tex: Elaborate somewhat on the extracted patterns
[gostyle.git] / data_about_players.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 from gostyle import PlayerStrategyIdentificator
4 class Data:
5 ### A path to a main pattern file that should contain the most representative patterns along with their occurences
6 ### For its precise format, see `gostyle.py'
7 main_pat_filename = '../pdb/all.pat'
8 ### Folder with player pat files
9 pat_files_folder = '../pdb/pat_files/'
10 ### Pat files should be named ater players
12 ### Explicit list of players
13 players_all = ['Takemiya Masaki', 'Cho Tae-hyeon', 'Yoda Norimoto', 'Chen Zude', 'Sakata Eio', 'Luo Xihe', 'Gu Li', 'Jie Li', 'Cho Chikun', 'Cho U', 'Suzuki Goro', 'O Meien', 'Miyazawa Goro', 'Wu Songsheng', 'Ma Xiaochun', 'Yasuda Shusaku', 'Kuwahara Shusaku', 'Honinbo Shusaku', 'Go Seigen', 'Shao Zhenzhong', "Yi Ch'ang-ho", 'Ishida Yoshio', 'Kobayashi Koichi', 'Rui Naiwei', 'Yi Se-tol', 'Kato Masao', 'Nie Weiping']
15 ### Thist is used for StrategyOutputVectorGenerator (see gostyle.py)
16 strategy_players = {
17 "territorial":[ 'Cho Chikun', 'Cho U', 'Suzuki Goro'],
18 "agressive":[ 'Kobayashi Koichi', 'Rui Naiwei', 'Yi Se-tol' ],
19 "careful":[ "Yi Ch'ang-ho", 'Ishida Yoshio' ],
20 "moyo":[ 'Takemiya Masaki', 'Cho Tae-hyeon'],
21 "attacking":[ 'Kato Masao', 'Nie Weiping'],
22 "flexible":[ 'Ma Xiaochun' , 'Yasuda Shusaku', 'Kuwahara Shusaku', 'Honinbo Shusaku', 'Go Seigen', 'Shao Zhenzhong' ],
23 "wild":[ 'O Meien', 'Miyazawa Goro', 'Wu Songsheng'],
24 "tesuji focused":[ 'Sakata Eio', 'Luo Xihe', 'Gu Li', 'Jie Li'],
25 "misc":[ 'Yoda Norimoto', 'Chen Zude' ]
28 ### Thist is used for PlanarOutputVectorGenerator (see gostyle.py)
29 player_vector = {
30 "Cho Chikun": [ 1.0, 0.0 ],
31 "Yi Se-tol": [ 0.0, 1.0 ],
32 "Yi Ch'ang-ho old": [ 0.0, -1.0 ],
33 "Ma Xiaochun": [ 0.0, 0.0 ],
34 "Honinbo Shusaku": [ 0.0, 0.0 ],
35 "Go Seigen": [ 0.0, 0.0 ],
36 "Ishida Yoshio": [ 0.0, -0.5 ],
37 "Rui Naiwei": [ 0.5, 1.0 ],
38 "Sakata Eio": [ 0.5, 0.5 ],
39 "Takemiya Masaki": [ -1.0, 0.0 ]}
41 if __name__ == '__main__':
42 import sys
44 for arg in sys.argv:
45 if arg == '-p' or arg == '--all-players':
46 for p in Data.players_all:
47 print p
48 if arg == '-h' or arg == '--help':
49 print sys.argv[0], " [OPTIONS]"
50 print """
53 -p, --all-players
54 prints a list of known players to the STDOUT.
55 -h, --help
56 help!
57 """