
609 let msg =
610 json_to_string
611 @@ JSON_Object
613 ("type", JSON_String "error");
614 ("file", JSON_String abs_path);
615 ("error", JSON_String (Caml.Printexc.to_string exc));
618 P.printf "%s\n%!" msg
620 let handlers =
622 set_config =
623 (fun _header body ->
624 let config_json =
625 if String.is_empty body then
626 None
627 else
628 Some body
630 add_config config_json);
631 error =
632 (fun header _body ->
633 let (filename, _) = get_filename_and_path header in
634 let error =
635 get_field
636 (get_string "error")
637 (fun _af ->
638 fail_daemon
639 (Some filename)
640 "No 'error' field in error message")
641 header
643 fail_daemon
644 (Some filename)
645 ("Error processing " ^ filename ^ ": " ^ error));
646 compile =
647 (fun header body ->
648 let (_, path) = get_filename_and_path header in
649 let is_systemlib =
650 get_field_opt (get_bool "is_systemlib") header
651 |> Option.value ~default:false
653 let for_debugger_eval =
654 get_field
655 (get_bool "for_debugger_eval")
656 (fun af ->
657 fail_daemon None ("for_debugger_eval flag missing: " ^ af))
658 header
660 add_config_overrides header;
661 let compiler_options =
662 { compiler_options with for_debugger_eval }
664 let result =
665 process_single_source_unit
666 ~is_systemlib
667 ~config_jsons:(get_config_jsons ())
668 compiler_options
669 Compile_ffi.{ include_header = true; output_file = None }
670 handle_exception
671 path
672 body
674 pop_config ();
675 result);
676 facts =
677 (fun header body ->
678 (let (filename, path) = get_filename_and_path header in
679 let body = body_or_file_contents body filename in
680 add_config_overrides header;
681 let (output, hhbc_options, log_config_json) =
682 extract_facts
683 ~compiler_options
684 ~config_jsons:(get_config_jsons ())
685 ~filename:path
686 body
688 let result =
689 handle_output
690 path
691 output
692 hhbc_options
693 log_config_json
694 compiler_options
696 pop_config ();
697 result)
698 (new_debug_time ()));
699 parse =
700 (fun header body ->
701 (let (filename, path) = get_filename_and_path header in
702 let body = body_or_file_contents body filename in
703 add_config_overrides header;
704 let (output, hhbc_options, log_config_json) =
705 parse_hh_file
706 ~config_jsons:(get_config_jsons ())
707 ~compiler_options
708 filename
709 body
711 let result =
712 handle_output
713 path
714 output
715 hhbc_options
716 log_config_json
717 compiler_options
719 pop_config ();
720 result)
721 (new_debug_time ()));
724 dispatch_loop handlers
725 | CLI ->
726 let handle_exception filename exc =
727 let stack = Caml.Printexc.get_backtrace () in
728 prerr_endline stack;
729 P.eprintf
730 "Error in file %s: %s\n"
731 (Relative_path.to_absolute filename)
732 (Caml.Printexc.to_string exc)
734 let process_single_file output_file filename =
735 let filename = Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy filename in
736 (* let abs_path = Relative_path.to_absolute filename in *)
737 let files = Multifile.file_to_file_list filename in
738 List.iter files ~f:(fun (filename, content) ->
739 process_single_source_unit
740 ~is_systemlib:false
741 ~config_jsons:(get_config_jsons ())
742 compiler_options
743 Compile_ffi.
745 include_header = compiler_options.include_header;
746 output_file;
748 handle_exception
749 filename
750 content)
752 let (filenames, output_file) =
753 match compiler_options.input_file_list with
754 (* List of source files explicitly given *)
755 | Some input_file_list ->
756 let get_lines_in_file filename =
757 let inch = Caml.open_in filename in
758 let rec go lines =
759 match Caml.input_line inch with
760 | line -> go (Caml.String.trim line :: lines)
761 | exception End_of_file -> lines
763 go []
765 (get_lines_in_file input_file_list, None)
766 | None -> ([compiler_options.filename], compiler_options.output_file)
767 (* Actually execute the compilation(s) *)
769 if compiler_options.dump_config then
770 Printf.printf
771 "===CONFIG===\n%s\n\n%!"
772 ( Hhbc_options.apply_config_overrides_statelessly
773 compiler_options.config_list
774 (get_config_jsons ())
775 |> fst
776 |> Hhbc_options.to_string );
778 (not (String.is_empty compiler_options.filename))
779 && Sys.is_directory compiler_options.filename
780 then
781 P.eprintf
782 "%s is a directory, directory is not supported."
783 compiler_options.filename
784 else
785 let process_fn =
786 if compiler_options.dump_desugared_expression_trees then
787 desugar_and_print_expr_trees
788 ~config_jsons:(get_config_jsons ())
789 ~compiler_options
790 else
791 process_single_file output_file
793 List.iter filenames process_fn))
795 let main_hack opts =
796 let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
797 if opts.log_stats then Logger.init start_time;
798 decl_and_run_mode opts
800 (* command line driver *)
801 let () =
802 Printexc.record_backtrace true;
804 if !Sys.interactive then
806 else
807 (* On windows, setting 'binary mode' avoids to output CRLF on
808 stdout. The 'text mode' would not hurt the user in general, but
809 it breaks the testsuite where the output is compared to the
810 expected one (i.e. in given file without CRLF). *)
811 Caml.set_binary_mode_out Caml.stdout true;
812 let handle = SharedMem.init ~num_workers:0 SharedMem.empty_config in
813 ignore (handle : SharedMem.handle);
814 let options = parse_options () in
815 main_hack options
816 with exc ->
817 let stack = Caml.Printexc.get_backtrace () in
818 prerr_endline stack;
819 die (Caml.Printexc.to_string exc)