not sure how long ago i made some of these changes... the sleep
[ess.git] / doc / techrep / ess.bib
1 @InProceedings{heiberger:dsc:2001,
2 author = {Richard M. Heiberger},
3 title = {Emacs Speaks Statistics: One Interface --- Many Programs},
4 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
5 Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2001)},
6 OPTcrossref = {},
7 OPTkey = {},
8 OPTpages = {},
9 year = {2001},
10 editor = {Kurt Hornik and Friedrich Leisch},
11 OPTvolume = {},
12 OPTnumber = {},
13 OPTseries = {},
14 OPTaddress = {},
15 OPTmonth = {},
16 organization = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Wien, Vienna, Austria},
17 OPTpublisher = {},
18 note = {\url{},
19 ISSN 1609-395X},
20 OPTannote = {}
23 @InProceedings{rossini:dsc:2001,
24 author = {A.J. Rossini},
25 title = {Literate Statistical Practice},
26 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
27 Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2001)},
28 OPTcrossref = {},
29 OPTkey = {},
30 OPTpages = {},
31 year = {2001},
32 editor = {Kurt Hornik and Friedrich Leisch},
33 OPTvolume = {},
34 OPTnumber = {},
35 OPTseries = {},
36 OPTaddress = {},
37 OPTmonth = {},
38 organization = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Wien, Vienna, Austria},
39 OPTpublisher = {},
40 note = {\url{},
41 ISSN 1609-395X},
42 OPTannote = {}
45 @article{vell:prat:1989,
46 Author = {Velleman, Paul F. and Pratt, Paul},
47 Title = {A Graphical Interface for Data Analysis},
48 Year = 1989,
49 Journal = {Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation},
50 Volume = 32,
51 Pages = {223--228},
52 Keywords = {Exploratory data analysis}
55 %% --- WinBUGS ---
57 @TechReport{SpieThomBest:1999,
58 author = {D.J. Spiegelhalter and A. Thomas and N.G. Best},
59 title = {WinBUGS Version 1.2 User Manual},
60 institution = {MRC Biostatistics Unit},
61 year = {1999},
62 OPTkey = {},
63 OPTtype = {},
64 OPTnumber = {},
65 OPTaddress = {},
66 OPTmonth = {},
67 OPTnote = {},
68 annote = {WinBUGS cite.}
71 %%--- Emacs books : --------
73 @Book{RMS:2000,
74 author = {Richard M. Stallman},
75 ALTeditor = {},
76 title = {GNU Emacs Manual, for Version 20.7},
77 publisher = {Free Software Foundation},
78 year = {2000},
79 OPTkey = {},
80 OPTvolume = {},
81 OPTnumber = {},
82 OPTseries = {},
83 OPTaddress = {},
84 edition = {13th},
85 OPTmonth = {},
86 OPTnote = {},
87 annote = {ISBN: 1-882114-07-8}
91 %%--- Lisp books : --------
93 @Book{RChassell1999,
94 author = {Robert Chassell},
95 ALTeditor = {},
96 title = {Programming in Emacs Lisp: An Introduction},
97 publisher = {Free Software Foundation},
98 year = {1999},
99 OPTkey = {},
100 OPTvolume = {},
101 OPTnumber = {},
102 OPTseries = {},
103 OPTaddress = {},
104 edition = {2nd},
105 OPTmonth = {},
106 OPTnote = {},
107 annote = {ISBN: 1-882114-42-6}
111 @Book{PGraham:1996,
112 author = {Paul Graham},
113 ALTeditor = {},
114 title = {ANSI Common Lisp},
115 publisher = {Prentice Hall},
116 year = {1996},
117 OPTkey = {},
118 OPTvolume = {},
119 OPTnumber = {},
120 OPTseries = {},
121 OPTaddress = {},
122 OPTedition = {},
123 OPTmonth = {},
124 OPTnote = {},
125 annote = {Great Lisp book for learning}
130 %%--- The 3 S books : --------
132 @Book{BecRCW88,
133 author = {Richard A. Becker and John M. Chambers and Allan R. Wilks},
134 title = {The S Language; A Programming Environment for Data
135 Analysis and Graphics},
136 publisher = {Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole},
137 address = {Pacific Grove},
138 year = 1988
141 @Book{ChaJH92,
142 author = {John M. Chambers and Trevor J. Hastie},
143 title = {Statistical Models in S},
144 publisher = {Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole},
145 year = 1992
148 @Book{ChaJ98,
149 author = {John M. Chambers},
150 title = {Programming with Data; A Guide to the S Language},
151 publisher = {Springer-Verlag, New York},
152 year = 1998
155 %%--------- Other books : ----------------
157 @book{Tier90,
158 author = "Tierney, Luke",
159 title = "Lisp-Stat: An Object-Oriented Environment for Statistical
160 Computing and Dynamic Graphics",
161 publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons",
162 year = 1990,
163 address = "New York"
168 @Book{Cook:Weisberg:1999,
169 author = {R. Dennis Cook and Sanford Weisberg},
170 ALTeditor = {},
171 title = {Applied Regression Including Computing and Graphics},
172 publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
173 year = {1999},
174 OPTkey = {},
175 OPTvolume = {},
176 OPTnumber = {},
177 OPTseries = {},
178 OPTaddress = {},
179 OPTedition = {1},
180 month = {August},
181 OPTnote = {},
182 OPTannote = {ISBN 0-471-31711-X}
185 %% Literate Programming and Tools
187 @Book{Knuth:1992,
188 author = {Donald E. Knuth},
189 ALTeditor = {},
190 title = {Literate Programming},
191 publisher = {Center for the Study of Language and Information},
192 year = {1992},
193 OPTkey = {},
194 OPTvolume = {},
195 number = {27},
196 series = {CSLI Lecture Notes},
197 OPTaddress = {},
198 OPTedition = {},
199 OPTmonth = {},
200 OPTnote = {},
201 OPTannote = {Primary citation for literate programming}
204 @Article{NRamsey:1994,
205 author = {Norman Ramsey},
206 title = {Literate programming simplified},
207 journal = {IEEE Software},
208 year = {1994},
209 OPTkey = {},
210 volume = {11},
211 number = {5},
212 pages = {97--105},
213 month = {September},
214 OPTnote = {},
215 OPTannote = {Primary Noweb citation}
218 %%-------------- Web Citations -------------
221 %%-------------- Articles, Reports ---------------
223 @article{youn:lubi:1995,
224 Author = {Young, Forrest W. and Lubinsky, David J.},
225 Title = {Guiding Data Analysts With Visual Statistical
226 Strategies (Disc: P251--260)},
227 Year = 1995,
228 Journal = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
229 Volume = 4,
230 Pages = {229--250},
231 Keywords = {Graphics; Software; [Artificial intelligence];
232 [Cognitive science]; [Hypertext]; [Lisp-Stat];
233 [Program visualization]; [Statistical system
234 design]; [ViSta]; [Visual programming]}
237 @inproceedings{youn:fald:mcfa:1992,
238 Author = {Young, Forrest W. and Faldowski, Richard A. and
239 McFarlane, Mary M.},
240 Title = {ViSta: {A} Visual Statistics Research and
241 Development Testbed},
242 Year = 1992,
243 Booktitle = {Computing Science and Statistics. Proceedings of the
244 24rd Symposium on the Interface},
245 Publisher = {Interface Foundation of North America (Fairfax
246 Station, VA)},
247 Pages = {224--233},
248 Keywords = {Graphics; Software}
251 @article{ihak:gent:1996,
252 Author = {Ihaka, Ross and Gentleman, Robert},
253 Title = {R: {A} Language for Data Analysis and Graphics},
254 Year = 1996,
255 Journal = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
256 Volume = 5,
257 Pages = {299--314},
258 Keywords = {Computer language; Statistical computing}
262 @TechReport{ross:lunt:2001,
263 author = {Rossini, A.J. and Lunt, Mark},
264 title = {Literate Statistical Analysis},
265 institution = {University of Washington, Biostatistics},
266 year = 2001
269 %% --- Omegahat
271 @Article{DTLang:2000,
272 author = {Duncan {Temple Lang}},
273 title = {The Omegahat Environment: New Possibilities for Statistical Computing},
274 journal = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
275 year = {2000},
276 OPTkey = {},
277 volume = {9},
278 number = {3},
279 OPTpages = {},
280 month = {September},
281 OPTnote = {},
282 annote = {primary citation for Omegahat}
285 %% --- Stata
287 %% StataCorp. 1999. Stata Statistical Software: Release 6.0. College
288 %% Station, TX: Stata Corporation.
290 @Misc{Stata:6.0,
291 OPTkey = {},
292 author = {StataCorp},
293 title = {Stata Statistical Software: Release 6.0},
294 OPThowpublished = {},
295 OPTmonth = {},
296 year = {1999},
297 note = {College Station, TX: Stata Corporation},
298 OPTannote = {primary citation for Stata}
301 %% --- SAS
303 @Misc{SAS:8.0,
304 OPTkey = {},
305 author = {{SAS Institute}},
306 title = {{SAS} Statistical Software: Release 8.0},
307 OPThowpublished = {},
308 OPTmonth = {},
309 year = {2000},
310 note = {Cary, NC: SAS Institute},
311 OPTannote = {primary citation for SAS}
314 %% --- S-PLUS
316 @Misc{Splus,
317 OPTkey = {},
318 author = {{Insightful Corp.}},
319 title = {S-PLUS Statistical Software: Release 6.0},
320 OPThowpublished = {},
321 OPTmonth = {},
322 year = {2001},
323 note = {Seattle, WA: MathSoft},
324 OPTannote = {primary citation for S-PLUS}
327 %% --- ESS
329 @Misc{ESS,
330 OPTkey = {},
331 author = {A.J. Rossini and Martin M{\"a}chler and Kurt
332 Hornik and Richard M. Heiberger and Rodney Sparapani},
333 title = {{ESS} (Emacs Speaks Statistics)},
334 OPThowpublished = {},
335 OPTmonth = {},
336 year = {2001},
337 note = {\url{}},
338 OPTannote = {primary Source for ESS}
341 @Misc{SASMODE,
342 OPTkey = {},
343 author = {Tom Cook},
344 title = {{SAS} mode for {Emacs}},
345 OPThowpublished = {},
346 OPTmonth = {},
347 year = {1995},
348 note = {\url{}},
349 OPTannote = {primary citation for SAS mode}