Moved page turning code to other function. Settings page stub.
[generic-block-game.git] /
1 /'
2 This file is part of Generic Block Game
4 Generic Block Game is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 (at your option) any later version.
9 Generic Block Game is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 GNU General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 along with this program. If not, see <>.
18 Type button
19 text As String * 64
20 As Byte row, column, border
21 As UShort x, y, w, h
22 keypress As String * 2
23 End Type
26 Type buttonset
27 As button n(6)
28 End Type
31 Function isin(xx As Short,yy As Short,x As Short,y As Short,w As UShort=50,h As UShort=50) As Byte
32 Dim in As Byte = True
33 in=in And xx>=x And xx<=x+w
34 in=in And yy>=y And yy<=y+h
35 Return in
36 End Function
40 Function readtitle(filename As String) As String
41 Dim As String l, result
42 Open filename For Input As #1
43 If Err>0 Then Print "Error opening the file":End
45 Line Input #1,l
46 Select Case l
47 Case "Title {"
48 Line Input #1,result
49 End Select
50 Loop Until Eof(1)
51 Close #1
52 Return result
53 End Function
56 Function drawbutton(text As String, keypress As String = "", row As Byte, column As Byte = -1, border As Byte = True, filled As Byte = False) As button
57 'Draws a button. If column (0 to 4) is present, draws a smaller button in that column
58 Const MAXW = 299, H = 40, MARGIN = 10, PL = 20, FH = 8, FW = 8
59 Dim as Short w = MAXW, ox = 0
60 If column >= 0 Then
61 w = MAXW / 4 - MARGIN * 0.75
62 ox = (w + MARGIN) * column
63 End If
64 If filled Then
65 Line (ox, H*row + MARGIN*row)-(ox + w, H*row+MARGIN*row+H), RGB(0,0,127), bf
66 Else
67 Line (ox, H*row + MARGIN*row)-(ox + w, H*row+MARGIN*row+H), RGB(11,11,11), bf
68 End If
69 If border Then Line (ox, H*row + MARGIN*row)-(ox + w, H*row+MARGIN*row+H), RGB(127,127,127), b
70 If (Not border) Or (column >= 0) Then
71 Draw String (ox + w/2-Len(text)*FW/2, H*row+MARGIN*row + H/2-FH/2), text
72 Else
73 Draw String (ox + PL, H*row+MARGIN*row + H/2-FH/2), text
74 End If
75 Return Type(text, row, column, border, ox, H*row + MARGIN*row, w, H, keypress)
76 End Function
79 Function menumouse(buttons() As button) As String
80 Dim e As EVENT
81 Dim As Integer mousex, mousey, pressed
83 If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
84 Select Case e.type
86 pressed = e.button=1
87 If e.button=2 Then Return Chr(27)
88 If pressed Then
89 GetMouse(mousex,mousey)
90 Dim a as UByte
91 For a = 0 to UBound(buttons)
92 If isin(mousex,mousey,buttons(a).x, buttons(a).y,buttons(a).w,buttons(a).h) Then Return buttons(a).keypress
93 Next
94 End If
96 pressed = 0
98 If (pressed) Then
99 ScreenControl GET_WINDOW_POS, mousex, mousey
100 ScreenControl SET_WINDOW_POS, mousex + e.dx, mousey + e.dy
101 End If
102 End Select
103 End If
104 End Function
107 Function drawmenu(title As String, options() As String, page As UByte Pointer) As String
108 'Draws a menu with 4 options from options array
109 Dim keypress As String
110 Dim buttons(6) As button
111 Dim newpage As Short = *page
112 Dim maxpage As UByte = (UBound(options)) \ 4 + 1
114 resizewindow(300, 300, title) 'resize or cls
115 drawbutton(title,,0,,False)
117 'write out 4 options
118 Dim As Byte row = 1, fn = *page * 4
119 Do While row <= 4 And fn <= UBound(options)
120 buttons(row) = drawbutton(row & ". " + options(fn), Str(row), row)
121 row += 1 : fn += 1
122 Loop
124 buttons(5) = drawbutton("prev", "p", 5, 0)
125 buttons(6) = drawbutton("next", "n", 5, 1)
126 drawbutton(*page + 1 & "/" & maxpage, , 5, 2, False)
127 buttons(0) = drawbutton("exit", "x", 5, 3)
128 'wait for key or click
130 *page = newpage
131 keypress = InKey
132 If keypress = "" Then keypress = menumouse(buttons())
133 Loop Until keypress <> ""
134 'prev/next page
135 If keypress=Chr(255)+"P" Or keypress=Chr(255)+"M" Or keypress="n" Then 'down or right or n
136 newpage = (*page + 1) Mod maxpage
137 ElseIf keypress=Chr(255)+"H" Or keypress=Chr(255)+"K" Or keypress="p" Then 'up or left or p
138 newpage = (*page - 1 + maxpage) Mod maxpage
139 Else
140 newpage = -1
141 End If
142 Loop While newpage <> -1
143 Return keypress
144 End Function
147 Sub opensettings()
148 Dim title As String = "Settings"
149 Dim options(2) As String = {"aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc"}
150 Dim page As UByte = 0
151 keypress = drawmenu(title, options(), @page)
152 End Sub
155 Function openloader(directory As String) As String
156 Dim title As String = "Load Variation"
157 Dim page As UByte = 0
158 'store all filenames
159 ReDim filenames (0) As String
160 filenames(0) = Dir(directory + "/*")
161 Do While Len(filenames(UBound(filenames)))
162 ReDim Preserve filenames(UBound(filenames) + 1)
163 filenames(UBound(filenames)) = Dir()
164 Loop
165 ReDim Preserve filenames(UBound(filenames) - 1) 'last one was empty
166 'extract titles
167 Dim titles(UBound(filenames)) As String
168 Dim As Byte row = 1, fn = 0
169 Do While Len(filenames(fn))
170 titles(fn) = readtitle(directory + "/" + filenames(fn))
171 fn += 1
172 Loop
173 'draw menu and get key (or click)
174 Dim As String keypress = drawmenu(title, titles(), @page)
175 'run a variation (if any)
176 If Val(keypress) >= 1 And Val(keypress) <= 4 And Len(filenames(Val(keypress) + page*4 - 1)) Then Return directory + "/" + filenames(Val(keypress) + page*4 - 1)
177 End Function
180 Sub openhelp()
181 resizewindow(300,300, "Help")
183 Color RGB(127,127,127)
184 Print "Generic Block Game"
185 Print
186 Print "This game is free software (GPL3+)."
187 Print "See fbc.bas for source and details."
188 Print
189 Print
190 Color RGB(255,255,255)
191 If gravity Then
192 Print "Use left and right arrows to move,"
193 Print "Up arrow or space to rotate"
194 Print "Down arrow to lower, Enter to drop."
195 Else
196 Print "Use arrows to move,"
197 Print "Space to rotate, Enter to fix."
198 End If
199 Print
200 Print
201 Color RGB(127,127,127)
202 Print "Help for " + game.title
203 Color RGB(255,255,255)
204 Print
206 Dim As UByte a
207 For a = 0 To UBound(help)
208 Print help(a)
209 Next a
211 Dim e As EVENT
213 keypress=InKey
214 ScreenEvent(@e)
215 Loop Until keypress <> "" Or e.type = EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESS
217 loadTiles(0)
218 drawplayfield()
219 End Sub
222 Sub openmenu()
223 Dim As Integer w,h
224 ScreenInfo(w,h)
226 Dim e As EVENT
227 Dim As Integer x, y, pressed
229 Dim menuimg As Any Ptr
230 resizewindow(150,150, "Menu")
231 menuimg = ImageCreate(150,150)
232 BLoad GFXPATH+"/menu.bmp", menuimg
233 Put(0,0),menuimg,PSet
235 keypress=InKey
237 If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
238 Select Case e.type
240 pressed = e.button=1
241 If e.button>=2 Then Exit Do
242 If pressed Then
243 GetMouse(x,y)
244 If isin(x,y,0,0) Then 'help
245 keypress = Chr(255)+";" 'F1
246 ElseIf isin(x,y,100,0) Then 'quit
247 keypress = Chr(27) 'Esc
248 ElseIf isin(x,y,50,50) Then 'tiles
249 keypress = "t"
250 ElseIf isin(x,y,0,50) Then 'speed
251 keypress = "+"
252 ElseIf isin(x,y,100,50) Then 'score
253 keypress = "s"
254 ElseIf isin(x,y,50,0) Then 'restart
255 keypress = Chr(255)+"<" 'F2
256 ElseIf isin(x,y,0,100) Then 'load
257 keypress = "l"
258 End If
259 End If
261 pressed = 0
263 If (pressed) Then
264 ScreenControl GET_WINDOW_POS, x, y
265 ScreenControl SET_WINDOW_POS, x + e.dx, y + e.dy
266 End If
268 keypress = Chr(27)
269 End Select
270 End If
272 Select Case keypress
273 Case "t"
274 loadTiles(1)
275 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
276 Exit Sub
277 Case "+"
278 speed=speed/1.5
279 Exit Do
280 Case "s"
281 togglescore()
282 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
283 Exit Sub
284 Case Chr(255)+";" 'F1
285 openhelp()
286 Exit Sub
287 Case Chr(255)+"<" 'F2
288 gameRestart()
289 Exit Do
290 Case "l"
291 If loadgame(openloader(VARPATH)) Then
292 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
293 Exit Sub 'Don't restore window size
294 End If
295 Case Chr(27)
296 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
297 quit()
298 End Select
300 Loop Until keypress <> ""
301 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
303 resizewindow(w,h)
304 drawplayfield()
305 End Sub