gostyle: the basic library, intitial commit.
[gostyle.git] / utils / misc.py
1 #coding: utf-8
2 import unicodedata
3 from itertools import chain, izip, count
4 import hashlib
5 import random
6 import logging
7 import threading
8 import os
9 import time
10 import datetime
12 def identity(x):
13 return x
16 # Functional tools
19 def filter_null(iterable):
20 return [ x for x in iterable if x ]
22 def filter_both(predicate, iterable):
23 yes, no = [], []
24 for i in iterable:
25 if predicate(i):
26 yes.append(i)
27 else:
28 no.append(i)
29 return yes, no
31 def flatten(list_of_lists):
32 return chain.from_iterable(list_of_lists)
34 def flatten_twice(list_of_lists_of_lists):
35 return flatten(flatten( list_of_lists_of_lists ))
37 def argmax(pairs):
38 """Given an iterable of pairs (key, value), return the key corresponding to the greatest value."""
39 return max(pairs, key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
41 def argmin(pairs):
42 return min(pairs, key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
44 def argmax_index(values):
45 """Given an iterable of values, return the index of the greatest value."""
46 return argmax(izip(count(), values))
48 def argmin_index(values):
49 return argmin(izip(count(), values))
51 def bucket_by_key(iterable, key_fc):
52 """
53 Throws items in @iterable into buckets given by @key_fc function.
54 e.g.
55 >>> bucket_by_key([1,2,-3,4,5,6,-7,8,-9], lambda num: 'neg' if num < 0 else 'nonneg')
56 {'neg': [-3, -7, -9], 'nonneg': [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8]}
57 """
58 buckets = {}
59 for item in iterable:
60 buckets.setdefault(key_fc(item), []).append(item)
61 return buckets
63 def first_true_pred(predicates, value):
64 """Given a list of predicates and a value, return the index of first predicate,
65 s.t. predicate(value) == True. If no such predicate found, raises IndexError."""
66 for num, pred in enumerate(predicates):
67 if pred(value):
68 return num
69 raise IndexError
72 # Partial
75 class MyPartial:
76 """
77 An alternative implementation of functools partial, allowing to specify args
78 from the right as well.
79 """
80 def __init__(self, func, args=(), keywords={}, right=False):
81 self.func = func
82 self.args = args
83 self.keywords = keywords
84 self.right = right
86 def _frepr(self):
87 return repr(self.func)
89 def __repr__(self):
90 return "MyPartial(%s, %s, %s%s)"%(self._frepr(),
91 repr(self.args), repr(self.keywords),
92 ", right=True" if self.right else '')
94 def _merge_args(self, args_new):
95 if self.right:
96 return args_new + tuple(self.args)
97 return tuple(self.args) + args_new
99 def _merge_kwargs(self, kwargs_new):
100 kwargs = self.keywords.copy()
101 kwargs.update(kwargs_new)
102 return kwargs
104 def __call__(self, *args_new, **kwargs_new):
105 args = self._merge_args(args_new)
106 kwargs = self._merge_kwargs(kwargs_new)
107 return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
109 def partial(f, *args, **kwargs):
111 def minus(a, b):
112 return a - b
114 partial(minus, 10) is like:
116 lambda b : minus(10, b)
118 return MyPartial(f, args, kwargs)
120 def partial_right(f, *args, **kwargs):
122 def minus(a, b):
123 return a - b
125 partial_right(minus, 10) is like:
127 lambda a : minus(a, 10)
129 return MyPartial(f, args, kwargs, right=True)
132 # Type info and conversion
135 def is_conv(x, cls):
136 try:
137 cls(x)
138 return True
139 except:
140 return False
142 def is_int(x):
143 return is_conv(x, int)
145 def is_float(x):
146 return is_conv(x, float)
148 def is_type(x, type):
149 try:
150 return x == type(x)
151 except:
152 return False
154 def is_type_int(x):
155 return is_type(x, int)
157 def is_type_float(x):
158 return is_type(x, float)
161 # Hash utils & random strings
164 def sha256(txt):
165 return hashlib.sha256(txt).hexdigest()
166 def sha512(txt):
167 return hashlib.sha512(txt).hexdigest()
169 def random_hash(LEN=10):
170 return str(random.randint(10**(LEN-1),10**LEN-1))
172 def unique_hash(length=32):
173 """Returns "unique" hash. (the shorter the length, the less unique it is).
174 I consider one in 16**32 to be pretty unique. :-) (supposing that sha256 works).
176 (Am I mistaken??)"""
177 return sha256( "%.20f %s %d %d"%(time.time(), random_hash(), os.getpid(), threading.current_thread().ident ) ) [:length]
179 time_based_random_hash = unique_hash
181 def tmp_names(base=random_hash(), first_simple=False):
182 i = 0
183 if first_simple:
184 yield "%s"%(base)
185 i += 1
186 while True:
187 yield "%s_%d"%(base, i)
188 i+=1
191 # Text stuff
194 def encode_utf8(st):
195 return unicode(st).encode('utf-8')
197 def remove_accents(istr):
198 nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(istr))
199 return u"".join([c for c in nkfd_form if not unicodedata.combining(c)])
201 def unicode2ascii(unistr):
202 return remove_accents(unistr).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
204 def pad2len(s, l, padchar):
205 if len(s) < l:
206 return s + padchar * (l - len(s))
207 return s
213 def iter_files(directory):
214 for (dirpath, _, filenames) in os.walk(directory):
215 for name in filenames:
216 yield os.path.join(dirpath, name)
218 def timeit(f, *args, **kwargs):
219 t0 = time.time()
220 ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
221 diff = time.time() - t0
222 print "TOOK: %.3f sec"%(diff,)
223 return ret
225 if __name__ == '__main__':
226 def test_partial():
227 def fc ( a, b, c='def C', d='def D' ):
228 return "a=%d, b=%d, c=%s, d=%s"%(a,b,c,d)
230 nor = partial(fc, 20, c=10)
231 zpr = partial_right(fc, 20, c=10)
233 print "puvodni:", repr(fc)
234 print "normalni:", repr(nor)
235 print "zprava:", repr(zpr)
237 print "normalni(10) = ", nor(10)
238 print "zprava(10) = ", zpr(10)
240 nor2 = partial(nor, 10)
241 print "double:", nor2
242 print "double()", nor2()
244 class Fobj:
245 def __call__(self, a, b):
246 return "a=%s b=%s"%(a,b)
248 ca = partial(Fobj(), 10)
249 print ca