taskd.pl: allow syslog facility to be specified
[girocco.git] / taskd / taskd.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # taskd - Clone repositories on request
5 # taskd is Girocco mirroring servant; it processes requests for clones
6 # of given URLs received over its socket.
8 # When a request is received, new process is spawned that sets up
9 # the repository and reports further progress
10 # to .clonelog within the repository. In case the clone fails,
11 # .clone_failed is touched and .clone_in_progress is removed.
13 # Clone protocol:
14 # Alice sets up repository and touches .cloning
15 # Alice opens connection to Bob
16 # Alice sends project name through the connection
17 # Bob opens the repository and sends error code if there is a problem
18 # Bob closes connection
19 # Alice polls .clonelog in case of success.
20 # If Alice reads "@OVER@" from .clonelog, it stops polling.
22 # Ref-change protocol:
23 # Alice opens connection to Bob
24 # Alice sends ref-change command for each changed ref
25 # Alice closes connection
26 # Bob sends out notifications
28 # Based on perlipc example.
30 use strict;
31 use warnings;
33 use Getopt::Long;
34 use Pod::Usage;
35 use Socket;
36 use Errno;
37 use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
38 use File::Basename;
40 use lib dirname($0);
41 use Girocco::Config;
42 use Girocco::Notify;
43 use Girocco::Project;
44 use Girocco::User;
45 use Girocco::Util qw(noFatalsToBrowser);
46 BEGIN {noFatalsToBrowser}
48 # Options
49 my $quiet;
50 my $progress;
51 my $syslog;
52 my $stderr;
53 my $inetd;
54 my $idle_timeout;
55 my $abbrev = 8;
57 $| = 1;
59 my $progname = basename($0);
60 my $children = 0;
61 my $idlestart = time;
63 sub logmsg { print '['.(scalar localtime)."] $progname $$: @_\n" }
64 sub statmsg { print STDERR "[@{[scalar localtime]}] $progname $$: @_\n" if $progress }
66 sub REAPER {
67 local $!;
68 my $child;
69 my $waitedpid;
70 while (($waitedpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) {
71 $idlestart = time if !--$children;
72 logmsg "reaped $waitedpid" . ($? ? " with exit $?" : '');
74 $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # loathe sysV
77 $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # Apollo 440
79 sub spawn {
80 my $coderef = shift;
82 my $pid = fork;
83 if (not defined $pid) {
84 logmsg "cannot fork: $!";
85 return;
86 } elsif ($pid) {
87 $idlestart = time if !++$children;
88 logmsg "begat $pid";
89 return; # I'm the parent
94 local *STDIN;
95 open STDIN, "+<&Client" or die "can't dup client to stdin";
96 exit &$coderef();
99 sub clone {
100 my ($name) = @_;
101 Girocco::Project::does_exist($name, 1) or die "no such project: $name";
102 my $proj = Girocco::Project->load($name);
103 $proj or die "failed to load project $name";
104 $proj->{clone_in_progress} or die "project $name is not marked for cloning";
105 $proj->{clone_logged} and die "project $name is already being cloned";
106 statmsg "cloning $name";
107 open STDOUT, '>', "$Girocco::Config::reporoot/$name.git/.clonelog" or die "cannot open clonelog: $!";
108 open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
109 open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null';
110 exec "$Girocco::Config::basedir/taskd/clone.sh", "$name.git" or die "exec failed: $!";
113 sub ref_change {
114 my ($arg) = @_;
115 my ($username, $name, $oldrev, $newrev, $ref) = split(/\s+/, $arg);
116 $username && $name && $oldrev && $newrev && $ref or return 0;
117 $oldrev =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ && $newrev =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ && $ref =~ m{^refs/} or return 0;
118 $newrev ne $oldrev or return 0;
120 Girocco::Project::does_exist($name, 1) or die "no such project: $name";
121 my $proj = Girocco::Project->load($name);
122 $proj or die "failed to load project $name";
124 my $user;
125 if ($username && $username !~ /^%.*%$/) {
126 Girocco::User::does_exist($username, 1) or die "no such user: $username";
127 $user = Girocco::User->load($username);
128 $user or die "failed to load user $username";
131 statmsg "ref-change $username $name ($ref: @{[substr($oldrev,0,$abbrev)]} -> @{[substr($newrev,0,$abbrev)]})";
132 open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null';
133 Girocco::Notify::ref_change($proj, $user, $ref, $oldrev, $newrev);
134 return 0;
138 ## -------
139 ## OStream
140 ## -------
143 package OStream;
145 use Carp 'croak';
146 use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT :macros);
148 sub writeall {
149 use POSIX qw();
150 use Errno;
151 my ($fd, $data) = @_;
152 my $offset = 0;
153 my $remaining = length($data);
154 while ($remaining) {
155 my $bytes = POSIX::write(
156 $fd,
157 substr($data, $offset, $remaining),
158 $remaining);
159 next if !defined($bytes) && $!{EINTR};
160 croak "POSIX::write failed: $!" unless defined $bytes;
161 croak "POSIX::write wrote 0 bytes" unless $bytes;
162 $remaining -= $bytes;
163 $offset += $bytes;
167 sub dumpline {
169 my ($self, $line) = @_;
170 writeall(STDERR_FILENO, $line) if $self->{'stderr'};
171 substr($line, -1, 1) = '' if substr($line, -1, 1) eq "\n";
172 return unless length($line);
173 syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s", $line) if $self->{'syslog'};
176 sub TIEHANDLE {
177 my $class = shift || 'OStream';
178 my $mode = shift;
179 my $syslogname = shift;
180 my $syslogfacility = shift;
181 defined($syslogfacility) or $syslogfacility = LOG_USER;
182 my $self = {};
183 $self->{'syslog'} = $mode > 0;
184 $self->{'stderr'} = $mode <= 0 || $mode > 1;
185 $self->{'lastline'} = '';
186 if ($self->{'syslog'}) {
187 # Some Sys::Syslog have a stupid default setlogsock order
188 eval {Sys::Syslog::setlogsock("native"); 1;} or
189 eval {Sys::Syslog::setlogsock("unix");};
190 openlog($syslogname, "ndelay,pid", $syslogfacility)
191 or croak "Sys::Syslog::openlog failed: $!";
193 return bless $self, $class;
196 sub BINMODE {return 1}
197 sub FILENO {return undef}
198 sub EOF {return 0}
199 sub CLOSE {return 1}
201 sub PRINTF {
202 my $self = shift;
203 my $template = shift;
204 return $self->PRINT(sprintf $template, @_);
207 sub PRINT {
208 my $self = shift;
209 my $data = join('', $self->{'lastline'}, @_);
210 my $pos = 0;
211 while ((my $idx = index($data, "\n", $pos)) >= 0) {
212 ++$idx;
213 my $line = substr($data, $pos, $idx - $pos);
214 substr($data, $pos, $idx - $pos) = '';
215 $pos = $idx;
216 $self->dumpline($line);
218 $self->{'lastline'} = $data;
219 return 1;
222 sub DESTROY {
223 my $self = shift;
224 $self->dumpline($self->{'lastline'})
225 if length($self->{'lastline'});
226 closelog;
229 sub WRITE {
230 my $self = shift;
231 my ($scalar, $length, $offset) = @_;
232 $scalar = '' if !defined($scalar);
233 $length = length($scalar) if !defined($length);
234 croak "OStream::WRITE invalid length $length"
235 if $length < 0;
236 $offset = 0 if !defined($offset);
237 $offset += length($scalar) if $offset < 0;
238 croak "OStream::WRITE invalid write offset"
239 if $offset < 0 || $offset > $length;
240 my $max = length($scalar) - $offset;
241 $length = $max if $length > $max;
242 $self->PRINT(substr($scalar, $offset, $length));
243 return $length;
247 ## ----
248 ## main
249 ## ----
252 package main;
254 my $sfac;
255 Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling');
256 my $parse_res = GetOptions(
257 'help|?|h' => sub {pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitval => 0)},
258 'quiet|q' => \$quiet,
259 'no-quiet' => sub {$quiet = 0},
260 'progress|P' => \$progress,
261 'inetd|i' => sub {$inetd = 1; $syslog = 1; $quiet = 1;},
262 'idle-timeout|t=i' => \$idle_timeout,
263 'syslog|s:s' => \$sfac,
264 'no-syslog' => sub {$syslog = 0; $sfac = undef;},
265 'stderr' => \$stderr,
266 'abbrev=i' => \$abbrev,
267 ) || pod2usage(2);
268 $syslog = 1 if defined($sfac);
269 $progress = 1 unless $quiet;
270 $abbrev = 128 unless $abbrev > 0;
271 if (defined($idle_timeout)) {
272 die "--idle-timeout must be a whole number" unless $idle_timeout =~ /^\d+$/;
273 die "--idle-timeout may not be used without --inetd" unless $inetd;
276 if ($syslog) {
277 use Sys::Syslog qw();
278 my $mode = 1;
279 ++$mode if $stderr;
280 $sfac = "user" unless defined($sfac) && $sfac ne "";
281 my $ofac = $sfac;
282 $sfac = uc($sfac);
283 $sfac = 'LOG_'.$sfac unless $sfac =~ /^LOG_/;
284 my $facility;
285 my %badfac = map({("LOG_$_" => 1)}
287 eval "\$facility = Sys::Syslog::$sfac; 1" or die "invalid syslog facility: $ofac";
288 die "invalid syslog facility: $ofac"
289 if ($facility & ~0xf8) || ($facility >> 3) > 23 || $badfac{$sfac};
290 tie *STDERR, 'OStream', $mode, $progname, $facility or die "tie failed";
292 if ($quiet) {
293 open STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null';
294 } elsif ($inetd) {
298 my $NAME;
300 if ($inetd) {
301 open Server, '<&=0' or die "open: $!";
302 my $sockname = getsockname Server;
303 die "getsockname: $!" unless $sockname;
304 die "socket already connected! must be 'wait' socket" if getpeername Server;
305 die "getpeername: $!" unless $!{ENOTCONN};
306 my $st = getsockopt Server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE;
307 die "getsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE): $!" unless $st;
308 my $socktype = unpack('i', $st);
309 die "stream socket required" unless defined $socktype && $socktype == SOCK_STREAM;
310 die "AF_UNIX socket required" unless sockaddr_family($sockname) == AF_UNIX;
311 $NAME = unpack_sockaddr_un $sockname;
312 my $expected = $Girocco::Config::chroot.'/etc/taskd.socket';
313 warn "listening on \"$NAME\" but expected \"$expected\"" unless $NAME eq $expected;
314 my $mode = (stat($NAME))[2];
315 die "stat: $!" unless $mode;
316 $mode &= 07777;
317 if (($mode & 0660) != 0660) {
318 chmod(($mode|0660), $NAME) == 1 or die "chmod ug+rw \"$NAME\": $!";
320 } else {
321 $NAME = $Girocco::Config::chroot.'/etc/taskd.socket';
322 my $uaddr = sockaddr_un($NAME);
324 socket(Server, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!";
325 unlink($NAME);
326 bind(Server, $uaddr) or die "bind: $!";
327 listen(Server, SOMAXCONN) or die "listen: $!";
328 chmod 0666, $NAME or die "chmod: $!";
331 my $fdset = '';
332 vec($fdset, fileno(Server), 1) = 1;
333 my $nextstatus = time + 60;
334 statmsg "listening on $NAME";
335 while (1) {
336 my ($rout, $eout, $nfound);
337 do {
338 my $wait;
339 $nextstatus += 60 while ($wait = $nextstatus - time) <= 0;
340 $nfound = select($rout=$fdset, undef, $eout=$fdset, $wait);
341 logmsg "select failed: $!" unless $nfound >= 0 || $!{EINTR};
342 my $now = time;
343 if ($idle_timeout && !$children && !$nfound && $now - $idlestart >= $idle_timeout) {
344 statmsg "idle timeout $idle_timeout exceeded now exiting";
345 exit 0;
347 if ($now >= $nextstatus) {
348 my $statmsg = "STATUS: $children active";
349 my $idlesecs;
350 $statmsg .= ", idle $idlesecs seconds"
351 if !$children && ($idlesecs = $now - $idlestart) >= 2;
352 statmsg $statmsg;
354 } while $nfound < 1;
355 unless (accept(Client, Server)) {
356 logmsg "accept failed: $!" unless $!{EINTR};
357 next;
359 logmsg "connection on $NAME";
360 spawn sub {
361 my $inp = <STDIN>;
362 chomp $inp if defined($inp);
363 $inp or exit 0; # ignore empty connects
364 my ($cmd, $arg) = $inp =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s+(.*)$/;
365 if ($cmd eq 'clone') {
366 clone($arg);
367 } elsif ($cmd eq 'ref-change') {
368 ref_change($arg);
369 } else {
370 die "unknown command: $cmd";
373 close Client;
374 sleep 1;
378 ## -------------
379 ## Documentation
380 ## -------------
383 __END__
385 =head1 NAME
387 taskd.pl - Perform Girocco service tasks
389 =head1 SYNOPSIS
391 taskd.pl [options]
393 Options:
394 -h | --help detailed instructions
395 -q | --quiet run quietly
396 --no-quiet do not run quietly
397 -P | --progress show occasional status updates
398 -i | --inetd run as inetd unix stream wait service
399 implies --quiet --syslog
400 -t SECONDS | --idle-timeout=SECONDS how long to wait idle before exiting
401 requires --inetd
402 -s | --syslog[=facility] send messages to syslog instead of
403 stderr but see --stderr
404 enabled by --inetd
405 --no-syslog do not send message to syslog
406 --stderr always send messages to stderr too
407 --abbrev=n abbreviate hashes to n (default is 8)
409 =head1 OPTIONS
411 =over 8
413 =item B<--help>
415 Print the full description of taskd.pl's options.
417 =item B<--quiet>
419 Suppress non-error messages, e.g. for use when running this task as an inetd
420 service. Enabled by default by --inetd.
422 =item B<--no-quiet>
424 Enable non-error messages. When running in --inetd mode these messages are
425 sent to STDERR instead of STDOUT.
427 =item B<--progress>
429 Show information about the current status of the task operation occasionally.
430 This is automatically enabled if --quiet is not given.
432 =item B<--inetd>
434 Run as an inetd wait service. File descriptor 0 must be an unconnected unix
435 stream socket ready to have accept called on it. To be useful, the unix socket
436 should be located at "$Girocco::Config::chroot/etc/taskd.socket". A warning
437 will be issued if the socket is not in the expected location. Socket file
438 permissions will be adjusted if necessary and if they cannot be taskd.pl will
439 die. The --inetd option also enables the --quiet and --syslog options but
440 --no-quiet and --no-syslog may be used to alter that.
442 The correct specification for the inetd socket is a "unix" protocol "stream"
443 socket in "wait" mode with user and group writable permissions (0660). An
444 attempt will be made to alter the socket's file mode if needed and if that
445 cannot be accomplished taskd.pl will die.
447 Although most inetd stream services run in nowait mode, taskd.pl MUST be run
448 in wait mode and will die if the passed in socket is already connected.
450 Note that while *BSD's inetd happily supports unix sockets (and so does
451 Darwin's launchd), neither xinetd nor GNU's inetd supports unix sockets.
452 However, systemd does seem to.
454 =item B<--idle-timeout=SECONDS>
456 Only permitted when running in --inetd mode. After SECONDS of inactivity
457 (i.e. all outstanding tasks have completed and no new requests have come in)
458 exit normally. The default is no timeout at all (a SECONDS value of 0).
459 Note that it may actually take up to SECONDS+60 for the idle exit to occur.
461 =item B<--syslog[=facility]>
463 Normally error output is sent to STDERR. With this option it's sent to
464 syslog instead. Note that when running in --inetd mode non-error output is
465 also affected by this option as it's sent to STDERR in that case. If
466 not specified, the default for facility is LOG_USER. Facility names are
467 case-insensitive and the leading 'LOG_' is optional. Messages are logged
468 with the LOG_NOTICE priority.
470 =item B<--no-syslog>
472 Send error message output to STDERR but not syslog.
474 =item B<--stderr>
476 Always send error message output to STDERR. If --syslog is in effect then
477 a copy will also be sent to syslog. In --inetd mode this applies to non-error
478 messages as well.
480 =item B<--abbrev=n>
482 Abbreviate displayed hash values to only the first n hexadecimal characters.
483 The default is 8 characters. Set to 0 for no abbreviation at all.
485 =back
487 =head1 DESCRIPTION
489 taskd.pl is Girocco's service request servant; it listens for service requests
490 such as new clone requests and ref update notifications and spawns a task to
491 perform the requested action.
493 =cut