ESS[SAS]: somebody forgot about the SUM statement (probably me)
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32 <h2 class="chapter">1 General Information: README</h2>
34 <p><a name="index-README-1"></a>
35 This is the README file for the distribution of ESS version
37 <p>5.3.7
39 <p>ESS is a GNU Emacs and XEmacs mode for interactive statistical programming
40 and data analysis. Languages supported: the S family (S 3/4, S-PLUS
41 3/4/5/6/7, and R), SAS, XLispStat, Stata and BUGS. Installation help can
42 be found in sections for both Unix and Windows. ESS grew out of the desire
43 for bug fixes and extensions to S-mode and SAS-mode as well as a consistent
44 union of their features in one package.
46 <p>The current development team is led by Martin Maechler since August
47 2004. Former project leader A.J. (Tony) Rossini
48 (<a href=""></a>) did the initial port to
49 XEmacs and has been the primary coder. Martin Maechler
50 (<a href=""></a>) and Kurt Hornik
51 (<a href=""></a>) have assisted with S-PLUS, S4, R, and
52 XLispStat. Stephen Eglen (<a href=""></a>) has worked mostly
53 on R support. Richard M. Heiberger (<a href=""></a>) has
54 assisted with S-PLUS and S4 development for Windows. Richard and
55 Rodney A. Sparapani (<a href=""></a>) have done much of the work
56 implementing interactive SAS (i<acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym><!-- /@w -->) and batch SAS (<acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>) support.
58 <p>We are grateful to the previous developers of S-mode (Doug Bates, Ed Kademan,
59 Frank Ritter, David M. Smith), SAS-mode (Tom Cook) and Stata-mode (Thomas
60 Lumley).
61 <!-- The name is ESS. Not ESS-mode. -->
63 <ul class="menu">
64 <li><a accesskey="1" href="#License">License</a>
65 <li><a accesskey="2" href="#Starting-an-ESS-Process">Starting an ESS Process</a>
66 <li><a accesskey="3" href="#New-Features">New Features</a>
67 <li><a accesskey="4" href="#Current-Features">Current Features</a>
68 <li><a accesskey="5" href="#Stability">Stability</a>
69 <li><a accesskey="6" href="#Requirements">Requirements</a>
70 <li><a accesskey="7" href="#Latest-Version">Latest Version</a>
71 <li><a accesskey="8" href="#Installation">Installation</a>
72 <li><a accesskey="9" href="#Reporting-Bugs">Reporting Bugs</a>
73 <li><a href="#Mailing-Lists">Mailing Lists</a>
74 <li><a href="#Authors">Authors</a>
75 </ul>
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87 <h3 class="section">1.1 License</h3>
89 <p>ESS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
90 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
91 Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
92 version.
94 <p>ESS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
95 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
96 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
97 in the file COPYING in the same directory as this file for more
98 details.
100 <div class="node">
101 <p><hr>
102 <a name="Starting-up"></a>
103 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#New-Features">New Features</a>,
104 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#License">License</a>,
105 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
107 </div>
109 <h3 class="section">1.2 Starting an ESS process</h3>
111 <p>To start an S session on Unix or on Windows when you
112 use the Cygwin bash shell, simply type <kbd>M-x S RET</kbd>.
114 <p>To start an S session on Windows when you
115 use the MSDOS prompt shell, simply type <kbd>M-x S+6-msdos RET</kbd>.
117 <div class="node">
118 <p><hr>
119 <a name="New-Features"></a>
120 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Current-Features">Current Features</a>,
121 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Starting-up">Starting up</a>,
122 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
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127 <h3 class="section">1.3 New Features</h3>
129 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.7:
130 <ul>
131 <li><acronym>ESS</acronym>: <code>ess-default-style</code> now *is* customizable, i.e.,
132 changing its value in <samp><span class="file">~/.emacs</span></samp> now does have the desired effect.
133 <li><acronym>ESS</acronym>: <code>ess-font-lock-mode</code> is a new variable (default: t)
134 which controls whether font-locking is enabled in ESS buffers.
135 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: for XEmacs on Windows; another tweak to find R versions
136 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: font-locking updated for ODS and SAS Bayesian Procedures;
137 a more consistent handling of SAS options by
138 <code>ess-sas-submit-command-options</code> which is buffer-local; portable
139 snooze for MS Windows via customize-able <code>ess-sleep-for</code> (floats welcome)
140 </ul>
142 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.6:
143 <ul>
144 <li><acronym>ESS</acronym>: for XEmacs, using &ldquo;gnuclient&rdquo; (without a &ldquo;-q&rdquo;) works for
145 things like fix() after M-x gnuserv-start has been done.
146 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: M-x R-newest should now work in more situations on MS
147 Windows, e.g., when R has been installed in a non-default "ProgramFiles"
148 directory tree. In these cases, there's no need to specify the name (and
149 full path) of the R program anymore.
150 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: For XEmacs, startup (with new tooltip code) works again.
151 </ul>
153 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.5:
154 <ul>
155 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> a new defun is available, <kbd>M-x R-newest</kbd>, which will start
156 the newest version of R that it can find on your system.
157 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> add Sven Hartenstein's &ldquo;R function arguments tips&rdquo;
158 functionality, via new file <samp><span class="file">../lisp/essd-r-args.el</span></samp>.
159 Note that this includes an &ldquo;electric "("&rdquo; behavior inside <code>R-mode</code>
160 which is <em>active by default</em> and can be customized via
161 <code>ess-r-args-electric-paren</code>; i.e., use <code>(setq
162 ess-r-args-electric-paren nil)</code> to turn it off. Further,
163 <code>ess-r-args-show-as</code> allows to switch to the &ldquo;tooltip&rdquo; mode.
164 <li><acronym>ESS</acronym>: functions <code>ess-get-pdf-viewer</code> and *-ps-viewer; built on new
165 customizable variables <code>ess-pdf-viewer-pref</code> and
166 <code>ess-ps-viewer-pref</code>; currently used in <code>ess-swv-PDF</code> and
167 <code>*-PS</code>.
168 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> Improved <code>ess-swv-PDF</code> to run pdf viewer only if
169 pdflatex was ok
170 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> Improved <code>ess-swv-weave</code> to start R automatically if
171 none is running.
172 <li><acronym>ESS</acronym>: Do no longer ask <em>which</em> ESS process to use if there
173 is only one.
174 </ul>
176 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.4:
177 <ul>
178 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> now better work with options(error=recover); and the
179 new default of CHM help files on windows.
180 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> some more cleanup in the &ldquo;sweave&rdquo; functions
181 <li>miscellaneous fixes
182 </ul>
184 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.3:
185 <ul>
186 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> fix buglet (5.3.2 only) which left command prompt in
187 &ldquo;execute buffer&rdquo; and hence help files.
188 <li>new customizable variable <code>ess-display-buffer-reuse-frames</code>
189 set to true (which changes default behavior) such that execution or
190 help *frames* are reused.
191 </ul>
193 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.2:
194 <ul>
195 <li>Classic BUGS now supported by <code>(require 'essd-bugs)</code> with <acronym>ESS[BUGS]</acronym>
196 and JAGS by <code>(require 'essd-jags)</code> with <acronym>ESS[JAGS]</acronym>. But, only one
197 of them can be used at a time since they don't play nice together. Also,
198 <kbd>C-c C-c</kbd> is now bound to the function <code>ess-bugs-next-action</code>
199 (<kbd>F12</kbd> has been retired). And finally, note that <samp><span class="file">essl-bug.el</span></samp>
200 is deprecated and the replacement is <samp><span class="file">essl-bugs.el</span></samp>.
201 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> Improved some of the &ldquo;Sweave-make&rdquo;
202 functions (yet scarcely documented) in <samp><span class="file">ess-swv.el</span></samp>.
203 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> No longer mess with .Last.value (nor in other &ldquo;languages&rdquo;).
204 </ul>
206 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.1:
207 <ul>
208 <li>See the docs for 2 ways to install <acronym>ESS</acronym> for XEmacs
209 <ol type=1 start=1>
210 <li>by uncommenting the XEmacs part of
211 Section 1 of <samp><span class="file">Makeconf</span></samp> and performing <code>make install</code>
212 <li>by unpacking either
213 <samp><span class="file">ess-5.3.1.tgz</span></samp> or <samp><span class="file"></span></samp> into
214 <samp><span class="file">PREFIX/lib/xemacs/site-packages</span></samp> on unix or
215 <samp><span class="file">PREFIX\XEmacs\site-packages</span></samp> on windows
216 </ol>
217 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: fixed bugs so that Rterm.exe can be found by XEmacs
218 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: <kbd>ess-toggle-S-assign-key</kbd> is slightly changed; in
219 particular, the default <code>ess-assign-key</code> is now <kbd>C-x =</kbd>.
220 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: <kbd>M-x R-site-search</kbd> is a new (slightly experimental)
221 utility similar to R's <code>RSiteSearch(..)</code> but with the advantage of
222 using Emacs' preferred browser, see <code>browse-url-browser-function</code>
223 </ul>
225 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.3.0:
226 <ul>
227 <li><acronym>ESS[BUGS]</acronym>: sanely re-format statistical output, <samp><span class="file">.bog</span></samp>,
228 from scientific notation to numbers rounded with 4 decimal places
229 with <kbd>M-x ess-bugs-sci-round-to-4-dp</kbd>.
230 <li>The keys for navigating among section headings in help buffers
231 worked, but only for one language per session; they should now work for
232 multiple languages. (They were also broken on Windows machines.)
233 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> long standing buglets in the internal logic for loading
234 lisp code on Windows. Particularly fixed behavior in help mode with S-plus
235 GUI.
236 <li>New variable, <code>ess-use-inferior-program-name-in-buffer-name</code>,
237 which enables using the executable name instead of the dialect name for
238 R. Feature request.
239 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> <kbd>ess-execute-screen-options</kbd>
240 now also works correctly when there is more than one window *side-by-side*
241 in the same frame and runs in the correct buffer also when there is more
242 than one S buffer.
243 <li>i<acronym>ESS[S]</acronym><!-- /@w --> new functions <code>ess-eval-paragraph-and-step</code> and
244 <code>ess-eval-function-or-paragraph-and-step</code> are bound to keys
245 <kbd>C-c C-p</kbd> and <kbd>C-c C-c</kbd> respectively and to the menu in
246 <acronym>ESS</acronym>-mode; also bound in the help mode (for evaluating examples).
247 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> new function <code>ess-toggle-S-assign-key</code> allows to
248 assign the &ldquo; &lt;- &rdquo; insertion to an arbitrary key.
249 </ul>
251 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.12:
252 <ul>
253 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: <kbd>M-;</kbd> fixed, but the XEmacs function <code>comment-dwim</code>
254 may be broken, if so, use <kbd>M-x comment-region</kbd> and <kbd>M-x
255 uncomment-region</kbd> instead; only valid PROCs are fontified which is very
256 helpful finding syntax errors (currently supported: BASE, ETS, FSP, GRAPH,
257 IML, INSIGHT and STAT); the &ldquo;feature&rdquo; where <kbd>F</kbd>-keys take you to an
258 empty buffer when the requested destination is a file that does not exist
259 has been fixed, now the request results in a no-op.
260 Further, sas-mode now also works in simple terminals.
261 <li>Rterm/Cygwin combination works under Microsoft Windows.
262 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: internal calls use baseenv() instead of NULL and
263 define 'baseenv' where needed.
264 <li>New experimental support for installing ESS. See the file
265 <samp><span class="file">lisp/ess-install.el</span></samp>.
266 </ul>
268 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.11:
269 <ul>
270 <li>ESS Info entry and <samp><span class="file">dir</span></samp> handled more effectively for GNU Emacs users
271 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: temporary files created for batch submission of a
272 region are now named based on the current file; see <code>ess-sas-file-root</code>
273 for details; all <code>lag</code> and <code>dif</code> functions now fontified correctly
274 <li>iESS[SAS]: fixed a few nagging bugs, however, still does not appear to
275 work at this time; please let us know if you have any ideas.
276 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: Support for running other versions of Splus has been
277 added for unix. Two new variables, <code>ess-s-versions</code> and
278 <code>ess-s-versions-list</code>, are used to tell ESS what other versions of
279 Splus you would like to run.
280 </ul>
282 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.10:
283 <ul>
284 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: ess-r-versions can no longer be customized (since the
285 customization was not taking effect unless customizations were loaded
286 before ESS). Its value has been changed so that it will also find R
287 executables beginning &ldquo;R-devel&rdquo; and &ldquo;R-patched&rdquo;. If you wish to
288 change this variable, it must be set in your <samp><span class="file">.emacs</span></samp> before ESS is
289 loaded.
290 <li>Installation with GNU Make enhanced: unix and unix-like
291 operating systems will now be able to install <acronym>ESS</acronym> for all
292 users in either a GNU Emacs site-lisp or an XEmacs package
293 configuration by editing <samp><span class="file">lisp/ess-site.el</span></samp> and <samp><span class="file">Makeconf</span></samp>
294 accordingly, then issuing <code>make install</code>
295 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: Filename completion (inside strings) now also works in
296 XEmacs for R and S-plus.
297 <!-- working around a bug in XEmacs -->
298 </ul>
300 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.9:
301 <ul>
302 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym> for Windows: the \ directory character bug
303 with respect to ess-load-file has been eradicated.
304 <li>i<acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym><!-- /@w -->: <kbd>C-c C-r</kbd> and <kbd>C-c C-b</kbd> once again
305 work as intended and documented.
306 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: M-x ess-fix-EQ-assign is a bit more agressive.
307 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: Imenu now also shows setAs(), etc.
308 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: R function pattern enhanced with underlying code such that
309 <kbd>M-C-a</kbd> (<code>ess-beginning-of-function</code>) etc now work for many more
310 cases, including S4 method definitions.
311 <li>i<acronym>ESS[R]</acronym><!-- /@w -->: myOwnhelp(1) no longer wrongly triggers help(1).
312 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: Improved detection of bogus help buffers: valid help
313 buffers containing with the string &ldquo;no documentation&rdquo;(e.g. contour)
314 were being treated as bogus.
315 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: In R help buffers, if <code>options("help.try.all.packages" =
316 TRUE)</code> then <code>?rlm</code> will list which packages rlm is defined in. This help
317 buffer is not bogus, but instead is now relabelled &ldquo;*help[R](rlm in
318 packages)*&rdquo;.
319 <li><acronym>ESS[STA]</acronym>: add &ldquo;//&rdquo; as comment starting character to syntax-table.
320 </ul>
322 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.8:
323 <ul>
324 <li>iESS: [Tab] completes <strong>file</strong> names &ldquo;inside string&rdquo; as in
325 earlier (&lt;= 5.2.3) ESS versions.
326 </ul>
328 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.7:
329 <ul>
330 <li>If you use Custom to change the variable ess-toolbar-items,
331 the new toolbar is used in all subsequent ESS buffers.
332 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: new feature: if ess-sas-log-max &gt;0 and
333 your .log grows to more than ess-sas-log-max bytes, just
334 the first ess-sas-log-max bytes are refreshed; this is helpful when your .sas program
335 generates lots of error messages and gets too big for emacs to display
336 <li><acronym>ESS[R/S]</acronym>: <kbd>M-;</kbd> in R/S editing modes will now indent with
337 either one or two hashes depending on context.
338 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: David Whiting's Sweave extensions (to 'noweb')
339 are now available (from ess-swv.el loaded by default).
340 </ul>
342 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.6:
343 <ul>
344 <li>Removed non-ASCII characters in a few files.
345 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: now works better when UTF-8 locale is active; in
346 particular, you get correct directional quotes in R's startup message
347 for R-devel (unstable development version of R 2.1.0) when using
348 environment variables LANGUAGE=en@quot LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
349 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: toggling of .log mode improved (<kbd>F10</kbd>); toggling of
350 .lst mode now also available (<kbd>C-F10</kbd>); killing all buffers associated
351 with .sas program no longer bound to <kbd>C-F10</kbd> since its a bit overzealous.
352 <li>S-Plus 7 for Windows is now recognized.
353 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> (incl. R): in auto-fill mode, strings are not wrapped anymore.
354 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> (incl. R): font-lock now correctly differs between R and S,
355 e.g., for "_"; both now fontify warning(.) and S does terminate() additionally.
356 <li>Support for `bell' aka `beep' aka `ding' aka `alarm' in all inferior
357 modes: When \a is output &ldquo;to the the console&rdquo; at the beginning of a line,
358 the bell is rung.
359 </ul>
361 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.5:
362 <ul>
363 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: <kbd>C-c C-q</kbd> or `<samp><span class="samp">Quit S</span></samp>' from the menu now should work
364 (again and less klunkily) and do not append `<samp><span class="samp">-exited</span></samp>' to the
365 buffer name. Further, the behavior of <code>(ess-cleanup)</code>, called from
366 ess-quit, now depends on the new customizable variable
367 <code>ess-S-quit-kill-buffers-p</code> which defaults to <code>nil</code>.
368 Consequently, the question <em>&ldquo;Delete all buffers associated
369 with ..?&rdquo;</em> will not be asked anymore by default.
370 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym> &ndash; ess-ebcdic-to-ascii-search-and-replace will now work
371 with the <code>recode</code> application as well which is available on many platforms
372 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> (incl. R): Name completion for slots of S4 objects now works!
373 </ul>
375 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.4:
376 <ul>
377 <li>The documentation now includes an overview of how to use the emacs
378 TAGS facility for S functions. (The distribution also used to contain a
379 directory <samp><span class="file">etc/other/Tags</span></samp> where a ~1990 version of <samp><span class="file">etags.c</span></samp> was
380 distributed; this is no longer relevant and so has been deleted.)
381 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym> &ndash; When you are working with EBCDIC files on an ASCII
382 platform, .log NOTEs may display as gibberish since the EBCDIC
383 characters are not converted to ASCII prior to their display. So,
384 the function ess-ebcdic-to-ascii-search-and-replace is provided for
385 convenience and is bound to <kbd>C-F11</kbd>. This function requires the
386 <code>dd</code> command (only available on unix or unix-like platforms).
387 <li>ESS: Completion of object names is now always done dynamically rather
388 than allowing the option of using a pre-computed database (by
389 <code>ess-create-object-name-db</code>) since modern computers seem fast
390 enough for dynamic completion. (We expect few users, if any, have
391 been using the pre-computed database method.)
392 <li>ESS: object completion in iESS buffers running on Windows was
393 very slow (for GNU Emacs, but not XEmacs) and has now been fixed.
394 Further, it was more or less broken for all versions of S-plus 6.x,
395 and has been fixed to work everywhere but with the Windows' GUI of
396 S-plus. The list of objects now shows unique names also when an
397 object appears more than once in the search path.
398 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: Completion of object names now also includes those
399 starting with &ldquo;.&rdquo;.
400 </ul>
402 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.3:
403 <ul>
404 <li>ESS: When new inferior ESS processes are created, by default they
405 will replace the current buffer (this restores behavior from pre
406 5.2.0). If you wish new ESS processes to start in another window of the
407 current frame, set inferior-ess-same-window to nil.
408 <li>New variables inferior-Splus-args and inferior-R-args provide a
409 way to pass command line arguments to starting S and R processes.
410 </ul>
412 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.2:
413 <ul>
414 <li>bug-fixes for 5.2.1 (require 'executable), html docs, etc.
415 <li>ess-lisp-directory/../doc/info added to Info-directory-list
416 if ess-info not found by info
417 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: If you have other versions of R on your
418 exec-path, such as "R-1.8.1" with Unix or "rw1081" with Windows,
419 ESS will find them and create appropriate functions, such as
420 <kbd>M-x R-1.8.1</kbd> or <kbd>M-x rw1081</kbd>, for calling them.
421 By default only Unix programs beginning "R-1" and
422 "R-2" and Windows programs parallel to the
423 version of R in your exec-path will be found,
424 but see ess-r-versions and ess-rterm-versions for ways to find other
425 versions of R.
426 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: Other versions of R, such as "R-1.8.1" on Unix and "rw1081" on
427 Windows, are added to the
428 "ESS / Start Process / Other" menu.
429 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: If you have other versions of S-Plus on your Windows computer,
430 such as S-Plus 6.1 or S-Plus 4.5, ESS will find them and create appropriate
431 functions, such as <kbd>M-x splus61</kbd>, for calling the console version (Sqpe)
432 inside an emacs buffer. By default only
433 programs installed in the default location will be found, but see
434 ess-SHOME-versions for ways to find other versions of S-Plus.
435 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: Other versions of Sqpe on Windows, such as "splus61",
436 are added to the
437 "ESS / Start Process / Other" menu.
438 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: (bug fix) ess-quit (bound to <kbd>C-c C-q</kbd>) should now quit the
439 inferior R process, when issued from either the inferior buffer, or from
440 a .R buffer.
441 </ul>
443 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.1:
444 <ul>
445 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> (R and S-plus): now have toolbar support
446 with icons to evaluate code in the inferior process or to switch
447 there. This code is experimental and likely to change as XEmacs/Emacs
448 issues get resolved. The toolbar should be enabled if your Emacs
449 displays images, but can be disabled with the variable ess-use-toolbar.
450 Thanks to David Smith from Insightful for the S-plus logo.
451 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: ess-sas-graph-view (<kbd>F12</kbd>) enhanced; you can specify
452 external file viewers for each graphics file type via the alist
453 ess-sas-graph-view-viewer-alist; also .jpg/.gif are now handled
454 by image-mode on XEmacs, if available, otherwise by graphics
455 primitives as before
456 </ul>
458 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.2.0:
459 <ul>
460 <li><acronym>ESS[BUGS]</acronym>: new info documentation! now supports interactive
461 processing thanks to <a href="">Aki Vehtari</a>;
462 new architecture-independent unix support as well as support for BUGS v. 0.5
463 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: convert .log to .sas with ess-sas-transcript;
464 info documentation improved; Local Variable bug fixes;
465 SAS/IML statements/functions now highlighted; files edited
466 remotely by ange-ftp/EFS/tramp are recognized and pressing
467 SUBMIT opens a buffer on the remote host via the local variable
468 ess-sas-shell-buffer-remote-init which defaults to "ssh";
469 changed the definition of the variable ess-sas-edit-keys-toggle
470 to boolean rather than 0/1; added the function ess-electric-run-semicolon
471 which automatically reverse indents lines containing only "run;";
472 <kbd>C-F1</kbd> creates MS RTF portrait from the current buffer;
473 <kbd>C-F2</kbd> creates MS RTF landscape from the current buffer;
474 <kbd>C-F9</kbd> opens a SAS DATASET with PROC INSIGHT rather than PROC FSVIEW;
475 "inferior" aliases for SAS batch: <kbd>C-c C-r</kbd> for submit region,
476 <kbd>C-c C-b</kbd> for submit buffer, <kbd>C-c C-x</kbd> for goto .log; <kbd>C-c C-y</kbd> for goto .lst
477 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: Pressing underscore ("_") once inserts " &lt;- " (as before);
478 pressing underscore twice inserts a literal underscore. To stop this
479 smart behaviour, add "(ess-toggle-underscore nil)" to your .emacs after
480 ess-site has been loaded;
481 ess-dump-filename-template-proto (new name!) now can be
482 customized successfully (for S language dialects);
483 Support for Imenu has been improved; set ess-imenu-use-S to non-nil to
484 get an "Imenu-S" item on your menubar;
485 ess-help: Now using nice underlines (instead of `nuke-* ^H_')
486 <li><acronym>ESS[R]</acronym>: After (require 'essa-r), <kbd>M-x ess-r-var</kbd> allows to load
487 numbers from any Emacs buffer into an existing *R* process;
488 <kbd>M-x ess-rdired</kbd> gives a &ldquo;directory editor&rdquo; of R objects;
489 fixed ess-retr-lastvalue-command, i.e. .Last.value bug
490 (thanks to David Brahm)
491 <li>ESS: Support for creating new window frames has been added to
492 ESS. Inferior ESS processes can be created in dedicated frames by
493 setting inferior-ess-own-frame to t. ESS help buffers can also open in
494 new frames; see the documentation for ess-help-own-frame for details.
495 (Thanks to Kevin Rodgers for contributing code.)
496 </ul>
498 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.24:
499 <ul>
500 <li>The version number is now correct even inside ESS/Emacs
501 </ul>
503 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.23:
504 <ul>
505 <li>Minor more Makefile clean up.
506 </ul>
508 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.22:
509 <ul>
510 <li>Besides info documentation, PDF and HTML
511 documentation are also provided (instead of built using "make") and available
512 on the web as well; see <a href="">ESS web page</a> and <a href="">StatLib</a>
513 <li>Now that info documentation is available, the
514 README.* files are no longer supported. However, they
515 are still distributed for what it's worth.
516 <li>ESS is now an XEmacs package! See
517 <a href="">XEmacs Installation HOWTO</a>
518 for details (specifically, items 10-15).
519 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: more user-friendly enhancements for remote
520 SAS batch jobs with Kermit file transfers (LOG and OUTPUT
521 function key features now supported). Multiple shells
522 now supported so you can run SAS on different computers
523 from different buffers by setting the buffer-local variable
524 ess-sas-shell-buffer to unique buffer names.
525 <li>Major re-vamping of Makefile/Makeconf.
526 </ul>
528 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.21:
529 <ul>
530 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: info documentation now available!, see
531 ESS-&gt;Help for SAS; <kbd>F12</kbd> opens GSASFILE nearest point for viewing
532 either within emacs, when available, or via an external viewer;
533 more syntax highlighting keywords; more enhancements for remote
534 SAS batch jobs with Kermit; new framework for remote SAS interactive
535 jobs, see ess-remote
536 <li><acronym>ESS[S]</acronym>: info documentation now available!, see
537 ESS-&gt;Help for the S family
538 <li>Makefile: tag now independent of rel; info files
539 made by doc/Makefile and installed in new info sub-directory
540 </ul>
542 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.20:
543 <ul>
544 <li>New `options()$STERM' in the S dialects (S, S-Plus, R).
545 The S program can determine the environment in which it is
546 currently running. ESS sets the option to `iESS' or `ddeESS'
547 when it starts an S language process. We recommend other specific
548 values for S language processes that ESS does not start.
549 <li>New `ess-mouse-me' function, assigned to S-mouse-3 by default.
550 User may click on a word or region and then choose from the
551 menu to display the item, or a summary, or a plot, etc.
552 This feature is still under development.
553 <li>GNU Emacs 21.1 is now supported (fixed for S dialects, SAS &amp; BUGS),
554 (some from Stephen Eglen).
555 <li>XEmacs 21.x is now supported (fixed w32-using-nt bug)
556 <li>XEmacs on Win (NT) is better supported.
557 <li>Workaround for bug in Sqpe+6 (S-PLUS 6 for Win).
558 <li>should now work even when imenu is not available (for old XEmacsen).
559 <li><acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym>: XEmacs-Imenu fix; <kbd>C-TAB</kbd> is globalized along with your
560 function-key definitions, if specified; you can specify your SAS
561 library definitions outside of for ess-sas-data-view
562 with SAS code placed in the variable ess-sas-data-view-libname,
563 also the dataset name is defaulted to the nearest permanent dataset
564 to point; Speedbar support now works for permanent datasets, please
565 ignore first./last.; new font-locking is now the default with more
566 improvements for font-locking PROCs, macro statements, * ; and %* ;
567 comments; you can toggle sas-log-mode with <kbd>F10</kbd> which will font-lock
568 your .log (if it isn't too big); submit remote .sas files accessed
569 with ange-ftp, EFS or Tramp (Kermit is experimental) by setting
570 ess-sas-submit-method to 'sh; ess-sas-submit-command and
571 ess-sas-submit-command-options are buffer-local so you can have
572 local file variable sections at the end of your .sas files to
573 request different executables or specify special options and the
574 local file variables are re-read at submit instead of only at file
575 open so that if you make a change it is picked up immediately;
576 <li><acronym>ESS[BUGS]</acronym>: font-lock with `in' fixed.
577 <li>for STATA: font-lock bug fixed.
578 <li>for Rd mode: <kbd>C-c C-v</kbd> and `switch-process' in menu.
579 further, <kbd>C-c C-f</kbd> prefix (Rd-font) for inserting or surrounding a word
580 by things such as \code{.}, \code{\link{.}}, \emph{.} etc.
581 <li>new functions (ess-directory-function) and (ess-narrow-to-defun)
582 ess-directory &lt;-&gt; default-directory logic (Jeff Mincy).
583 <li>Re-organized Makefile and fixed a few bugs.
584 </ul>
586 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.19:
587 <ul>
588 <li>S+6 now supported (Tony Rossini (Unix) and Rich Heiberger (Windows))
589 <li>New BUGS support through <acronym>ESS[BUGS]</acronym> mode (Rodney Sparapani)
590 Templates assist you in writing .bug and .cmd code (.cmd and .log
591 are replaced by .bmd and .bog to avoid emacs extension collisions).
592 Substitution" parameters facilitate "automagic" generation of
593" and "" filenames, "const N=" from your data
594 file and "monitor()/stats()" commands. Activated by pressing <kbd>F12</kbd>.
595 <li>Fixes for `ess-smart-underscore' SAS breakage (Rich Heiberger)
596 <li>You can change between PC and Unix, local and global SAS function-key
597 definitions interactively (Rich Heiberger)
598 <li><kbd>C-Submit</kbd> a highlighted region to SAS batch (Rodney Sparapani)
599 <li>New and improved SAS syntax highlighting (Rodney Sparapani)
600 To get the new functionality, set ess-sas-run-make-regexp to nil.
601 Also available in .log files via <kbd>F10</kbd>.
602 <li>Open a permanent SAS dataset for viewing via <kbd>F9</kbd> (Rodney Sparapani)
603 You must have the library defined in for it to work.
604 <li>User-friendly defaults for `sas-program', `ess-sas-batch-pre-command'
605 and `ess-sas-batch-post-command' as well Customize support for these
606 and other <acronym>ESS[SAS]</acronym> variables (Rodney Sparapani)
607 <li>`ess-sas-suffix-2' now defaults to .dat via <kbd>F11</kbd> (Rodney Sparapani)
608 <li>Emacs/XEmacs, Unix/Windows issues collectively handled in ess-emcs.el
609 <li>defadvice solves problem of missing *ESS* (thanks to Jeff Mincy)
610 <li>Improved manual a bit by including things that were only in `README'.
611 </ul>
613 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.18:
614 <ul>
615 <li>New `ess-smart-underscore' function, now assigned to "_" by default.
616 Inserts `ess-S-assign' (customizable " &lt;- "), unless inside string
617 and comments where plain "_" is used instead. (MM)
618 <li>Fixes for longstanding interactive SAS breakage (RMH)
619 </ul>
621 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.17:
622 <ul>
623 <li>Documentation for Windows Installation (Rich Heiberger)
624 <li>removal of ess-vars, finalization of customize support (in the
625 sense that there is no more use of ess-vars, but that we need to
626 fix ess-cust) (AJ Rossini)
627 <li>Many small (and large) fixes/contributions (MMaechler)
628 <li>addition of the "S-equal" variable and provide <kbd>M-x ess-add-MM-keys</kbd>
629 a way to remap "_" to `ess-S-assign', typically " &lt;- ", but
630 customizable. (MMaechler)
631 </ul>
633 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.16:
634 <ul>
635 <li>BUG FIXES
636 <li>Better SAS support
637 </ul>
639 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.15:
640 <ul>
641 <li>BUG FIXES
642 </ul>
644 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.14:
645 <ul>
646 <li>Yet more fixes to SAS mode, (Rich Heiberger and Rodney Sparapani)
647 <li>Customize support (for most Emacsen which support it) (AJRossini)
648 <li>ARC and ViSta support out of the box, and fixes for XLispStat (AJRossini)
649 </ul>
651 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.13:
652 <ul>
653 <li>Version numbering finally all depending on the ./VERSION file,
654 thanks to Martin Maechler.
655 <li>Yet more fixes to SAS mode, thanks to Rich Heiberger.
656 </ul>
658 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.12:
659 <ul>
660 <li>Splus 5.1 stabilized, thanks to Martin Maechler, Bill Venables,
661 Chuck Taylor, and others.
662 <li>More fixes to SAS mode, thanks to Rodney Sparapani
663 and Rich Heiberger.
664 </ul>
666 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.11:
667 <ul>
668 <li>More fixes to Stata mode, thanks to
669 <a href="">Brendan Halpin</a>.
670 <li>fixed bugs in ESS-elsewhere, thanks to many testers
671 <li>README.SPLUS4WIN has DETAILED instructions for S-PLUS 2000, thanks
672 to <a href="">David Brahm</a>.
673 <li>Fixes to SAS mode, thanks to Rodney Sparapani
674 </ul>
676 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.10:
677 <ul>
678 <li>More fixes to Stata mode
679 <li>primitive generic version of ESS-elsewhere
680 <li>Small fixes to SAS/Stata.
681 </ul>
683 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.9:
684 <ul>
685 <li>Stata mode works
686 <li>Literate Data Analysis using Noweb works
687 </ul>
689 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.8:
690 <ul>
691 <li>Bug fixes
692 <li>R documentation mode defaults changed
693 </ul>
695 <p>Changes/New Features in 5.1.2:
696 <ul>
697 <li>able to use inferior iESS mode to
698 communicate directly with a running S-Plus 4.x process using the
699 Microsoft DDE protocol. We use the familiar (from Unix ESS) <kbd>C-c C-n</kbd>
700 and related key sequences to send lines from the S-mode file to the
701 inferior S process. We continue to edit S input files in <acronym>ESS[S]</acronym> mode
702 and transcripts of previous S sessions in ESS Transcript mode. All
703 three modes know the S language, syntax, and indentation patterns and
704 provide the syntactic highlighting that eases the programming tasks.
705 </ul>
707 <div class="node">
708 <p><hr>
709 <a name="Current-Features"></a>
710 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Stability">Stability</a>,
711 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#New-Features">New Features</a>,
712 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
714 </div>
716 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
717 <h3 class="section">1.4 Current Features</h3>
719 <ul>
720 <li>Languages Supported:
721 <ul>
722 <li>S family (S 3/4, S-PLUS 3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x, and R)
723 <li>SAS
724 <li>BUGS/JAGS
725 <li>Stata
726 <li>XLispStat including Arc and ViSta
727 </ul>
728 <li>Editing source code (S family, SAS, BUGS/JAGS, XLispStat)
729 <ul>
730 <li>Syntactic indentation and highlighting of source code
731 <li>Partial evaluation of code
732 <li>Loading and error-checking of code
733 <li>Source code revision maintenance
734 <li>Batch execution (SAS, BUGS/JAGS)
735 <li>Use of imenu to provide links to appropriate functions
736 </ul>
737 <li>Interacting with the process (S family, SAS, XLispStat)
738 <ul>
739 <li>Command-line editing
740 <li>Searchable Command history
741 <li>Command-line completion of S family object names and file names
742 <li>Quick access to object lists and search lists
743 <li>Transcript recording
744 <li>Interface to the help system
745 </ul>
746 <li>Transcript manipulation (S family, XLispStat)
747 <ul>
748 <li>Recording and saving transcript files
749 <li>Manipulating and editing saved transcripts
750 <li>Re-evaluating commands from transcript files
751 </ul>
752 <li>Help File Editing (R)
753 <ul>
754 <li>Syntactic indentation and highlighting of source code.
755 <li>Sending Examples to running ESS process.
756 <li>Previewing
757 </ul>
758 </ul>
760 <div class="node">
761 <p><hr>
762 <a name="Stability"></a>
763 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Requirements">Requirements</a>,
764 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Current-Features">Current Features</a>,
765 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
767 </div>
769 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
770 <h3 class="section">1.5 Stability</h3>
772 <p>Versions 5.3.x are meant to be release-quality versions. While some
773 new features are being introduced, we are cleaning up and improving
774 the interface. We know about some remaining documentation inconsistencies.
775 Patches or suggested fixes with bug reports are much appreciated!
777 <div class="node">
778 <p><hr>
779 <a name="Requirements"></a>
780 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Latest-Version">Latest Version</a>,
781 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Stability">Stability</a>,
782 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
784 </div>
786 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
787 <h3 class="section">1.6 Requirements</h3>
789 <p>ESS has been tested with
791 <ul>
792 <li>R &gt;=0.49
793 <li>S-PLUS 3.3-4, 4.5, 2000, 5.0-1, 6.0-2, 7.0, 8.0
794 <li>S4
795 <li>SAS &gt;=6.12
796 <li>BUGS 0.5, 0.6
797 <li>JAGS 0.9, 1.0 (not quite working yet, patches welcome)
798 <li>Stata &gt;=6.0 (recent Stata support limited due to changes in Stata)
799 <!-- is anyone still using this? @item XLispStat >=3.50 -->
800 </ul>
802 <p>on the following platforms
804 <ul>
805 <li>Linux/x86 (all)
806 <li>Solaris/SPARC (all)
807 <!-- cannot confirm this right now @item SGI (all) -->
808 <li>MS Windows 98/NT/2000/XP (R, SPLUS 4.5/2000/6.0-2/7.0/8.0, SAS interactive only, and BUGS 0.6)
809 <li>Apple Mac OS X 10.3-4 (R, JAGS)
810 </ul>
812 <p>with the following versions of emacs
814 <ul>
815 <li>GNU Emacs 20.3-7, 21.1, 21.3-4, 22.1
816 <li>XEmacs 21.4.0-8, 21.4.9-13<a rel="footnote" href="#fn-1" name="fnd-1"><sup>1</sup></a>, 21.4.14-15, 21.4.17-21 (betas not supported, but 21.5.23+ may work)
817 <!-- @item GNU Emacs <20.3 and XEmacs <21.0@footnote{These releases of emacs are no -->
818 <!-- longer supported, so an upgrade is recommended if you plan to use ESS. -->
819 <!-- If you have GNU Emacs 19.29, see @xref{Unix installation}. Also, note -->
820 <!-- that the `custom' library bundled with Emacs 19.34 is too _old_, its API is -->
821 <!-- incompatible with the `new custom' bundled with recent Emacsen. -->
822 <!-- The `new custom' for Emacs 19.34 is available for download -->
823 <!-- @uref{, here}.} -->
824 </ul>
826 <div class="node">
827 <p><hr>
828 <a name="Latest-Version"></a>
829 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Installation">Installation</a>,
830 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Requirements">Requirements</a>,
831 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
833 </div>
835 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
836 <h3 class="section">1.7 Getting the Latest Version</h3>
838 <p>The latest released version of ESS is always available on the web at:
839 <a href="">ESS web page</a> or
840 <a href="">StatLib</a>
842 <!-- There no longer is an anonymous CVS repository for ESS, due to lack of -->
843 <!-- interest, little demand, and problems with security. -->
844 <!-- text below modified from R-admin.texi (thanks to Kurt for the tip). -->
845 <p>The latest development version of ESS is available via
846 <a href=""></a>, the ESS Subversion repository. If
847 you have a Subversion client (see <a href=""></a>),
848 you can download the sources using:
849 <pre class="smallexample"> % svn checkout <var>path</var>
850 </pre>
851 <p class="noindent">which will put the ESS files into directory <var>path</var>. Later,
852 within that directory, `svn update' will bring that directory up to
853 date. Windows-based tools such as TortoiseSVN are also available for
854 downloading the files. Alternatively, you can browse the sources with a
855 web browser at: <a href="">ESS SVN site</a>. However, please use a subversion client instead to minimize the
856 load when retrieving.
858 <p>If you remove other versions of ESS from your emacs load-path, you can
859 then use the development version by adding the following to .emacs:
861 <pre class="example"> (load "/path/to/ess-svn/lisp/ess-site.el")
862 </pre>
863 <p>Note that https is required, and that the SSL certificate for the
864 Subversion server of the R project is
866 <pre class="smallexample"> Certificate information:
867 - Hostname:
868 - Valid: from Jul 16 08:10:01 2004 GMT until Jul 14 08:10:01 2014 GMT
869 - Issuer: Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, CH
870 - Fingerprint: c9:5d:eb:f9:f2:56:d1:04:ba:44:61:f8:64:6b:d9:33:3f:93:6e:ad
871 </pre>
872 <p class="noindent">(currently, there is no &ldquo;trusted certificate&rdquo;). You can accept this
873 certificate permanently and will not be asked about it anymore.
875 <!-- NOTE: The above INCLUDES inst_svn.texi (Subversion/SVN Installation) -->
876 <!-- vvvvvvvvvvvv node name *must* match the one in ./ess.texi ! -->
877 <div class="node">
878 <p><hr>
879 <a name="Installation"></a>
880 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Reporting-Bugs">Reporting Bugs</a>,
881 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Latest-Version">Latest Version</a>,
882 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
884 </div>
886 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
887 <h3 class="section">1.8 Installation (from tar file)</h3>
889 <div class="node">
890 <p><hr>
891 <a name="Unix-installation"></a>
892 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Microsoft-Windows-installation">Microsoft Windows installation</a>,
893 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Installation">Installation</a>
895 </div>
897 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
898 <h3 class="section">1.9 Unix installation</h3>
900 <ol type=1 start=1>
902 <li>
903 <code>cd</code> to a directory where you keep emacs lisp files, or create a
904 new directory (for example, <samp><span class="file">$HOME/emacs</span></samp>) to hold the distribution.
905 This directory will be referred to below as "the ESS distribution
906 directory".
908 <p><em>Note for XEmacs packages:</em> ESS is no longer available as an XEmacs package.
909 But, you can still install ESS into the XEmacs package system by choosing
910 <samp><span class="file">ESSDIR</span></samp>=<samp><span class="file">PREFIX/lib/xemacs/site-packages</span></samp>.
911 ESS requires that the XEmacs sumo tarball (all XEmacs packages combined) also
912 be installed. For information on installing XEmacs packages, follow this link:
913 <a href="">Quickstart Package Guide</a>.
915 <!-- It will contain, -->
916 <!-- at the end, the tar file @file{ess-VERSION.tar.gz}, and a directory for -->
917 <!-- the ESS source, which will be termed "the ESS-VERSION source directory". -->
918 <!-- Note that the .elc files may be installed elsewhere (as specified in the -->
919 <!-- Makefile) if desired. -->
920 <li>Retrieve the latest version from
921 <a href="">ESS downloads area</a>
922 to <samp><span class="file">ESSDIR</span></samp>.
924 <li>Extract the files from the disribution.
925 <pre class="display"> If you are using GNU tar, <code>tar zxf ess-VERSION.tgz</code>.
926 Otherwise, <code>gunzip &lt; ess-VERSION.tgz | tar xf -</code>,
927 </pre>
928 <p>The <code>tar</code> command will create the subdirectory <samp><span class="file">ess-VERSION</span></samp> and install
929 the files there.
931 <!-- If you are using GNU Emacs 19.29, decompress/unarchive -->
932 <!-- @file{ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/19.29.tar.gz}, -->
933 <!-- read @file{ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/19.29/README}, follow the instructions -->
934 <!-- and you might be able to get ESS to work. -->
935 <!-- @emph{Please note that GNU Emacs 19.29 is no longer supported}. -->
936 <!-- For a list of supported versions of emacs, see @xref{Requirements}. -->
937 <li>Edit the file <samp><span class="file">ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site.el</span></samp> as explained in the
938 comments section of that file.
939 <!-- Installations that are using ESS only for S-Plus -->
940 <!-- 6.x will probably not need to make any changes. Installations that also -->
941 <!-- have one or more of (S4, S+3/4/5/6/7/8, R, SAS, BUGS, XLispStat, Stata) -->
942 <!-- may need to uncomment corresponding lines in @file{ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site.el}. -->
944 <li>If you are using GNU Emacs add the line
945 <pre class="example"> (load "ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site")
946 </pre>
947 <p>to <samp><span class="file">$HOME/.emacs</span></samp>. For XEmacs, if you followed the XEmacs package system
948 installation advice, add the line
949 <pre class="example"> (require 'ess-site)
950 </pre>
951 <p>to <samp><span class="file">$HOME/.xemacs/init.el</span></samp>. Otherwise, for XEmacs, add the line
952 <pre class="example"> (load "ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site")
953 </pre>
954 <p>to <samp><span class="file">$HOME/.xemacs/init.el</span></samp>.
956 <!-- GNU Emacs uses @file{default.el} or -->
957 <!-- @file{site-init.el} and XEmacs uses @file{site-start.el} for the system -->
958 <!-- installation file). -->
959 <!-- Alternatively, if @file{ess-site.el} is in your current @code{load-path}, then: -->
960 <!-- @example -->
961 <!-- (require 'ess-site) -->
962 <!-- @end example -->
963 <!-- to configure emacs for ESS. -->
964 <li>That's it! ESS is now ready to use. (The remaining step below is only for a
965 custom installation.) To edit statistical programs, just open files with the
966 requisite extensions (<samp><span class="file">.R</span></samp> for R, <samp><span class="file">.sas</span></samp> for SAS, <samp><span class="file">.bug</span></samp> for BUGS,
967 etc.). To start a statistical process within emacs, such as R, type <code>M-x R</code>.
969 <!-- @item -->
970 <!-- (OPTIONAL) If you are running S-PLUS or R, you might consider -->
971 <!-- installing the database files. From within emacs, @code{C-x d} to the -->
972 <!-- directory containing ESS. Now: -->
973 <!-- @example -->
974 <!-- M-x S+6 -->
975 <!-- @end example -->
976 <!-- to get S running. Once you see the SPLUS prompt, do: -->
977 <!-- @example -->
978 <!-- M-x ess-create-object-name-db -->
979 <!-- @end example -->
980 <!-- (this will create the file @file{ess-sp6-namedb.el}; if it isn't in the -->
981 <!-- ESS directory, move it there). -->
982 <!-- Then, completions will be autoloaded and will not be regenerated for -->
983 <!-- every session. -->
984 <!-- For R, do the same, using -->
985 <!-- @example -->
986 <!-- M-x R -->
987 <!-- @end example -->
988 <!-- and then @code{M-x ess-create-object-name-db} creating -->
989 <!-- @file{ess-r-namedb.el}; if it isn't in the ESS directory, move it there). -->
992 <p>If you want to place the compiled files in other locations edit the
993 <code>LISPDIR</code>, <code>INFODIR</code> and <code>ETCDIR</code> entries in Section 1 of
994 <samp><span class="file">Makeconf</span></samp> in the <samp><span class="file">ESSDIR/ess-VERSION</span></samp> directory (if you are
995 using XEmacs, then uncomment the XEmacs subsection in Section 1).
997 <p>You can compile those files by:
998 <pre class="example"> make all
999 </pre>
1000 <p>When that completes successfully, install the compiled files:
1001 <pre class="example"> make install
1002 </pre>
1003 <!-- This will install the compiled info files and lisp files. If you are an -->
1004 <!-- XEmacs user, then you should be done. If not, then you may have to -->
1005 <!-- edit/create the file @file{dir} that is found in the directory specified -->
1006 <!-- by @code{INFODIR}: see the sample @file{dir} in ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/doc/info. -->
1007 <!-- If @file{dir} does not exist in @code{INFODIR}, then the sample -->
1008 <!-- @file{dir} will be installed. -->
1009 <!-- An alternative, if you are running XEmacs and have access to the -->
1010 <!-- XEmacs system directories, would be to place the directory in the -->
1011 <!-- site-lisp directory, and simply type @code{make all} (and copy the -->
1012 <!-- documentation as appropriate). -->
1013 <!-- For GNU Emacs, you would still have to move the files into the top level -->
1014 <!-- site-lisp directory. -->
1015 </ol>
1017 <!-- >>>> FIXME (see comment in ess.texi): error in ``makeinfo readme.texi'' -->
1018 <!-- @node Microsoft Windows installation, , Unix installation, Installation -->
1019 <div class="node">
1020 <p><hr>
1021 <a name="Microsoft-Windows-installation"></a>
1022 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Requirements">Requirements</a>,
1023 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Unix-installation">Unix installation</a>,
1024 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Installation">Installation</a>
1026 </div>
1028 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
1029 <h3 class="section">1.10 Microsoft Windows installation</h3>
1031 <p>For <b>Microsoft Windows installation</b>, please follow the next steps.
1033 <ol type=1 start=1>
1035 <li><code>cd</code> to a directory where you keep emacs lisp files, or create a
1036 new directory (for example, <samp><span class="file">c:\emacs\</span></samp>) to hold the distribution.
1037 This directory will be referred to below as "the ESS distribution
1038 directory".
1040 <p><em>Note for XEmacs packages:</em> ESS is no longer available as an XEmacs
1041 package. But, you can still install ESS into the XEmacs package system
1042 by choosing <samp><span class="file">ESSDIR</span></samp>=<samp><span class="file">PREFIX\XEmacs\site-packages</span></samp>. ESS
1043 requires that the XEmacs sumo tarball (all XEmacs packages combined)
1044 also be installed. For information on installing XEmacs packages,
1045 follow this link:
1046 <a href="">Quickstart Package Guide</a>.
1048 <li>Retrieve the latest zip file (<samp><span class="file"></span></samp>) from
1049 <a href="">ESS downloads area</a> and
1050 store it in the ESS distribution directory. Be aware that http browsers
1051 on Windows frequently change the "." and "-" characters in filenames to
1052 other punctuation. Please change the names back to their original form.
1054 <li>Extract all the files from <samp><span class="file"></span></samp> into the ESS
1055 distribution directory as <samp><span class="file">c:\emacs\ess-VERSION\</span></samp>. (It is possible
1056 to unpack the zip archive in Windows Explorer by double clicking on the
1057 folder; you should then see a new folder called <samp><span class="file">ess-VERSION</span></samp>.
1058 Drag that folder into your ESS distribution directory.)
1060 <!-- @item -->
1061 <!-- Add the line -->
1062 <!-- @example -->
1063 <!-- (load "C:/emacs/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site") -->
1064 <!-- @end example -->
1065 <!-- to your emacs initialization file. (GNU Emacs uses the filename -->
1066 <!-- @file{~/.emacs} and XEmacs uses the filename -->
1067 <!-- @file{~/.xemacs/init.el} for the initialization file. The tilde is -->
1068 <!-- recognised by emacs as your HOME directory, i.e. the value of your HOME -->
1069 <!-- environment variable.) Replace -->
1070 <!-- @code{VERSION} above with the version number of ESS. Remember to use -->
1071 <!-- forwardslashes @code{/}, rather than backslashes @code{\}, in your filename -->
1072 <!-- inside emacs code files. -->
1073 <li>If you are using GNU Emacs add the line
1074 <pre class="example"> (load "ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site")
1075 </pre>
1076 <p>to <samp><span class="file">%HOME%/.emacs</span></samp>. For XEmacs, if you followed the XEmacs package system
1077 installation advice, add the line
1078 <pre class="example"> (require 'ess-site)
1079 </pre>
1080 <p>to <samp><span class="file">%HOME%/.xemacs/init.el</span></samp>. Otherwise, for XEmacs, add the line
1081 <pre class="example"> (load "ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site")
1082 </pre>
1083 <p>to <samp><span class="file">%HOME%/.xemacs/init.el</span></samp>.
1084 <em>Note:</em> Both GNU Emacs and XEmacs require that the HOME environment
1085 variable be set on your system, otherwise, your initialization file will
1086 not be utilized, and therefore, ESS will not work.
1088 <p>After saving your initialization file, ESS is now installed. Start a
1089 new emacs and you should be ready to use ESS. For example, to edit
1090 statistical programs, load the files with the requisite extensions
1091 (".sas" for SAS, ".S" or "s" or "q" or "Q" for S-PLUS, ".r" or ".R" for
1092 R, and ".lsp" for XLispStat). One further step is needed if you wish to
1093 run statistical processes, see below.
1095 <li>To run statistical processes under ESS, Windows users will need to make
1096 sure that the directories for the software they will be using is in the
1097 PATH environment variable. On Windows 9x, add lines similar to the
1098 following to your <samp><span class="file">c:\autoexec.bat</span></samp> file:
1099 <pre class="example"> path=%PATH%;c:\progra~1\insightful\splus70\cmd
1100 </pre>
1101 <p>On Windows NT/2000/XP, add the directories to the PATH using the
1102 <code>My Computer/Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables</code> menu.
1103 Note that the directory containing the program is
1104 added to the PATH, not the program itself. One such line is needed
1105 for each software program. Be sure to use the abbreviation
1106 <code>progra~1</code> and not the long version with embedded blanks. Use
1107 backslashes "<code>\</code>".
1109 <p>An alternative, for R users, is that rather than adjusting the PATH
1110 variable, you can add the following to your emacs initialization file
1111 (and restart emacs):
1112 <pre class="example"> (setq inferior-R-program-name "C:/progra~1/R/R-2.2.1/bin/Rterm.exe")
1113 </pre>
1114 <p>This assumes that you have installed R-2.2.1 in the default location.
1115 Change the path otherwise to point to other locations.
1117 <p>Windows users who place S-PLUS anywhere other than the default
1118 location will also need to add the following three lines (properly
1119 adjusted for their location) to their <samp><span class="file">%HOME%/.emacs</span></samp> or
1120 <samp><span class="file">%HOME%/.xemacs/init.el</span></samp> file:
1121 <pre class="example"> (setq-default inferior-S+6-program-name
1122 "c:/progra~1/Insightful/SPLUS70/cmd/Splus")
1123 (setq-default inferior-Sqpe+6-SHOME-name
1124 "c:/progra~1/Insightful/SPLUS70")
1125 (setq-default inferior-Sqpe+6-program-name
1126 "c:/progra~1/Insightful/SPLUS70/cmd/Sqpe.exe")
1127 </pre>
1128 <p>The above example uses the default location of S-PLUS in
1129 <code>c:/progra~1/Insightful</code>. Please note that ESS
1130 considers S-PLUS 6, 7, and 8 to be variants of S+6.
1132 <p>These users may also need to modify the emacs variable <code>ess-SHOME-versions</code>
1133 to match their installation in order to get the full set of S-PLUS versions
1134 on their machine into the <code>ESS</code> menu.
1136 <p>To start the S-PLUS [678].x GUI from ESS under emacs:
1137 <ol type=1 start=1>
1138 <li>If you use Cygwin bash as your primary shell, then
1139 <pre class="example"> M-x S
1140 (or <code>M-x S+6</code>).
1141 </pre>
1142 <li>If you use the MSDOS prompt window as your primary shell, then
1143 <pre class="example"> M-x S+6-msdos
1144 </pre>
1145 </ol>
1146 You will then be
1147 asked for a pathname ("S starting data directory?"), from which to
1148 start the process. The prompt will propose your current directory
1149 as the default. ESS will start the S-PLUS GUI. There will be
1150 slight delay during which emacs is temporarily frozen. ESS will arrange for
1151 communication with the S-PLUS GUI using the DDE protocol.
1152 Send lines or regions
1153 from the emacs buffer containing your S program (for example,
1154 <samp><span class="file">myfile.s</span></samp>) to the S-PLUS Commands Window with the
1155 <code>C-c C-n</code> or <code>C-c C-r</code> keys.
1156 (If you are still using S-PLUS 4.x or 2000,\
1157 then use <code>M-x S+4</code> or <code>M-x S+4-msdos</code>.)
1159 <p>To start an S-PLUS [678].x session inside an emacs buffer&mdash;and
1160 without the S-PLUS GUI:
1161 <pre class="example"> M-x Sqpe
1162 (or <code>M-x Sqpe+6</code>).
1163 </pre>
1164 <p>This works with both the bash and msdos shells.
1165 You will then be asked for a pathname ("S starting data
1166 directory?"), from which to start the process. The prompt will
1167 propose your current directory as the default.
1168 You get Unix-like behavior, in particular the entire
1169 transcript is available for emacs-style search commands.
1170 Send lines or regions from the emacs buffer containing your S
1171 program (for example, <samp><span class="file">myfile.s</span></samp>) to the *S+6* buffer with the
1172 <code>C-c C-n</code> or <code>C-c C-r</code> keys.
1173 Interactive graphics are available with Sqpe by using the java
1174 library supplied with S-PLUS 6.1 and newer releases.
1175 Enter the commands:
1176 <pre class="example"> library(winjava)
1177 java.graph()
1178 </pre>
1179 <p>Graphs can be saved from the <code>java.graph</code> device
1180 in several formats, but not PostScript. If you
1181 need a PostScript file you will need to open a separate
1182 <code>postscript</code> device.
1183 (If you are still using S-PLUS 4.x or 2000, then use <code>M-x Sqpe+4</code>.)
1185 <p>To connect to an already running S-PLUS GUI (started, for example,
1186 from the S-PLUS icon):
1187 <pre class="example"> M-x S+6-existing
1188 </pre>
1189 <p>or
1190 <pre class="example"> M-x S+6-msdos-existing
1191 </pre>
1192 <p>You will then be
1193 asked for a pathname ("S starting data directory?"), from which to
1194 start the process. The prompt will propose your current directory
1195 as the default. ESS will arrange for
1196 communication with the already running S-PLUS GUI using the DDE protocol.
1197 Send lines or regions
1198 from the emacs buffer containing your S program (for example,
1199 <samp><span class="file">myfile.s</span></samp>) to the S-PLUS Commands Window with the
1200 <code>C-c C-n</code> or <code>C-c C-r</code> keys.
1201 (If you are still using S-PLUS 4.x or 2000,
1202 then use <code>M-x S+4-existing</code> or <code>M-x S+4-msdos-existing</code>.)
1204 <p>If you wish to run R, you can start it with:
1205 <pre class="example"> M-x R
1206 </pre>
1207 <p>XLispStat can not currently be run with
1208 <pre class="example"> M-x XLS
1209 </pre>
1210 <p>Hopefully, this will change. However, you can still edit with
1211 emacs, and cut and paste the results into the XLispStat
1212 *Listener* Window under Microsoft Windows.
1214 <!-- SAS for Windows uses the batch access with function keys that is -->
1215 <!-- described in -->
1216 <!-- @file{doc/README.SAS}. -->
1217 <!-- @xref{ESS(SAS)-MS Windows}. -->
1218 <!-- The user can also edit SAS files -->
1219 <!-- in an @code{ESS[SAS]} buffer and than manually copy and paste them into -->
1220 <!-- an Editor window in the SAS Display Manager. -->
1221 <!-- For Windows, inferior SAS in an @code{iESS{[SAS]}} buffer does not work -->
1222 <!-- on the local machine. It does work over a network connection to -->
1223 <!-- SAS running on a remote Unix computer. -->
1224 <!-- Reason: we use ddeclient to interface with programs and SAS doesn't -->
1225 <!-- provide the corresponding ddeserver capability. -->
1226 <!-- @item -->
1227 <!-- (OPTIONAL) If you are running Sqpe or R, you might consider -->
1228 <!-- installing the database files. From within emacs, @code{C-x d} to -->
1229 <!-- the directory containing ESS. Now: -->
1230 <!-- @example -->
1231 <!-- M-x Sqpe+6 -->
1232 <!-- @end example -->
1233 <!-- to get S running. Once you see the SPLUS prompt, do: -->
1234 <!-- @example -->
1235 <!-- M-x ess-create-object-name-db -->
1236 <!-- @end example -->
1237 <!-- (this will create the file @file{ess-s+6-namedb.el}; if it isn't in the -->
1238 <!-- ESS directory, move it there). -->
1239 <!-- Then, completions will be autoloaded and will not be regenerated -->
1240 <!-- for every session. -->
1241 <!-- For R, do the same, using -->
1242 <!-- @example -->
1243 <!-- M-x R -->
1244 <!-- @end example -->
1245 <!-- and then @code{M-x ess-create-object-name-db} creating -->
1246 <!-- @file{ess-r-namedb.el}; if it isn't in the ESS directory, move it -->
1247 <!-- there). -->
1248 <li>That's it!
1250 </ol>
1251 <!-- Requirements duplicated? -->
1252 <!-- @node Requirements, , Microsoft Windows installation, Installation -->
1253 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
1254 <!-- @section Requirements -->
1255 <!-- @include requires.texi -->
1257 <div class="node">
1258 <p><hr>
1259 <a name="Reporting-Bugs"></a>
1260 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Mailing-Lists">Mailing Lists</a>,
1261 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Installation">Installation</a>,
1262 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
1264 </div>
1266 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
1267 <h3 class="section">1.11 Reporting Bugs</h3>
1269 <p>Please send bug reports, suggestions etc. to
1270 <a href=""></a>
1272 <p>The easiest way to do this is within Emacs by typing
1274 <p><kbd>M-x ess-submit-bug-report</kbd>
1276 <p>This also gives the maintainers valuable information about your
1277 installation which may help us to identify or even fix the bug.
1279 <p>If Emacs reports an error, backtraces can help us debug the problem.
1280 Type "M-x set-variable RET debug-on-error RET t RET". Then run the
1281 command that causes the error and you should see a *Backtrace* buffer
1282 containing debug information; send us that buffer.
1284 <p>Note that comments, suggestions, words of praise and large cash
1285 donations are also more than welcome.
1287 <div class="node">
1288 <p><hr>
1289 <a name="Mailing-Lists"></a>
1290 Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Authors">Authors</a>,
1291 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Reporting-Bugs">Reporting Bugs</a>,
1292 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
1294 </div>
1296 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
1297 <h3 class="section">1.12 Mailing Lists</h3>
1299 <p>There is a mailing list for discussions and announcements relating to
1300 ESS. Join the list by sending an e-mail with "subscribe ess-help" (or
1301 "help") in the body to <a href=""></a>;
1302 contributions to the list may be mailed to
1303 <a href=""></a>. Rest assured, this is a fairly
1304 low-volume mailing list.
1306 <p>The purposes of the mailing list include
1308 <ul>
1309 <li> helping users of ESS to get along with it.
1310 <li> discussing aspects of using ESS on Emacs and XEmacs.
1311 <li> suggestions for improvements.
1312 <li> announcements of new releases of ESS.
1313 <li> posting small patches to ESS.
1314 </ul>
1316 <div class="node">
1317 <p><hr>
1318 <a name="Authors"></a>
1319 Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Mailing-Lists">Mailing Lists</a>,
1320 Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#General-Information">General Information</a>
1322 </div>
1324 <!-- node-name, next, previous, up -->
1325 <h3 class="section">1.13 Authors</h3>
1327 <ul>
1328 <li><!-- @uref{,A.J. Rossini} -->
1329 <a href="">A.J. Rossini</a>
1330 <!-- -->
1331 <li><!-- @uref{,Richard M. Heiberger} -->
1332 <a href="">Richard M. Heiberger</a>
1333 <!-- -->
1334 <li><!-- @uref{,Kurt Hornik} -->
1335 <a href="">Kurt Hornik</a>
1336 <!-- -->
1337 <li><!-- @uref{,Martin Maechler} -->
1338 <a href="">Martin Maechler</a>
1339 <!-- -->
1340 <li><!-- @uref{,Rodney A. Sparapani} -->
1341 <a href="">Rodney A. Sparapani</a>
1342 <!-- -->
1343 <li><!-- @uref{,Stephen Eglen} -->
1344 <a href="">Stephen Eglen</a>
1345 </ul>
1347 <div class="footnote">
1348 <hr>
1349 <a name="texinfo-footnotes-in-document"></a><h4>Footnotes</h4><p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-1" href="#fnd-1">1</a>]</small>
1350 require the files.el patch to revert-buffer for the Local Variables
1351 updating problem</p>
1353 <p><hr></div>
1355 </body></html>