tex: Plot of number of pattern occurences
[gostyle.git] / tex / makefile
1 gostyle.dvi: gostyle.tex gostyle.bib patcountdist.eps strength-pca.eps style-pca.eps makefile
2 rm -f gostyle.bbl
3 latex gostyle && bibtex gostyle && latex gostyle && latex gostyle
5 gostyle.pdf: gostyle.dvi
6 dvipdf gostyle.dvi gostyle.pdf
8 gostyle.ps: gostyle.dvi
9 dvips gostyle.dvi
11 patcountdist.eps: patcountdist.data
12 echo 'set term postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica" 18 size 3.5,2.5; set lmargin 7; set xlabel "pattern id"; set output "'$@'"; set log y; set xtics 1 125; plot "'$<'" notitle pointtype 2' | gnuplot
14 strength-pca.eps: strength-pca.data
15 echo 'set term postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica" 18 size 7,2; set output "'$@'"; set xtics -4 2; set xlabel "rank (-d, +k)" ; set ylabel "first dim." ; plot "'$<'" using 2:3 notitle pointtype 2' | gnuplot
17 style-pca.eps: style-pca.data
18 echo 'set term postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica" 16 size 2.5,6; set output "'$@'"; set rmargin 10; set xtics ("0.45" 1, "0.19" 2, "0.046" 3); set xlabel "dim. weights"; plot "'$<'" using 2:3:1 notitle with labels font "Arial,10" left offset 0.5,0.5 nopoint' | gnuplot
20 clean:
21 rm -f gostyle.pdf gostyle.dvi gostyle.bbl gostyle.aux gostyle.log gostyle.blg strength-pca.eps
23 dvi: gostyle.dvi
24 pdf: gostyle.pdf
25 ps: gostyle.ps
26 all: dvi pdf ps
27 show: dvi
28 xdvi -watchfile 0.5 gostyle.dvi &
29 showpdf: pdf
30 okular gostyle.pdf 2>/dev/null &
31 showps: ps
32 gv gostyle.ps &